The Dark Arts
Harry Potter Lord Voldemort
Angst Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 08/21/2005
Updated: 08/21/2005
Words: 10,106
Chapters: 1
Hits: 7,552

All the Magic in the World


Story Summary:
AU end of sixth year fic: Harry finally confronts Voldemort and his Death Eaters alone and triumphs in a bloodbath. But he is betrayed by those he saves. He takes the ultimate revenge. A slightly different take on Betrayed!Vengeful!Harry.





Harry paused, breathing heavily and leaning over, hands on his knees. He was not particularly tired or winded. But he knew:

This was it.

He had trained constantly, relentlessly throughout the past year. He had learned spells and curses. He had learned technique. He had learned to master his body. But most of all, he had learned to master his mind. He had learned power.

Moody had been stunned at the power Harry had developed. Harry had spent 90 minutes a day in silent meditation, simply concentrating on accessing his magical ability. Nearly 14 months under the general guidance of Dumbledore and under the direct supervision of Moody, Harry had revealed over the past few months a level of magical power that was off the scale.

But Harry knew all the power in the world was useless unless he used it effectively. That was why he was so tense. He had the power. But would he be able to succeed? He would see in moments.

He turned around an gave Moody a smile. The old professor gave him a reassuring nod. But his magical eye was rotating disconcertingly.

Harry sighed and looked through the hole that opened into a rough-hewn corridor. A corridor that led to the sunken cavern where the assembled Death Eaters awaited to defend their Dark Lord.

* * *

It had taken the Order of the Phoenix a long time to finally locate Voldemort's headquarters. It was finally traced to an abandoned coal mine. Voldemort had opened the mine to a establish a headquarters. The office structure above the mine served as a general headquarters, but it was underground where Voldemort had established his living quarters along with the vast cavern meeting room.

Dumbledore and some dozen or so Hogwarts professors and Aurors had spread out above ground and cast extraordinary anti-apparation wards, beyond even those used at Hogwarts. And they were forced to stay up there to continuously renew them against the magical assaults from Voldemort and the Death Eaters below.

It was up to Harry, Moody, and a group of 20 Aurors, led by Kingsley Shacklebolt, to fight their way down to the caverns.

The group had fought relentlessly through the above-ground structure, killing or disabling dozens of Death Eaters and funneling them down to the cavern.

Now, it was up to the group to travel the 20 foot length of the stone corridor to storm the cavern itself. There, over 150 Death Eaters and Voldemort himself, awaited.

And it was there that their onslaught stalled.

* * *

"There's no cover!" Shack screamed. "Once at the inner mouth of that corridor, there's a ten-foot drop with no cover against over 150 Death Eaters!"

Harry turned and stared. "We have to find a way!" Harry yelled. "Dumbledore will only be able to hold the shields for a few more minutes! We have to go now!"

Shacklebolt stared at Harry. "I'm not risking my people on a fool's errand!"

"We have to get in there," Moody growled, and followed Harry, who began edging down the corridor.

"I'm going, too," Tonks exclaimed.

Shacklebolt grabbed the young Auror. "Moody can do what he likes, but you're under my command. You're staying put."

Tonks wrestled her arm out of Shack's grip, only to have him stun her. "For your own good," he muttered. He glanced back. "Remus?"

"Injured above," said a terrified Auror.

Shacklebolt nodded absently. "Good. He can't interfere." He looked back at the assembled Aurors. "Get ready in case they try to break out. We can't go in, but they can't get out. Wands up."

"But what about Potter and Moody?" a voice in the group asked.

Shacklebolt sighed. "God speed."

* * *

Harry inched down the corridor. He knew that, once he got to the end, he would be an open target. He had to figure out how to get through the opening and down on the floor, with cover, to fight his way through the Death Eaters. But he knew it couldn't be done.

He glanced back at Moody with a questioning look. "Your shields?" Moody asked.

Harry nodded. He had the strongest shield he could muster. "You?"

Moody glowered. "Don't worry about me, Lad. Worry about what's ahead."

Harry dropped down on the ground and crawled near the end of the corridor, near the ramp leading down to the floor of the assembly area. He couldn't be seen from below. But he couldn't see, either.

Then he had a thought. He conjured up a mirror and, lying on his side, angled it over the edge.

He saw them. Over a hundred Death Eaters, most with wands drawn and pointed at the opening, pointing at him, waiting for him to appear.

Suddenly, a green flash shot over his head, followed by a volley of Avada Kedavra curses. They hit harmlessly on the ceiling of the corridor, leaving scoring burn marks.

