Astronomy Tower
Rubeus Hagrid Hermione Granger
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Published: 09/28/2003
Updated: 09/28/2003
Words: 2,606
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,076

The Decision

Aleka Potter

Story Summary:
Harry starts falling for Hermione...and a new girl will turn Ron's world upside down!

Author's Note:
I wanna thank all my friends, (karen, maggie, kerochan) for their support.

The Decision

"Harry, give me a hand won't you?"

Harry nodded and hold Ron's suitcase. He stood there, thinking about the new term that was about to begin. Ron stared at him.

"Harry...Are you all right?"

Harry grinned at him. "Yes, Ron. I'm all right. It's just that..." he stared at something behind Ron and he turned his head to see what he was looking at.

"Oh," Ron muttered.

Harry was looking at Cho, who was with some friends. But Harry was surprised that he wasn't feeling anything. He usually felt his stomach lurch, but not now. He frowned.

Ron raised an eyebrow at him. "You're acting very weird; Harry...Oh there's Hermione!"

Harry felt a familiar sensation as Ron mentioned Hermione's name, and was startled at this.

"Hi Ron! Hi Harry!" Hermione smiled at them.

"Hello, Hermione," Ron said. But Harry was speechless. What had happened to Hermione? She had beautiful brown eyes, and her hair was not very bushy now, and her smile was so...

Then, he realized that Hermione was the same as always. But he seemed to be seeing her under a new light.

"Ignore him, Hermione. He's been like this all summer."

Hermione's giggle brought Harry back to Earth. "Oh, hello Hermione."

"Come on, or we won't get good seats."

The three of them got to the train and started looking for a compartment. They got into an empty one and sat, talking happily about the year that was about to come.

Suddenly someone opened the compartment door and they saw it was a girl, (she had blue eyes and dark brown hair) probably a first year (even though she looked about fourteen, fifteen years old), looking completely lost.

"Er...do you need help?" Ron asked nicely.

The girl looked at him with her beautiful blue eyes. "Mmmm, I think so. I'm new and...I don't know anyone."

Harry smiled at her. "Don't worry; you can stay with us."

The girl gasped. "Really? Okay, thank you."

She sat and Ron was staring at her. "Well, my name is Alyssa Bourdon. I'm a...how do you wizards call us? Muggle-born?"

"So am I!" Hermione said brightly.

"Really? Well, it's just that...there aren't many of us, right?"

"Muggle borns?" Harry asked.

"Yeah...well a boy said...when I entered his compartment, that if I was a muggle-born...I couldn't enter. When I asked him that if there was a matter with that and he told me: "Mudbloods are not very common, and there shouldn't be any."

"Malfoy." Harry, Ron and Hermione said at the same time.

Alyssa stared at them. "That's his name?"

Harry nodded. "Just ignore him. He's a slimy git that thinks pure-bloods are the best of everything. But we know that doesn't matters. Hermione is a muggle-born and she's the top student of our year."

Hermione flushed red. Alyssa sighed. "I suppose, but the worst thing is that I found out that most first years are eleven years old."

"Why...aren't you?" Hermione asked.

"No. I'm fourteen. But it seems there was a problem with my letter. Dad says that my aunt most have had something to do with this."

"Your aunt?"

"Yes...you most know her. She is Sybil Trelawney."


"Yes. She's a muggle born, like me. But she remained distant with us somehow. Dad says that she doesn't want that anyone finds out her secret..."Alyssa stopped.

The three of them stared eagerly at Alyssa.

"Sorry...er, I'm hungry... what about you?" She said nervously.

"The lunch tray will come in about a half hour." said Ron in disappointed voice.

* * *

As they were sitting, waiting for the sorting to start, the three of them noticed a very nervous Professor Trelawney. Ron and Harry chuckled at the sight.

Professor Mc Gonagall came in with a line of first year's students. Alyssa seemed pretty nervous.

"Well, let's begin the sorting. After you are placed in your houses, please take a seat in your table. Let's start. Averckly, David!"

