The Darkness

Alisha Lovejoy

Story Summary:
Harry was meant to save the world. When something went wrong during the final battle, Voldemort disappeared. Only a few know and Harry tries to move on with his life. On a holiday in Cairo, an ancient evil is released onto the world. Can Harry keep his wits long enough to defeat Voldemort? Why is Ginny haunting his dreams? Why is Ron dressed like Elvis? And what is a Metrosexual!Draco?

Chapter 09

Chapter Summary:
The party continues, the siege begins. Drunken speeches, drunken stories, drunken drinking games...oh yeah and another babe!
Author's Note:
Thanks to my wonderful and patient beta L. Kathleen Roper.

The Darkness

Chapter Nine ~ Drunken Delusions of Grandeur (part two) a.k.a. The Siege on Slytherin

I'll be brave tonight
Either live or die
I'll be brave tonight
Standing tall and bright
Such romantic eyes
Got me hypnotized
And if I had my chance I'd never let you go
And if I had my chance I'd never let you go

~ Kill Hannah (I Wanna Be a Kennedy)

Lady finger, dipped in moonlight,

Writing "What for?" across the morning sky.
Sunlight splatters, dawn with answer,

Darkness shrugs and bids the day good-bye.
Speeding arrow, sharp and narrow,
What a lot of fleeting matters you have spurned.
Several seasons with their treasons,
Wrap the babe in scarlet colors, call it your own.

~ Grateful Dead (Saint Stephen)


Harry drank his beer and watched the display with Draco and the other Slytherin. His stomach lurched; he wanted to be with him...having fun. He felt left out, like he had been cut from the one thing that kept him sane.

Hermione watched him and touched his arm. "Are you two fighting?" She could sense the anger and sadness in Harry. She had been watching Seamus and Dean laughing with the Weasley twins, but Harry's emotions were hitting her as if she were an empath, so she knew something was definitely wrong.

"I think so, not sure since he won't talk to me." He crossed his arms over his chest and began to pout.

"Why don't you go talk to him?" she asked, trying to help. She had a feeling that there was more going on between her friends, but she kept her mouth shut. She knew Ron wouldn't be too happy if his best friend was involved with Draco Malfoy. Harry and Draco may be friends, but Ron was a bit foolish when it came to certain relationships. She watched a teenage Slytherin enter the Great Hall. "I thought all the students were on hols?"

Harry looked over, "Guess not everyone. Oiy, boy...come here a moment."

The young boy looked confused, but walked over. "Yes, you wanted me." He spoke like a Slytherin and it annoyed Harry just a bit.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you saw those three adults heading down to the dungeon," he asked, feigning a smile.

"Yeah, I saw them. The woman asked me for the password into Slytherin," he said, proud of this fact.

"And did you give it to them?" Harry was trying to maintain some form of control.

The student didn't speak, he only nodded.

Harry took a deep breath. "Do you think I could have the password?"

The boy, who was most likely a seventh year, sneered. "I'm not a complete berk; you're Harry Potter and not a Slytherin. What makes you think I'll give you the pass?" He crossed his arms over his chest, very similar to Draco. His dark hair and eyes broke the illusion.

Do they train them to act like that, or is it bred into them? he thought to himself. "Well, I guess I could let you in on my plan, but then I'll have to kill you."

"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed, smacking his arm and looking at him crossly. "You can't threaten students." Inwardly, though, she smiled, knowing just how much of Draco had rubbed off on her friend.

Harry sighed, "Fine, please let me have the password."

The student eyed him warily. He thought about it, what did he have to lose? Besides, it could be quite funny. He held out his hand and said, "My name's Volacris Boevere and the pass is..." he paused to roll his eyes, "...Salazar's socks. So very lame, I hate the stupid ones."

Harry stifled a chuckle and shook the boy's hand. "Thank you kind sir, I am forever in your debt."

Volacris smirked, "I know."

Harry stood up. "That's it, I'm going down there now." He announced and then sat back down, realizing he had had a bit much to drink. Then he stood up again this time making his way to a table. "I've had it with him and his Slytherin Secrets..." He began to climb onto the table, wobbling a bit.

