Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter Hermione Granger
Romance Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 11/20/2003
Updated: 12/12/2003
Words: 99,822
Chapters: 22
Hits: 6,251

Iuga Sortis II


Story Summary:
Ginny realizes she wasn't just chosen to be a prefect; later on so does Draco. There are more responsiblities they must bear . . . something about ancient magic . . . saving the world . . . and in the process, each other . . .````(Continuation of Iuga Sortis: Bound By Destiny)

Chapter 18

Chapter Summary:
In which stories are left unfinished.
Author's Note:
(Continuation of Iuga Sortis: Bound By Destiny)


"Oh bloody hell!"

This was not good, not good at all, and she knew it.

Ginny! Couldn't you be more discreet?!

Apparently she couldn't, as the youngest Weasley linked hands with the silver-haired Slytherin.

They had just finished a Quidditch game, Gryffindor beating Ravenclaw by only a hair--thanks to a last minute goal by Ginny and the catch from Harry. As the crowd made its way back to the castle, Hermione took it upon herself to look for Ron who was more than likely just finishing his post-game speech.

Unfortunately, she found Ginny and Draco instead, who were slowly creeping together for a kiss.

If Ron sees them like this, he will kill Malfoy . . . what's a girl to do?

Her Gryffindor honor won out, and she strode to the oblivious couple.

Hermione arched an eyebrow. "Hem, hem."

She got the desired reaction. They separated quickly, Draco almost tripping over his robes and Ginny facing away from them, her hand on her chest.

"What's wrong with you, Mudblood, coming up to people like that?!" Malfoy sneered.

"I'm saving your scrawny little neck, but if you'd rather it be in two pieces, then continue to snog each other in broad daylight where Ron can see!" she said just as venomously.

"Didn't require you to sound like Umbitch, you know," Ginny scowled.

"Something tells me if I sounded like Hermione nothing would've happened."

"In case you haven't noticed, all of us are prefects, so why do we have to listen to you?" Malfoy challenged.

Hermione narrowed her eyes at him and put her hands on her hips. "Fine. Don't listen to me. All I have to say is 'good riddance' when Ron finally figures it out. I've been covering for you two since last year when Nialet it slip Ginny liked you. But if you don't want to heed my warning, then don't. Seeing your head on a stick is just as good as seeing it on that beanpole body of yours."

He smirked. "You've been staring at my body, Granger? I'll admit I am a fine specimen, but I usually don't frolic in muck."

Hermione felt her cheeks flush--both at the mention of his body and at his slight of her. She wasn't blind; Draco had definitely come into his ownduring the past year. He was, of course, shorter than Ron, but not by much, and leaner as well. But his body was formed into a model that couldn't be called anything but beautiful. There was a grace about Malfoy that made him awesome and awful at the same time.

But he would never compare to her Ron.

"Don't flatter yourself, Malfoy. I wouldn't touch your 'fine specimen' if we were the last two people on earth and mankind would end with us."

"Then we are in agreement on something."

"Anyway, shouldn't you been in the locker rooms listening to Ron's speech?"

Ginny rolled her eyes. "It's the same thing after every game!"

Hermione frowned. "This is only the second game with Ron as captain."

Ginny blushed at her miscalculation. "Oh fine! I didn't want to go. I promised Draco I'd meet him after the game . . . He was supposed to congratulate me . . ."

"Congratulate you, huh?"

"Look, Granger, why don't you go find your git of a boyfriend and 'congratulate' him!?"

Hermione glared at him. "The only git I see at the moment is you."

"Maybe I should enlarge your eyes, so that way you can get those fixed, too."

Hermione's hands flew to her mouth as she remembered the curse Malfoy put on her during their fourth year. Her teeth had grown to astronomical proportions during one Potions class and Snape's insult, "I see no difference," was just icing on the cake. Luckily the upswing of the entire ordeal was shrinking her teeth to the size she wanted.

She dropped her hands and smiled a toothy smile. "I never did thank you for that,did I, Malfoy?" Hermione said, sickeningly sweet. "Had it not been for you I wouldn't be able to have the smile I've always wanted. Have you considered dentistry?"

