Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter Hermione Granger
Romance Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 11/20/2003
Updated: 12/12/2003
Words: 99,822
Chapters: 22
Hits: 6,251

Iuga Sortis II


Story Summary:
Ginny realizes she wasn't just chosen to be a prefect; later on so does Draco. There are more responsiblities they must bear . . . something about ancient magic . . . saving the world . . . and in the process, each other . . .````(Continuation of Iuga Sortis: Bound By Destiny)

Chapter 21

Chapter Summary:
In which Draco makes a vow.
Author's Note:
(Sequel to Iuga Sortis: Bound by Destiny)


The sound of footsteps echoed loudly--a bit too loudly to be comfortable. Luckily there had been no one else during the trip from the dungeons to the main stairs.

That had been the easy part.

Being a prefect definitely had its advantages, the main of which was the ability to be in the corridors well after curfew. While normally he would abuse the privilege because he could, tonight held a special reason.

It was Ginny's birthday.

He felt in his robe pockets for her gift and thumbed it nervously. Never had he put such thought and care into a present; normally he wouldn't even get one for people, but Ginny wasn't just people.

She was his heart, his love.

Draco snorted at the sap oozing through his head, but he couldn't deny the truth of it. Ever since that fateful meeting with the gods last semester, he'd had to confront the fact he loved his Little Weasel and that this love would be a source of power against evil.

Against Set and Voldemort.

Against his father.

Draco knew it was a death wish to betray him, but he felt the plan to be worth it. He loved Ginny more than he ever loved his father, and if given a choice between the two--Ginny would win every time. What his father never gave him--love, respect, pride--he got from Ginny, Nia, Snape, his mother . . . even Sirius was starting to become okay with him, though he still reminded him too much of Potter.

Draco still didn't like Potter.

They might work together, but it was with cool disdain. No wizard war in the world would make Draco like Potter more than grudging respect--and that was at its most basic level.

Besides, he treated two of the most important women in his life like shit, and that was not okay.

He may have teased Nia about liking the wanker, but Harry had no right to do the same. The heartbreak on Nia's face was more than he could bear, and for every blow he gave to Harry, he'd dedicated it to Nia.

Besides, it was so good to watch Potty bleed.

He smirked to himself. He briefly understood why Voldemort wanted Harry so badly. There was just a rush of satisfaction that almost couldn't be matched at the sight of Potter dripping crimson from blows he inflicted.

Then he reminded himself of Ginny's kisses, and thoughts of Potter went blissfully to the wayside.

Draco remembered the first kiss they shared. They were on the Pitch, and he was sulking from Potter's indictment of his father in the Quibbler. When Ginny came out there and said "you are not your father," the overwhelming wave of relief almost frightened him. He thought he didn't care what others thought, until she gave him her absolution. It was then he knew he did, and hers was the most important of all. After that, everyone else became inconsequential, and he had to kiss her. The kisses were soft, barely there, but he felt tingles he'd never felt when he kissed other girls.

It was then he knew he had no chance in hell.

Virginia Weasley hooked him by her faith in him.

That's not to say people hadn't. His mum, Nia, and Snape had, at one point or another, expressed similar sentiments, but there was something about hearing it from a supposed enemy that made it more special.

Or it could be the fact Saint Potter's crush was now his crush.

His love.

He'd practically entered the Slytherin common room in a giddy mess that night.

And everyone knew a Malfoy was never giddy.

Still Draco didn't give a wank about the curious stares and snickers he received. He returned as good as he got, and they left him alone. But since the affirmation by the Ministry about Voldemort's return, the House atmosphere started to make a gradual change.

He knew people were looking to him for guidance, of what they should do and how they should behave. It was pretty much a known fact his father was one of the main, if not the right hand, Death Eater to Voldemort, so logic would conclude Draco himself would be the next powerful Death Eater after his father. It was a hard expectation to fulfill, especially when he didn't want to fulfill it the first place. Then the extra lessons with the DADA professor raised even more eyebrows--but not just with Slytherins. Everyone in the school knew he had lessons with Potter, Ginny and the younger Slytherin, and everyone found that combination odd. The Golden Trio's heroics were nothing short of gossip and almost nothing more than legendary; the fact Draco was actually practicing with them raised more than a few eyebrows.