"Harry you should come down, you'll get hurt," came the soft voice of Neville Longbottom.

Harry glared and then continued, his voice carrying over the music. (Which was, consequently, Purple Rain...)

"For far too long," he began, loudly. The guests slowly turned toward his drunken direction. "We have suffered under the torment of those who would have us believe that they are better then we. We are led to feel inadequate...that our battles have been for naught. We are better than they know; we have strength in family and in love. What do they have? Nicer homes? Better clothes? Nothing that money can't buy..." He stumbled a bit, than regained his footing.

"Tonight...tonight we reclaim what is rightfully ours. Our dignity. Tonight men...and ladies...tonight we venture where not many of us, though some of us have on occasion, ventured before. Tonight we go into the belly of the beast...tonight we take Slytherin House." He stared out at the sea of faces, not able to read if they are impressed or scared. "Who's with me?"

The room was silent except for the music, (currently playing was Tragic Kingdom by No Doubt...who the hell was picking these songs?)

A soft voice called out of the crowd, "I'm in." It was Neville. Harry looked down and smiled as suddenly the words 'I'm in!' and 'me too!' rang throughout the room. Most were redheads saying the words; all were drunk out of their gourds.

Harry smiled and in a motion reminiscent of something out of the play Les Miserables, he leaned forward and pointed at the door....Grabbing Volacris by the arm he led the siege....

Hermione sat with Molly, shaking their heads as Arthur and the Snape came and sat with Albus and Minerva. Hermione smiled and waved at her new husband as he took up rank beside Harry. "Have fun storming the castle boys...."


"Are you sure, Remus?"

"More then I've been about anything else."

"But, I'm not sure."

"Are you afraid?"

"No, I'm not afraid. It just..."

He raised an eyebrow, waiting for the rest of the sentence. When it didn't come he sighed, "It won't hurt."

She smacked his arm. "I know, you prat. It's"

He smiled, "Wow? That's a new one for me. I've heard amazing, brilliant or even oh my Gods, but wow..."

She smacked him again. "You're making this sound dirty."

"Well aren't we going to be?" he winked.

"Aren't we going to be what?" Mundungus Fletcher asked as he entered the parlour where Remus and Tonks were packing up rucksacks with supplies.

Remus had been bent over a pack and straightened out, stretching the kinks out of his back. "Dirty?"

Dung raised an eyebrow at Tonks. "Are we planning to rescue Black or are we planning a threesome?"

Remus rubbed his chin, as if contemplating this, when Tonks smacked him in the arm for the third time. "Oh alright, we're only planning the rescue. What you two kids do on your own time has nothing to do with me." He gave Tonks a wink and lifted his rucksack and secured it to his shoulders.

She glared at him and put her own on, followed by Dung. "So where is it we're going again?" she asked, her brows knit together beneath forest green fringe, the only part of her hair that was long. She had taken to a skin-head look that was both odd and alluring at the same time. Though, Nymphadora Tonks could morph into Severus Snape and still be lovely, it's just who she was.

"Wych Wood Forest, ever heard..." he was cut off by a loud whoop coming from Dung.

"Wych Wood? Ah, the saints are with us. They have the best brewery in Oxfordshire Cotswolds. Witney is famous for its three Bs; its bread, its blankets and its beer. Me mum and I used to visit and I'd sneak into the brewery." They could almost see Mundungus salivating.

Tonks stared at him and then turned back to Remus. "Okay, we've lost him for a bit. What makes you think that's the place?"

Remus beamed and pulled out the last note Sirius had sent him and handed it to her. "In Legend, the thorny plum tree, the oak and the elder are said to be not really trees at all but witches in disguise, hence why they bleed when you cut a notch in the bark. Where else could he mean?" He glanced over her shoulder and motioned to Dung. "Watch this. Dung, did you and Sirius ever visit the brewery at Wych Wood?"

"Ah hell, we didn't visit; we lived there for a week. This one night..."

Remus blocked out Dung's story and turned back to Tonks. "See, I know Sirius, he wants a beer." He winked and walked toward the door. "Are we ready?"