Malfoy scowled at her and began to stalk towards her. "Shut up, Mudblood, or I'll--"

"You'll what, Ferret? Just what do you plan to do?"

Hermione smiled smugly at the Slytherin as he stepped back from her. She felt the strong arm of her boyfriend come around her shoulder as he pulled her close to him. He smelled of sweat, pine and Ron, and Hermione became heady at the aroma. She wrapped her arms around his waist, and he kissed the top of her head. She saw Draco roll his eyes at the display and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"I'll do whatever the hell I want, Weasel."

Ron scoffed. "I'd like to see you try. You're the son of a Death Eater, not exactly Mr. Popular now, are we? I'll bet McGonagall's just itching for a way to revoke your prefect's badge, and believe me, I'm right along with her."

"I guess you have an itch you can't scratch then. I'm not going anywhere . . ."

Ron was about to reply when Hermione felt him tense. "Ron?"

"What are you doing hanging around my sister anyway? Ginny! Why weren't you in the locker room as I went over game points!?"

"Draco said he needed to talk to me--" Ginny snapped her mouth shut as she blushed.

Malfoy glared at Ginny before rolling his eyes to the heavens. Ron was coiled like a cat ready to pounce.

"Draco? That's the second time I've heard you call him such. What's going on between you two?"

"We're patrolling partners, Ron," Ginny replied off-handedly.

"So are Parkinson and I, and I haveyet to call her by her name," Hermione offered with mock innocence. Draco and Ginny glared at her, and she hid a chuckle in Ron's chest.

"Now's not the time for that, love. I'm trying to be angry, and you're making me mad with wanting you," Ron whispered to her.

Hermione merely snuggled closer to him.

"Are we done here?" Draco asked in a bored tone.

Hermione felt Ron stiffen again. "Like hell we are! I want to know why my sister had to talk with Draco," he snarled, putting the other boy's name in air quotes.

"You don't need to know. That's between me and the Little Weasel."

Ron laughed hollowly. "Even when Ginny shows you a slight bit of humanity, you still have to taunt her."

"Who says I'm taunting her? Maybe she likes it when I call her that . . ."

"My sister wouldn't like it if you called her the Queen of England!"

"Now wait a minute, Ron . . . let's not go making false claims here," Ginny said, her hands out to stay his words.

"No? Then what if I called her a goddess . . . my goddess . . ."

Draco was looking at Ginny with a soft expression, and Hermione gasped.

Dare I think he actually cares for Ginny . . . that must not be possible. He's a Malfoy!

"She's not 'your' anything, you bloody prat! Get away from her! I knew that 'random' list was a crock! I'll talk to McGonagall first thing once we get to the castle!" Ron promised.

"You can't do anything. Remember, the list is final, and unless Little Weasel and I have problems, it can't be changed. So tough nougats."

Ron's arm left Hermione's shoulders, and he advanced to the arrogant Slytherin.

"Fine then, guess I'll have to beat you to a bloody pulp instead . . ."

"You will do no such thing, Ronald Weasley, so back off!" Ginny said, stepping in front of Draco.

Ron was nonplussed. "What are you doing?!"

"Keeping you out of detention, and keeping you with a prefect's badge," Ginny snarled.

"There's no prefect's badge in the world worth the sight of a bleeding Malfoy," Ron said with a smirk.

"Likewise, Weasel, likewise."

Hermione stood next to Ron and put a hand on his arm. "She's right, Ron. Malfoy is not worth the effort. He'll get what's coming to him soon enough."

"Everything I've ever dreamed of, Granger? You're right. I already have it," Draco said as he gazed at Ginny. The younger girl blushed prettily, and Ron let out a gasp.

"Oh hell! You have got to be kidding me!"

"What are you talking about, Ron?"

Hermione had to hand it to Ginny; she was playing ignorant right until the very end.

"Did that dream teach you nothing? He's scum! He's Slytherin scum, Virginia!"

"What dream?" Malfoy asked with a frown of confusion on his face.

If Ron's glare could kill, Malfoy would be dead. "About you raping her, that's what!"

Malfoy jerked as if he'd been slapped, a reaction that surprised Hermione. Ron seemed to be caught off guard by the movement as well.

