Astronomy Tower
Romance General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 04/13/2002
Updated: 04/13/2002
Words: 6,918
Chapters: 7
Hits: 5,011

Southern Comfort

Artemis Sprite

Story Summary:
Harry breaks up with his boyfriend. Can Ron come to the rescue before someone else does?

Chapter 03


Southern Comfort
De-Nile is not just a River in Egypt

Harry was out of breath by the time he reached the hospital wing. He had a stitch in his side but he didn't want to stop running. He skidded to a stop just short of the hospital door. His chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath. He was shaking as he timidly pushed the door open. Ron was still pale as a sheet but he was propped up on a pillow and greeted Harry with a smile. Harry's face broke into his first real grin in days and he ran down to Ron's bed.

"How do you feel?" Harry asked Ron.

"I'm tired but Madame Pomfrey says I'll make a full recovery."

"That's great," said Harry, "I was really worried about you."

Ron was hoping that the next words out of Harry's mouth would be, 'I realized how much you meant to me when I almost lost you and I'm going to dump my loser boyfriend to be with you.' Instead Harry said,

"I'm glad I got you back. If I can't have my boyfriend at least I can have my best friend."

Ron's face fell. He stared down at his blankets and pulled at a loose thread.

"H-H-Harry," he stammered, "there's something I need to tell you." Just then Ron looked up and saw Harry sitting next to Draco's bed. Harry held his lover's hand and kissed his cheek gently. Ron swallowed hard, tried not to cry, and decided now was not the time to break it to Harry that he was dating a manipulative little bastard. Harry and Ron talked some more about Gryffindor gossip and how pissed off Snape was because his favorite student was still unconscious in the infirmary. Ron looked slightly guilty when Harry told him that he was really worried about Draco. Ten minutes later Madame Pomfrey shooed Harry out. Harry waved at Ron and kissed Draco's comatose cheek good-bye and headed back to the Gryffindor tower feeling better than he had since the weekend.


Ron spent another week in the infirmary Harry and Hermione brought him all the Homework he had missed. On the day after he had come to Professor Dumbledore came to visit and asked Ron what had happened. Ron relayed the story as best he could without revealing his love for Harry. As usual Dumbledore saw through that story to the real reason the fight had started. Harry went to visit him as often as he could every single time Ron tried to tell Harry about his conversation with Draco and every single time he couldn't bring himself to do it because he knew Harry would be crushed. On the day that Ron was released into the population of the school the Gryffindors threw a huge party. Fred and George smuggled copious amounts of butter beer into the tower and it wasn't long before the party was in full swing. By the end of the night Harry and Ron had had several butter beers and were sitting in front of the fire leaning against each other. Ron was very drowsy and he was half asleep. Harry was trying to talk him into getting up and going to bed. Ron got up and leaned on Harry and slurred,

"Dracos a bassard. Harry, He doezznt *hic* luv ya, I do."

Harry almost jumped out of his skin. "WHAT!???"

Ron looked confused. Then, realizing what he said dashed into their room and dove into his bed. Harry was still shocked. He walked slowly into the room and sat down on his bed. Neither of them got much sleep that night.


The next morning Ron got up early to avoid Harry as much as possible. Harry wasn't sure what to do but he knew he had to confront Ron about what had happened the night before. Harry realized that Ron was avoiding him but he still managed to corner him after Charms class.

"So," said Harry, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Ron was tempted to say, 'No, because I was too busy kicking myself for being a thick git.' Instead he said simply,

"fine, I guess."

Harry looked at his feet as he said,

"Ron, what did you mean last night?"

"What do you mean, Harry?" asked Ron.

Harry sighed and said,

"Last night you told me that Draco didn't love me, you said you did."

Ron sighed. He took a deep breath and said,

"Harry, I have been trying to tell you since I woke up but the reason Malfoy and I got into a fight to begin with was that he told me that he didn't really like you at all, that he just wanted to date you because you were Harry Potter and everyone would respect him more."

Ron let out a relieved sigh and looked at Harry. Harry was rooted to the spot. Ron looked at his friend and wondered what he should do. Before he could think about it he grabbed Harry and kissed him. Harry was slightly taken aback and didn't know how to react. Ron let Harry go, panting slightly, and looked at him expectantly. Whatever it was that he expected to see on Harry's face it wasn't anger or pain but that was exactly what he saw. Harry was enraged.

"HOW DARE YOU! How dare you Ronald Weasley, accuse my boyfriend of that. How dare you say that to try and get me to go out with you!"

Before Ron could react, Harry bolted down the hall, tears stinging his eyes.


Ron stood and gaped at the spot where Harry had been standing. He didn't know what to do. He didn't notice the large tears that had started pouring from his eyes. He slowly turned to walk away and collided with Justin Finch-Fletchly. Justin looked up surprised but any admonishment he had planned had died on his lips when he saw Ron's face.

"Ron, are you ok? Ron?... RON?"

Ron turned his head slowly as if just realizing that someone was speaking to him.

"Are you alright?" Justin asked again.

Ron shook his head 'no' and collapsed onto his knees. He just knelt there crying for awhile.

"I don't know what happened." Ron choked between sobs.

Justin put his arm around his shoulder and tried to console him.

"Wanna talk about it?" asked Justin.

Ron shrugged but allowed Justin to help him to his feet and guide him out of the building. They spent the rest of the evening walking around the grounds and talking about the situation at hand.


Harry was debating whether or not he wanted to go to dinner or not. He was hungry but going to dinner meant facing Ron again and he didn't know if he was ready for that. After Ron had kissed him he had fled to the shelter of the Hospital wing and spent an hour 'talking' to Draco. Draco couldn't answer him of course because he was still in a coma but somehow Harry felt better after having bared his soul to someone. Even if it was someone in a catatonic state. The growling of Harry's stomach made him realize how hungry he was and that skipping dinner was really out of the question. To his great surprise and relief Ron was nowhere in sight when Harry entered the great hall. Hermione sat down next to him and said,

"Hey Harry, where were you?"

seeing the look on Harry's face she continued,

"What happened?"

Harry just shook his head and whispered,

"I'll tell you later."

Dumbledore had just stood up and was asking for their attention. Hermione, seeing Dumbledore, nodded in agreement. Dumbledore's voice rose above the multitude of voices in the great hall.

"Attention please, may I have your attention please?"

Dumbledore looked around and, seeing that he had everyone's attention, he continued,

"I have an announcement to make. We have a new student. He is a transfer student from the Duquesne Institute for the Magical Arts in America. His name is Phillip Jamison. He will be in the Gryffindor house and I ask that you all afford him the greatest courtesy and hospitality. Please stand up Phillip."

A boy, no older than sixteen, rose at Dumbledore's beckon. He was the most beautiful boy Harry had ever seen.