Moody ducked low. "Any cover?"

Harry glanced back, shaking his head.

He was about to say something else when the first Reductor curse hit the ceiling behind him, shattering a small portion of the rock and causing heavy debris to fall on Moody.

Harry was about to say something else when another volley of Reductor curses from down below hit the ceiling about Harry and Moody. Harry looked in horror as a large chunk of stone felt squarely on Moody.

He saw Moody look up momentarily. "Get 'em," the old professor gasped out before both his magical and his normal eye went dull.

Harry was suddenly furious. They had killed his mentor, his friend. He glanced up at the ceiling of the corridor, then turned toward the overhang that would lead down to the cavern. Then he looked out at the ragged ceiling of the cavern.

He could feel the power build up in him. "BASTARDS!!!" he screamed and waved his wand in a arc at the cavern's ceiling. "REDUCTO!!!"

It was as if a huge scythe had scored a 20-foot long path across ceiling several feet deep. The rock slowly gave way and began falling.

"REDUCTO!!!" he screamed again in another area of the cavern, and more to the ceiling gave way. "REDUCTO!!!" he screamed again. And again.

Harry was panting in fury. He rolled over on his back to regain his composure. He slowly steadied a shaking hand and raised the mirror again. He saw large boulders and smaller stones littering the ground of the cavern. There was an area in the far corner where he saw some of the remaining Death Eaters scurrying to find cover. "Reducto!" he shouted again, and again rock rained down on the remaining spot of organized resistance.

Again, he used the mirror and saw only a few Death Eaters moving around. He sat back and concentrated. He suddenly rolled over and, feeling the surge of magic, pointed his wand over the ledge. "EXPELLIARMUS TOTALLUS!!!" he screamed with a sweep of his wand.

He could see several wands fly over his head and heard many more clatter below him.

He rolled toward the edge of the corridor and leaped down the ramp to the floor of the cavern. There was a single curse that flew over his head. He scurried behind the protection of one of the boulders dislodged from the ceiling. A movement caught his eye and he shot a quick stunner in that direction. He heard it hit rock and heard a grunt from the impact, which sent shards of stone caused by his powerful curse. He moved quickly to a new location. As he ducked down, his hand hit a wet spot. He looked down. It was a puddle of blood.

He then heard a few sounds in a far corner of the cavern. "Reducto!" he yelled and a portion of the ceiling in the area gave way.

"ENOUGH!!!" came a familiar voice.

Harry paused, breathing heavily. "Show yourselves!" he called.

Slowly, the figure of Draco Malfoy rose, followed by his partners, Crabbe and a bleeding Goyle.

Then, several other Death Eaters rose. All but one empty-handed. That one made a show of flinging his wand away.

"To that corner of the cavern," Harry yelled, motioning to a small recess.

"You're not going to kill us, are you?" came a voice in the crowd.

Harry paused. "Not if you don't try anything," he called back.

Slowly, about 30 Death Eaters walked or crawled toward the area indicated.

Once they were there, Harry eyed them carefully. "Expelliarmus!" he shouted.

One wand flew out of a Death Eater's robes.

"Denudare!" he exclaimed, and the group's clothes disappeared. He saw no weapons. "In vincula conjicere!" he called, and suddenly a cage appeared around the group.

Harry slowly made his way around the opposite side of the cavern, watching carefully and occasionally slipping on the blood which seemed to be everywhere, ankle deep in places. At one point, his saw the broken body of Bellatrix Lestrange, who had been crushed under one of the larger boulders that had fallen from the ceiling.

He finally made his way to the ramp up to what must be Voldemort's living quarters.

He carefully made his way up the ramp and was met by a stream of curses. He was able to duck in time, only to pop up and shoot off a series of stunners, disabling Peter Pettigrew and Walden McNair.

Suddenly, their unconscious bodies were lifted into the air and literally flung at him by magic. He only managed to duck in time, to hear there bodies slam with a crunching sound on the rocks below.

Then he heard Lucius Malfoy's voice. "You won't get past me, Potter," he growled. "My master cannot be defeated and his protection will save me."

Harry found his conjured mirror and slowly lifted it. He saw Malfoy standing at the entrance of the corridor that led to Voldemort's chambers. "So you are all that's left of Tom Riddle's army, are you?"

Malfoy snorted. "I am enough," he snarled, but Harry could hear the fear in his voice.