A very thin boy climbed the steps and sat in the stool.


The boy grinned and was patted enthusiastically in the back by Malfoy.

"Bastien, Samantha!"


Professor Mc Gonagall looked at the next name on the list and grinned.

"Bourbon, Alyssa!"

Then she glanced at Professor Trelawney, who was very white.

In the Gryffindor's table, the boys stared at Alyssa.

"She's...gorgeous!" Seamus gasped, earning a pinch in the arm by Lavender.

"Beautiful," Dean Thomas agreed. "So pretty..."


All the Gryffindors cheered and applauded, especially Dean, Ron and Seamus.

Alyssa sat next to Ron, and Seamus and Dean stared enviously at Ron.

Alyssa looked at the three of them.

"So...I'm in Gryffindor."

"You don't look very happy, Alyssa." Hermione frowned.

"Well, it's just that...you heard the sorting hat. And it said that the brave ones were

here. And I'm kind of a nervous wreck."

"You'll do fine, Alyssa." Harry said.

Alyssa shrugged.

* * *

"Hey, Harry!"

Harry turned and saw Cho standing there.

"Why...Hello, Cho."

Hermione, Alyssa and Ron slowly walked away.

"Harry...I wanted to ask you..."


"If you would like to come with me next Hogsmeade weekend?"

Harry hesitated. "Well, I...have some things to do. Sorry, Cho."

Cho nodded and Harry smiled at her, feeling not quite right.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around." Cho blushed.

"Yeah, sure. See you, Cho."

Cho walked away and Harry ran to join his friends.

Ron eyed him knowingly.

"You've got a date with her, right mate?"

"Next Hogsmeade weekend..." Harry started, feeling uncomfortable at the sight of Hermione looking slightly put out.

"But, Harry...I thought we were going to show Alyssa the sights of Hogsmeade..." Hermione stammered.

"Oh, Hermione...if the boy you liked asked you on a date, would you turn him down?" Alyssa sighed.

Hermione shook her head. "Guess not." She muttered.

"Don't worry, I told her I couldn't...-You actually like someone?" Harry said mockingly.

Hermione looked hurt. "You know, not only Quidditch players have love interests."

"So, who is it?" Ron asked.

"That's none of your business," Alyssa interrupted, because Hermione seemed pretty nervous. "A girl must have her secrets. Come on, Mione."

They walked away and Ron rolled his eyes. "Girls." Harry muttered.

"Wonder who Hermione likes?" Harry wondered aloud.

Ron raised his eyebrows. "You really care mate?"

"Of course...not." Harry added as he saw an odd expression in Ron's face.

"I don't know, mate. It seemed you care."

"Well, she's our friend, right? She should tell us."

Ron shrugged. "I guess so. C'mon let's go to the common room."

* * *

"So I don't have classes with my aunt?"

They were at the table, eating breakfast. George had just passed over their new course schedules.

Alyssa looked relieved that she wasn't taking Divination...yet.

"So, can you tell us what your aunt's big secret is?" Ron asked eagerly.

"No, Ron. I'm afraid that's up to her."

Ron smiled rather reluctantly.

"So...any professor I got to worry about?" asked Alyssa.

"Snape." Ron and Harry said at the same time.

Alyssa looked puzzled.

"Severus Snape. Potions Master." added Hermione hastily.

"Oooo...Is he mean?"

"Yes." the three sighed.

Alyssa raised her head and looked at something behind Ron.

Ron turned and grunted.

"Who is him, Mione?" asked Alyssa with great interest. Hermione turned her head and snorted.

"Well, he's Roger Davies. Ravenclaw's quidditch captain,"

"Ohh, he sure is handsome," Alyssa said dreamingly. -Well, I think...I'm gonna talk to him."

She jumped off her seat and walked where Davies was.

"What does that prat has?" Ron spat. "I mean all the girls swoon over him..."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Are you jealous, Ron?"

Ron flushed red. "Who? Me? Never!"

