The Last Time


Story Summary:
When Harry wants to stop the pain he suffers from re-occurring dreams about the death of his parents, it is only the bond he shares with Ron and Hermione that saves his life. The bond proves to be the only thing that saves them all as they face the unimaginable… [written pre-OotP, but partially OotP-compatible]

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
When Harry wants to stop the pain he suffers from re-occurring dreams about the death of his parents, it is only the bond he shares with Ron and Hermione that saves his life. The bond proves to be the only thing that saves them all as they face the unimaginable… (Rated PG-13- R/Hr, H/Hr...)
Author's Note:
The Last Time was originally written pre-OotP and then was edited to comply with the new canon. There are still some small things that don’t quite reconcile with OotP but I had to take a bit of artistic license with them, such as the inability of boys to go into the girls’ dormitories, the layout of St. Mungo’s, how people are selected to be Aurors, and a few other small things. I felt that changing them to be totally compatible with OotP would require totally taking the story apart and reworking it.

Chapter 4

When they went to breakfast in the Great Hall the next morning, Harry and Ron glanced over at the giant hourglasses that recorded the House points. Hermione couldn't bring herself to look at them.

"You two look, I can't do it," she whispered, covering her face with her hands as she sat down at the table. "I'm sure I've lost Gryffindor at least a hundred points before we even got started."

"Ho, there, Hermione! Look!" Ron tugged at her sleeve. "Come on! What did we tell you!"

Hermione uncovered her face to see that, in fact, she hadn't cost Gryffindor a single point. "What!"

"We told you so," said Harry, reaching for the toast. "Snape's mortified that he got put in his place by a girl. He didn't tell on you after all."

"Whew," said Hermione. She was very relieved she hadn't gotten into trouble. If Professor Snape hadn't taken points by now, surely he wouldn't. She began to fill her plate as more Gryffindors joined them at the table, chattering excitedly.

"Has anyone heard about our new Defence against the Dark Arts teacher yet?" asked Seamus Finnegan between mouthfuls of scrambled eggs. "She's a witch!"

"Really?" said Hermione. "Well, not that it matters to us, since we've only got a year left ourselves, but maybe she can stick around more than one year for a change. The quality of instruction in our most important class has been absolutely dismal, and it's high time something was done about it."

Ron almost choked on a mouthful of porridge, and Harry pounded him helpfully on the back.

Hermione set to buttering her toast. "Let's make a list, shall we? First, there was Professor Quirrell; of course, he wasn't really a professor, since he had You-Know-Who playing piggyback in that revolting turban. Then there was Professor Lockhart -"

"Who you took quite a fancy to, if I remember," said Harry, snickering into his goblet of pumpkin juice.

" - who was a complete fraud," she continued, ignoring Harry, "and a total waste of time. We didn't learn a thing that year. Then we had Professor Lupin. I wish he could have stayed, he was wonderful, but some peoplearound here have this ridiculous prejudice against werewolves, so... Professor Moody, well, he did a good job with the curses, but of course, he wasn't really Professor Moody in the first place, then that horrible Umbridge woman, and then - "

There was an uncomfortable silence at the mention of Dolores Umbridge, and quite a few scowls.

Harry took out his schedule, apparently trying to steer the conversation away from Umbridge. "Look, we'll get to see this new professor this morning. We've got Defence Against the Dark Arts after breakfast - wait a minute - it's a double class - we'll be there until lunch. That's odd." He looked at the paper again and groaned. "Not with the Slytherins, again! Who makes out this schedule, anyway?" He crammed his schedule back into his bag.

"Hey, look on the bright side," said Neville, who was sitting farther down the table. "Most of the Slytherins were laughing at Malfoy yesterday in Potions. They can't be all bad, you know."

"Oh, pu-lease!" exclaimed Ron. "They're Slytherins! They're all a bunch of slimy gits, if you ask me. I'm going to hate this year if we get stuck with them for every single class!"

The other Gryffindors laughed as they gathered their things and headed for class. There was no teacher in the classroom when the Gryffindors entered, only the Slytherins. Malfoy shot a nasty look in their direction, but they ignored him. Hermione, Harry, and Ron took seats towards the front of the room and waited.

After a few minutes, and still no sign of the teacher, Hermione said, "I wonder where the teacher is? Our teachers usually aren't late."

"Maybe she quit already," said Ron.