Harry knew that there was no way to get past Lucius. He pondered for a moment. He could try the Reductor curse again, but that might seal Voldemort in, protecting him until he built up the strength to defeat Dumbledore's anti-apparation wards.

Then he got an idea. "Lucius!" he called. "I see your hand shaking. Not so confident, are you. Think you can take me?"

Harry slowly concentrated. He had used illusion charms in dueling practice. But would it work on Voldemort?

Harry reached over the ledge and sent an stunner in the senior Malfoy's general direction to keep his head down.

He took a deep breath and concentrated on the charm. Slowly, a phantom version of himself rose out of the real Harry's body. The illusion had all the look of the real thing. Normally, such duplications had a slightly translucent look. Harry's looked solid.

Harry breathed heavily from the exertion and relaxed for a moment, restoring his magical strength and figuring out how he should do this.

Once again, he lifted his mirror. There was Malfoy, peering around the left-hand corner of the corridor entrance, his wand at the ready. Then Malfoy glanced to his left, and nodded, most likely at Voldemort himself. Harry nodded himself, but only to himself. He glanced at his illusory double and concentrated. Then he knew.

It didn't have to be perfect, as long as it was quick.

The fake Harry suddenly turned and shot out of its hiding spot and dashed directly at Lucius. The elder Malfoy aimed his wand and shot off the killing curse. The beam of green light passed through what would have been Harry's shoulder.

Lucius stared in amazement as the fake Harry suddenly reached him as seemed to embrace him. He heard Voldemort's high-pitched voice scream out "Avada Kedavra" and a Green Light shot into the fake Harry's back. It passed through the illusion and hit Lucius squarely in the chest, killing him instantly.

"Nobody left, eh, Riddle?" Harry called out.

At this point, Voldemort let out an angry scream. "Come and face me, you little half-blood bastard!"

Harry rose to his feet and edged down the corridor. "Just you and me, eh, Riddle. Two half-bloods."

Suddenly, Voldemort called out a charm. "Obsignare!"

A huge boulder fell at the outside entrance to the corridor, sealing Harry in with Voldemort. "Yes, you young whelp. Only you and me."

Harry grimaced. 'Yes, this is it. This is the end,' he thought sadly.

Harry looked down the corridor. He ducked down and peered through the entrance to Voldemort's lair. He saw that the ceiling of Voldemort's living quarters was a single rock that extended into the corridor. He could try another Reductor curse, but there was a chance that it would kill him and not Voldemort. But he couldn't really burst into the chamber as Voldemort may have moved. Riddle knew where Harry had to come in but Harry had no way of knowing where Voldemort was in the room, or even if there was only one room. Dumbledore had performed some sort of seismic charm and let Harry know that Voldemort's chamber was about 40 feet square, but not how many rooms there were.

Harry frowned. There was little to do but attack. He took a deep breath and paused. Slowly, he reached down and grabbed a heavy stone in one hand and tightened his grip on his wand in another. He aimed his wand at the far wall of the chamber that was visible.

"Reducto! Reducto! Reducto!" he screamed, as he let loose the curses, shattering the walls beyond and causing shards of rock to fly off the wall. Then he dashed into the chamber.

"Expelliarmus!" he screamed as he saw Voldemort in the corner, crumpled and bloody in the debris of his curses.

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort managed to shout at the same time.

The beams of the brother wands met and, as during Voldemort's rebirth, they locked.

Harry has exhausted from the fights leading up to this final confrontation. But he also saw that Voldemort was seriously injured from the rock debris flung about from Harry's three Reductor curses. Harry felt a surge of power as he pressed forward toward the Dark Lord. He could feel Voldemort weakening.

Voldemort looked up, staring into Harry's eyes with his own blood-red eyes. Harry could feel Voldemort's mind try to probe his or to inflame his scar. But a year of Occulmency lessons from Dumbledore had allowed Harry to shield his mind and his scar now only ached dully.

Harry took another step toward Voldemort. He was now within 10 feet of his nemesis. Then another step.

"So, the Muggle-Lover thinks he can beat me," Voldemort said in a harsh voice. "Well, you may. But I will take you with me!" he said in an insane laughing voice.

Voldemort suddenly broke the connection between the two wands and pointed at the ceiling. "Collabi!" he screamed.

Harry looked up and saw the rock ceiling begin to give way. He threw the rock he held in his left hand at Voldemort, and saw it crush the monster's head. Then he screamed.

* * *


Dumbledore raced in the near darkness across the grassy field as Harry's body seemed to appear out of nowhere. As he reached the body, he turned it over.

