And They All Lived Happily Ever After...


Story Summary:
Or did they? An alternative ending to Deathly Hallows and the epilogue. Fred survives. Voldermort can't bring himself to kill Snape. Teddy Lupin isn't an orphan. Expect Marriage, Infidelity, Divorce, Arguing, Pain, Anger, Kids...and that's just the Weasley twins! Maybe the original ending wasn't so bad after all? A random fic, with multiple ships. Mainly Harry, but with other characters thrown in here and there...

Chapter 02 - Guilt, jokes and crazy ideas

Author's Note:
Second of four chapters ;)

And they all lived happily ever after...

Chapter 02- Guilt, jokes and crazy ideas

*Battle of Hogwarts*

Harry gulped. He had just killed Severus Snape. He had committed a murder! And for what? He backed away slowly. He had to get out of there, before he was caught.

He turned on his heel and fled. He knew he had a mission; a mission to kill Voldemort. But he had just committed a terrible crime. How would he ever live with himself? But why did he feel so guilty? He was going to kill Voldemort, wasn't he? Wasn't that murder?

But that's for the greater good, said a small voice in his mind. It's the right thing to do.

*Post Hogwarts*

Angelina sighed dreamily in the arms of her lover.

"Oh, George!"

George Weasley smiled at the young women in his arms. Fred's wife.

This is wrong!

Angelina sat up quickly. "This is wrong!" she repeated out loud. She glanced down at George, to see that he had a huge grin on his face.

She hit him round the head. Hard.

"Ouch!" he complained. "That hurt!"

Good, she thought. You deserve it.

"What was that for?" he demanded.

Angelina glared at him. "This is serious, Fred! This is wrong. I'm married to your brother."

George shrugged. "Your point?"

"It's wrong," she repeated.

"So what, we're brothers? Who cares?"

Angelina raised an eyebrow. "I think Fred would!"


*Battle of Hogwarts*

Harry had been running for what felt like hours. He leant against a wall and tried to get his breath back. He needed a plan of action. He had to forget Snape.

Kill Voldemort. Kill the snake.

It seemed like a simple enough plan. But would it really be that easy?


*Future generation at Hogwarts*

"Run away with me?"


Victoire couldn't believe what she was hearing. Run away with Teddy?

He's gone mad!

"Run away with me!" Teddy repeated calmly.

"I, I, I... I don't know what to say!" she replied truthfully.

"Just say yes!"

Victoire looked at Teddy.

God, he's actually serious!

She stared at him blankly.

"You know they're never going to accept us, Vic!"

She had to admit he had a point. But running away? Wasn't that a bit extreme?

"Okay!" she blurted out, without thinking.


She nodded.

You bloody idiot.


*Battle of Hogwarts*

Maybe it was going to be that easy, after all. There he was, alone. Harry stalked up to Voldemort and raised his wand. He was about to utter the killing curse, when...


Harry groaned as he was lifted off his feet and his wand was thrown out of his hand.

How could I have been so stupid? he wondered.

"Dear me, Harry. You really should be more prepared!"

Harry glared up at Voldemort, staring directly into his blood red eyes. Voldemort flinched under the scrutiny of Harry's gaze.

"Have you no shame?" he hissed. "Do you want to die?"

"Yes," Harry said simply.

"Yes?" repeated Voldemort, taken aback. "Yes?"

"I don't deserve to live! I killed..."

Voldemort laughed a cruel laugh. "The great Harry Potter, a killer? Ha! I highly doubt that!"

Harry shook with anger. "I did! I killed Severus Snape!"

Voldemort's face drained of colour. "You did what?!"

*Post Hogwarts*

George snorted. "Nah, I don't think he would. We're brothers, like you said! Share and share alike!"

Angelina looked disgusted by this. "That's a terrible thing to say!"

He sighed and laid his head back on the pillow. Propping himself up on his elbow he said: "Then do the right thing!"

She stared at him, open mouthed. "Which is?"

"End it. This, I mean. Or leave him. Marry me, instead," he said, simply.

Oh. My. God. Did he just ask me to marry him? Even though I'm already married? To his twin brother!?!

Please review!!