"Little Weasel?"

Hermione had never seen Ginny so angry in her life. She shot daggers at her brother before turning to Malfoy. "It's just a dream--"

"With you and Nia, it's never 'just a dream!' You know that as well as I!"


"No, Ginny, don't 'Draco' me. Don't . . ." He moved his hand as if shoving her away and walked from them in long, angry strides.

What just happened here?

"What the hell was that about?!"

Ginny didn't answer and walked away from them as well.

Ron turned to Hermione with an expression of angry confusion. "Do you know what's wrong with her?"

"I don't think she wanted you to tell Malfoy about the dream, Ron."

"Why bloody not?! Not like he wasn't planning it all along . . ."

"Planning what?"

Hermione turned and saw a disheveled Harry behind them.

"Where are you coming from?" she asked.

Harry blushed a bit. "Just came back from seeing a friend . . ."

Ron's confusion left momentarily, and he grinned. "Trying to make it up to Cho, are we?"

A small smile formed on Harry's face even as he blushed. "Or rather, she to me . . ."

Hermione was confused. "Cho? I thought you didn't like Cho anymore! I thought you liked--"

Harry interrupted the question. "I'm a boy, Hermione. Any bloke in their right mind wouldn't turn down a kiss from Cho Chang."

"I would," Ron said seriously.

"You'd better," Hermione said as she poked him in his side. Ron grinned at her and brought her to him.

Harry rolled his eyes. "I meant single blokes . . ."

Ron's grin left his face, and he stared at Harry with a grim expression. "Harry . . . you're my best mate, right?"

The dark-haired boy became curious. "Right?"

"You spend a lot of time with Ginny . . . ."

"Yeah . . ."

"Is there anything you need or want to tell me?"

"Uh . . . what do you mean?"

"About Ginny and Malfoy?"

"I thought you said they were patrolling partners."

Ron sighed and looked to the sky. "Aside from that. I know Malfoy is there for extra lessons with you two."


Ron rolled his eyes. "I may be a daft bloke when it comes to some things," he began as he glanced at Hermione, "but give me some credit. Are they partners then, as well?"

"Sometimes . . . since we returned from holiday, Malfoy and I have been partners."

Ron grinned. "Got some good blows in, mate?"

Harry smirked. "I've made him bleed a few times."

"Honestly!" Hermione said, irritated by their glorification of violence.

Ron and Harry rolled their eyes at her exclamation. "Partner during extra lessons--fine--but are they partners outside of that?"

Harry looked at the ground and shuffled his feet.

"Dear Merlin, Harry!"

He began to go for him, and Hermione held Ron's arm tightly. "Leave him alone, Ron; you know Ginny. Nothing we could've told her would've made her stop!"

Ron rounded on her. "We?! You knew, too?"

Hermione became sheepish. "Well . . . yes, she told me on accident--"

"And why did no one deem it necessary to tell me this!? It's bad enough the tosser is getting defense lessons, but he's snogging my sister to boot! She's being turned into a slag, hanging around the likes of him!"

"Is she, Ron? Up until a moment ago, you didn't even know she was with Malfoy. You didn't think her a slag then!" Hermione chastised.

"And do you think I'd be okay with her being with him if I thought he'd hurt her?" Harry defended.

"Are you okay with it?"

Harry sputtered. "Well--well, no, not really--"

"Then it's settled. I'm going to rearrange the wanker's face."

Hermione stopped his progress again. "You will leave him alone, Ron! Ginny will kill you!"

"She wouldn't dare!"

Harry looked skeptical. "Did you ever stop to think why Ginny and I have been strained lately? She was hacked off at me for getting in the way of her and Malfoy."

"Really? What did you do?"

Harry turned red again. "I--I--kissed her?"

Ron became confused. "Why would she be mad about that? She's been in smitten with you since she was eleven!"

Harry became annoyed. "Yeah, well, now she fancies the wanker! She's in love with him!"

A tense silence followed that declaration. Hermione shook her head, unable to believe it. "Harry, you must've heard wrong--"

"It's kind of hard to mishear an echo, Hermione. I had to hear it over and over again when she screamed it at me."

