The Dark Arts
Filius Flitwick Harry Potter Minerva McGonagall Original Female Witch Original Male Muggle Original Male Wizard
General Wizarding Society
In the nineteen years between the last chapter of
Epilogue to Deathly Hallows
Published: 08/13/2007
Updated: 08/25/2007
Words: 30,223
Chapters: 18
Hits: 4,721

Dueling for Salem

Basil Hallward

Story Summary:
Ten years after Deathly Hallows, Filius Flitwick's family faces the exposure of the magical world.

Chapter 18 - Afterword


Clive and Thea stood in Thea's new office, watching her new big-screen TV. She had been interviewed earlier in the day, and they were watching the playback. "We want to thank the American people again for their support," she said on TV, "We will be talking about the sharing of technologies as soon as the Act passes in Congress. The Witches and Wizards Organization is willing to work with the United States on our own terms, as long as the sharing of intelligence goes both ways. We all have a lot to learn from each other." She stepped away from the microphones amid shouts of "Secretary McFarland."

"That was the new secretary, Athena McFarland, giving her first address to the public. On a related note, the Wizard Protection Act has passed overwhelmingly in the Senate and moves on to the House on Monday. This Act protects the wizards' rights as an organization that is allowed to choose and train its own members with minimal interference from the government and with the possibility of secrecy. Next up, wizard fashion: Is emerald green the new black? And a special on wizarding schools: Why Salem, Northridge, Herbert J. Holenfield, and St. Scorpio's are not taking applications."

"Ready?" Thea asked Clive, turning off the TV.

"Wait just a minute."

Troy opened the door and let himself in. Since Holt, Wheeler, Wyatt, and Brown were in charge of most of the legal relations between wizards and everyone else, Troy was at the office almost constantly. With summer approaching, wizard relations were becoming his full-time job.

"Are you coming with us?" Thea asked.



"Thank you, Myra," Professor Strauss said as both of them stood. "Are you going to DC?"


"Wait a few minutes, and I'll accompany you."

Myra waited outside of Professor Strauss' office as a small man went inside to speak to her. All around the school, people were moving about, preparing to take finals on Monday and leave for the summer. Myra couldn't believe she was almost done with school, ready to graduate and be an adult, but for once all year, she wasn't really nervous. Finals would go well, and she would move on with her life.

Professor Strauss came out of her office, and they walked out of the school toward the apparating point. All of the unplottable charms had been reestablished to prevent curious people from looking around. After two television specials, non-magic people had seen enough of the school. "That was very interesting," Strauss said, referring to the visiting man.

"Who was it?"

"Pierre Carnegie, Octavius Armistead's son in law. After Armistead went to jail, he felt that his daughter Olivia was in danger. He asked me to write a letter so he can transfer her to France. I said we don't usually transfer, but he's from France himself. There's the end of the American purebloods, unless a family moves over here."


Troy, Clive, and Thea sat in the front row of the gymnasium bleachers as students milled about. After a few minutes, Jared apparated and sat beside them, to everyone's greetings. Frank, Leana, and Asia Madison were next. Frank leaned in and asked Clive, "The meeting this weekend, are you coming?"

"Yes I am, Mr. President."

Frank laughed. "I am important. That's what I get from having a witch for a daughter." As the head of the new Non-Magical Parents of Magical Children organization, Frank had easily slipped into his new understanding of witches and wizards. Asia handed him a sign with moving letters. "Hold this, Dad," she demanded, "and cheer."

Clytemnestra Strauss and Myra joined the crowd next, taking seats with the family. "Jared," Clytemnestra said, taking his attention away from Troy for a minute. "I reviewed your application. One more year in the teachers' quarters, and you can live off-campus."

"Thank you."

"By off-campus, of course, I mean in magical Salem, practically on the apparating line. But that way, you may live with whomever you choose."

Jared smiled. "That's great news."

Thea had captured Myra's attention and was making her relive every moment of the day. "How did your interview go? Did you get the job?"

Myra blushed, not wanting to say too much with everyone listening. "I think it went well."

"You think?" Clytemnestra leaned across the row of people. "It went extremely well. And after that battle, I think we all know where you belong."

Myra and her mother hugged tightly, and Sadie, sitting in the row behind her, squeezed her shoulder. Next to her was Abby, who said, "So I guess I was right. You are going to be a professor like the rest of your family."

"Yeah, you were right," Myra said proudly. "I am."

"Yes." Clytemnestra inserted herself into the conversation. "Professor of Ancient Runes, Spanish, and the occasional Non-Magical Studies course, thanks to the new requirements of our esteemed secretary. And the first ever Constance Armistead endowed professor for outstanding passion for the school, paid for by the Octavius Armistead fortune we received when he and Exeter went to jail."

Myra had to move as her friend Jackson also pushed his way into their family gathering. "Secretary McFarland," he said nervously.

"Yes, Jackson?"

"I wanted you to know that I received my letter."

"And you understand the terms, correct? The Non-Magic Placement Program has changed entirely. You can't just take up a career without training. In your case, that will mean University, then Medical School."

"I know. I've always wanted to be a doctor. I'm ready for it."

"Good. You'll have much to learn."

The family fell silent as the officials began the tournament. "I think I see her," Thea whispered. "I'm so nervous."

"Go JP!" Asia shrieked, waving her sign.

Across the gymnasium, JP didn't even hear them. She was too focused on her opponent, her wand held in front of her body, Uncle Filius giving her last minute instructions. "You are prepared," he said, his voice full of pride. A crack sounded from the official's wand. The duel began.

That's the end! Thanks for reading!