Astronomy Tower
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/23/2004
Updated: 09/23/2004
Words: 913
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,055

Looking for Love

Auralay Isalay

Story Summary:
Harry has heard the prophecy, and is upset. He goes back to school with one thought, Search & Destroy... ``Girls beware, Horny Harry's on the prowl...

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
Harry has heard the prophecy, and is upset. He goes back to school with one thought, Search & Destroy...
Author's Note:
A collaboration between Auralay & Isalay.

Looking for Love

Chapter One - With The Dursleys

Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived, he had everything, except love. His parents were cruelly snatched from him when he was just a year old, his relatives regularly abused him and didn't want him, and the girl he has been lusting after has rejected him. To top it off, the closest thing he had to a father was also seized from him. In his worst moments, he thought about ending it all, but then after contemplation, he decided against it.

After Dumbledore had told him the reason why he was a 'marked' man, Harry had felt no need to go on, his life was going to inevitably end with a murder, him or Voldemort. He had gone back to the Dursley's with that thought. He knew that if he ended it there, no one would know, no-one would care. The Dursley's would be glad, for he was constantly reminded what a drain he was on their lives, how he should be grateful to them for taking him in.

Harry got up on the Tuesday morning, knowing that today would be his last. He went down to breakfast, and was subdued. He ate his toast in silence, oblivious to what was going on around him. Dudley was eating his third bowl of porridge, Vernon was reading the business section of the paper, and Petunia was furiously cleaning down the side.

When he had finished eating, Harry made his way upstairs, took out his parchment and quill, and began to write a letter.


Please look after Hedwig for me, she needs someone. Tell Hermione I love her very much, and that I'm sorry for shouting at her (and you). Tell your mum I said thanks for put me up, and for saying I'm as good as her son. Tell your dad a rubber duck is for bath time enjoyment, and tell the twins to keep making people laugh. They've made me laugh a lot! Tell Ginny, well tell her I said she's really brave, because of what she did with Riddle, and last year at the Department of Mysteries.

Finally, Ron, you've been the best friend I've ever had, could have had. Stay cool, you might even end up being Head Boy or Quidditch Captain!

Take care, Harry"

He rolled up the parchment and laid it on his bed. He took out another piece and wrote a note to the Dursleys, instructing them to send Hedwig to Ron with the letter on his bed. He also asked them to send all his stuff to the Weasleys.

Just then, Vernon walked into Harry's room. "Come down, boy, we're going out." Harry, feeling angry pulled on a jumper and followed his uncle down the stairs. Petunia and Dudley were waiting to go out.

"Get your shoes on boy, hurry up," Vernon said.

"What? I never come out with you. You said I embarrass you," Harry said. He hoped the Dursleys would go out and leave him to what he was doing in peace.

"You're coming with us dear. Now get your shoes on, chop, chop," Petunia said in a calm voice. Harry, stunned proceeded to put his shoes on. When he was ready, they bundled into the Dursley's new car, and left.

"Don't touch anything, boy. I don't need your greasy handprints on my car," Vernon growled, sternly.

"Now dear, leave Harry alone, he's fine. We're going to the shopping centre dear. We're buying you a birthday present," Petunia said.

"Why? Why are you doing this? You've never even recognised my birthday before, let alone buy me things!" Harry exclaimed.

Petunia explained that she and Vernon (for all his grumbling) did love Harry. They had realised the errors of their ways, and wanted to make up for it.

At the shopping centre, Dudley headed straight to the food court, and no-one objected. Harry trudged along a few feet behind the Dursleys. He was feeling confused as to what was going on. Once Dudley had finished his second pudding, the Dursleys dragged Harry to the toy shop, and told him he could have anything he wanted.

"Well, not to be ungrateful, but I don't need any of this stuff. We could go to wizard shops so I could buy some stuff for school. I don't know exactly what I need but the basics will be alright, and not that expensive. It's okay if you don't want to go, I understand. I know your views on the magic world," Harry said to Petunia. Dudley and Vernon had wandered off. She said she'd try to persuade her husband, but she had to find him. With that, she left Harry on his own.

After a few minutes of looking around the shop, Harry found Petunia and Vernon watching Dudley play on the newest computer console. "Hi dear," Petunia said in a soothing voice when she noticed Harry, "we're just waiting to get this for Dudders and then we will go to...your shops." Vernon looked disgusted, but attempted to smile.

They bundled back into the car, Dudley looking smug with the two bags full of presents. Vernon asked where they needed to go and Harry told him you could go via London.

"London! London! You didn't say anything about London!" Vernon screamed. Petunia calmed him down, and explained they were half way there already. An hour later, Vernon had parked in a multi-storey car park, and paid for a three hour ticket.

Author notes: So, what do the Dursleys do in Diagon Alley? Will Harry make it back to school?
Will Dudley ever talk?
Wait for the next chapter...