Remus Lupin
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 05/29/2003
Updated: 04/04/2005
Words: 66,913
Chapters: 25
Hits: 14,583

From the Eyes of the Werewolf


Story Summary:
A retelling of Prisioner of Azkaban from Remus Lupin's point of view. Contains parts of the Thing1 AU.

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
PoA told from Remus' PoV

(AN: Much of this chapter was written out in a chat between Thing1, Durayan, and myself. Hence, I cannot take full credit for some of these ideas. But I must say, this is my favorite chapter in this story so far. Well, the next chapter is pretty clever, but I so enjoyed writing the Sorting Hat song. I hope you like this as much as I do)

Chapter Four

The Werewolf in the Hat

The Great Hall was always an exquisite sight to see on the first day of term. Even after all the years he spent in his youth here, Remus still held the place in awe. It took his breath away, especially after being away for so long. He glanced up at the enchanted ceiling, and the condition of the sky outside, and marveled that they would still require the first years to cross the lake in this weather. A bolt of lightning shot across the ceiling, brightening the room briefly. The candles were still floating in the air, but on a dark night like tonight, the castle would seem more dimly lit than usual.

He started toward the front table where the staff always sat. Without even realizing he was doing it, his eyes fell upon the Gryffindor table, currently empty. The students had yet to arrive, and the table seemed unused to the quiet. Soon, excited students, begging for the feast to begin, would crowd around it.

"Ah! Remus, my dear fellow!" Professor Dumbledore headed for him with his hand outstretched. "So good to see you here, finally!" he said jovially, shaking Remus' hand. "Allow me to introduce the rest of the staff." He turned, keeping a hand on Remus' shoulder, and guided him down the table, naming each professor as they went.

"I believe you already know Professor Flitwick and Professor Binns, let me start with Professor Sprout, our Herbology teacher."

A short, round witch came bounding up to him and shook his hand rather enthusiastically. "Yes, yes, Professor Lupin. Very pleased to meet you." She leaned in close to him and whispered, "And we're all stocked up on wolfsbane!" She smiled at him, but Remus didn't feel at all comforted by her statement. Dumbledore had alerted them about the wolf. Why wouldn't he? But Remus had never been surrounded by so many people that knew about his condition before. He had always kept it to himself. There was one birthday he could remember where all his friends who had known and his parents were in attendance, but that was different. These people here were almost total strangers, and their knowing about the wolf set him on edge.

Dumbledore continued to introduce the staff, and everyone was pleasant towards him, but they all looked at him in that all too familiar way that Remus had grown accustomed to. It was a cross between pity and wonder. Most people, once they knew the truth, found it very difficult to believe. But as Remus proved it to them, they would always start to pity him if they didn't shut him out and shun him completely, and he hated that. That above everything else was why he wanted to keep the wolf a secret. He could deal with people hating what he was, but the pity was too much for him. He had survived twenty-seven years like this, graduated Hogwarts, and had never in his life hurt another human being. That wasn't something to pity.

The names of the professors were dancing in his head now, as students started making their way into the school. He was going over them again and again, determined to have them down pat and not appear a fool that couldn't remember names. Sinistra, Vector, Sprout, Hooch....but someone was missing.

"Excuse me, Madam Hooch, but do you know where Madam Pomfrey is?" He wanted to catch up with her so badly.

"I believe she is still tending to Mr. Potter. Awful creatures, those dementors."

"Yes indeed," added Professor Vector. "Weren't you on the train when it happened, Professor Lupin?"

"I was. It had quite an effect on him, I'm afraid."

"The innocent are usually affected badly by dark creatures." The comment had come from Snape, who met Remus' eyes without fear.

Without skipping a beat, Remus said, "Yes, they are. Which is why I will be sure my students can protect themselves against all dark creatures. Wouldn't you agree, Severus?"