"Oh, be quiet!" Hermione snapped. "You just - "

A witch in a dark grey cloak, with a plait of long black hair, entered the room. She strode to the front of the room, hands on her hips, and looked around the room. "I am Professor Tenby, your new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor," she said. Her voice was unusual - it was lower than you'd expect a witch's voice to be, but not the least bit manly. It was also not a particularly friendly voice, nor was it menacing. She removed her cloak, which revealed she was wearing ordinary Muggle clothing; a black t-shirt, loose grey trousers, and -

"She's wearing athletic shoes!" whispered Harry incredulously. "I've never seen a professor dressed like this before!"

"Indeed I am," said Professor Tenby, looking steadily at Harry. "Tell me your name, please."

"Harry Potter, Professor," said Harry.

"Ah, Mister Potter," she said with a slight smile. "Good, you'll be able to help me explain. Tell the class please, why do Muggles wear this type of footwear?"

"Er - for running, or exercising?" he said.

For a second, Hermione imagined Harry's cousin Dudley (whom she'd never met, but heard vivid descriptions of) in running shoes and had to stifle a laugh.

"Exactly," said Professor Tenby. "Now, so far in this class, you have covered Dark creatures, the Unforgivable Curses, hex-deflection, duelling, disarming, and so forth. A wonderful foundation in your arsenal against the Dark Arts. However - there may be times when you are unable to use magic, and you will be forced to resort to other means of protecting yourself. So, this year, we are going to learn non-magical means of defence in addition to magical ones. For example - "

She snapped her fingers and a tall man appeared immediately behind her, unmoving. "He's what you might call a dummy - not a living being, actually, so he doesn't feel pain, but he'll react as if he does, and provide an excellent sparring partner. Now," she said, rubbing her hands together, "let's say that a Dark adversary has hired a Muggle to attack you in the midst of other Muggles. You're not allowed to use magic in the presence of Muggles, so, you must have another plan."

She snapped her fingers again and the dummy sprang into action. One of his arms went around her throat, but before the other could grab hold anywhere, she viciously jabbed her elbow into his chest and stomped hard on his instep, making him relax his grip slightly. Taking advantage of this, she spun around and drove the heel of her hand upwards into his nose with a sickening crunch. The dummy made an odd gurgling noise and his hands flew to his nose, at which point she rammed her knee into his groin. The dummy fell to the ground.

She snapped her fingers again and the dummy disappeared in a puff of smoke.

The class sat goggle-eyed, seemingly transfixed.

Professor Tenby picked up her cloak and moved toward the door. "Gather your things and follow me, please." She left the room without looking to see if they were following her. There was a storm of chatter - most of it excited - from the students as they followed her down the hall. Malfoy, of course, was complaining.

"What does she think she's doing, acting like a common Muggle?" he sneered to Crabbe and Goyle as they hurried down the hall. "If she thinks I'm going to participate in this nonsense, she's mad. Wait till my father hears about this, it's absolutely disgusting..."

"D'you think she's actually done that to a real person?" Ron asked excitedly. "I feel sorry for anyone who'd sneak up on her in a dark alley, I do."

Hermione was very nervous. The thought of defending herself physically made her ill. She wasn't scared, exactly; she'd been in plenty of dangerous situations before, but she had serious doubts about if she'd be able to accomplish what Professor Tenby had just done to the dummy in the classroom. She was more used to using her brains and magical abilities to get out of tough situations. Granted, she and the professor were about the same height (medium) and build (again, medium), but there was a certain hardness about the professor that Hermione knew she definitely did not have.

She led them around the corner and all the way to the end of the corridor, through a door they'd never been in before, and into a large, well-lit, open room. There were two other doors besides the one they'd come into, one to their left and one to their right, and the floor was covered with thick, grey mats.

"Ladies, to the room on your left please, and gentlemen, on your right," said Professor Tenby. "You'll find clothing and shoes there; please change out of your robes and report back here. You won't need your wands - please leave them with your robes; they'll be quite safe. Ladies, you may wish to tie your hair back to keep it out of your face. Off you go then, quickly now!"

Hermione went into the changing room with the other girls. She changed out of her robes, while Pansy Parkinson complained.

"Oh, these Muggle clothes are absolutely dreadful!" said Pansy, holding the t-shirt and trousers at arms' length as if they were a dead animal. "Why do we have to wear this, anyway?"