He'd told them what better way to defeat them than to know how Potty fights . . . . then he added "like a girl" as a final sting.

He chuckled to himself; he wished he could fight as well as Ginny and Nia. Those two were hellions with a weapon.

Draco smirked. Ginny was a hellion, regardless.

And he liked it.

She was all fire to his icy personality, and while he knew it sounded cliché even to his own ears, there was no better way to explain it. They balanced each other beautifully--she sparking life into his dull and horribly predictable existence, and he slowing her down to enjoy and savor every moment.

Especially the moments where they were physical with each other.

Since the beginning of the school year, they'd grown bolder with each other; hands now made frequent appearances on each other's bodies. Clothes had yet to be removed, but flesh had been discovered, and he discovered Ginny Weasley's flesh to be the softest he'd ever touched.

It made him want to burrow into her and never leave.

In more ways than one . .

The unfortunate side effect of being around Miss Weasley was the perpetual discomfort he had in his nether regions.

He was always hot for her.

Sometimes all it took was a smile before he'd be gone, and he wouldn't come back until well after, when he was in his room and far as physically possible away from her.

He didn't like being away from her--not for one minute.

And now, in a week's time, when they went home for summer holiday, there was the potential he'd be away from her forever.

Forever was too damn long without Ginny.

There was to be a Dark Revel the day students went home in Hogsmeade--in the Shrieking Shack--and he was to lure her there some way so Pettigrew could have her, reclaim her as his.

The wanker should realize by now Malfoys don't share . . . and neither does Osiris . . finders' keepers . . .

He'd surrender to the Dark Lord before he'd hurt Ginny, and that had the definite possibility of happening if he was forced to do what Ron accused him of doing in that dream.

He'd cornered her afterwards during one of their patrol session and forced her to go through everything that happened in the dream. Once she did, he couldn't look at her, couldn't even touch her until about a week afterwards. He vowed to do everything in his power to prevent that from happening, and the trust she put in him humbled him. But now, with the chain of events almost echoing what happened in her dream, Draco was becoming increasingly worried.

Lucius wanted him there at the Shack before Ginny arrived, to have everything for the Conception Ritual prepared. He wanted to throw up when his father told him that. Ginny just turned sixteen years old today, and they were trying to make her a mother to some evil spawn. He raised an eyebrow.

The only "spawn of evil" she's allowed to have is my spawn!

Well, that's what the Weasel and his friends called him--the spawn of evil. Even still, it would not happen in some Ritual with a bunch of horny pedophiles wishing they had a go at her. Hell. No.

And why am I thinking about children at a time like this? I have to be alive before that can happen!

He was quite partial to living, actually, especially with Ginny in his life.

And he intended for her to stay there.

But that requires both of us to live . .

That would be the hard part, of course--surviving the ordeal. How did one rescue not one, not two, but four lives from the clutches of Voldemort, Set, and Death Eaters in one fell swoop? It was almost a given Potter would find a way to work himself in the plan--even without an invitation. Nia asked to help, but she was greeted with four emphatic No's! Draco, Snape, Dumbledore, and Professor Roberts were not prepared to send her in harm's way--especially Dumbledore and Professor Roberts. Nia promptly gave them the silent treatment for two weeks before they bent a little and said she could assist, but not go into the field.

Dumbledore, Professor Roberts, and Snape spent extra time training him for this directive. Snape taught him high level Occlumency and the basic forms of Legilimency. Professor Roberts trained him in hand-to-hand combat herself, helping his already impressive reflexes improve. Dumbledore went over scenario after scenario so that he would not be surprised by any sequence of events.

But the most helpful of all was Nia. Even after the training with Professor Roberts, they would meet after hours and sneak into a spare classroom where they would transfigure desks and other items in order to train even more. She taught him more about the Egyptian myths as well as Coptic. But the most important was to help him make the gift for Ginny. She continually pressed upon him to tell Ginny the truth, to tell her he loved her. Truth be told, he'd been sitting on that declaration for the better part of the year, scared to death of his feelings not being returned. When Ginny told him during the first training session after break, he'd been ecstatic and upset. He wanted to tell her first, but since she did, his pride got in his way. But now, it was more important than ever he told her. There was a good chance something could happen he didn't anticipate, and that could mean disaster. It was bad enough he had to keep it a secret from Ginny and Potter, but the fact she dreamed the situation did not put his mind at ease.

