The Dark Arts
Harry Potter
Drama Suspense
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 09/30/2003
Updated: 09/23/2004
Words: 13,169
Chapters: 4
Hits: 1,552

Plans of a Madman

Anneliese Chandler

Story Summary:
Harry has finally decided that it's time to take action. It's the summer after his seventh year, and he's readied himself for death. But really, is that all there is to it? Is it really just a willingness for death to come, or is there something cooking up in that Potter brain of his? Rated for dark thoughts and the darkness that shall ensue.

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Harry has finally decided that it's time to take action. It's the summer after his seventh year, and he's readied himself for death. But really, is that all there is to it? Is it really just a willingness for death to come, or is there something cooking up in that Potter brain of his? Rated for dark thoughts and the darkness that shall ensue. This chap's a little fluffy, though.
Author's Note:
Wow! Yes! Sorry it's taken so long for me to get this next chappie up, but it's been one heck of a month! (Remind me to never become editor of the student newspaper! It's murder!) Anyway, onward with the fic! And thanks for the beautiful reviews! It kept me from having a nervous breakdown the week of my school's play!

Chapter 2--Rubies and Little Ones

The man walked down the road silently, the darkness of night enveloping his strong and lithe form. The black cloak he wore made him all the less visible, wearing a black robe with black shirt and pants underneath. The only thing that could be seen in the night was the silver clasp to his cloak: a silver snake with emerald green eyes.

He walked into the Boar's Head, the hood of his cloak obscuring his face from sight. He sat quietly in a corner table, contemplating, his long gloved fingers steepled on the table, tapping together every few moments to an inaudible beat.

A middle-aged woman with a very low-cut robe watched the man as he sat so still. She whispered over to Jack, the bartender, "Who's that bloke? Nevah seen 'im around 'ere befoah."

The bartender shrugged. "Dunno myself, Jessie. Why don' you go up and ask 'im, eh? 'e may even be able to give some entertainmen' 'round 'ere." He leered over at Jessie. "Cor, you still got some life in ya yet, right Jess?"

She shrugged him of, though she smiled slightly. " 'O course I do, Jack; 'o course I do." Taking a deep breath and hoping not to make a fool of herself in front of Jack, she swayed her way towards the man in the black cloak.

She smiled down at the man before her, her teeth almost as sharp as the glint in her eyes. "Somethin' ya want, mister?" The man ignored her completely, continuing to tap his long gloved fingers together. " 'ey, mister, I'm talkin' to ya, mister!" He gave no indication that he had heard. Those fingers of his were annoying her like hell. " 'ey! Anyone 'ome in there? You too rude ta speak or summat?" She less-than-gently nudged his shoulder.

She was about to leave when he suddenly grasped her wrist in a surprisingly strong grip. The motion had caused his hood to tilt back slightly, showing piercing grey eyes, now sharp and alert. His voice was cold and yet soothing and deep, like silk hiding a stiletto. "I shall speak to whomever I wish to when I wish to. Don't forget that." He let go of her wrist and leaned back in his seat. "Have a seat."

Jess thought he was about to throttle her or something when he had grabbed her wrist, but now he was asking her to sit down? Oh, hell; what have I gotten myself into this time? Of course, I've gotta get myself stuck in jus' about every impossible situation on this whole planet... She hesitated, but the mystique and obvious strength of this man piqued her interest too much for her to refuse.

She slid into the seat as the man snapped his elegant fingers. Immediately, a man came up towards them, head bowed in respect towards the man. The man smiled, then said in Italian, "A whiskey and soda for myself; a martini for the lady." He turned towards Jess, speaking in English. "You do like martinis, don't you?"

She gaped at him for a few moments, then said, "Yes...who is that guy, an' wot'cha say to 'im?" She mentally shook her head. Well, wasn't that polite. I might as well have asked his weight and whether he had any dark secrets attached to him while I was at it...

He smiled slightly in response, showing sharp pearly-white teeth in the darkness. "To answer your questions, I told him to get us some drinks, and he is my servant."

She gasped openly at him. "You 'ave personal servants, mister? Tha' ain't 'ouse elves?"

"House elves are hideous and tiresome creatures. I have none in my employ."

