The Werewolf and I


Story Summary:
I have lived my whole life with Kolen and the rest of the vampire clan. We're constantly migrating; fleeing from sunlight and those dreaded, mortal humans who have for centuries been hunting down and slaughtering our kind. I was one of the few, lucky survivors. One day, Kolen came to me in and put me on a dangerous mission to recreate our clan. My name is Katrina Sillane, and this is the story of my fateful mission...

Chapter 02

Author's Note:
I just want to say that I dedicate this entire story to my friend, Jessica, who is in fact a real person (you'll find out about her in later chapters). And I also would dedicate this to my music teacher, who always supported me in my art, music, and writing.

My arms were folded tight across my chest; my mouth forming a scowl.

"Stop acting like that," Marcus had warned. "You look like a two-year old who didn't get the correct flavor of ice cream they wanted."

But how could I stop acting so aggravated? We were riding in a taxi cab; a human controlled cab. Dear God, please help us! I had begged Kolen, even fallen upon my knees to prevent us from riding this junk. Yet my Master remained as stone-faced as ever.

It was the middle of the night; not yet dawn. We vampires couldn't stand even a hint of sunlight. My mind drifted back to the memory where I witnessed Clara's punishment. The girl was fooled by those humans that if she gave our location away, they would make her mortal. That foolish girl; I still pity her. We later found out that it was her doing why we were found. Her punishment was to be burned by the light of day. It was a horrid image. Her skin melted away; her bones eventually reduced to ashes.

A loud sound broke through my thoughts. HONK!!!

"Pay up and get out." The cab driver reached his hands towards me. "Make it quick; I've got other customers to attend to."

I snarled (making sure not to show my fangs) and gave him my best death-glare. That seemed to make him retreat a bit.

"Now, Katrina..." Kolen pulled me out of the torture-vehicle and handed the man his cash.

Greedy, good for nothing humans. Marcus led me toward a stone wall and the car drove away, the spluttering from its engines retreating from my earshot. Kolen approached me, his face pale in the moonlight; anger dancing in his eyes.

"You are not to do anything foolish!" He bellowed into my face. I kept my image as calm as possible. "I'm beginning to doubt you can actually succeed this mission. It's a good thing Marcus is watching over you." He nodded at the boy standing next to me.

"Sir, Katrina meant no harm..." Marcus began to take my side.

"Enough!" Kolen raised a hand. His anger was replaced by grief. "I am putting you in great danger, my dear. I truly am afraid for you..."

"Master..." I started to speak, but was interrupted by him again.

"Here are your directions." He took out two small, crystal glasses each containing a clear liquid. "Do not let the color or size of this trick you; these are temporary antidotes. You must take a drop in the mouth each waking morning. This potion will shrink your fangs, make you invulnerable to sunlight, and prevent your hunger to feed. It is effective for only twenty-one hours, and will last for a year. Take a drop now."

Marcus and I unsurely took the small bottle and each swallowed a bit. It tasted exactly like metallic blood. I hungered for more. A strange sensation began to form in my stomach. Looking up at Marcus, I saw he was clutching his stomach slightly. His skin started to darken a bit. I looked at my own skin. It wasn't as pale as before, it looked almost human! I licked my incisors; they didn't pinprick my tongue. If potions could temporarily change us to human forms, why couldn't we use it to blend in with them?

"Why didn't we use these before to protect our clan? We could've all hid ourselves among humans and not have to flee," I whispered out the last word. I hated to flee.

"Sadly, it takes 100 years or more to brew that small of an amount. We would not have enough for everyone." Kolen's voice remained emotionless. He glanced at the jet-black sky. There wasn't any sign that the sun was rising. "I must leave. Please take care, you two. Oh...To get to Platform 9 ¾, run through that wall. Then leave in the Hogwarts Express." He pointed to the stacked stones we were leaning against and vanished into the air. Kolen has left us.

How in the world were we to run through solid wall?

I stared at the wall blankly and murmured, "I'm going to get a concussion today."

Marcus laughed, deep and cheerful. How could he laugh when I wasn't feeling humorous at all? I glared at him even though a smile played around my lips.

"So, are we going to stand here all night, smiling like two teenage idiots?" He asked.

Oh, brilliant! Marcus, the serious, arrogant git was feeling humor at a time like this. I really didn't understand that boy.

"I don't know what else to do. Do you think the antidote will actually work? I don't think being stripped by the sun would be much fun." There was anxiety in my voice, maybe even fear. I decided there were both.

"Dawn will break out soon, Katrina. Have patience."