Ron's expression was blank. "Has she told him this?"

Harry nodded, and Hermione let out a long sigh.

Ron inhaled deeply. "This is not good. Ginny's in grave danger now."

Harry became alarmed. "What do you mean?"

Ron's eyes blazed with fury. "Don't you see, Harry? Malfoy's got her right where he wants her! Why else hasn't You-Know-Who come after you all year? Why? Because he's found another target--Ginny! Ginny's being used to lure you to him--again! But now she's lost more than her mind this time; she's lost her heart as well!"

Hermione could've kissed Ron for being so clever. "What he says makes sense, Harry. You-Know-Who could be looking for other targets now."

Harry opened his mouth to respond, but Ron cut him off. "And the dream, too! She dreamed about the gitusing her and you, too!"

"I know this, but I don't--"

"Ron told Malfoy about the dream."

Harry's eyes widened. "You what?!"

Ron turned red, from anger or embarrassment Hermione did not know. "I bloody well had to, to make Ginny see reason!"

"Oh, Ron! Why did you do that?!"

"I already said!"

"Ginny will never forgive you for that. Now she could be in even more danger than before!"

"Which is why we need to get her away from Malfoy!"

"Malfoy is the least of her concerns right now!" Harry sighed and began walking to the castle. "I need to find her, talk to her . . ."

Ron looked aghast as the Gryffindor Seeker left. Hermione linked her fingers with his.

"Are you as confused as I am?" he asked her after a few moments.

She nodded. "There's more going on than meets the eyes. Harry would never defend Malfoy like that."

"He doesn't want her to be with the gitanymore than we do, Hermione!"

She nodded hesitantly. "That may be true, but it's more personal than what you think it is, Ron. Harry liked Ginny."

"And she chose Malfoy? I don't think she's my sister . . ."

"She is, Ron. She apparently sees something in Malfoy he doesn't show anyone else."

"What? His human side?"

She shrugged. "Possibly. Harry seemed less inclined to join in the usual ribbing than he normally does. You learn things about a person when you have to spend close time with him or her."

"An expert on human relationships now, hmm?"

She chuckled. "Not hardly, Ron."

He laughed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders again since she was so short. Hermione wrapped hers around his waist, and they began to walk to Hogwarts. "I can hardly believe you're not. You're an expert on everything else."

She squeezed him briefly. "I can barely understand ours, let alone any with Malfoy in it."

His pace slowed, for which she was grateful. She didn't have to make gaping strides to match his easy ones.

"What do you mean you don't understand ours?"

She carefully avoided his eyes. "I mean, I don't understand why . . . oh, it's silly."

She felt his gaze on her as they kept walking. When he didn't say anything, she looked at him.

He shrugged. "I reckon it is, 'Mione. It must be really silly for me to be with you."

Hermione couldn't control the sting of tears at his words. "Exactly! So why don't you go find yourself a pureblooded witch with pretty hair and a pretty smile and pretty big curves--like, like that veela!"

She tried to run off, but his grip was too tight. Hermione knew she was being irrational, but she couldn't help the feelings of insecurity she felt, especially listening to her housemates fawn over him. When they'd gone to Hogsmeade for Valentine's Day last Friday, she heard girls gossiping about how good-looking Ron had become, and being the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain . . . he was growing popular in his own right. She'd even heard girls from other Houses admiring Ron, and most, if not all, of these girls were the types Ron used to talk and fantasize about to Harry. But what really hurt her the most was speculation as to why he'd stick himself with a "walking encyclopedia," a bookworm who wouldn't know fun if it "danced naked in front of her with a tea cozy as a hat." Listening to the girls coo over Ron during the game was enough to make her insane; now it only made her sad.

"Let go of me, Ron!" she said, praying he didn't hear the catch in her voice.

"I told you before; I'm not letting you go. Why won't you believe me when I say that?"

His voice was so gentle and tender she nearly broke down then.

"I do, Ron."

"Then believe me when I say you're the only woman for me, Hermione. I haven't even so much as looked at another woman since we've kissed! Truth be told, there wasn't another woman since I realized you were a girl!"

