Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/14/2003
Updated: 05/14/2003
Words: 795
Chapters: 1
Hits: 3,729

She Was Nobody


Story Summary:
She was nobody. Then how come he was treating her like a princess? Why? What did he want?

Chapter 01


She wasn't popular. She wasn't smart. She was just normal, friendly Amelia Simon; then how come Draco Malfoy... the MOST popular, cutest guy in school had asked her out? Why? She was a Ravenclaw, she wasn't popular, she was good at Quidditch, but she would never be as good as anyone on the Gryffindor of Slytherin team. No one ever seemed to notice her at all. She was invisible.


"Okay you guys, this is our last game of the season, if we win this, we'll be in the championship and we might be able to get the cup, so come on! Let's beat those Slytherins and get in," said the captain of the Ravenclaw team, Jesse Anderson.

As the Ravenclaw Quidditch team walked onto the Quidditch field, Amelia saw all the people on the Slytherin team already standing on the field.

"You okay Ams?" said Amelia's best friend Ivan, they'd known each other since they were three and did practically everything together. Now, Ivan was the beater and Amelia, the seeker. But things have changed since they started at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Ivan was now dating a girl named Serin, while Amelia was an invisible girl who had never had even one date.

As the game began, Amelia felt a slight drizzle. Oh no, not today, I need to find the golden snitch, this isn't going to work, thought Amelia quietly.

BAM! As Amelia was flying eyes open for the golden snitch she had bumped into another person. She didn't know who it was, but whoever it was had had a big impact on her, because she felt herself fall to ground, as she blacked out.


"Amelia? Amelia? Can you hear me?" said a distant voice. When Amelia opened her eyes, she saw Ivan, Hermione, Harry, and Ron's faces.

"W-w-where am I?" I asked groggily.

"You and the ferret had a run-in and u both fell," said Harry quietly.

"Can you move your legs Ams?" said Ivan.

"N-no.....I..... don't think I can," Amelia said.

"Let's bring her to the hospital... Harry, can you carry her? I'll bring her stuff," Ivan said quickly. After Ivan said this, she felt Harry's arms go around her and pick her up.

"Hold on Ams," said Harry quietly.


When Amelia woke up she was in the Hospital Wing. As Amelia looked around, she saw a boy in the bed next to her. Malfoy...she thought.

"Hello Amelia," said Malfoy said menacingly as he grinned.

"Hi, how long have I been asleep?" Amelia asked quietly.

"Since two days ago I believe, although, I do think you owe me an apology," said Draco angrily.

"W-what for?" Amelia asked, confused.

"Well, for one, you bumped into on the field, causing the game to be postponed, so I believe you owe me an apology," Draco said indignantly.

"Alright then, you ferret, SORRY!" Amelia said angrily. Draco smirked.

"You know, when your angry, you look pretty cute," Draco said, standing from his bed and walking to Amelia's.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Amelia said, angrier than ever.

"Nothing, just this," Draco said quietly, as he bent down, caressed Amelia's cheek, and, from what Amelia could tell, was about to kiss her. Except at that moment, Harry came into the room, and Draco went back to his own bed.


"AMELIA! You're awake, thank God, you've been asleep for two days I thought I'd have to be prince charming and wake you up," said Harry jokingly.

"Ha-ha, very funny!" Hermione said, punching Harry's arm. Hermione and Harry...best friends, and also lovers.

"Yah, Ams, you've got a quiz to take, and you've got a bit of homework," said Ron happily, as he put his arm around his girlfriend Amanda.

Amelia smiled, then realized something. They were all in pairs, Ivan was holding his new girlfriend's hand, Jimena. Ron and Amanda were together. And so were Harry and Hermione. Amelia felt like a third wheel, she was the only one who had never had a date; in her life.

"Excuse me, but I'm trying to sleep, so if you wouldn't mind, would you please leave?!" Said Draco angrily.

"We'll see you later Ams, later ferret," said Ivan.


That night, Draco couldn't sleep. He looked over at Amelia's bed. She was in a deep sleep. Her hair was spread out on her pillow, and she was smiling. Must be a good dream, thought Draco to himself.

"What have you been looking at?" said Amelia, as she quickly opened her eyes.

"N-n-nothing....why?" said Draco, "Hey, how'd you know I've been looking at you?"

"Feeling...DUH...my mum's a mediator," said Amelia.

"Oh, really? That's interesting... listen... I was wondering, maybe after we get out of the Hospital Wing we could go out for lunch?" asked Draco.