The Dark Arts
Filius Flitwick Harry Potter Minerva McGonagall Original Female Witch Original Male Muggle Original Male Wizard
General Wizarding Society
In the nineteen years between the last chapter of
Epilogue to Deathly Hallows
Published: 08/13/2007
Updated: 08/25/2007
Words: 30,223
Chapters: 18
Hits: 4,721

Dueling for Salem

Basil Hallward

Story Summary:
Ten years after Deathly Hallows, Filius Flitwick's family faces the exposure of the magical world.

Chapter 06 - Back to School


Everyone was talking about the death of the Secretary of Magic on Monday, and a replacement still had not been named. The council was taking longer than expected deliberating, and the American wizards were acting without a leader. Students were unusually quiet during breakfast, reading over the morning paper instead of discussing their weekends.

"I don't want discussions about this in your classes," Aurelius Exeter told the professors at the staff table. "They're here to learn, not to panic about poison or dark wizards. No conspiracy theories. Just teach the subjects I pay you for."

Over the last few hours, many of the staff had been debating the cause of Contantine's death, and the theories were becoming more bizarre with each passing minute. A member of the Astronomy staff was convinced it was a revival of an old British dark wizard movement, while Clarence Nelson was claiming that potion ingredients were missing from his stores.


Myra's friends were deep in discussion about their theories. Apparently, Wesley had heard something from his contact in the Department of Mysteries about a prophecy. Myra herself was too tired to think about it, since the seventh graders had refused to go into their rooms until she promised them that the school would not be in any danger from the evil wizards who were about to attack them. It was with relief that she left the breakfast table for Arithmency, where Professor Eigen was sure to bore everyone to sleep and make them forget about the controversy. She was sure Eigen had not even heard of the Secretary's death.


JP didn't understand politics enough to really care what people were talking about, though people dying was admittedly worrying. She went to Non-Magic studies hoping for a movie, but was instead greeted with people worrying about the fate of their families, all of whom seemed to have some far-fetched connection to a Department official. JP, whose mother was actually a Department official, didn't make any comments.

Professor Armistead tried to pacify the class, telling them that Aurors were working on the situation. "They're the best resource we could hope for, and until they find anything out, we just have to try to take our minds off of things. Let's watch a movie. I'll find a comedy, then we can discuss Non-Magical feelings about humor. This is a difficult film, so watch for the Non-Magical culture references."

Professor Strauss' class opened the same way, with everyone talking about the murder. The students had had several hours to pick up on the weirder theories, especially those who had already been to Astronomy or Herbology, where the professors seemed almost predisposed to strange ideas featuring fate. "I am so glad we don't have Divination here," Strauss muttered, before turning to the class and saying, "I don't want to hear any more about this. Merlin knows I won't be able to stop you discussing it all night in your dorms, but for now, I am going to teach Mermish, and you are going to learn it. I assure all of you, you are safe in this school."

JP started dinner by informing her friends that she would rather talk about anything than the Secretary. "So this movie I saw in Muggle Studies, it was so funny."

"What was it called?" Asia asked.


"That is funny."

"You are so lucky to be Muggle-born," Toni said. "It would be so much fun."

"I guess."

"What's an airplane like?" JP asked Asia, the only Muggle-born at their table.

"It's like Floo Powder, I guess. But it takes forever. And it's like a car, except you're with hundreds of people and it kind of smells bad."

Asia had everyone's attention, and the discussion continued until Ace swooped onto the table. "You always get mail," Aaron complained.

Dear Joan,

It was so good to see you this weekend. I hope that school continues to go well for you. Keep working on the Charms. Please let me know what you would like for Christmas. It probably should not have to do with dueling. Uncle Filius.

Ace dropped off a small package of candy. "Bertie Bott's!" JP shouted, passing the package around for her friends to take pieces.

"Where do you always get this candy?"

"My uncle in England."

After dinner, JP, McKenna, and Asia wandered the campus while the other three were at their clubs. They watched the sunset, avoiding homework, then JP decided to owl Filius back and thank him for the candy. The three girls walked slowly toward the owlery, passing Jared and Professor Armistead on the way. "What's up?" JP asked.

"We're about to check the dorms. Aren't you supposed to be in there?"

"We have ten minutes. I'm just going to the owelry."

"Be inside on time, Joan. I'm serious."

"Okay, okay." They walked just as slowly, making it to the owlery, and JP wrote her note and attached it to Ace's leg. "Just take it whenever," she told the bird, and he hooted in reply.

As they made to leave the owlery and go back to their dorm, they walked right into Professors Exeter and Strauss, who looked to be patrolling the campus. "Get to your dorms," Exeter said offhandedly, but Strauss was looking menacing, standing tall above the girls.

"What are you doing out?"


"Do you realize what time it is?"

"We have two minutes."

"No you don't. You're two minutes late. Go to your dorm. Run." She fired sparks out of her wand for effect. JP, Asia, and McKenna ran.

Behind them, Professor Exeter said, "Clytemnestra, take it easy. We're not under attack."

"Take no chances."


Myra sat with various girls on the sixth floor until curfew, telling the scared girls that no one else was going to be poisoned. When she made her round of the sophomore floor, JP and Asia were still in McKenna and Toni's room, apparently telling a story about Professor Strauss. Myra knew JP's feelings about Strauss, so she didn't take it very seriously, but JP took a long time to move into her own room. "She seems suspicious. So does Exeter. They're both weird."

"Get to bed. Come on. I'll tell mom."

JP sighed and pulled Asia off the floor and the two girls went to their own room, but made no effort to look like they were going to sleep.

Back on the first floor, Myra's girlfriends were sitting together on the floor of her room. "Hi," Sadie said, her voice tired.

"How was everyone?"


"I know. What do we do?"

"There's not much we can do," Beatrice said.

Abby lay back on the floor. "I don't know what we do. Of course they're scared. This could be really bad. Wizards are mad at each other because of this Muggle thing. Sorry...this non-magical thing. No offense Myra."

Myra assumed Abby was talking about her mother. "No, that's okay."

"Not to point fingers, but Constantine was in a league with her. And other powerful wizards are more into 'Magic is Might.'"