"Then what, may I ask ister, do you 'ave in your employ?"

"If it is that important to you, many various creatures that need to concern you. Maybe someday you shall learn, but not today." At that moment, the man's servant was back, holding a silver tray with two pristine glasses set upon it. He placed them before the two at the table, bowed, kissed the man's hand reverently, and left.

The man swept up his glass in his hand and extended it towards the woman. "A toast to the company, Miss..."

"Oh, it's Jessie, mister."

"...Miss Jessie, and the anniversary of that Potter brat's death." He sipped his drink while Jessie downed hers in ten seconds flat. "Ahh...it has been two years, has it not, Miss Jessie?"

"Yes; two blessed years 'ave been wonderful without 'is god-awful presence. The sides are no longer even, and things are lookin' up for our side!" She whooped loudly, then smiled at the man. A slightly puzzled look overtook her face after a few moments, though, and she said thoughtfully, "Odd, though, 'ow 'is bank account was emptied like that. 'ad a 'umongous fortune in there." An odd smile graced his face, unexplainable but chilling. She could feel a shiver slide down her spine. "Listen, mister; what's your name?" She tossed her curly blonde hair back, batting her pretty eyelashes over pale blue eyes.

"My name? Call me Adonis."

"C'n I 'ave a face to go with the name?"

"If you so wish..." He pulled down his hood to show a sharply defined face of unexplainable race. His chestnut brown hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail, elegant eyebrows arched over ever-alert grey eyes. A slightly Roman nose and higher cheekbones finished the effect, making one think of elegant ease and beauty. She couldn't help but stare at this specimen of the male species. She half wished he had not revealed himself; she would never be able to see a man the same ever again...

Once she had overcome her shock and pulled her jaw back into its rightful position, she decided she'd chance a word or two, but no more, in case her voice failed her. "Well, Adonis, nice to meet you!" She nodded her head once, a crooked smile overcoming her lips. Those eyes were so unnerving... "Well, I'll be damned, but 'aven't I seen ya befoah? Fer some reason, you look familiar like."

He smiled slightly as he took a sip of his drink. "It must have been a coincidence of some sort."

A dead lull fell upon them.

"Well...I s'pose I'll be seein' ya." She shot up from her seat and realized her foot was caught on the table leg. Oh, bloody hell; I'm going to make a complete and utter fool of myself in front of everyone...

But before she had time to reach the floor, an arm shot forward and caught her in its firm grasp, gently lifting her back into a standing position and settling her back down into her seat. She couldn't help but stare at Adonis in awe and amazement; how could anyone have such quick reflexes...

Realization brightened her face as her eyes widened a little more. "Good gods; you're Roderick! Roddy Ainsworth, the fastest seeker in 'history! I knew I remembered you from somewhere!"

He smiled a small, helpless smile, spreading his arms out in admittance. "It looks like I've been found out. Just try not to spread the word, would you? I've been looking for some peace and quiet after all the limelight, get serious with my beliefs on the war." He leaned closer towards her, his captivating grey eyes just inches away from her blue ones. "I want to become a Death Eater. Any suggestions, Jessie?"

She smiled, quite a bit of pride showing in her eyes. Well, well; the famous Roddy asking me for some advice! Wait 'til the girls hear about this! "Well, Roddy, I can't 'elp you much, but if I ever 'ear anythin' around this bar about it, you c'n be sure I'll tell you first!" She smiled warmly at him. "But I say you should make friends with the top dogs first, if you get my meaning. You know, them that gets the best cuts, especially the really big pureblood families."

"Thank you terribly for your advice." He stood, his whiskey and soda only half finished. "I must be going now. I have enjoyed your company immensely." He bowed to Jessie, kissed her hand, and was about to leave when one last thought crossed his mind. "Oh, and Jessie? Please do remember that this conversation never happened, and that you have never met Roddy in your entire life." With that last comment, he exited the Boar's Head in a swirl of blackness, his hood up once again, concealing the predatory grin upon his face.

Jessie stood from the table, the glasses in her hands. She walked up to the bar and placed them on it. " 'ere ya go, Jack; did the gentl'man pay you already for them?"

