The Dark Arts
Harry Potter Severus Snape
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 06/23/2008
Updated: 08/24/2008
Words: 8,093
Chapters: 13
Hits: 3,067

The Servant


Story Summary:
Harry couldn't forget the look on Dumbledore's face before he died. When Snape proposes an alliance, Harry senses a trap. But with no idea how to destroy Voldemort, can Harry afford not to accept the help of the Dark Lord's most trusted servant?

A letter arrives at Privet Drive

Words: 509
Hits: 407

The servant considers his task

Words: 500
Hits: 331

The servant woos his Master's enemy

Words: 878
Hits: 309

An alliance is formed and tested

Words: 594
Hits: 267

Snape continues to aid Harry in his quest

Words: 807
Hits: 242

The disaster leaves Harry alone with his thoughts

Words: 735
Hits: 258

Snape regains consciousness and a choice is made

Words: 524
Hits: 138

Fact in myth

Words: 566
Hits: 239

Dark spells fly in the cave as they attempt to breach the barrier

Words: 681
Hits: 197

The spells work their magic...

Words: 509
Hits: 186

The servant is reunited with his master

Words: 513
Hits: 182

The explanations begin

Words: 680
Hits: 138

The explanations continue

Words: 597
Hits: 173