Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 02/07/2003
Updated: 04/21/2003
Words: 33,400
Chapters: 18
Hits: 9,795

Labelled Caustic


Story Summary:
Draco and Ginny are constantly at each other's throats and things start to change. The unexpected is abound; Betrayal, Romance, Quidditch and Lord Voldemort. How will they deal with it?

Chapter 01


Chp 1: Establishment


'Damn, damn damn that Snape!' Ginny thought. 'A stupid detention for speaking up! What an idiot!' her head rambled on. Then again after four years in Hogwarts, she just should have known. For someone so small she covered the hallway rather quickly taking quick strides. She was walking so fast that when she turned a corner she had bumped into someone.

"Sorr-" Ginny said but when she looked up and saw that it was Malfoy, she didn't bother. She squared her shoulders and continued walking.

"Manners Weasel! Watch where you're going!" he growled looking back at her with a scowl on his face. "Now I have to change my robes."

Ginny was boiling by now; Draco could faintly hear glass cracking and cast furtive glances around him. She turned around, "You have eyes of your own Malfoy! You can watch where you're going as well! Having to change our robes are we? Wanting to keep my scent all over it so you can sleep with it at night?" she said making her eyes widen. She turned around and rolled her eyes and continued to Snape's dungeon. 'Damned Malfoy.'

Draco just stood there with his mouth hanging open and his eyebrow cocked.

Momentarily amazed at what she said. He then started to smirk, looks like she has finally grown up and has some backbone. He looked at her retreating back; her clothes were much more snug now, fitting round her curves nicely. He looked her up and down, finally shaking his head. Rearranging his face to a scowl.

'Damned Weasley.'


She looked at the sordid rag in her hands, disgusted. She had been cleaning Snape's dungeons for what seemed like hours! Taking a peek at her watch she went aghast, it was hours! It was already reaching midnight! Where was that damned Snape!

Ginny blew air through her teeth and sat back leaning on a desk. She didn't bother, she was tired and she couldn't summon the strength, to get up just yet. She reached into her robes and brought out a tattered copy of her favourite romance novel. It was a muggle one at that, but she still adored it.

She remembered what Hermione said, who also shared her passion for Romance novels under her guise of only reading the facts. "You know Ginny, we only read these novels to just fill up for what we don't have in our lives," Ginny thought that rather absurd at the time but it was tested true.

Harry and Hermione had finally gotten together and her romance novels lay buried in her trunk. When Ginny asked to borrow a few books from her, she only gave a wave of her hand and told her to take as many as she wanted. She wasn't reading them anymore.

Ginny sighed at this. She was now fifteen. She thought she had grown in every way possible. She had gotten taller and filled out more. Of course after being scrutinised as a mousey little tag a long, so did her attitude. She was more vocal, so much more vocal that she scared Ron at times. Then again that was good. He smothered her with his ghastlyidea of affection. She couldn't breathe under all of that.

Ginny gave a grand long sigh that quietly bounced of the walls. 'Where is Snape?!' she didn't want to wait any longer! He must have simply forgotten all about her! She threw her squalid rag to the back of the dungeons and ran out.

Rambling to herself over again how she hated Snape so much and wanted to -

"Argh!" she had hit into something. When she looked up, "Bloody hell Malfoy! It's you again! Can't you walk properly?" she yelled.

"Will you be quiet! You'll wake up the whole castle and might I point out that you were the one who walked into me!" he snarled, standing so close to Ginny that she could feel his breath on her neck. She almost shuddered but pulled back her shoulders and stared back up at him defiantly.

"You could have moved! Anyway what are you doing up so late Malfoy? Meeting Pansy at the Astronomy Tower making Kissy Face are we?" Ginny growled, placing her hands on her hips.

"So what if I am Weasel?" he muttered squaring her up, he was at least a head taller than her and he bored into her eyes with his own silver flecked pair. "Jealous?"

Ginny pulled a face of disgust and rebounded with her own smirk.

"Jealous? Of who? Pansy? Ha! I feel rather sorry for her actually," Ginny now was smiling and placed her hands over her chest. "I feel sad because she has to put up with your sorry-conceited-selfish-contrite-flirting-bastardised-arse!" she snarled. She leaned so close into him now that their faces were only inches apart.

Draco's eyes had flicked from eyes down to her lips and back up again. He could almost see the superior look in her eyes.

He was rather impressed by her actions. All these years he had people cowering in fear, even Crabbe and Goyle for goodness sake. They joined up with the most feared person in the playground so they themselves wouldn't be at risk. Every now and then he got so annoyed at this, he wanted someone that he could spar with. To sharpen all his witty repartee so to speak. It was good that she stood up to him he was rather impressed.

"Why Weasley, where are your manners?" Draco shoved her against the wall, her eyes widened but she gave him a defiant look. "I didn't know you knew me so, how do I say this?" Draco replied with mock uncertainty, "Well," his face had a smirk and he triumphantly saw her licking at her lips.

"At least that's what you think you know of me," he growled and his scowl deepened to mar his fine features.

Draco had let his hair grow out and it was falling over the front of his face, some strands were tickling at her chin, but she didn't seem to notice. She found this feeling of authority, a tiny bit of turn on. What was she saying! Draco Malfoy? Turn on? 'I think it's too late for me to be thinking!'

When she didn't reply but looked rather confused, he let her go and stalked off. She just stood there gasping for breath. Staring off into space.


Weeks had passed there after without further incident. They met in the corridors a couple of times, the minute they locked eyes, they began snarling at each other. Everybody seemed to enjoy watching them argue. When they did they could feel something indescribable emanating from them. It was almost like a high feeling, the heat rising, sex appeal! That was the word. Their arguments had sex appeal. One would almost go as far to say that their arguments were sensual and a turn on.