She heard the laughter in his voice, and she grinned in spite of herself. "You are silly, Ron."

"Not as silly as you are! I can't believe you'd even have the audacity to say something like that to me!"

Her grinned widened. "What's a synonym for 'audacity'?"

Ron trailed his tongue around the outside of her ear before placing a kiss on it and sighing. "Gall, nerve, bollocks . . ."


"What? You asked!"

"But you didn't have to be so crude!"

"Crude, rude, and full of attitude is what I am, 'tis true; but fear not, m'lady, for I love me some you." He grinned before he kissed her lips. "I love you a lot, Hermione."

The tears she tried so earnestly to hold back came forth in torrents. Ron merely held her, whispering words of comfort in her hair.

"Don't cry, love. Good ole Ron will be here always."

She nodded as she burrowed closer to his warmth. "I don't deserve you."

He chuckled. "I believe you have that backwards, love. It's I who doesn't deserve you!"

She pulled back and looked at him skeptically. "What the devil are you on about, Ron? You say that as if I'm something special."

He shook his head with a wry smile. "You see? If I can't prove to you how special you are, then I have no right to call myself your boyfriend. One would think after six years of practice a bloke would get it right . . ."

"Ron . . ." she sighed.

He shook his head and placed a quick kiss to her forehead. "No, Hermione. If I have to remain out here freezing my bollocks off to do it, then I will, but before we go inside that castle, Hermione Granger, you will know exactly how special you are to me, and to the world, period."

He walked away from her, tapping his forefinger along his head as he muttered to himself. Hermione gazed at him, wondering how this boy had become such an important fixture in her life. It was only six years ago when she'd first seen him in that compartment with Harry, trying to turn Scabbers yellow. The look of concentration in his eyes as he tried to perform the spell endeared him to her immediately. When he didn't succeed, the look of disappointment was too much for her to bear, but she--a Muggle-born witch--wanted so desperately to prove she was worthy. At the time she didn't know why, but now she thought she knew. She wanted to impress the redhead, to make him see she would be worthy of him. She'd almost forgotten about Harry, even if he was the Boy Who Lived. All she cared about was boy who had dirt on his nose.

What a difference six years make!

Ron was still insecure, but not like he was when they first started. Without the pressures of his older brothers--real or imagined--Ron had blossomed into himself, much more confident than Hermione had ever seen him. Where he was once tall, lanky, and awkward, he was now tall, proportionally built, and poised. He was comfortable in his successes and, more importantly to her, confident in his mistakes. Sure, he was one of the rashest people she'd ever met, but without a doubt everything he focused on he met with success--classes notwithstanding.

To see the look of concentration focused on her was the most romantic thing he could've ever done.

It's damn sexy, too!

"I love you, Ron," she called to him.

He'd stopped his pacing and turned to her. Ron's gaze was intense as he watched her, and Hermione shifted under his stare.

"I know you do; I just don't understand why you can't accept my love for you in return," he said solemnly.

She looked down at her fingers. "I just want to prove to you I'm worthy of it, Ron. All my life, I've had to work hard to get what I want, and I feel I just don't have all that much to offer you in the way of a girlfriend . . ."

She heard his feet crunch in the snow, and she willed herself to remain where she was. "You know," he began, bringing his hand to cradle her chin. He lifted her head to make her eyes meet his. "For someone so brilliant and clever, you have an uncanny knack for being so daft at times."

Hermione pouted. "That's not nice, Ron."

"Neither is it for you to talk about yourself like that, Hermione. The way you speak, it seems I'm a complete idiot for wanting to be with you."

"I don't think you're an idiot, Ron . . . not all the time . . ."

"Oh gee, what a way to make me feel better about myself!"

She grinned at him then moved her eyes to stare at the Gryffindor seal on his Quidditch robes.

"I'm afraid it's all too good to be true," she sighed. "I'm afraid someone better will come along and take you away from me. I know I wouldn't be able to bear it if--"

"You speak nonsense, Hermione. There's no one better because you're the best. If anyone should fear abandonment, it's me."

Her eyes snapped up to his. "You? Heavens! Now who speaks nonsense!?"

He blushed and looked down at his feet.

