The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Drama Slash
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/20/2004
Updated: 09/19/2004
Words: 16,425
Chapters: 4
Hits: 1,259

The Last Waltz

Anaria Nothren

Story Summary:
Waltzes were never a piece of my existence. I had never seen anyone I know waltz nor had I heard of anyone I know waltzing. But of course, I didn't know how to waltz and I never even considered learning. It was to remain this way until the last year. Seventh year. Our last year and I could remember that night clearly; I can remember exactly how you looked that night.``Harry has been losing faith in his hero status and it only gets worse as the waltz begins.`` SLASH!

Chapter 01

Waltzes were never a piece of my existence. I had never seen anyone I know waltz nor had I heard of anyone I know waltzing. But of course, I didn’t know how to waltz and I never even considered learning. It was to remain this way until the last year. Seventh year. Our last year and I could remember that night clearly; I can remember exactly how you looked that night.

Words: 5,377
Hits: 530
Chapter 02

Ron faces Harry who receives an interesting revelation about his friend. The Valentine's Ball arrives. Will there be another waltz?

Words: 3,795
Hits: 240
Chapter 03

Harry confronts Draco about his decision, Draco reacts in a surprising fashion or maybe not so surprising.

Words: 3,777
Hits: 225
Chapter 04

Hermione finds out a few important things about the dance curse while Draco causes trouble. Harry is given an unusual gift. All in all, The Boy Who Lived is still in danger.

Words: 3,476
Hits: 264