Ginny deep in side her had loved the moments that they sparred with each other in the corridor, drawing attention. Ginny had realised that her favourite romance novel had been abandoned. She suddenly wasn't that interested in that as she had something much more satisfying. It was definitely addictive, otherwise why would she even like sparring with him. It must be that for once she had the limelight and not the damned dream team. They were just plainly oblivious well except her brother, who still continued to smother her.

She was having dinner in the Great Hall, when she just couldn't take anymore babying!

"Ron! Get your bloody head out of my arse! If you want to baby someone go find a bloody girlfriend and smother her!"

It echoed through out the Great Hall and everyone was silenced momentarily and all heads turned to the source of it. Then the buzz of murmuring gradually increased and a few laughs and giggles could be heard. Ron's freckles had vanished, replaced with a blush so red that it clashed with his hair. His mouth seemed to have dropped all the way to the floor. Ginny looked straight ahead and seemed to have locked onto Malfoy, who winked at her giving her a smirk. She suddenly revelled in what had happened and she felt a smirk spread on her face. She bit her lip and looked at Ron who was too stunned to say anything. A tinge of guilt washed over her but she just had to say it.

Soon what had happened had become old news and the usual chatter replaced the murmuring. "You had it coming Ron," Ginny heard Hermione say that and Ginny in return gave Hermione a grin. She then placed a hand on Ron's shoulder and squeezed it and left to go to the library. She still had work.


"-and smother her!"

Draco was looking at this with much amusement. He gave her a measuring look even though she didn't see it. She had changed much. He saw her eyes glazed over with fiery passion and her red hair seemed to accentuate to it even further. He liked what he saw. When she looked at him he gave her a wink and saw her mouth curl to an almost vindictive smirk.

She had spunk. She was sassy and oh so bloody gorgeous. Especially when she had that smirk. He then saw her leaving the Great Hall, following her swaying hips.

He took a final drink of his pumpkin juice and followed her. He didn't exactly know why he was doing so, but he went on anyway. She went into the library.

He saw her seating herself at his favourite desk and he found this rather annoying. Nobody, absolutely nobody sat at that table except Draco. His eyes narrowed and he walked up to her. She looked up from her parchment to see Draco. She was rather taken back but composed herself.

"What is it, Malfoy?"

"You are sitting at my table."

"What? Does it have your name on it?" Ginny rolled her eyes and got back to her parchment. 'How immature,' her mind told her but her attention went back to her work. Damned Arithmancy always got her stuck.

"Everybody knows this is where I sit Weasley, get out."

Ginny looked up and saw Malfoy smirking and that made her even more frustrated. "Tough luck, Malfoy!" she yelled. She couldn't contain it. What was wrong with her?

Madam Pince walked over to them with her face screwed up. They had dared ruin the peace of the inner sanctum! "Get out! Both of you! If what I have heard is true, you might be standing here yelling all night! Now get out!" With that she shooed them out and closed the doors of the library in their faces.

Ginny just looked at the door confused, her hands on her hips. When Draco turned to look at her he let out a laugh.

"What might I prey tell is so funny? And what the heck did she mean by 'if what I heard is true'?" Ginny spat at him. They were walking together out of the corridor and were now just outside of the doors of the castle.

"Oh to be young and naïve," Draco drawled out moving toward a balcony of sorts.

"Don't give me that crap Malfoy!" Ginny said as she rolled her eyes, as a pout was sitting on her lips. She then settled on leaning on the wall behind him. Draco turned and found himself staring at her.

"What is it Malfoy?" Ginny seemed to be asking that question rather often at late.

She let her head swing to the side as she waited for his answer. He came closer.

"You," he said pointedly.

"Me?" Ginny asked, surprised.

"No, that forsaken cow in the library, yeah you," he said shaking his head, taking another step closer to her.

Ginny's eyes looked into Malfoy's and she couldn't seem to break away. She didn't even notice that he was just a few inches away from her until she could feel his breath on her neck. This sent tingles down her spine but she refused to let it show.

"What about me?" she countered softly, lifting her chin up refusing to be intimidated by this.

He didn't even need to answer for he could feel her quailing beneath him. He broke away from her gaze and looked at her face, seeing her mouth wet. Her skin soft and blemish free. Her neck open target as her collar was unbuttoned and her tie askew.

He smirked and ravaged her neck. He seemed to have a certain fetish with them; he rained them with wet kisses and licked the corner where neck and collarbone met. Ginny let out a soft moan, dropping her books and parchment to the floor. He made his way up her throat. Ginny closed her eyes, her mouth slightly parted with anticipation but he merely brushed them and pulled away grinning.

A scarlet blush crept its way up Ginny's cheeks. "Bastard!" she cried in disgust and was about to walk away when a pair of strong hands pulled her back.

"Bitch!" Draco muttered and they started kissing passionately. Letting their tongues slide and explore each other's mouth. Succumbing to their suppressed attraction for each other. His hands pulled her waist toward him and her hands tangled itself in his hair. They continued kissing until they were so out of breath that they had to pull away.

Draco licked his own lips, gasping for breath. He looked at her expression, his hands tracing her lips. She surprised him by then sucking his finger in and licking it sensually in her mouth and when she was done, she pulled it out very slowly. He cocked his eyebrow and smiled. She bit her lip in that attractive manner that riled him up and he feared he bruised her lips when he crushed it with hers.

'We should most definitely fight more,' Draco thought in total sync with what Ginny was thinking. Agreeing for the first time without even knowing it.


[A/N:] OK....how is it...the first two or three chapters will establish certain things and then dark stuff later on. Hehe

See u! Review...you know u want to.. =)