He sighed as he reached the midpoint of his trek to the seventh floor. He'd been warned, re-warned, and practically bullied about the operation, but he would not be swayed. This needed to be done, and while Snape and Dumbledore went on about "sacrifices," Ginny would not be one of them.

She was too precious to him to do that.

That's not to say the sacrifices that were made didn't involve people who were cherished. Draco understood why Snape had to do what he did, especially after the conversation with the gods. Nia had to be here, if there was any chance of defeating Set and Voldemort.

He grinned. It was Nia's birthday, as well.

Draco chuckled at the irony. According to legend, Isis and Nephthys were twins, and Isis was the oldest by minutes. Despite Ginny being older in years, Nia's birth time was earlier than Ginny's by minutes. And Nia was born six weeks premature to boot, considering her due date was the end of July.

Fate is a funny thing.

They almost squealed his and Potter's eardrums out when they found they had a birthday in common. Draco was just lucky they weren't in mid-combat, or the jump he made at the sound could've made him lose something precious.

Like his head.

Oddly enough, Nia opted out of a large party and chose to spend time with Snape, her grandmother and Dumbledore. Ginny said they'd celebrate together once school let out, seeing as Angelina was practically family anyway.

Draco and Nia became somber, and infernal Potter picked up on it, nudging Nia with his knee to ask what was wrong.

Draco sneered at the concern and his own reaction, for he finally realized what the Weasel felt like when he did the same to Ginny.

He barely stomached the revelation.

Draco really almost lost his stomach when Potter hugged Nia's shoulders and she leaned her head against his.

Another one bites the dust.

Ginny exclaimed she thought it was sweet. Draco promptly kissed her to prevent any more saccharin from coming out that delicious mouth of hers.

He licked his own lips as he remembered the taste of her . . the sweetest of crème.

And I am about to contaminate her.

He couldn't help thinking maybe he should've told Potter about the plan, but then that would put his own neck on the chopping block.

Draco thought his head looked so much better attached to his shoulders.

The plan . . .

Just thinking about it made him quake with fear. Who was more important to keep a secret--him or Snape? Draco had an inkling Snape would sacrifice himself, but Draco could not let that happen. Nia needed Snape far more than she needed him. And Ginny . . . he sighed. He would say Harry could treat her right, but that would require Nia's heart to break, and he couldn't allow that to happen. Maybe that Longbottom oaf could do okay . . . he did take her to the Yule Ball . . . and stepped on her toes . . repeatedly.

After having an intimate interaction with said toes, Draco thought that was sacrilege.

Just as this "Conception Ritual" was: sacrilege.

Which was why he formed his own plan--independent of the adults--all with Nia's guidance.

He only hoped it worked.

Speaking of working . . .

Draco checked his breath by blowing it into his palm and straightened his robes as he walked to the Room of Requirement. He opened the door and looked around the space.


The Room was now a small, yet stately ballroom. The walls were scarlet with the silhouette of lions in a darker shade of red. The floor was gold-colored with green snake patterns. The snakes seemed to move in place as if they were slithering, and they complimented the silver-snake candleholders on the walls and the chandelier that hung from the ceiling. There was a glass table on the far wall with a pitcher filled with pumpkin juice and a platter of edibles.

He thought he could not have decorated the room better himself; not that he ever would do such a thing, but there was still something bothering him.

This room is a bit too Gryffindor for my taste . . oh yes . . .

He didn't even have to raise his wand as the Room transformed one of the walls into one of mirrors.

Now it's perfect!

He walked to the refreshment table and poured two glasses of pumpkin juice. As he did so, he heard the door open, and he grinned to himself. When he turned around, he almost spilled the beverages down his expensive robes.



What in the bloody hell is Harry Potter doing with my girlfriend?!

He was about to retort when Harry put up a hand to silence him.

"Before you start, I'm just here to drop off Ginny."

"I'd think she's old enough to walk by herself," Draco drawled.

Potter sighed and lifted his eyes to the heavens. "Yes, she is, but the fact remains Ron has put Ginny under 'constant surveillance,' if you will."

"He's right cracked, I tell you," Ginny muttered.

"Not my problem," Draco said flatly.

