Astronomy Tower
Blaise Zabini Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Hermione Granger
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 01/03/2005
Updated: 01/27/2005
Words: 20,140
Chapters: 6
Hits: 4,372

It's Christmas


Story Summary:
Follow six couples during the Christmas Season. *SHAMELESS HOLIDAY FLUFF* *Ships Galore* B/HR/D, H/G, AJ/M, DT/OC, AP/SB.

Chapter 01

Follow six couples during the Christmas Season. *SHAMELESS HOLIDAY FLUFF*

Words: 2,337
Hits: 1,241
Chapter 02

"Why do you dislike my wife so?" Blaise asked, as he sat the table with a warm mug full of coffee./ "What do you want for Christmas, Harry?"/"Love is about what you do, not the words you say. Do the right thing, Pansy, it's not as hard as you think."/ "Sometimes I wonder would her life be easier if I wasn't a part of it," Ron replied, biting his lip./ "I never thought he'd would allow her to try to tear our family apart," Angelina replied./ "Gwendolyn," Dean began, taking her hands into his, "a life without love is no life at all. It's almost the big night, just three more weeks to wait, so tell me what you really want?"/ "So when did I become your date?"

Words: 2,799
Hits: 583
Chapter 03

Draco was still laughing at the expression that he had left Potter with when he came face to face with a pair of brown eyes that he knew far too well./ "It seems the unattainable Ginerva Weasley has a slight thing for me."/ "I refuse to apologize for who I am and what I feel, Ronald."/ "You're a fool that I loved, Julius Montague."/ "Gwendolyn is a devoted woman."/ "He was a great wizard but even great wizards can make human mistakes."

Words: 2,706
Hits: 541
Chapter 04

"I was rather enthused by his blatant insults today, shows his mood is improving. Lately his mind has been on the war, with his father returning home and all."/ "You went to Siberia instead of coming to the Burrow? How could you?"/ "Pansy, am I still too poor and my family too ill reputed for you?"/ "Do not be silly, Angelina. A woman can tell when a man looks into her eyes and sees someone else, never distrust your instincts."/ "It'll be good for you! There will be plenty of Gryffindors there to keep you catching up for ages."/ Only you, Susan Amelia Bones, can miss the most important part of a sentence."

Words: 3,325
Hits: 624
Chapter 05

"Hermione, don't try to rationalize it because I know the truth and it's time for you to know it too."/ "Well, now I'm too old to be searching for a hero, nowadays I just want a man to grow old with." / "I wanted to see if I had molded you into the woman that I will never be." / "I'm not willing to divorce you, Julius, though I've thought about it more times than you could ever know." / "I kind of got tired of her and her lack of respect toward monogamy." / "You, apparently, are a lot like your father."

Words: 4,089
Hits: 658
Chapter 06

"How could I be in love with Draco when I'm totally heartbrokenly smitten with his best friend?" / "I'm proposing because I've loved you since I was eleven and it just won't go away." / "You do know Xavier Parkinson is watching us, don't you?" / "How are we going to sort things out, Julius? Are you going to make up excuses and I'm going to debate over whether I should believe them or not?" / "Oh, Marietta, we did it, he is going to be okay." / Maybe, just maybe, one day -- if the fates will it so -- maybe we can pick up where we left off." *THE END*

Words: 4,884
Hits: 725