"Jess, 'e paid me for them, the licker, but not the glasses. Thems 'is own. S'pose they're yours now. An' nice ones, too. Prolly crystal or summat."

She turned the exquisitely made glasses over to see if they had any marks on them. "Oi, Jack! Look 'ere! Look what's covering the bottom of 'em!" She pointed first to the martini glass. "All covered in galleons!" She pried one off. "Must be at least ten of 'em! And 'is glass, look!" Underneath his glass was a silver necklace with a small but exquisitely and absolutely perfect ruby pendant on it. Attached to this was a note:

"Milady, please accept this gift as thanks for a conversation and a lovely time. May this be worn beautifully on your still more beautiful neck. Humbly, Adonis."

"You don't...you don't think it's real, do ya, Jack? Jus' think, a real ruby!" She immediately clasped it around her neck, marveling at its beauty. She fingered it gently as she glanced at the door he exited. "Wisht I'd gotten 'is address, knew where 'e lived..." She sighed, took the glasses, and walked away in a haze filled with rubies.

*** *** ***

He motioned towards his servant holding his broom. "Graziano, I shall be flying home tonight. Don't expect me for a while; the trip is a long one."

He bowed his head. "As you wish, Adonis."

"Oh, you can stop with the act, Graziano; there's no one about." He smiled at his friend kindly. "You know this is just until everything is straightened out, and then everything can go back to normal."

He fidgeted a little, thoughts flying through his head. But what if nothing can be the same again? What if the end never comes, and nothing can be as normal again? What if... His thoughts were cut off by Roddy's calming voice.

"You know, Grazi, you need to relax. This whole acting thing is getting to you, isn't it? Take a load off your feet, and get some rest. I'll be back at the house presently, don't you worry." He clapped Graziano's shoulder reassuringly, laughing. "Now, go on; I'm sure Eirian will be waiting up for the both of us. Tell her I'll be coming in later."

Graziano relaxed a little, smiling at this man who had taken care of him at his roughest moments in life. "Sure thing, Roddy; she'll be mighty upset, though. You do remember the fit she threw the last time you came home late..."

This time, Roddy laughed long and hard, throwing his head back, his hair coming loose from its ponytail. Gradually, he regained his self control, wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes. "I refuse to let that happen again! I like my head in one piece, thank you very much, with no holes or bumps in it!" He smiled at his companion, a thought coming to mind. Why can't everything be like this, with all of this sadness so quickly dispersed? "Now go and explain things to Eirian before I get back, or she may want my head on a platter this time!"

Graziano smiled and apparated away, leaving Roddy to his own musings.

Adonis climbed up on his broom, looked one last time out of the place he had once called his home years before, and kicked off into the sky and towards one of his new homes: Italy.

The wind whipped comfortingly around his thin frame, setting him once more at ease with the world. Once in the air, all of the pressing matters around him were bound to the ground. From here, up above, he could view the situations with a clear head, could see things from all vantage points and observe the actions of others. It was one of his only true freedoms.

As he flew, he thought about his plans. Hopefully, all would go well. He had already established himself in the wizarding world of England as the fastest seeker in history, and as many other things in different lands. Keeping up all these different personas was difficult at times, but essential to his plan. It must be this way of he was to work his plan and work it well. Two years of training and planning followed by two years of preparing and making ready all led up to this crucial time; he had to do it, it had to work, and if not? Oh, well...that's life. Anyway, he would not fail. Failure and anything related to it had been erased from his vocabulary.

He looked back on the last two years, wondering if there were any loose ends yet to tie off. He had made himself a prominent figure in many places around the world, and also was able to cope with it all. He had the trust of many, the praise of many, the glory and fame of many as well. And still, everything thought him to be on the side of the Light, even if many of the Dark respected him as well. It would make things all the more easier.

However, for some reason, there was something nagging at his heart. There was something missing, something he must have forgotten. His mind searched for this missing link for hours as he careened through the night sky, but no amount of self-examination was helping him discover what this missing piece could be.

He roused himself from contemplation in just enough time to keep from running into the ground. I really need to pay more attention to things... He landed silently on the ground and walked towards the house, taking comfort in the quiet of the night.