The comment had the desired effect. He was certain that Snape understood his underlying meaning as Snape turned away from Remus and took his seat at the table. Remus smiled to himself, his suspicions confirmed. Apparently, the rest of the staff was unaware of Snape's little secret. This gave Remus quite a bit to play with and he knew it would be his way of keeping Snape in check this year. Very interesting that Dumbledore would inform the staff of a werewolf and not about this.

The hall was now full and Remus looked around for Harry, but didn't see him. He did, however, spot the red-haired family. As he took his seat, he asked Professor Sinistra who the family was.

"Those are all Weasleys! Their father, Arthur, works for the Ministry of Magic. Very talented, the whole lot of them, but beware of the twins. I've not had them in class myself, but I've heard they can cause quite a fuss!"

Remus had heard of Arthur Weasley of course, and was pleased to know that Harry had found friends in such a good family. How many times had Remus been thankful for his own good friends? As he watched them, he saw one of the twins try to frighten the little girl with something in a box. She made a face, rolled her eyes at her bother, and turned to catch up with a friend. Remus chuckled to himself.

Everyone grew suddenly still as Professor McGonagall entered the Hall, leading the first years up to the front. Remus noted how scared they all looked as she took out the stool and placed the Sorting Hat upon it. The quiet of the hall was thick as everyone waited for the hat to sing its song for the year.

It may seem strange it may be silly

But here is what I do.

I sort you into houses Based upon your own virtue.

Don't be afraid, there's naught to fear

What should you do, you ask?

Just listen close and I'll describe

Just how to do this task.

Place me boldly upon you head

Your ears I'll slip around,

I'll have a look inside you head

To see what can be found.

If brave and daring you seem to be

Then to Gryffindor you'll go,

But a wise and learned person

Will be in Ravenclaw, you know.

To Hufflepuff I place all those

Who love to work and labor,

But in bold Slytherin you will find

Your cunning, ambitious neighbor.

Each house has noble qualities

Divided as they may seem,

But understand that each is held

With the utmost highest esteem.

I promise this won't hurt a bit,

If I could, I'd cross my heart.

So take a breath as off we go,

The Sorting is about to start!

The hall erupted in applause as the hat finished singing. McGonagall wasted no time in calling out the first name. The student nervously approached the hat, placed it on his head, and sat on the stool, waiting. As Remus watched, a twinge of nervousness hit him in the stomach as he remembered all too well what it was like to be sorted.

"Black, Sirius."

Sirius exchanged a nervous glance with James before he headed for the stool at the front of the hall.

"Come on, Sirius. Don't let that hat see your mischievous side or you'll be in Slytherin," James said to himself in a barley audible voice.

"GRYFFINDOR!" the hat shouted, and Sirius beamed over at James proudly and joined the other Gryffindors at the far table.

Now it was Remus and James' turn to exchange glances, and it was clear they were thinking the same thing. Please, let me get into Gryffindor!

Remus felt his hands go numb as they approached the "L" names and his own name grew closer. That hat had said it could see inside your head and read your thoughts. What would it say when it discovered the wolf? Remus didn't want anyone to know, especially James and Sirius, who had been so nice to him on the train. Please, don't let that hat see the wolf!

"Lupin, Remus."

He felt his knees go weak and he took a timid step forward. He could feel hundreds of eyes on him as he sat down on the stool. Professor McGonagall dropped the hat on his head and it slipped down, covering his eyes. Everything went very dark as he waited, terrified.

"Interesting..." he heard a small voice say. "Very interesting. I've never had one of your kind before."

'One of your kind' it said. Oh no, it could tell he wasn't like the others.

"No, indeed, you are not like the others."

More than ever, Remus wished to be just like everyone else that very moment.

"Why should you want to be like everyone else? Your intelligence is to be admired. A quality not found too often. I would have put you in Ravenclaw, if not for the wolf."