Harry managed to open his eyes for just a moment. "It's over," he whispered, then lost consciousness.


Harry blinked a couple times. The smell was familiar. He tried to reach for his glasses, but didn't seem to have the energy.

He sensed someone by his side, and, with great effort, managed to turn his head. Through a blur that seemed worse than usual, he made out the face of Albus Dumbledore. "Professor?" he said in a rasping voice.

"Shhh, shhh, shhh," Dumbledore said in a soft, consoling manner. "You must take it easy, Harry. You've been through quite an ordeal."

Harry took a deep, ragged breath. "What time is it?" he managed to gasp out.

He could make out that Dumbledore was taking a deep breath. "It's Thursday. You've been out for over a week," he said soothingly.

Harry closed his eyes and sighed. "That means school is back in session."

Dumbledore nodded and sighed, himself.

"There is no need to worry about that, Harry. You just need to rest."

Harry eased back into his pillows. "Where are ... Ron and Hermione?"

Dumbledore lowered his head. "I'm sure they will be up to see you soon. Just rest, Harry," the Headmaster said in a distant voice.

Harry made a vague motion with his head and fell asleep.

* * *

It was another day before Harry woke up again. This time, he managed to reach his glasses. He was in the hospital ward at Hogwarts. His bed was screened off and there was no one around, it seemed. He managed to clear his throat, which was raw.

Suddenly, one of the curtains opened and Madame Pomfrey peeked in. Harry gave her a smile, and she seemed to visibly relax. "How are you feeling, Mister Potter."

Harry blinked and began to sit up. "Tired. Thirsty. Maybe a little hungry."

Pomfrey gave him a quizzical look, then gave him a small smile. "I should think so. I must alert the Headmaster, then I'll get you some juice, and maybe a potion to pick you up."

Harry gave her a warm smile, which seemed to surprise her. She nodded quickly and bustled off.

Moments later, Dumbledore came through the curtains. "Feeling better now?"

Harry shrugged. "A little sore and quite tired, but otherwise...okay, I guess."

Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully.

Harry frowned. "What happened? How did I survive?"

Dumbledore pursed his lips. "You apparently apparated. You managed it despite the heaviest wards ever imposed on a single spot. Most impressive."

Harry frowned. There was no twinkle in the Headmaster's eyes. Harry began to worry.

"Is everything all right? When can I get out of here and get back to classes."

Dumbledore's expression went from serious to sad. "Harry, there is much that we need to discuss."

Harry gave the Headmaster a puzzled look. "Am I all right? Is there something wrong?"

Dumbledore looked down at his hands. "Harry...there were so many who died...was all of it really necessary?"

Harry sat up so rapidly that he felt dizzy. "Who died?" Then he paused and lowered his head. "I...I saw Moody die," he said, tears suddenly forming. "Is Remus okay?" he said, looking up hopefully.

Dumbledore cleared his throat. "Remus is recovering nicely."

Harry blinked again in confusion. "Did any of the Death Eaters I captured get away? I locked them away naked. I didn't think they could get out."

Dumbledore's head jerked up. "You captured the Death Eaters?"

Harry became even more confused. "Well, after I knocked part of the ceiling down on them, most of the ones left surrendered. I locked them up with an incarceration spell."

Dumbledore looked thoughtful. Then he ran his hands across his face. "How did you get past the Death Eaters."

Harry shrugged, then frowned. "Well, I went into the corridor toward the cavern with Moody, and I remember Kingsley ordering everyone not to follow..."

Dumbledore looked stunned. "They didn't follow you?"

Harry's face turned angry. "He said it was a fool's errand and he wouldn't enter the corridor. Only Tonks tried, but someone, I think Kingsley, stunned her to prevent her from helping."

Dumbledore blinked again, looking ashen. "What did you do?"

Harry continued to frown angrily. "I used a mirror to check the cavern. There looked like a hundred Death Eaters waiting with wands drawn. They started to shoot killing curses and Reductor curses at the mouth of the corridor. That's how Moody died. Part of the corridor ceiling fell on him."

Dumbledore closed his eyes and lowered his head into his hands.

Harry was staring off into space. "That gave me the idea. If they could tear apart the stone ceiling to kill M-m-moody," he said, tears suddenly forming, "I could take down the ceiling above them. I figured that would provide me cover and hurt them the way they killed Moody," Harry finished, now looking down and weeping softly.

Dumbledore looked up at Harry. "What about Pettigrew and McNair?"