"Ready," said Tonks. She handed Remus his note as she pulled Dung along with her as he continued his tale of drunken debauchery.


Remus, Tonks, and Mundungus appeared within the town of Witney. They immediately headed toward the Wych Wood Forest. The forest was thick at its edges, giving off a distinct impression that it did not want intruders. The ground was white with new fallen snow, the trees bare and foreboding. Remus had a map he'd located in a travel guide; it showed the three trees and a small cabin just beside the rather large triangle. He hoped that the cabin was easy to find because he could feel the cold beginning to set into his bones.

"Let me see that, I am an Auror. I can lead us there better than you," Tonks said with an air of superiority, as her hand shot out to grab the map from Remus.

Remus held fast as her clutching hand tore a corner of the parchment. "Excuse me, Little Miss Common. I really don't think so." He gave the map one last glance and tucked it away. "This coming from the same girl who cannot manoeuvre the hallway at Grimmauld without upsetting the umbrella stand and at least two portraits, I think not. I'll be leading this expedition. C'mon Dung...Dung?" He looked around and then back at Tonks. "Now where did he disappear to already."

She shrugged and turned to walk away, quite miffed at his comments on her grace and ability to lead.

Remus sighed, rolling his eyes. He followed after the tiny woman, hoping Dung found them before nightfall since he was carrying the food.

After about an hour they arrived in a clearing. Remus took out Sirius' last note, which he kept folded neatly and tucked in his breast pocket, close to his heart. He began to turn in a small circle as he looked at the trees surrounding them. "There is a large oak," he pointed out to Tonks, who gave him a look that said, 'now you think I'm a klutz AND an idiot?'

He shook his head and pointed again, "There is the elder." This tree had visible slashes on the side, with what looked like dried blood staining the bark below. He sighed, pitying the imbecile who was stupid enough to cut the tree. Then getting his bearings he looked over and saw the cabin. "Now where is the thorny plum?"

He felt a tap on his shoulder and with a smile on her lips, Tonks pointed above him. "You're standing under it."

He jumped away and looked up at the rather large three. "Oh..." he said, feeling rather foolish.

"So what do we do now? Set up camp? Um...find Dung?" she asked and then looked very introspective. "We don't have to get naked and chant, do we? It's really cold out here and I'm usually up to being starkers, I'm just not feeling it today."

Remus smiled and shook his head. "No," he sighed, "now we wait. Let's go into the cabin and get a fire going. Hopefully Dung will catch up soon, I have a feeling I know where he went."

They walked over to the cabin and entered slowly. The dust on the floor was thick enough to draw in. It looked as though no one had used it in a century. The floor boards creaked and the small bed was on a wooden frame. The mattress was straw and Remus could smell the family of mice that now resided within it. He pulled out his wand and started a fire in the small fireplace. "Soon as we're warmed up, we can tidy the place a bit," he said, cheerily.

Tonks pulled a face, "Clean? You drag me into the woods to clean?"

Remus turned to see her about to throw herself down upon the ratty mattress, he called to stop her but it was too late.

As soon as she hit the bed, a huge puff of dust and dirt bloomed around the young Auror. Along with her cries of disgust, Remus could hear the squeaks from the mouse family. "Argh...okay, okay, we clean." She cried, pulling out her wand and spelling away all the dirt on her clothes.

"Thought you'd see it my way," Remus said with a smile, and shot her a wink.

After yet another hour, the cabin was a clean as they could get it, and Dung still had yet to appear. The sun was setting and the pair were getting hungry.

Remus sat at the small table, hunched over a book he'd rummaged out of his rucksack. Tonks was also at the table, her head down and resting on her arms. Her stomach growled, rather loudly and she sat back to rub it. "Tell me again, Brains, why you let Dung carry the food?"

Remus sat back and stretched, after a yawn he replied, "Like I said the first thirty times. It was the one he grabbed. You could have taken that one just as easily."

"Fine, just add it to my list of failures," she growled. Remus opened his mouth to retort, but a noise outside made the werewolf and the Auror both perk up. Pulling out their wands, Tonks motioned for Remus to take the left side of the door and she'd take the right. Standing up slowly, they took position.