Would have put? WOULD have put? He knew it. He was going to have to make a run for it once the hat revealed his secret. He could just imagine the hat shouting out "WEREWOLF!" instead of a house name, causing all the students to run from him. Oh, why did he ever think he could come here and pretend that he was normal?

"Yes, why did you come? Your presence here shows great courage and strength of character."

Remus only hoped that his legs would show great strength when he was running out of the Great Hall, and that he would have the courage to tell James and Sirius that he had enjoyed the train ride and was sorry for not telling them the truth.

"Hummm..." he heard the voice mumble. "Well then, the bravery is the stronger factor here, so it best be...."


Remus blinked as the hat was removed from his head. He looked around the room stunned. The Gryffindor table, Sirius included, clapped and waved him over. Was this real? Did the hat actually see the wolf and find Remus brave enough and worthy enough to stay at school? His now wobbly legs managed to carry him over to the table where Sirius gave him a swift congratulatory pound on the back. As he sat down with his fellow Gryffindors, his heart calmed down, and he felt for the first time ever, a sense of really belonging somewhere.

They watched as a stumpy boy named Peter Pettigrew was Sorted into Gryffindor. He took a seat next to Sirius and Remus. Then it was James' turn with the hat. It only took a moment for the hat to place him in Gryffindor as well. Remus beamed at his new friends as the Sorting was concluded and Dumbledore began addressing the crowd.

"Welcome!" said Dumbledore, snapping Remus out of the past and back into the present. As Dumbledore explained the presence of the dementors, Remus glanced around to the Gryffindor table and found Harry sitting next to the Weasleys. He appeared to be fine and not the least bit bothered by what had happened. But then, he probably didn't want anyone to know if he was bothered.

Remus drew his attention back to Dumbledore's speech as he heard, "On a happier note, I am pleased to welcome two new teachers to our ranks this year. First, Professor Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

Remus rose from his seat slightly and gave a nod to the students, who were clapping with rather scattered enthusiasm. He had to smile to himself, knowing that they were probably looking at him and thinking, "Here we go again - and it looks like this one won't make it past Christmas, this time." He noticed that most of the noise came from the Gryffindor side of the room, and that pleased him. At least I managed to handle the dementor well enough for them, he thought. But he also noticed other students eyeing him suspiciously and heard a whisper concerning his choice in robes. Never being a vain person, Remus chuckled to himself.

From the other side of the table, Remus felt someone staring at him. A quick glance down was all it took to realize it was Snape. He wasn't just staring, he was giving Remus a look of such anger and hatred that, once again, Remus felt a chill.

Intent on enjoying the feast, Remus ignored his glare and turned to Hagrid, who was also being introduced as a new teacher. Overjoyed at his appointment, Hagrid actually appeared to be blushing. Remus was delighted to hear about this, and so were most of the students, who now applauded and cheered loudly.

"Well, I think that's everything of importance," said Dumbledore happily. "Let the feast begin!"

With the usual sudden pop, the golden plates on the tables began filling with delicious treats and culinary masterpieces. Remus began helping himself as discussion from enthusiastic voices filled the hall with noise. The small talk that followed pertained to course schedules and classroom assignments. Most of the classrooms were in the same places that Remus remembered them to be, but the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom had been moved after a rather grueling incident with a Streeler left the room covered in poison. The room, Remus found out, had been removed from the castle, and the new DADA room, with an adjoining office, was located on the second floor across from the bathrooms.

As the feast came to a conclusion, Remus found himself being instructed on how to get into the staff wing of the school. This was something that the Marauders would have done anything to know back in their day. The staff wing, located off the Great Hall to the north, was one of the most heavily enchanted areas of the castle. Each member of the staff had their own suite of rooms in which they could have or do whatever they pleased. Seeing as how no students were ever allowed in this area, Remus was quite interested in what he would find there.