Potter narrowed his eyes. "It will be your problem if I go back to the Tower without Ginny!"

Draco sighed; the bugger had a point.

"Well, it seems to me, Potty, you're in a bit of a quandary. May you please take it somewhere else? The lady and I would like time alone."

Ginny got a sly look on her face. "Why don't you go to the dungeons? It's Nia's birthday as well."

Both boys shot her a look. "What?" she asked with mock innocence. "It is!"

"He doesn't know the password," Draco said smoothly.

Harry lifted an eyebrow at him. "I can figure it out."

"What makes you think she wants to see you, anyway, the way you're always so hot and cold with her!" Draco seethed.

Harry's eyes widened, and he turned red with shame before he narrowed them again. "She's a Slytherin, and Slytherins always like presents . . . whether they deserve them or not," Potter responded, looking meaningfully between the couple. It was all he could do to keep from ripping Potter a new one.

"Leave, Potty. Now."

Potter held up his hands in surrender. "Fine. I'll come back to get you in two hours, Ginny."

Draco was incensed. "Two hours! That's not enough time to--"

"To what, Malfoy? If it's what I think you're saying, I'm sure you'll be done before the door properly catches the lock after I leave!"

Draco's blood boiled at Potty's smug look and Ginny's snicker. He raised his eyebrows in a picture of nonchalance. "At least I'll be able to get my pants down. You wouldn't even have time to reach for your belt."

Potter turned red, and Ginny snorted. His lips formed a thin line. "Two hours, Ferret, or I may have to tell Prefect Weasley what Prefect Ferret is doing with his sister."

Draco raised an eyebrow and smirked. "How Slytherin of you."

Potter glared at him but said nothing as he left the room. It wasn't until he heard the door click that Draco turned his attention to Ginny.

Praise Merlin!

She wore a Muggle dress, and for once Draco had nothing disparaging to say about it. The dress was deep red with an iridescent quality to it. It had two straps, which, upon realization, as she turned to see the room, crisscrossed at the back. The skirt was long, reaching to her ankles where a pair of red, strappy heels adorned her feet. All he could do was stare at her as she was staring at the room.

"Draco, the room is gorgeous!"

"And yet it pales in comparison to you, love."

Ginny's back stiffened at his comment, and she turned slowly to face him. Tonight her hair was pulled from her face in a tight chignon. She wore very little makeup, so her freckles could be seen across her nose.

Draco planned to become very acquainted with those freckles before the night ended.

Two hours . . . what a bloody wanker!

He growled, and she tilted her head. "Something the matter?" she asked.

"Two hours is not enough time."

Ginny rolled her eyes and began to walk about the room. "I know it's not, but it's the only reasonable time frame. If we went beyond that, it would not have been believable."

"How do you mean? Where is your git of a brother anyway?"

"Ron apparently had a patrol to do, and Hermione . . . probably stuck somewhere in the library. They've been spending a great deal of time there recently."

Draco snorted. "I thought Granger was always a bookworm."

Ginny laughed a bit. "She's been, but what explains Ron's sudden interest in books?"

Draco smirked. "Granger has Weasel on a leash. She yanks, he follows; it's as simple as that."

Ginny glared at him, and he shrugged. "Anyway . . enough about them. Where's my present?"

She held out her hand expectantly, and his smirk melted into a grin. He walked towards her and placed his hand in hers.

"Happy Birthday."

She frowned in confusion. "What are you playing at?"

He grinned even more and drew her close to him. Draco put the hand he held at his waist then grabbed the other to mirror its partner. He placed his own hands on her face and drew her mouth to his. It was a sweet kiss with only the press of his lips against hers. He opened her mouth with his and pressed his tongue against her teeth. She opened her mouth wider, but he drew his tongue back. He heard her whimper, and he chuckled.

"What's wrong, love?" he asked.

Draco felt her mouth pout beneath his, and he suppressed a shudder. "You won't kiss me properly."

He chuckled again, and his teeth grasped the thick pad of her lower lip. "Define properly," he muttered around her lip.

Ginny slammed herself into him and deepened the kiss, her arms going around his neck. Draco groaned and returned her affection ten-fold, flirting with the line of pain and pleasure as his teeth gnashed against hers.

If we keep going like this, I may not need the full two hours!

