Natural Progression


Story Summary:
Tonks was injured in the battle of the Department of Mysteries. She leaves St. Mungo's feeling rather strange. Not, because of her illness, but because of one R J Lupin, who wants to carry her bag and says her mother is a 'nice lady'...whatever next?

Chapter 01

Author's Note:
I dedicate this fic to everyone on board the SS Wotcher Wolvie. Particularly those who were there before me!

Natural Progression


Pink. Violet. Blue. Green. Purple. Blond. Red. Black.

Tonks stopped and studied herself carefully in the mirror. She was irresistibly reminded of her Aunt Bellatrix with her hair so long and dark. She avoided black hair like the plague for this reason. She did not want to be reminded of her Black heritage. She did not want to be associated with such people and principles. She was ashamed.

After another moment studying her reflection Tonks screwed up her face and returned to pink hair again. Much better, much more individual.

'Very you,' said a hoarse voice from behind her.

Tonks spun around and found that her heart skipped a beat. There before her, in the bright and breezy St. Mungo's ward, was Remus Lupin.

'Hello,' she said, uncharacteristically. 'How long have you been here?'

'Long enough to know,' he said with a smile, 'that black is not your colour.'

'I think so too,' Tonks agreed.

There was a moment of silence in which neither of them spoke. Then Tonks turned to her bed where her packed bag was placed.

'What am I going to do with this?' she asked, not meeting his eyes.

'I'll take it,' Remus replied. 'But we need to stop at Kings Cross before going back to Grimmauld Place. A few of us thought we'd see Harry off - and have a word with his aunt and uncle. You don't mind coming along, do you?'

'No,' said Tonks, honestly. 'I don't mind. He's a good kid.'

'He is,' said Remus, and his eyes seemed to leave the present for a moment.

'His mum and dad would be proud of him. And they'd be grateful to you for looking out for him the way you do.'

Remus smiled meekly. There was nothing either of them could say. Not without venturing into the subject of Sirius anyway, and neither of them wanted to do that.

'Shall we go?' Tonks asked, her voice a little higher than usual.

Remus looked at his watch, and around at the door expectantly.

'Not just yet,' he said, looking back at her. 'Mad Eye is supposed to be coming up to go with us. I left him in his ward. He said he was ready to go.'

Tonks smiled, devilishly.

'No doubt he's interrogating every person he sees on the way up here,' she said, feeling a little more calm and like herself. Remus must have thought so too because he smiled back at her in agreement.

She lifted the bag in order to pass it to him, but found it to be too heavy for her, weak as she was from the fight.

'Let me,' he said, reaching across.

'Who packed that thing for me anyway?' Tonks said, astonished that anyone could possibly think she would need so many things.

'Your mum kindly went to your apartment for us,' explained Remus, 'No one else had a key. She's a nice lady, by the way.'

She didn't know why, but for some reason, hearing Remus talk about her mother so nicely made Tonks lean forward towards him, made her forget about her heart skipping beats and her utter stupidity. It seemed as though if they had got on, then it was okay. She was allowed to let herself be with him.


The voice echoed across the ward, making both Tonks and Remus jump. Tonks brought herself to her senses, and smiled at Mad Eye.

'Wotcher,' she called. 'Let's go.'

And the three of them left St. Mungo's. All the way to the tube station, two of them pondered, and deliberated over what might have been if Mad Eye hadn't spoken when he did.

Author notes: Next is Chapter Two - In which Andromeda States the Obvious. Please Review!