"Because you'll feel quite stupid if you trip on the hem of your robes and fall flat on your face, that's why," said Hermione, lacing up her shoes. A couple of the Slytherin girls giggled at Pansy as she scowled and stormed to the other side of the changing room. Hermione tied her hair back in a quick ponytail and went back out to rejoin the class. Draco was standing off to the side with Crabbe and Goyle, complaining about having to change clothes. She saw Harry and Ron closer to the front of the room, and joined them.

"All right now, everyone listen up," said Professor Tenby when everyone had returned. "Please choose a partner."

Hermione paired with Harry, and Ron with Neville. Hermione was very glad Professor Tenby let them choose their own partners - she thought about the Duelling Club in their second year when she'd been stuck with Millicent Bulstrode, who'd put her in a smothering headlock, and shivered.

"Now, the first thing we're going to learn is how to fall without getting hurt or getting the wind knocked out of you." She turned to Ron, who was standing nearest to her. "I need your assistance, Mr..."

"Weasley," said Ron.

"Mr. Weasley. Now then, push me down, as hard as you can."

Ron stared. "Push you?"

"Yes, Mr. Weasley. I'm going to demonstrate how to fall backward correctly, and it'll be much easier to do if you give me a bit of assistance. Come on then, don't worry, I won't push back," she said with a slight smile.

"Er, okay," said Ron, giving her a strong shove.

As she fell, she stepped backward and curled her body so that instead of slamming her back and head into the mat, she almost sat down and rolled onto her back, smooth and cat-like. It was so quick Hermione couldn't see exactly what she did, but in the next second Tenby was back on her feet.

"Good shove, Mr. Weasley," said Professor Tenby.

Ron blushed.

Tenby spent the next few minutes explaining the technique step-by-step, having them go through each motion slowly, without actually being pushed. Step back, collapse into a crouch, tuck your chin so your head doesn't slam into the ground, rear end hits the ground first, roll to your back with your arms out and slap the ground to dissipate the energy of the fall. It seemed simple enough to Hermione as she ran through the steps again. Then the real test began.

"Now that you've had a chance to think and work through the steps, let's see if you can put it all together. You and your partner will take turns pushing each other down so you can practice falling," said Professor Tenby. "Don't even think of trying to use any charms to help you out - I've put up anti-magic wards in the room."

Harry looked at Hermione. "You want to go first, or should I?" he asked.

" about you go first?" she said. The idea of shoving Harry to the ground was weird to her - the idea of him pushing her was even weirder, but then again, at least she didn't have to worry about getting beat up by a Slytherin.

Harry nodded. She took a deep breath and pushed him, hard. He rolled almost as expertly as Professor Tenby had, but didn't tuck his chin in and ended up whacking his head on the mat.

"Ugh," he grunted, getting up. "There might be a mat there, but that still hurt." He looked at Hermione. "You ready?"

"Yeah," she said, and before she could think, Harry pushed. As she fell, she tried to remember what to do...step...crouch...roll...but it was too fast and she fell flat on her back, feeling her breath knocked out.

"You...didn't...give me get ready..." she panted, getting to her feet.

"D'you think someone might come after you and say, 'get ready, lady, I'm going to attack you now'?" said Harry. "You have to be --" Hermione shoved him down mid-sentence.

"Ha!" she said to Harry, who was sprawled on the mat at her feet. "See what I mean?"

"Sorry," he said sheepishly. "Let's try again."

It was getting noisy in the room; grunts and groans as students fell awkwardly and hit their heads, occasional swear words when a partner pushed too hard, and the sounds of bodies hitting the thick mats on the floor. Hermione didn't notice it though. She was having a hard time turning all the steps into a reflex action, and was getting frustrated. Harry caught on easily - after the first couple attempts he was able to fall quite gracefully and jump right back to his feet, which only aggravated Hermione more.

"Ooooh!" said Hermione through clenched teeth, stomping her foot. "I hate this!"

"It's okay, Hermione," said Harry. "You've never done anything like this before, and it's not easy."

"But you haven't either, and you got the hang of it straight away!" she snapped. Her hair was coming loose from its ponytail, and she brushed it angrily out of her sweaty face.

"So? The next thing she has us do will probably kick my arse," he said. "It doesn't matter. Come on, try it again. You ready?"