"I mean . . . you had Viktor Krum, of all people, to ask you to the Yule Ball . . . you were the person he'd miss the most . . . and I'm sure there are other blokes who'd feel the same way."

"Oh Ron--"

"A Seeker caught you if for a brief moment. You were the Golden Snitch--and I don't mean that in a dirty way, Hermione. You were indeed the most valuable and sought after person at the Ball that year, and ever since you've held many a bloke captive since. Why do you think I become so crazy when someone stares at you for longer than two seconds? I'm afraid I'll get in the same fix as Krum--only have you in my grasp for a brief moment until you find a quicker, better bloke."


He raised his blue eyes to hers, and she fell in love with him all the more. "Krum's a Seeker."

He frowned at her. "Yeah, Hermione, I know."

"What are you, Ron?"

His frown deepened before his face muscles relaxed. Her heart squeezed at the grin forming on his face. "I'm the Keeper."

"Yes, Ron, you are," she said as she wrapped her arms around his waist. His arms settled around her, and he rested his forehead against her. "So while it took another bloke to find me, so to speak, you get to keep me. Is that to your liking, Mr. Weasley?"

"Very much so, Miss Granger."

"Good." She went on tiptoe and kissed his lips.

"And I won't throw you back in the game, love. Oh no, you're stuck with this Keeper."


Another kiss.

"I mean it, Hermione. I don't know where this sudden doubt came from, but it needs to go back and stay there. There's no one out there for me but you. Some blokes search a lifetime and never find The One. I was lucky."

"Ron . . ." She hugged him tightly.

He's right. I shouldn't let what those girls say get to me. They're just jealous because I have the best man in the world!

She felt his stomach growl, and she giggled.

"C'mon, love, I'm sure it's dinner soon. We'll go upstairs to the Tower then go to dinner, okay?"

She nodded, and they walked inside arm in arm. She was glad for the warmth that greeted her body and had a hard time determining if it was from the heat in the building or Ron's love. "Thank you for making me feel special, Ron."

He laughed. "I had to, or else my bollocks would've fallen off!"

She turned red at the image. "Ron!"

"What? It's a very important feature of my anatomy!"

She removed her arm from him and began to walk faster. "I cannot believe you'd say something like that after--wait, yes I can . . ."

"But don't you want me to have my bollocks? I mean, you do want children, don't you?"

She froze.


Hermione turned to face him. He was the color of his hair and looking everywhere but at her. "What does your anatomy have to do with me having children, Ron?"

"Blimey, 'Mione! I sure am hungry! I'll meet you up in the Tower!" He rushed past her and up the stairs, taking them two at a time. She grinned to herself as she followed him.

Looks like I'm not the only one who's been thinking of the future . . . if there's a future to have . . .

Hermione knew something was going on despite the extra lessons, and Ron's insistence of You-Know-Who finding a new target unsettled her to no end. She frowned as her mind went over possibility after possibility of the Dark side's next move--all of which featured Malfoy in the thick of it. But even then, Hermione felt no closer to resolution. If it were a simple case of Malfoy using Ginny as a means to an end, Hermione would readily agree with Ron's theory, but she couldn't do so--at least not yet.

Malfoy's eyes bothered her the most. The way he looked at Ginny went far beyond false affection.

He cared for Ginny and very much so from the look of it.

Hermione didn't know how to reconcile the horrible boy she'd known for the past six years with the same boy who made it painstakingly obvious to her he cared for Ginny. At the same time, she knew that affection to be dangerous for all parties involved--especially Ginny. Of course, there was still the matter of that dream, and Hermione remembered Malfoy's words:

With you and Nia, it's never 'just a dream!' You know that as well as I!

She wondered what he meant by that comment, but she feared her first thought might be the correct one.

The dream Ginny had was indeed a Sight from the future.

A chill went up Hermione's spine, and she hugged herself. Tears stung her eyes at the thought of Ginny experiencing an ordeal like that. Then she remembered Malfoy's role in the dream, and her eyes narrowed. The tone in Malfoy's voice was one of desperation and . . . fear?

Things are amiss here . . .