He was about to open the door for himself when it was opened for him. A young slip of a girl careened into his body, hugging him fiercely. He swung her quickly up in his arms, smiling as she squealed in delight. "Brian, Brian; you're home!"

He smiled benevolently at her as he carried her into the marble entrance. "Yes, I am home, little one, but unfortunately not for long." He placed her back on her feet. "But," he said, his voice becoming a shade sterner, "I'd like to know why you opened the door. Even if you can see who's at the door, that does not mean you can open it to even me. It could have been someone dressed up as me, you know."

As he spoke, her head began to bend further and further down until it seemed as if her head could go no further unless it toppled off her shoulders.

"I want you to promise me that you will not do anything like that ever again. Is that understood?" She nodded her head solemnly. His tone softened as he bent down to her level, cupping her little face in his hands. "I don't want to lose you, ever. It's just a precaution, but someday it may save your--or my--life. Okay?" She nodded her head again, this time daring to look into his eyes. They held a mixture of softness and sternness, and a little bit of something she couldn't explain. She would have to figure it out later.

He straightened his tall frame once more to look down at the little girl, marveling at how different they were and yet how similar. She was short for a child of six, and he was tall for a man of twenty. Her long and curly blonde hair contrasted with his wavy brown hair just below his shoulders. Pale green eyes sparkled along with piercing grey ones as a small hand slipped in to his larger one, and they walked towards the staircase hand in hand.

"Now, Eir, you get dressed while I change from this outfit, and we'll have an early breakfast." He watched as she scampered into her room, giggling. A wry smile crept about his mouth as he shook his head and made his way to his own room.

The doors opened before him to show the splendor of the room in its elegant simplicity. The walls were a rich red, with beautiful paintings hanging on the wall. Embroidered pillows and blankets were strewn artfully across the entire interior, so far from the high cathedral ceiling. Mahogany furniture finished the effect, with beautiful carvings in every piece of wood, the animals and people moving and keeping watch over their own little territories in the room.

He walked into his bathroom, quickly showering. His thoughts turned towards Eirian, the little blonde-haired wonder he had found while traveling in America. She was a special girl, to be sure. He had found her little more than a year ago, alone in a muggle orphanage. Somehow, this little child had set fire to the playground's woodchips after having her hair pulled viciously by a little boy. He shook his head in wonder. It was quite a wonder that the American Confederation had not noticed her powers before he had, but as Fate had it, he was the lucky man.

He began a conversation with her, and it had grown into a budding relationship filled with light and love, something he rarely ever saw any longer. He could still remember it as if it were yesterday...

It's bright out today. America is a beautiful land, though so different from England. Today, there isn't a cloud in sight. I should come here more often to take a rest...

But, what's that? Clouds aren't supposed to look like that, all smoky grey and twisted, rising like that. For some reason, I feel pulled to rush to the spot, a need to see what is going on. I feel my feet following the tell-tale signs of a fire, and a large one at that. The smell of smoke fills my head as I come to a clearing. Through the smoke I see a little girl, sitting on the woodchips of a playground, or at least, the chips that were still untouched by the fire surrounding her.

As I look back, I can still feel the shock of her immense powers. They gushed forth in an angry rage at the time. Her cheeks were stained with the paths of a multitude of saltwater droplets falling to the ground. I immediately ran through the flames and grabbed her, running right back out.

We were both a little worse for wear when some firemen came. You didn't cry, little one; you said not a word as the firemen tried to comfort you, nor did you say a word when they tried to ask you what had happened. All you did was bury your face into my coat, and for some reason, I felt lighter inside, as if some burden was taken away as I held you in my arms.

I never learned your name until we met again, this time at your orphanage. It took me a week to find your orphanage, but find it I did, only to find you, huddled in a corner of the room, your eyes so wide and staring off into space, beyond the grey walls of the room. I wanted to steal you away from that place, and so I did. It caused quite a disturbance, but I made it official later. You are my ward, but also something more. You are my link to the life I once had, the pureness and light I once used to feel. You are so precious to me. Never leave me, little one, nor break your Brian's heart.

He shook his head, clearing the fog of memories. He quickly changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants. When he became a Death Eater, he would have to give up this muggle comfort. Oh well; a small sacrifice, he supposed.