After they worked for a few more minutes, Professor Tenby stopped them to demonstrate side-falls. Harry managed these quite nicely as well, even when Hermione caught him off guard. Hermione was no better at these than back-falls, and was mightily sick of being pushed around. Harry wasn't pushing her that hard; in fact, the madder she got the more hesitant he was to touch her at all.

"I'm not going to break, you know," she snapped, after a particularly clumsy fall. "You don't have to hold back or anything."

"Why don't you rest for a minute? We've been - "

"Just do it again, okay? I've got to get this right."


"Harry, just shut up and do it already!" she yelled.

A brief flash of...something...flickered over Harry's face, and then he shoved her - much harder than before. She hit the ground before she could even think what to do, slamming her head on the mat with a dull whack and leaving her breathless. The room began to spin, and she closed her eyes to wait for it to stop.

She heard Harry's voice, sounding very far away. "Hermione?"

She couldn't answer him right away. Her chest hurt and she was gasping for air.

"Hey, Hermione, look at me." There was an odd sound to Harry's voice.

Hermione opened her eyes. The room was still spinning, but it was slowing. Harry was kneeling beside her, touching her face. The expression in his green eyes was one of deep relief when she looked up, but underneath it she thought she saw the most peculiar look, almost like...

"What the hell did you do to her, Harry?" asked Ron, elbowing his way through the crowd that had gathered around them and dropping down opposite Harry. Behind him was Professor Tenby, looking exasperated.

Hermione opened her mouth to say nothing, I just didn't catch myself, but Ron continued to badger Harry. "You didn't have to beat her up, you know. Look! She can't even breathe! What's wrong with you?"

"Miss Granger, are you all right?" asked Professor Tenby.

"I think so...yes," she said, sitting up. Harry and Ron both helped her to her feet, but she brushed them away. "I'm fine." She looked at Harry, who still had that odd look on his face, and then to Ron, who was clearly furious with Harry.

"It's a little early but...I think we're finished for today," said Professor Tenby. "You're dismissed."

Most of the class immediately headed straight for the changing rooms, but Harry and Ron didn't move. Hermione didn't understand what was happening. Harry was looking at her, Ron was looking at Harry, and she was...confused.

"I'm sorry, Hermione," said Harry quietly, looking down at the floor. "I didn't mean to be so rough..."

"You stupid prat!" said Ron, stepping toward Harry. "What were you - "

"Ron!" Hermione exclaimed. "It's ok! He didn't do it on purpose."

"What did he do it at all for? We weren't supposed to be trying to kill each other."

"I said I was sorry, did you hear?" said Harry angrily. "I didn't mean to! What more do you want?" He turned and stomped off to the boys' changing room.

"What's the matter with you, Ron?" Hermione snapped, as soon as Harry was out of earshot. "Talking to Harry like that!"

"I can't believe you! He just about beat the hell out of you, and you're defending him!" Ron's face was turning an ugly shade of purple.

"For one, I'm not defending him, two, there's nothing to defend, because he wasn't beating the hell out of me!" yelled Hermione. "I was mad because I couldn't get the hang of falling, and I took it out on him, and he told me to take a break, and I told him to shut up! He just got mad! It's no big deal!"

"It IS a big deal! He could have knocked you out!"

"You know he wouldn't! Harry's your best friend, Ron! And mine too! What's wrong with you?"

"You really want to know?" asked Ron, eyes blazing.

"Yes I want to know! This is stupid! You're being such a - "

Her last word choked in her throat as Ron grabbed her by the shoulders and kissed her. She was so shocked at first that she didn't move, and then she melted as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. Oh my God, I'm kissing Ron Weasley, she thought, and it's so very nice. He tasted faintly of hot chocolate and marmalade from breakfast, and his lips were warm and soft ...I shouldn't be doing this, but I like it and...she felt his hands slide around her shoulders...Dear Lord, please don't let me faint... and along the soft skin at the back of her neck, making the little hairs there prickle and stand on end...Ron, what are you doing...hmmm...


Hermione jerked away from Ron as if she'd been bitten by a snake.

Harry had just come out of the changing room and was standing, frozen, watching them, his face colourless.

"Harry, wait a minute," said Hermione.

Harry turned and left the room without looking back.

Hermione and Ron stood there for a moment, not saying anything.

"Hermione..." Ron began hesitantly, and then stopped.

"I...I have to go," she said, and dashed to the girls' changing room.