The Dark Arts
Harry Potter/Other Magical Creature
Other Magical Creature
Alternate Universe Drama
Harry and Classmates During Book Seven
Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 05/12/2007
Updated: 05/12/2007
Words: 538
Chapters: 1
Hits: 293

Harry Potter and the Forgotten Realm

Augi Morbid.

Story Summary:
It's been over three hundred years, and the Wizards have no recollection of their ancestors' past. The have been rumors of people crossing over from the mythical realm of Haz Dohl. But is it really a myth as everyone says? More rumors of Lord Voldemort rising to power have been released, even some of him crossing to Haz Dohl and taking creautres and people with him! Can Harry end this war once and for all, aside from his painful return to Hogwarts and the absence of Dumbledore? It's time to end this once and for all.

Chapter 01



There is one tale of which the people speak.

As a child, my mother spoke to me the tales of my people’s past. In my land, it need not matter the race, tribe, or creature one is, we are all the same people. And we are the people Of Haz Dohl.

For over three hundred years, the memory of my people faded in the once citizens of the land of Aravis. All of our suffering and victories, completely erased. Why? Some might ask. They parted from Haz Dohl and lived in a entirely separate realm. The Human Realm. The wizards had stopped the tolerance of wars between kingdoms and tribes. They no longer wanted part and soon left, leaving everything behind. My mother told me never to wander in the ruins of Aravis, for some had still wandered, still showing hatred toward all.

After the wizards had split from us, our land showed sings of peace. Alfitaria still had it’s feuding with Olympia, and tribes and small kingdoms still had civil war, but it still showed the original peace of Haz Dohl. Until one person had discovered away to cross between realms. I myself, was quite enraged. This “crossing over” had continued for about a century (due to a treaty their Minister and our leaders signed).

Until one year, we heard of a dark one rising in power in the Human Realm. This dark one killed and killed until he succeeded in his missions. At one point, the wizards blamed us, claiming only a Haz Dohl could ever have someone with such stregnth. No one, but the Elven kingdom and Faeries, had practice magic for over three hundred years.

This war probably raged on for thirty years, until someone had stopped him. This “savior” was just a baby boy. He had stopped the Dark one and finally brought light to his realm. But the Dark one still had followers and his followers continued to do his killing. They called themselves “The Death Eaters” and struck fear into wizard and muggle alike, just as their lord before them.

I continuously studied this boy, to see if he really was the savior from the wizards’ prophesy, and each year he surprised me more and more. He had faced the feared basilisk and dragons, held the Red Stone, and he even rode a hippogriff. This boy surpassed all he had thrown at him and emerged victoriously. He was a true hero, in Haz Dohl standards.

But, rumors had started that the Dark Lord had returned, much more powerful than ever before and resurrected from the blood of his equal. No one believed the rumors were true until, people started disappearing for our land. The more the rumors spread, the more people disappeared. It continued until a full tribe had not been seen for weeks. They were true.

The Dark Lord was seizing power in Haz Dohl. He had turned Orcs against Yukes and Clavat against Zexes. He had claimed so many tribes and small kingdoms against one another, it sparked the beginning of an endless civil war. There is nothing my people can do except wait for one of our own saviors to aid us in our time of need.