CRASH! "Bloody 'ell, damn effing tree. Leavin' your branch in the middle of my path like that, you could kill someone."

Tonks and Remus looked at each other and at the same time said, "Dung."

Tonks opened the door and stood on the small porch of the cabin. "Dung, where in the hell have you been? We're starving away and you're traipsing all over kingdom come." She watched him stagger some more and her heart sank. "Where's the food, Dung?"

"Tonksy me love, who needs food when we have Wolf Riders Brew," he held up the half drunk bottle of beer.

Remus was standing behind her and grabbed her immediately around the waist as she threw herself at the drunken man. He was holding her as she flailed her arms and legs, trying to get away from Remus and get at Dung.

"Let me go, Lupin. Just let me kill him. We can cook him up then.!" She was strong, but the werewolf was stronger. "That's it, Dung Stew..." she trailed off and visibly calmed down. "Okay, that sounded really disgusting."

"Sorry, Dora, that does sound disgusting and no, I can't let you kill him." As she settled a bit and he placed her back on her feet. He then ran at Dung. "Because, I'm going to." He grabbed the man and pulled him close. "What the hell are you doing? You gave our food away for beer? Who knows how long we have to wait out here for Sirius. Do you want to have to run into town everyday for food, make the townsfolk suspicious and nosy? Do you want to have to explain to the Ministry why we didn't tell them about this odd event? I know I don't!" He was furious and yet Dung continued to smile.

Pushing himself from Remus' grip, he dusted himself off, staggered a little and then began. "I really appreciate the trust you 'ave for me, I really do. But before you get your knickers twisted any more than they are, I didn't trade your ruddy food."

Tonks let out a relieved sigh and Remus relaxed and took a step back.

"I bought the beer thinking we could have something to keep us warm in this frozen hell." He gave them both stern, albeit drunken, glares.

"Sorry Dung," Tonks whispered.

"Yeah, sorry Dung," Remus added.

He continued to look put-out. Then his face split into a grin, "Ah cut it with the long faces. I'll share." He then trod off to the cabin, leaving Remus behind and pushing past Tonks. As he entered he exclaimed, "What a cozy place, I thinks I could live here."

Tonks looked at Remus and before she could say anything he called, "I'm cooking." He ran past her and into the cabin.

She smiled, "I figured as much."

They spent the evening eating and drinking and talking of old times. Remus hated to admit it, but it was the most fun he'd had in a long while. After Sirius fell, everything in his life seemed to have faded, like colours from a photograph. Fun and happiness were fleeting moments that he rarely indulged in. Tonight though, he couldn't help but be swept up by the contagious levity that was Nymphadora Tonks and Mundungus Fletcher.

"So, when we bailed him out, he was still naked," Remus laughingly said, tears streaming his face, bottle of Red Wych beer in his hand.

Dung was sitting beside him, his own collection of empty bottles surrounding him. He was laughing so hard, Remus worried that he couldn't breathe.

Tonks had tears in her eyes from laughing so hard. "Wouldn't the Muggle police give him back his clothes?"

Remus nodded and choked out, "They did, but....but he refused to wear them on account of they were hexed and they were the cause of all his trouble. He believed they were the reason he was kissing everyone at the party, even Snape. He took them off to break the hex." He clutched his stomach; it hurt so hard from laughing. "Of course it didn't explain why he ran thru the streets singing that wand polishing jingle from the WWN. Do you remember it Dung? Rub my wand, watch it glow, though I'm pretty sure he didn't say glow." He burst into new gales of laughter.

"The Muggles wanted Sirius to be psychiatrically evaluated. James and I almost left him there, but he began to beg...and we all know what Sirius Black looks like begging. Picture him begging in the nude." He burst out laughing again, "Best damn New Years party ever."

Dung laughed so hard he fell off his chair. Tonks only pulled a face between laughs. "He's my cousin; I'd rather not picture him starkers." But she continued to laugh.

Calming down, they all sat smiling drunkenly at each other. Eventually, Tonks stood up to go look at the moon. It was a crisp night and the sky had been full of stars. "Oh dear, it's almost morning. We've been drinking all night?"