Harry laughed but stared over at Alyssa and Davies. Davies was smiling at Alyssa, and eyeing her with admiration. Alyssa didn't seem too indifferent to him.

Ron saw this, too. The back of his ears was brightly red and when Alyssa sat in the table, he definitely ignored her.

"So, how was Davies like?" Hermione asked.

"Well, he..." Alyssa blushed. "Said that he had eyed me since the first day, and we are going for a walk tonight."

"B-but you can't." Ron stammered

Alyssa looked at Ron with surprise. "Why can't I, Ronald Weasley?"

"Because it's forbidden, Alyssa."

"Not anymore, Ron." Harry said. "And since when do you respect rules?"

Ron looked slightly put out. "Oh."

"But if you have a problem with that, I won't go, Ron." Alyssa said nicely.


Everyone stared at Ron, who left the table, marching angrily. Alyssa sat open-mouthed and Hermione snapped.

"I'll go and see what happened...he surely wasn't to miss the first potions class of term." Harry added sarcastically

Harry found Ron in the fairly empty common room.

"Ron, what happened to you?"

Ron stared at the ceiling. "Want the truth mate?"


"I don't know. It's just that I saw Alyssa with Davies..."

"You got jealous, right?"

"I guess so."

"Same thing happens when I see Hermione with another boy or so." Harry said dreamingly.

Ron gasped. "Oh...mate. You like Hermione?"

"No, Ron. I love her." Then all of a sudden Harry realized that he had just told Ron, what he felt for Hermione.

Ron eyed Harry curiously. "Don't worry, mate. I won't tell...if you don't tell."

Harry nodded. "But you should go apologize to Alyssa."

"You're right."

They left the common room, and came face-to-face with Alyssa. She had her eyes very puffy.

"Er...Alyssa. I'm sorry...I shouldn't have acted like that. You're free to do what you want." Ron sighed.

A small grin lurked in Alyssa's face. "Really, Ron? Well, I just went to tell Davies that I wasn't going with him."

"But why?" Ron asked.

"Because I prefer your friendship, that walking with him."

Ron stared awed at her.

"Come here, Weasley boy." Alyssa said as she threw her arms around Ron.

Ron flushed crimson and Harry decided to leave.

* * *


"So...are you going to tell us your aunt's big secret?"

Ron looked eagerly at Alyssa.

Alyssa sighed. "Ok, ok. My aunt isn't a real seer." Alyssa whispered.

Harry, Ron and Hermione snorted.

"What?" Alyssa asked.

"We all knew that."

Alyssa frowned. "You also know that she worked before in a fair, telling fortunes and reading hands?"

Ron dropped his jaw. "What?"

Alyssa grinned. "You didn't."

Harry stared at Hermione. She didn't seem too surprised about this.

"Well, now that we are confessing...who's the boy you like Hermione?" Harry asked.

Hermione shook her head. "Never. I shall never tell. Now let's go to Potions."

Alyssa bid them goodbye as they went to the dungeons.

Later in Snape's class, Hermione sent Harry a note. Harry was surprised, because Hermione rarely did that.

It said:

But if you really want to know, let's talk in the common room during dinner.

Harry looked at Hermione and nodded.


The common room was deserted.

Hermione was carrying her books and Harry stood in the portrait hole.

"So...are you going to tell me who's this boy? The one that has turned your world upside down?"

Hermione frowned. "Well...it's Ron."

Harry felt his heart stopping. "R...Ron?" He stammered.

"You wanted to know right?"

Harry grinned weakly. "I...thought..."

Hermione stared at Harry. "Are you okay?"

"No. I'm not okay. You have just told me you're in love with Ron."

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "B-but you asked."

"But I...I..."


"I had the hope that...it was me."

Hermione dropped her books. "Wha...what?"

"I...I love you Hermione." Harry was horrified. The words had just come out! But he had nothing to lose.

"But...but..." Hermione stammered. "I thought you liked Cho."


"And why didn't you tell me this before?"