Against his will as well as hers, he separated them, though he kept some part of his body constantly touching hers.


She scowled at the use of his full name. "I told you not to call me--"

His lips stilled hers into silence. "I think I should use your 'birth' name for your 'birthday,' no?"

She lifted an eyebrow. "No."

Draco chuckled and nodded in compliance. "Ginny it is, then."

"Good. Now about my present . . ."

He stepped away from her and held her hands. "I don't know if I can compete with Nia's and Professor Roberts' gift. The dress is exquisite."

She beamed at him. "I know! I think there are some magical properties in it because when I put it on, it hummed. I felt all tingly, too."

His eyebrow quirked at that bit of information. He remembered staying behind with Nia and Professor Roberts after the training sessions as they worked on the dress. Nia cut out the pattern, muttering as she did so, and Professor Roberts sewed together the dress. For some reason, the professor always asked him to hand her the needle, and every time he did so, he'd prick his finger. She'd say she was sorry about his finger, but there was always a glint in her eye as she did so.

Draco now suspected he was used for more than his needle-retrieving services.

He touched the fabric, and it felt slightly rough, though, not of cotton. "It's from flax."

Ginny nodded. "It's such an interesting feeling . . ."

He began to rub his hand along her side torso. She trembled under his caress.

"Does it hum still?"

She shook her head. "It was a brief thing, as soon as I put it on. It hasn't done anything since, but I am rather warm. It's nice."

"Darling, it is June. Of course it's warm!"

She blushed, and he smiled at her. "Enough about the dress! Where's your gift!?"

He lifted an eyebrow at her. "You are very concerned about this gift, love. I thought you liked being with me!"

Ginny groaned in exasperation. "I do! It's not everyday it's a girl's birthday, however. But if you didn't get me a gift, that's fine. Just don't keep me in suspense!"

He smiled at her, thinking her beautiful, yet dejected face somewhat endearing.

"How about a little music?" he asked, totally ignoring her comment. He muttered a spell, and a slow waltz began to play. Ginny looked around in wonder before turning amazed eyes to him. Draco offered her a hand, and she accepted it. He put her left hand on his right shoulder and his right hand at her waist. Their clasped hands were extended from them.

"What are we about to do?" she asked.

"Dance," he said simply.

Her eyes widened in horror, and she tensed. "I don't know how to dance like this!"

Draco was unconcerned as his thumb caressed the small of her back. He grinned when he felt her relax. "I'll teach you."

She frowned. "But what if I bugger it?"

He drew their joined hands to their sides and stepped closer to her. Draco placed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "It won't make me love you any less if you do . . ."

The hand on his shoulder tightened its grasp, and a strangled sound came from her. He moved back a little to gaze into her eyes.

They were wide and glassy.


He moved his hands to frame her face and kissed her lips softly.

"I love you, Virginia."

Ginny began to tremble, and she let out a long breath.


She chuckled, and after a few moments, it transformed into a hearty laugh.

Okay . . . not the reaction I expected!

"What's so funny?" he asked, the hurt creeping into his voice.

She sobered a bit, but a few chuckles escaped. "You are."

Draco scowled. "I fail to see the humor in all of this! Care to enlighten me?"

Her arms wrapped around his waist, and she snuggled into his chest.

"And here you are, trying to be coy about my gift . . . it's perfect, Draco."

His hurt gave way to confusion. "What are you on about? I haven't given your gift to you, yet!"

"You gave me love. There's nothing more I need."

There was silence for a moment; then it was his turn to chuckle. "You had that long before now."

She pulled away from him slightly and beamed at him. "Really?"

He kissed her softly. "Really."


His lips brushed her cheeks as he made his way to her ear. "I finally admitted it to myself when we had our first patrol together."

"That was at the beginning of term!"

"Yes . . ."

"And when we met the gods!"

"Yes . . ." He grasped her earlobe with his teeth. She always loved it when he did that.

"That was the first time you called me love."

He grinned against her and nodded. "I meant it then and I mean it now, love."

"Me, too."

He stepped away from her and pulled a package out of his deep green robes. It was wrapped with silver paper and a gold bow.

"Happy Birthday, love."

She tore off the wrapping with excitement and popped open the velvet box. She gasped.

"Draco . . ." She lifted one of the diamonds and held it before her. The stone was in a platinum setting.