Remus stood up, cocking his head, feeling very sober suddenly. "Morning?" he whispered as a sound reached his keen ears.

Dung was snoring at this point so Remus nudged him so he'd wake up and be silent. He heard it again and bolted for the door.

"Remus, stop!" she cried, throwing her red shawl over her shoulders and following him out the door. She instantly put her hands to her mouth, gasping.

Dung appeared beside her and they watched the most amazing site.

The three trees, the elder, the oak and the thorny plum, no longer looked like trees. Three very tall witches in flowing grey cloaks stood in a triangle. The elder had rips in her clothes where the slashes had been in the bark and her grey hair framed a careworn face. The oak was younger, her child like visage and sugar spun hair made Remus smile. The thorny plum looked like she was in the middle. Dark raven hair blew around a kind face that looked like it had seen more then it should have. Remus just stood at the edge and watched.

The space between the witches began to glow in a pure white light. They spoke no words as they spread their long branch-like arms out to touch one-another, completing the triangular shape. The light got brighter and brighter and Remus had to look away at the final moment, for fear of being blinded.

Then everything grew dark.

He turned his face back to hear the sound of a baby crying. He was frozen to the spot, the witches were trees again and there was a naked baby lying in the snow. Remus found his feet suddenly had a mind of their own and he was running into the open area and gaping down at the small mewling creature. It had a shock of raven hair and when it stopped wailing and opened its eyes, Remus saw they were silver.

He fell to his knees. "Dora, I need a blanket." He gently lifted the tiny babe, hearing Tonks approach him silently. He held out his hand and she gave him her large red shawl. He wrapped the child in it, holding him close to his chest.

"Remus, what happened?" she asked as they turned to go back to the cabin.

Remus, who had begun to cry, looked at her as if she were miles away. His words came out in a hoarse whisper, "It's Sirius."


Draco, Blaise and Pansy were huddled on a couch in Slytherin House common room. "This place still looks the same, look; even our initials are still carved on the mantle with the others." Blaise said, cuddling close to Pansy. "But I forgot how damn cold it is down here."

Pansy pulled the two boys closer, "Yeah, I can't believe they allow children to live down here. I bet Gryffindor Tower isn't this bloody cold."

"No, it's drafty but not damp," Draco added, sipping his beer he'd nicked on the way out of the Hall. The pair looked at him as if he was insane. "Harry and I used to play chess up there, seventh year. My god people, where did you think I was?" He watched their faces, "Oh sheesh, you two believed the crap I used to feed Crabbe and Goyle about helping Snape in the lab. Ha! You are almost as gullible as they are." He stood up and walked around the room, randomly picking up items and remembering moments from his past.

They were silent, drinking and taking in the room when suddenly there came a crash near the entrance; Draco sat back down with his friends and with a curious look, waited for the monster on the other side to enter.


As they began to head down to the dungeons, Harry was in the lead. Harry noticed a few of the older recruits had disappeared from the ranks. He began to bark out orders. "Finnegan, take the right. Weasley and Weasley take the left. Weasley, Bill and Weasley, the rear. Percy and Oliver..." he looked at the two men as they groped each other. "Just keep doing what ever it is you're doing." He dismissed them. He didn't need slackers in his army.

He turned to the Ernie Macmillan, "You can um...take notes. As you are all well aware, this struggle has been ongoing for centuries and the man very with is on the other side of that wall. I want to storm it and bring him out by his silvery white head." His eyes looked distant, "Damn ferret!"

Ernie laughed and mimed holding a notebook and quill. "You got it Chief."

Harry nodded, "I like you. If we survive I'll be seeking a promotion for you, young man." He then saluted him.

He then turned to the two women in the group. "Angelina and Katie, stay here and tend to the wounded." He looked the two women, bowing his head as if in a moment of silence and turned back to his troops. "Ron, you're with me and Neville, watch the Slytherin boy. He could turn traitor."

"Hi," the soft spoken yet burly Neville said. "Isn't Harry nuts when he drinks."

Volacris smiled, "Yeah, but funny as hell."

