Astronomy Tower
Romance General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 08/26/2004
Updated: 08/26/2004
Words: 1,175
Chapters: 1
Hits: 562

The Darling Buds of May


Story Summary:
One fine winter afternoon, Gregory Goyle enjoys a bit of poetry reading. What he doesn't know is that he's not alone.``Gregory/Pansy, short and sweet.

Chapter Summary:
One fine winter afternoon, Gregory Goyle enjoys a bit of poetry reading. What he doesn't know is that he's not alone.
Author's Note:
Thanks to Labrys for beta reading.

The Darling Buds of May

"Should I compare thee to a summer's day?" Gregory whispered to himself as he stretched out on his bed. Frowning, he put the book down and closed his eyes. "Should I compare thee to a summer's day? Er...rough winds shake the buds..."

With an irritated expression, he opened his eyes again and looked down at the paper once more. All the students had gone off to Hogsmeade, and he was alone in the dorm. Gregory himself had been given detention by Professor McGonagall, of all people, for throwing rocks at a couple of cats outside the greenhouses last night. How she'd found out he wasn't quite sure - it had been dark and he was convinced no one had been around.

He'd just returned from Filch's office half an hour earlier, tired and annoyed. What better way to relax than with some poetry? He couldn't claim to know much about it - he just liked the words. Though, memorising them wasn't the easiest job.

"Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May!" Gregory stated to the roof, as though he was giving it an order. Growling, he got up from his bed, and looked around him at the painfully neat dorm. The house-elves had a busy morning, from what he could see. Feeling extremely silly, he looked down at the book in his hand. He'd...confiscated it from a First-year Hufflepuff a few days ago, and for some reason he'd kept it, instead of throwing it away as he'd intended.

With a sigh he took it with him when he returned to the chair in front of the fireplace in the Slytherin common room. It was empty; the younger children were all outside frolicking in the snow like children were supposed to. The fire made its usual merry noise and he stared into the flames for awhile, feeling peace returning to him. He stretched out his feet and leaned back, and with his head resting against the chair, he started reading it out loud once more. "Should I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate..."

His voice was calm now, sincere even. If nothing else he had a pleasant voice, Gregory, though he would have gaped in surprise if anyone told him.


Pansy had returned from Hogsmeade in rage. The image of Draco with his hand around the waist of a pretty Ravenclaw was more than she could handle. Tracy and Millicent had tried to talk with her, of course, not realising that sometimes words just aren't enough. In the end she'd yelled at them to leave her alone, and stalked back to the castle.

She stopped when she reached the common room. It was so lonely down here now, as if the room itself was sleeping, waiting for the students to bring the life back. She walked over to sit down in the lounge, but her feet didn't want to carry her anymore and slowly she slid down to sit on the floor. Pulling her knees up, she lay her arms around them and rested her head against her arms.

She guessed it was her pride more than anything else - it had always been her and Draco. It was like none of them had ever questioned that fact; it was like the tide, or gravity. You didn't have to think about it, because it was there no matter what. Well, it wasn't like that anymore, and she felt hurt, as if Draco had betrayed her somehow, even though nothing was spoken out loud between them.

She wanted to cry, but her eyes were dry. She wanted to throw a hissy fit and throw things, but she remained where she was. She'd been taught to keep up appearances from an early age, and as a future Mrs. Malfoy it would be required of her. But now... She felt tired, and closing her eyes she rested her head against her knees.

There was a sound behind her, a door locking and feet against the floor. She was sitting behind the sofa, placed in front of the fire, and she knew however it was they wouldn't be able to see her, not unless they headed for the exit of the common room. Gritting her teeth, she cursed the person who dared to sit down before the fire as if it was just another Saturday, as though Pansy's future hadn't been torn to shreds right in front of her eyes.

She was just about to stand up and shout at whomever it was to get lost, when she heard a cough and a loud "Hmm." She realised it was Gregory, and relaxed just a little bit more. The snow on her robes melted, and dripped into a puddle before her feet. Pansy suddenly felt very small and very alone.

"Should I compare thee to a summer's day?" Gregory asked, and she lifted her head in surprise. Still angry from Draco's betrayal, she took a deep breath to answer him, but was cut off. "Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, and summer's lease hath all too short a date."

Gaping, she listened to his voice. She hardly recognised it anymore, it was as though she heard it for the first time. The words hit like nails in her chest, magnified by the slight echo of the Slytherin common room. Somehow, the image of Draco faded in her mind; all that mattered was this voice that seemed to surround her and fill each corner of the room.

"But thy eternal summer shall not fade," Gregory said, and his voice sounded so firm, so certain, it made her shiver. It was strange, how deep an impact these simple words had on her. Without understanding why, she felt a tear run down her chin, and she didn't bother to wipe it away.

" So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, so long lives this and this gives life to thee."

Smiling into her sleeve, she waited for a few seconds, half-hoping he would repeat the words he'd just given her - but he was still.

Probably half asleep as usual, she thought to herself with a smile and wiped her eyes. Quietly, she rose from the floor and leaned over the back of the sofa, looking at him.

He turned in the chair and stared at her. "Pansy? I thought...?"

She could no longer hide the smile on her face. She walked over to stand behind him, and gave him a hug. "Thank you," she whispered in his ear, her voice thick with emotion. Then she let him go.

Flustering, he turned to her again. "Er... You won't tell the others, will you?" he muttered, shoving the book down between the pillows.

With crossed arms, she watched him as he turned red under her gaze. "You're cute," she chuckled, and ruffled his hair before turning to walk down to the girls' dorm. "No, I won't tell."