"Because I couldn't," Harry sighed. "But, you like Ron and there's nothing I can do about it, so..."

Harry stared at Hermione's empty face. He had nothing to lose.

He put nervously his hands in Hermione's face and leaned forward. He breathed deeply, and kissed Hermione, who was standing as if she had been petrified.

Hermione pulled him closer, (Was she? Harry thought. Maybe it's just my imagination) and put her arms around his neck.

Suddenly, Harry pulled away. "Sorry, Hermione...I..."

Hermione looked at him sadly, and ran away.

You did it, Potter. Harry thought. You had to do it, now she'll never talk to you again.

* * *


Harry opened his eyes and was startled to see Alyssa sitting in his bed.

"Alyssa...you are in a boys' dormitory!"

"I had to talk to you."

"Okay, tell me." Harry said as he put on his glasses.

"Hermione told me. About last night."

Harry flushed red. "Was she angry?"

Alyssa made a face. "Angry? Why would she be angry, Potter?"

"She loves Ron, Alyssa. She told me so last night."

"And you believed her? You actually believed her?"

"Of course...why?"

"You are so blind, Potter. Blind to see that she loves you more than anything."

Harry stared at Alyssa. "No, she doesn't. She told me she likes Ron."

Alyssa sighed. "Look, what if Hermione had asked you who you like first? Would you had answered her with the truth or you would have lied?"

"I reckon I would've lied."


"I wouldn't know what she felt for me..." Harry suddenly understood and grinned.

Alyssa grinned, too. "See that you understood Potter. You should go look for her."

"You're right." He said as he left the bed.

"But I need payment, Potter. An advice like this can't go unpaid."

Harry stared at Alyssa.

"You just got to ask Ron what he feels for me. I would be very grateful."

Harry smiled. "You like Ron?"

Alyssa blushed. "Well, I...yes."

Harry chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Alyssa inquired.

"That my job is done. Ron likes you."

Alyssa smiled. "Really, Potter? Wow, that's so...great!"

Alyssa jumped off the bed and kissed Harry in both cheeks. "Now you have to convince him to ask me out."

Harry laughed. "You bet, Alyssa."

Alyssa skipped out of the room, humming.

* * *

"Have you seen Hermione?"

Ron nodded. "Yes, Harry. I saw her going to Hagrid's."

"Okay, Ron. Thanks. By the way...I've got good news for you."

"Let me think. Snape has been fired?"


"Malfoy expelled?"


"I've won the lottery?"

"No, now get serious. I asked Alyssa if she likes someone, and she told me who is it."

Ron shook his head sadly. "Then, it isn't good news. Who is it? Davies, right?"

"No. It's supposed to be a guy named... Ronald Weasley."


Ron yelled and the people stared at him.

"Is it true?"

"You bet, Ron."

Ron grinned broadly. "I...I'm gonna kiss her! When I see her I'm gonna kiss her! I'm gonna ask her out! I..."

"What else, Ron?"

Alyssa was standing in front of Ron.

Ron blushed and seemed lost for words.

"I supposed it would happen, a lot of talk and no action." Alyssa sighed.

"Can...I talk to you?" Ron gasped.

Alyssa grinned. "Of course. See you, Harry!"

Harry ran to Hagrid's.

* * *

"Hello, Harry. Hermione and I 'ere 'avin a cuppa of tea."

Harry nodded. "Sorry if I interrupt, but...I would like to talk to Hermione. Outside."

Hermione stood up. "See you later, Hagrid."

Hagrid nodded.

They went out and Hermione started "Look, Harry. It wasn't your fault. I should have told you that..."

Hermione didn't finish, because Harry was kissing her...again.

"I-I love you, Harry." Hermione gasped

"Me, too. I thought you would never talk to me again."

"You fool. What made you think that?"

They kissed again.



Okay, okay. I know it might not be the best fic ever, but I'm new at this, and I'm Mexican, so sorry if there are some misspelled words or rare writings. I hope you like it and you read and review. Wait for the next fic!!!!!