Patience? I was terrified of daylight. It was by far my deepest fear. I flinched slightly as the heat increased gradually in the air. The sky was turning a shade of purple. There was nothing I could do. I didn't trust that potion; it was probably just purified blood. Had Kolen wanted to kill us? Nah. Or, at least, I hoped not.

Light started flooding over the hills. I prepared to shield myself from my worst fear.

"No!" I whimpered.

The light touched my skin; I thought I heard singeing. Then, something amazing happened; I felt warmth. It made me shiver. It was such an odd feeling, not having experienced it over a hundred years. I opened my eyes slightly and squinted into the sunrise. I'm alive!!!

Marcus was already looking around at his surrounding. He accepted changes so quickly. Wasn't he at least a bit happy that we didn't burn to ashes?

"Walk through the wall..." he whispered. "Come on, we're going to Platform 9 ¾."

He picked up our valises and walked behind me.

"You go first," he suggested.

"Wait, WHAT?" I practically shouted out the last part.

"Fine, I'll go first." Marcus didn't even hesitate to before he charged into that wall.

I closed my eyes, expecting to see an unconscious form of him when I opened it. But when I looked around to see Marcus's body, it wasn't there. He'd disappeared...into that wall.

Oh, God, I'm going to need brain surgery after this! I closed my eyes and walked very carefully towards the wall. I banged against it, my nose feeling numb. Ouch. How had Marcus done it? Well, he was completely foolish and charged...right, he charged into the wall. It was now or never. I backed away and tried again, this time running at full speed. My eyes were still closed, but I felt no wall this time. Yes...BANG. My body hit into something tough, but not as hard as the wall. I lost my balance and fell flat on my bottom. There it was again, the deep laughter.

"You all right?" Marcus asked in a concerned voice.

Why did people always ask that question even when they knew perfectly well you weren't 'all right'?

"Oh, I'm just dandy, Marcus! Just dandy, especially after running into something a foot taller than me!"

The boy grinned innocently and helped me up.

"We should get on the train." He pointed to the steam engine with a sign that read, "Hogwarts Express".

I rubbed my aching forehead one last time and followed Marcus onto the almost empty train. There were few students; perhaps only four, excluding us. We found an empty compartment and settled into it. I've never been on a train before, and was fascinated by my surroundings. Staring out the large window, I saw more students dressed in strange, black robes pouring onto the train. I noticed our clothes were way too different from everyone else's.

"What's in our trunk?" I eyed the valise sitting on the floor.

Marcus shrugged. "I don't know; haven't checked at all. Kolen packed it."

I rose from my feet, bent down, and unlocked my trunk. There was a bundle of black clothing, a wooden stick (I knew it was called a wand, but I knew it as a "stick"), a small cauldron, and a large bag of what seemed like coins. There was also a necklace with a sharp incisor chained on it. A note lied beside it.

Dear Katrina,

This necklace has been given to both you and Marcus. Wear it always, for if you are ever in danger, you can use it to contact me. Please, remain safe and stay as unnoticed as possible.

Worrying about you and Marcus,


I hugged the necklace and put it around my thin neck. Then, I carefully took out Marcus's and gave it to him.

"Put it on. It was from Kolen, so we can contact him in our time of need."

The raven-haired boy nodded and did as I instructed. Then I took out our black robes. It had a symbol on it with four animals. Strange.

"I'm going to change into my new...clothes," I told Marcus.

"Maybe I should come with you, so to make sure your safe."

I rolled my eyes. "Marcus, I don't need a bodyguard every second of my life." He eyed me, a flash of hurt go through those silver eyes. "This is a train. It's safe!"

I waltzed out carelessly towards a restroom. Who could have known I was a vampire? The restroom stall was within my sight. I walked in, locked the door, and changed into the black robes. When everything was on properly, I stared at myself in the mirror. The clothes fit snugly; it felt warm and soft. I liked it. I strolled back to my compartment.

"Ta-da!" I walked in front of Marcus to welcome his reaction.

He smiled that innocent smile of his and said, "The witch has arrived!"

"Yeah...Now all I need is my stick, and the costume will be complete!" I exclaimed back. I felt so carefree and joyous; a feeling that didn't come by too often. "You should change too."

"Later..." He yawned.

Watching Marcus yawn made me do the same. I sat next to him and started falling asleep. Hey, if you were a vampire, right now was naptime. My head rested on his shoulder and I fell into deep slumber.

Well, I really hope you liked it. I know I'm a HUGE fan of vampire stories. If you all like this story, I suggest you to get read Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter novels. The name of the author is Laurell K. Hamilton.