He walked down the stairs towards the dining room, Graziano opening the doors for him. He stepped into a huge room, filled with silver and crystal chandeliers, a huge table of teak wood, and beautiful tapestries hanging gracefully onto the walls. The mood was bright and festive, even though the ones that would be eater would probably be asleep by the time they got to their eggs.

She sat beside his own chair, at the head of the table, smiling cheerily even if she was dead tired after waiting up for him. He sat down beside her, ruffling her hair. "Good morning, little one! And how was your sleep last night?" he smiled cheekily.

"Sleep? Oh, yeah; sleep! It was great! I think..." She tried to suppress it, but the yawn came unbidden. She instead ignored her tiredness and picked up her fork, waiting for breakfast to appear. "What are we eating today, Brian?"

"Hmm..." he said, scratching his chin. "What to eat...pancakes? Crepes? Waffles?"

"Ooh! Waffles! Let's have waffles!"

He chuckled slightly. "Chocolate chip waffles it is, then!" He murmured into his plate, "Chocolate chip waffles for the little lady and myself, please." Suddenly, great stacks of waffles appeared on their plates, complete with whipped cream, syrup, chocolate sauce, strawberries, blueberries on the side.

He shook his head ruefully, reminding himself to tell the cooks downstairs that so much food was not needed, especially for a little girl and a man that ate little.

But, through their tiredness, they gobbled down as many waffles as their stomachs could hold. "Mmm...full, Brian!" she said, smiling up at him.

A pain gripped his heart at the thought of what he might have to subject her to, but suppressed it as best he could and smiled at her. "Good; so am I. You know what that means, don't you?" His smile widened as he picked her up from her hair, racing out of the room and up the stairs with her in his arms. She squealed in delight as he dropped her on her bed filled with pillows and blankets to sit on, himself falling right next to her.

They laid on the bed and laughed for a while until Eirian yawned loudly. But before he could open his mouth, she cried out, "I'm not sleepy!" He chuckled at her, then decided to let it go; she would asleep soon.

And, true to his thoughts, she was asleep in five minutes, curled up towards his radiating warmth. He smoothed back a strand of hair from her face and smiled at the little girl that had become so close to him. He slowly and gently levitated himself off the bed, wrapping Eirian gently into her covers. "Sweet dreams, little one," he whispered softly near her ear, then floated out of the room and into his own.

He floated towards his bed, not bothering to change. He slipped into the covers and soon fell into a deep, dreamless sleep...

*** *** ***

While one man slept, another sat inside a little knoll surrounded by weeping willow trees. His face was wrinkled, his white hair long and flowing softly in the breeze. His half-moon glasses hid misty blue eyes. He told himself that something must be in his eyes to make them water so.

It had been exactly two years since he had visited this place. Two entire years of sadness had gone by, two years of disappointment and sorrow and the slow but steady descent into hell. Well, at least the boy wasn't here to witness it all. The young man was gone from this world, hopefully to some better place.

His mind turned to the only things that kept up the spirits of the people: the stars of their time, the top Aurors, the highly respected, those that had gone through the most and escaped with their sanity and their lives.

But there were other stars, indeed. These were the stars that represented the light-hearted past. These were the top Quidditch players, the story writers and musicians, the entertainment of this day and age. Especially that one man--Roderick, wasn't it?--that had grabbed everyone's attention. He had popped out of nowhere, the handsome young devil, and had stolen the public's heart with his wit and talent and smile. He caught the army's eyes with his spectacular tactics and his own magical abilities, winning all the duels that came to him though not mortally wounding any of them. He usually patched his opponents back together himself. It was as if he was picking up the job Harry had tried to manage...

He shook his head ruefully. An old man's thoughts. That's all it was. An old man's thoughts...

He stood from his seat and looked around him one last time before he left. He'd be back next year, if he lived long enough. He placed a single forget-me-not on the cloak that covered the body, a single forget-me-not in a myriad of other flowers Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Minerva, and Remus had left. He was the last.

"Rest in more peace than I am right now, Harry Potter." And with that, he was gone.

Author notes: I know, it's a fluffy transition chapter; we're getting to the good stuff, trust me! Just please, have patience! And all flames will be used to cook marshmellows for winter!