The Dark Arts
Harry Potter Lord Voldemort
Angst Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 10/17/2002
Updated: 10/17/2002
Words: 833
Chapters: 1
Hits: 775

Avada Kedavra

Bertie Bott

Story Summary:
'It’s all just a crock if you ask me, dying, that is. I’ve come face to face with the reaper countless times; so many, in fact, that we are now on a first name basis, and I have yet to see my existence stop, rewind and then replay before me. But there are exceptions, I suppose. Take yourself for example, Potter. You seem to be the one bloody exception to everything...' Just a Riddle rant...

Author's Note:
Hey, just a little Riddle rant I had to write...I like to think of Voldie as extremely sardonic, maybe even jaded, so this is my take on him...hope you enjoy!


They say that when you die your whole life flashes before your eyes. How years of complicated moments, confused emotions and treasured memories can reply themselves in the mind's eye within a matter of seconds is beyond my sphere of comprehension. I suppose it varies from person to person, though.

It's all just a crock if you ask me, dying, that is. I've come face to face with the reaper countless times; so many, in fact, that we are now on a first name basis, and I have yet to see my existence stop, rewind and then replay before me. But there are exceptions, I suppose. Take yourself for example, Potter. You seem to be the one bloody exception to everything.

It's really not so bad, dying. I've done it countless times; the trick is to just have a back up plan. Life if filled with loop holes, even in death. You only have to look beyond what is said to find an opening. Let me give you an example, Potter. Magic cannot bring back the dead, this is true, but it can prevent one from dying.

All you really have to do is think outside the box; outside the concept of good and evil.

That's what makes me different from you, Harry. You don't mind if I call you Harry, do you? After all of this time trying to kill one another, I think we can call each other by our given names. No, of course you don't mind, Harry.

As I was saying before, that's what makes us different. You limit yourself to only what is good. You and your friends, Harry, are chained to the concept of good and evil, and are nothing more than slaves to your righteous cause of good.

I tried to warn you, Harry. I imparted some words of wisdom to you, your first year; there is no good or evil, only power and those too weak to seize it.

Words to live by, and indeed, I do live by them. They were true then and still are now, but you heeded them not. You know why you didn't take my advice, Harry? I do. How about I explain it for you? You were blinded by 'doing the right thing.' Please note my sarcasm as I sneer at the very thought of doing something good and just.

You could have had it all; you and me. We could have ruled England, Europe, the whole bloody world, Harry. But you said no. How does it feel to know you could have had everything your heart ever desired, and yes, Harry, even your parents? All we had to do was find one of said loop holes. How does it feel to know you could have had everything instead of the nothing that you now have? All you had to do was give me the bloody stone.

And what happened, Harry? Would you like me to refresh your memory? You said no. You kept the stone for the 'greater good.' What did that do, Harry? I'll tell you exactly what your heroism amounted to; nothing. I came back anyway, found yet another loop hole in the game of life.

I won't make that offer again, Harry. You had your chance to have it all, and now all I'll give you is nothing. I like to believe that I'm a fair man. I offered you an escape once, a compromise of sorts, but you threw it away. It was your way or the high way.

Maybe if you're lucky I'll kill you quickly, Harry. I am, after all, a very generous man. But you threw my generosity back in my face, didn't you? You know what those Yanks say, Harry; payback's a bitch, and I get interest.

You're too chivalrous for your own good, do you know that? Even now, as you have the chance to rid the world of my 'evil presence,' you hesitate. Did anyone ever tell you it's rude to keep a person waiting? Just say the words, Harry. The two simple words that will kill me and save the world. True, they may destroy me, but I'll never truly die.

I'll come back, Harry, one way or another. And if it isn't me dominating the world and wreaking havoc with my 'evil ways,' then it will just be somebody else. Evil will never die, Harry; that's what you need to realize. As long as there's good, there will always be evil trying to obliterate it. As long as there's people like you, Harry, people who make sacrifices to make the world a perfect place, there will always be people like me there, ready to shatter that perfection. You simply cannot have one without the other.

So go ahead and kill me, Harry. I'm not afraid of death, not when I'll live on, and not when I know a certain loop hole.

I'll come back for you, Harry... I always come back in the end.