Harry ignored the comments and began to lay out the plan. "Okay, we have the password, but I'd rather shake them up a bit before we resort to the easy way." Ignoring the looks of confusion, he continued. "I say we take..." he quickly scanned the hallway and spotted a heavy oak table, "...that table and bash it against the opening."

"Seamus, is he sure that wall is the Slytherin entrance?" Dean whispered to Finnegan. "They all look alike."

Harry spun on his heels and narrowed his green eyes. "You question my authority, Thomas? It is dissention like that that will cause this army to crumble. Of course I know, I've spent enough time down here with Draco. And Volacris wouldn't stray us wrong." He narrowed his eyes at the boy, "Right, Boevere?"

Volacris suppressed a giggle and nodded his head.

"Okay, orders issued, we're off." He made for the table and realized he couldn't move it on his own. He tugged and pulled and eventually, remembering he was a wizard, pulled out his wand and charmed the heavy wood to float toward the wall at an alarming pace. It hit the enchanted wall and the boom echoed thru the halls. He pulled back and allowed for the table to attack again...

The wall suddenly dissolved and they were granted entrance. Swooping his arm in a circle and dropping the heavy oak table, Harry called. "C'mon men..."

They rushed into the room and promptly tumbled down the steps that led to the sunken common room.

Clap, clap, clap!

The sound came from behind them. Snape stood in the door. "Bravo. Now, since you fools felt the need to invade my house, you can spend the night here till you sober up." He raised an eyebrow at the Angelina and Katie. "Ladies, you may leave if you wish. Though, I dare say they will need someone with a sane head." He shot a glare at Harry and Draco. "If you two do not work this out soon, I'll bind you together and stuff you in a closet until you do."

Draco was about to protest when Snape continued, "Mr. Malfoy, need I remind you that you are no longer a student, and as such you are expected to behave a certain way. Do not read too deeply into the matters of a Gryffindor. That pool is almost always very shallow." He gave Draco a knowing look. They may be estranged, but he knew how overly dramatic the blond could be about certain matters. His heart and his affections being number one.

"And Potter, I opened the wall to save that table that is older then everyone in this room combined. Try not to be such a fool next time." With that he spun on his heel and left, sealing and casting a locking spell on the door that would not open until morning.

"Bloody hell Potter, are you trying to get yourself killed?" Draco tried so hard to suppress his laughter. The look on Harry's face was delicious; Draco wanted to go over and snog him, but he knew that Harry was just as drunk as Draco and that wouldn't have done any good.

"I see you brought your army, bunch of fools." Pansy spoke, slowly snaking her hand over Draco's chest and smiling like a Cheshire cat over his shoulder at Harry.

Harry could feel his anger rising, "Why did you leave the party? I wouldn't have had to plot this takeover if you had just stayed where I could watch you." He didn't even realize how his words sounded until they were already out of his stupid mouth. Damn he needed another beer.

"Watch me? Oh, Potter, I didn't know you cared," he drawled, feeling not a little uncomfortable with Pansy around his neck. He knew what she was trying to do and though he appreciated it, he wasn't pleased. "What do you mean, take over of Slytherin? Looks like you are locked in here with the rest of us." He pulled away from Pansy and walked toward the Boy-Who-Lived and pulled him to his feet. Then dusting off his crimson silk shirt he turned and headed toward the secret bar.

"Well, since the number of Gryffindor in this room out number the Slytherin, I think the 'Siege' was a success," he said, tripping down a few more steps before regaining his footing and following Draco to the bar.

Volacris was impressed, "I guess that isn't just our secret." His attention was caught by another student who was coming out of the dorms. "Hey, Nick. Come to join the fun?"

Nick rubbed his eyes; he was a bit shocked to see all these adults in his common room. "What's going on?" He walked over to Cris and Meshell.

"Harry Potter stormed the common room in search of the blond bloke over there. I think he fancies him." Volacris said, smiling at the Slytherin.

Harry turned when he heard the words and yelled, "I DO NOT FANCY MALFOY!"

Draco turned and glared at Harry, "Could have fooled me, with all your wanting to keep an eye on me, following me about, grabbing my arse."