Unfortunately, it wasn't as spectacular as he had hoped. The enchantments were indeed difficult, and only an advanced wizard would be able to perform the necessary Sayseame Openais charm to obtain passage to the Suit of Armour standing guard at the door. Upon his recognition of the staff member, he would rap once on the large oak door, and it would open up to a large corridor filled with door after door. Remus' suite was at the far end. Apparently, the longer you had been at the school, the closer your suite was to the main door.

He took a deep breath as he entered what would be his home for the next year. It seemed to be a comfortable set of rooms with a sitting room and living area connected to a bedchamber. There were shelves of books along one wall. Remus glanced over and found an entire collection of Lockhart books. He chuckled at them and decided to save "Wanderings with Werewolves" for another night. The bedroom contained a familiar fourposter bed with red drapes. They must decorate the rooms according to the house you were Sorted into, he thought. His trunk had been brought to the foot of the bed, which had been readied for sleep.

The setting, though apparently comfortable, was far from that for Remus. He always had a bit of difficulty moving to a new location, as the wolf didn't easily adapt to unfamiliar surroundings. He remembered his first few nights at Hogwarts with a pang as he didn't get much sleep that first week. Breathing in the slightly musky scent of the room, Remus tried to familiarize himself with his new surroundings.

He decided that adding a few personal items would be the best way to start feeling "at home." So he opened up the large trunk and rummaged around until he found the items he was looking for. Dusting them off, even though they weren't dirty in the slightest, he walked over to the fireplace and set them upon the mantle. They were all photographs. The first was of his parents, waving up at him with they pride they always had. He hoped that they were looking down on him now as he began this career that he always had wanted.

He watched his mum and dad for a long moment, smiling sadly as he watched them laugh and wave, even as they had their arms wrapped around each other; his father's draped over his mother's shoulders, his mother holding his father tightly around the waist. As was his custom, he spoke out loud to the picture, standing here in the solitary space of his new room.

"Well, I'm back at Hogwarts, you see. I'm a professor now...Defense Against the Dark Arts. Can you believe it?"

He smiled at the picture and gave a little wave himself at the figures as they beamed back at him.

"I miss you..." he whispered. "And I still love you. I wouldn't be here without you; thank you. Oh, I still love you so very much...."

They had loved each other very much, and Remus couldn't help but think that even though he still missed them with all his heart, he was glad that they were at least together again. His father had been devastated when they confirmed that Gwendolyn Lupin's cancer was something not even the most advanced healer's magic would cure. She had been young, only 62, and there was every chance that his father was going to face a long, lonely time without her; Remus couldn't even name a time from his childhood when they had been apart for more than a few hours in the working day. Edmund Lupin had never been the same after his wife's death, and his sadness had brought Remus to tears many times. It was almost a blessing that his father had died only 10 years later, still only in late middle age at 87.

He finally understood the true depth of what they felt, really, he thought to himself, as he slowly reached up and placed the second picture on the mantle gently next to his parents. This one was of Katie. Mrs. Noyes had snapped it one day taking Katie by total surprise. That shock showed on her pictured face as she wiped a stray hair out of her eyes, finally smiling. Did she realize how very charming she was?

The last was the picture of Sirius, James, Peter, and Remus taken after the N.E.W.T.s when they left Hogwarts. Lily had refused to get in the picture, insisting instead that it should be a Marauders-only moment. Maybe the picture was a bit inappropriate, all things considered, but Remus owed so much to his friends, even if things didn't turn out as they had planned.

He glanced around the room once more before heading to the bedchamber. He had done it. This was real. He was going to be a teacher. NO! He WAS a teacher at the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world! If only he could share this with his friends. Actually, he could share it with one friend, but he didn't want to write to her just yet. Besides, the feast had made him groggy and he needed his rest so that he would be fully alert for his first class tomorrow. He would have the Gryffindor fifth years and all the teachers had told him to watch out for Fred and George Weasley. Thinking about the tricks they might choose to play on him tomorrow, Remus fell into a deep sleep.