No sooner had the words left her mouth than she reached the fourth landing of the stairs. Her eyes made an automatic glance to the library as she saw Malfoy and Nia enter, both deep in conversation.

Wouldn't they have to climb these stairs to get there from the dungeons? Oh right; there are probably so many secret stairwells and corridors the dungeons have their own personal staircase!

She sent a quick glance up the stairs before deciding to go into the library.

A little 'research' never hurt anyone . . .

She walked briskly to the library and gave Madame Pince a smile as she went inside. She browsed the bookcases, hoping to find the pair. She'd just reached the R section when she heard voices.

"Draco, what you're suggesting is dangerous . . . "

"Yeah, well, things are out of my hands now, aren't they? You heard what I told you!"

"Yes! But you don't really think this is the best way to--"

"It's the only way. Better this way than any other way. What the Dark Lord wants, the Dark Lord gets . . ."

Hermione gasped. "This is not sounding good . . ."

The younger girl looked agitated. "But what about Ginny?"

"What about Ginny? She had a dream, Nia, and you know when you two have dreams, they usually are true."

Nia sighed. "But you don't really think whatever she dreamed will happen?!"

"Look at how things are playing out now. It's only a matter of time before it comes true . . . ."

"What did she dream?"

"I can't tell you that. You know too much as it is."

"Fine then. Does she know about you?"

"I said she dreamed it."

"But she could stop it, couldn't she? She could tell Harry--"

"Knowing Little Weasel she's already told him and the other two of the infernal Trio. Three more pests in the plans . . ."

"That's not good," Nia said dejectedly.

"No, it's not, Little One."

"But right now, it's only speculation, right? A dream doesn't equal tangible proof . . ."

"What's with you using big words?"

Nia huffed. "So what if I like to read."

"You're a regular bookworm . . . you sure you're not hanging around the Mudblood?"

"Watch it, Malfoy."

"Anyway . . . I'm really in a spot. I have a job to do with no one to help."

"You have Snape, maybe he could--"

"What can he do? He has his own directive. Besides, I can't very well go around announcing I work for Voldemort!"

There was a brief silence.

"I could help . . ."

Malfoy shook his head emphatically and said in a flat, yet firm tone, "No."

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "It's just that--"

"It really doesn't matter now. If anyone else finds out about this, the edge we have will be lost for good!"

Nia sighed. "I know . . ."

"And you're to stay out of it."

She looked indignant. "Not likely! I have just as much at stake as you do."

"Yeah, well, I don't think Potty will be knocking on your door any time soon."

Nia rolled her eyes. "But you lo--"

"Whatever I feel for the Little Weasel doesn't matter anymore. I have to do this, or this could mean our heads."

"Yes, Draco. But is it worth your hearts?"

Hermione's heart beat quickly as she waited for his answer.

"If all goes well, it will be."

Hermione couldn't stand to listen anymore as she rushed out of the library.

Everything Ron said was true! Draco's using Ginny to lure her to the Dark Lord! Well . . . he shall not succeed! It'll be a cold day in hell before I let Draco get his hands on her! And Nia . . . boy did I have her pegged wrong! I guess Lee was right--every family does have a rotten apple!

She fumed all the way up to the Tower and barked a sharp password to the Fat Lady. She didn't care about the portrait's indignant mutterings as it opened for her. She barely registered the concerned looks sent her way.


She didn't stop walking. "Not now, Ron. Your sister and I need to have a little chat."

Hermione marched up to the fifth years' girls' dormitory and knocked soundly. She may have been upset, but she still had the decency to respect privacy. One of Ginny's roommates answered the door.

"Is Ginny in?"

The girl opened the door wider to see a veryfocused Ginny practicing fight moves.

"We'll just be going now . . . It must be dinnertime . . ." Ginny's roommates made a beeline out of the room, leaving the two very upset women to themselves. There was a tense silence as one tried to ignore the other. The younger girl stopped and looked at Hermione.

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever you've got to say, I don't want to hear it," Ginny said nonchalantly as she moved to another fight sequence.

Hermione crossed her arms in front of her, not amused. "Oh really? I'd rather think you'd like to know how your 'boyfriend' now works for Voldemort and wants to make your 'dream' a reality."