He smiled softly. "Do you like it?"

Ginny could only stare at him as she held the jewel in her hand.

"How . . . when . . ."

"I have my connections." He grinned. "But to be honest, during Christmas break, when Father wasn't around. Mum and I would go shopping. She actually suggested it."

"But my ears aren't pierced."

"I know. They'll have to be pierced."

She frowned. "But it will hurt!"

"Only for a moment. Please, Ginny."

She took a deep breath as she stared at the diamond. A faint smile played at her lips. "Can you help me?"

He took the gem from her and took the back of the earring. He put his hands on her earlobe and muttered a spell. Her lobe glowed red, and he stuck the earring through it, securing the jewel with its back.

"Did it hurt?" he asked quietly.

"I've had more pain when stubbing a toe!"

He chuckled and kissed her cheek before following the same procedure with her other ear. When he finished, Ginny grasped her earlobes in wonder.

"It's that same humming feeling I got with the dress . . . . Are the earrings magical, too?"

He nodded. "They are in that they can be removed by no one but you, and only when you do it of your free will."

She looked confused. "But why would I ever want to take them off?"

"That is a very excellent question, love."

Ginny smiled and gave him a kiss. "Why do I get the feel they're more than ornamental?"

Draco tapped her nose. "Nebt-het was right about you." Ginny's smile widened, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. "You whisper a charm, and the earrings will change into Portkeys. All you have to do is think of a destination, and you'll be whisked away there."

Ginny blinked in shock. "How? What's the spell?"

Draco shrugged. "I'm only telling you what Dumbledore and Professor Roberts have told me. They said you'd know what it was when the time came."

Fear crept in her eyes, and Draco cursed it. "Something's going to happen to me, isn't it?"

"We don't know that--"

"Liar. That nightmare I had around Christmas . . . the Death Eaters are going to try to make that reality." She tried to back away from him, but Draco would not let her.

"Dumbledore, Professor Roberts, Black, and Snape have done everything they can to protect you. I've worked doubly hard to assure what happened to Nia's mum won't happen to you. You will not be a sacrifice in this war, Ginny. You will not be a casualty!"

Ginny shook her head earnestly. "Neither are you."

Draco sighed and backed away from her. "Ginny . . ." he began with exasperation. "People will have to die. I'm prepared to die. In fact, Osiris did die once . . ."

"Because he was stupid and let Set trick him into stepping into a coffin!"

Draco glared at her. "There's more to that story, and you know it."

Ginny snorted and crossed her arms before her. "Doubt it. Osiris was a bit nosey."

"Or maybe he was trying to protect his equally nosey wife."

Ginny raised an eyebrow. "Isis? But Nia's not in any danger . . ."

"And that's only because they don't know who she is. But they know who you are. They know exactly who you are."

Ginny's mouth dropped open. "But--but--how?"

"You healed Harry, and you apparently used your powers again. Pettigrew knows about you."

"Pettigrew?" Ginny gasped. "You don't mean to say he's Set!"

He nodded. "I mean to, and he is. Nasty bastard, that one."

"And he wants me to . . ." Ginny's eyes flashed. "Never. Not even the Imperius Curse would make me do that!"

"He'll use other leverage than that, Ginny. Like Harry."

He saw her eyes flash, and he had to squelch the jealousy he felt.

"Why would he be leverage for me? If anything, I'd be leverage for him."

"Perhaps for Voldemort, but for Set, he wants you back."


"I know."

"But Harry can defeat them! He did it when he was a baby . . ."

"Set is not child's play. You know this as well as I."

"But he's getting better and better at every training session. We all are."

"Yes, but something tells me he's only just tapped into his powers."

"Maybe this means he's stopped denying to himself he liked Nia."

Draco scowled. "Ugh."

Ginny grinned. "You'll have to square with that eventually, love. Perhaps now you know how Harry and Ron feel."

"Don't ever compare me to Dumb and Dumber."

Ginny snickered and wrapped her arms around him again. "Enough talk about Set and Voldemort and icky things. You owe me a lesson in dancing, Mr. Malfoy."

He grinned and rubbed his nose against hers. "Forget the dancing. I'd rather hold you."

"Mmmm . . . . forever . ."

He kissed her and murmured against her lips. "Forever."