"Well, I erm...Malfoy I've never grabbed your arse!" Harry exclaimed, indignantly.

"Um...that was me, Draco." Blaise said, smiling wolfishly, raising his hand. "When we were getting drinks, I couldn't help it; you've got a nice bum."

Draco shook his head, half disappointed that it wasn't Harry.

The Weasley twins could take no more. "Well if we are stuck in here we could at least do something constructive," George said, smiling wickedly at the fully stocked bar.

Fred agreed, "Everyone get a drink and a seat. We are playing 'I've Never'." He smiled, just as wickedly as his twin.

"Oh hell, this is gonna get messy." Charlie made his way over to the bar and started setting up rounds for everyone.

They all got comfortable, Angelina and Katie sitting on a small sofa together, watching their men. The Weasley twins were lying on the floor, their theory being, you can't be falling down drunk if you never got up to begin with. Bill, Charlie and Ron were sitting around Harry in a semi-circle. Draco, Blaise and Pansy sitting on another couch, while Neville, Seamus, Dean, Nick, Volaris and Ernie sat on random pouffes throughout the room.

"I'm first..." George stated. "I've never...kissed my brothers..." Angelina drank.

"Sheesh, George. That sucked," Fred commented, shaking his head. "I've never seen Malfoy naked."

Pansy, Blaise, Draco, and Harry drink...

Ron squinched his face, "Harry?"

Harry rolls his eyes, "I had to shower in the Slytherin locker room one time because of those two..." He glared at the Weasley twins. "They'd set off fireworks inside the Gryffindor locker room and then charmed away all the towels." He narrowed his eyes, "Bastards!"

Ron, looking less queasy, glared at his brothers.

Charlie went, "I've never...snogged Pansy."

As Draco, Blaise, Ernie and Neville drank, Pansy purred the words, "That could be remedied."

Charlie choked on air.

Harry noted the other two not so obvious kissers and commented to Ron, "Well the rumours about her are definitely true."

Angelina went next. "I've never...streaked the Gryffindor common room."

Charlie, Bill, Harry, Ron and Draco drank.

"Draco?" Blaise said, smiling devilishly. "I'm shocked."

Draco only grinned over his bottle of beer. Harry couldn't help but smile at that face.

This is how the game went for awhile, slowly, players getting drunker and drunker and passing out by the wayside. In the end it was Harry, Draco, Fred and George, Ron, Pansy, Blaise and Ernie.

Ernie was getting the hang of this game and was beginning to see the theme. Most of the 'I've Never's' were Potter or Malfoy based. He felt he'd try his hand at this. Raising his bottle of beer he said, "I've never...snogged Draco."

Pansy, Blaise and Harry drank.

Everyone stopped. "Potter, you kissed Draco?" Blaise said, slurring and smarmy.

"Urm, yeah..." He began but Ron cut him off.

"Oh yeah, I remember, though I wish I couldn't. It was when we all played that game of Truth or Dare. Ginny kept pushing you two to snog." He shook his head, "I could have done without that display."

Harry smiled, sheepishly, "Yeah..."

Draco smiled, "Yeah, I remember." But he quickly shook his head, "It was nothing."

"Oh my Goddess! Will you two stop!" Everyone looked at Pansy. "I am sick of this. You two are the most pig headed fools I've ever met. This is precisely why I don't get involved; it's so much easier to detach myself from the guys I shag. This relationship crap is too annoying." She threw her hands into the air. "This is boring, I'm for bed."

Harry just stared after the blond, his mind not completely grasping what she was saying. Ron chimed in, "What's with Parkinson? Still hung up on Malfoy?"

"The dorms are still mostly empty till tomorrow; go find some beds to sleep in." Draco said, ignoring Pansy's outburst and trying to pull the now softly snoring Blaise from the couch. After giving up, he gave Harry a long meaningful look. "Night, Harry. See you tomorrow..." he smiled.

Harry smiled back before the alcohol took over and he passed out.

Author notes: Okay, please makes me a happy happy girl.

Next Chapter:The Clarity of Daylight