Harry blinked. "I stunned them when they attacked. Then Lucius, or maybe Voldemort, levitated their bodies and threw them at me. I barely ducked in time. Why?"

Dumbledore sighed. "Draco Malfoy testified that you killed them in cold blood."

Harry's head jerked up. "What...?"

Dumbledore lowered his head again, shaking it sadly. "And Voldemort?"

Harry frowned and told the Headmaster how he tricked Voldemort and how Voldemort inadvertently killed Lucius. Then he told about the final confrontation with Tom Riddle.

Dumbledore nodded. "That would explain the Prior Incantatum showing no killing curse."

Harry gave Dumbledore a puzzled look. "What's going on?"

Dumbledore shook his head sadly. "Kingsley testified that you went into a blood rage and prevented the Aurors from attacking, insisting that you were going to kill all the Death Eaters yourself," he said quietly. "He said they were only able to stop you after nearly 100 Death Eaters were dead and another 30 or more were injured or disabled. He said they managed to round up the survivors after you went racing off up to Voldemort's private quarters."

Harry stared at the Headmaster in shock. "But...he refused to back me up! Ask Tonks!"

Dumbledore sighed. "Miss Tonks apparently hit her head and remembers nothing."

Harry's eyes were now wide in alarm. "He told everyone I murdered people without reason? When he was the one who turned coward, sealing the corridor and leaving Moody and me alone!?! I was one against hundreds, trapped in a narrow corridor with no one behind me! I did the only thing I could think of to protect myself and get to Voldemort!"

Dumbledore's head was down again. "Unfortunately, the damage has already been done," he muttered.

"What damage? What's going on? I'm coming back for my final year here, aren't I?"

Dumbledore sighed. "Harry, I am afraid that the Ministry and the Wizarding public now sees you as a blood crazed killer. And not just that--but a wizard with more power than anyone has ever seen. They will not permit you back in school. In fact, as soon as you are well enough to move, you are to be relocated, preferably out of the Wizarding world."

Harry stared in shock at the man he considered a grandfatherly figure. "I ... I'm being kicked out of Hogwarts? After I saved them from Voldemort?"

Dumbledore looked ashamed. "Nobody knew the facts. All they heard was from Kingsley and Draco and some of the surviving Death Eaters. They printed pictures of the cavern in the Daily Prophet. People were shocked and outraged at the carnage and blamed you."

Harry gaped at the Headmaster. "Why can't you tell them the truth?!? Why not question Shacklebolt under Vertiserum? Or the other Aurors? I'm not a killer!"

Dumbledore's head was now hanging even lower. "I used all my influence in the Ministry and on the Wizangamut to keep them from preferring criminal charges against you. I took the liberty of securing your inheritance. And the Ministry has agreed to award you 50,000 galleons if you agree to one of two options: Move to an isolated island up in the Orkneys..."

Harry gasped. "Azkaban?"

Dumbledore looked up. "No, on the other side of the Orkneys."

Harry closed his eyes in confusion and anger.

Dumbledore sighed. "The other option is to leave the Wizarding World and never return."

Harry then broke down in tears.

Dumbledore put his hand on Harry's shoulder. "There are certain charms I am supposed to perform to ensure that you are unable to return. I do not believe that such charms would work anyway, so I will dispense with them. Let me tell you that I have also taken the liberty of having your parents' home in Godric's Hollow rebuilt and have performed a Fidelus charm on it. It is in a Muggle community. So only you and I would know you are there. You will be safe from any retaliation from our world and you will have enough money to support you for the rest of your life, between your inheritance and the Ministry reward."

Harry looked up. "What retaliation?"

Dumbledore shook his head. "All underage Death Eaters, and all Death Eaters with no unforgivables on their wands, have been released. That's 18 or the 34 you captured. Young Mr. Malfoy already is threatening to sue you over your actions in the cavern."

Harry looked up through angry, confused eyes. "Where are my friends?"

Dumbledore's eyes now filled with tears. "They are afraid of you, Harry. They heard Kingsley's stories and read the accusations in the Prophet."

Harry broke down again. "Why...?"

Dumbledore sighed. "They saw how intense you had become this past year. How focused. How remote."

Harry was breaking heavily now. "But I told Ron what I was doing. He tried to help me where he could. And Hermione ... I told her I hoped to see her when this was over ... maybe ... to ... I don't know. I hoped she understood that I cared for her."

The Headmaster looked up at Harry, now squeezing his shoulder. "They are frightened. Don't hold it against them ... please. I can try to get them up here before you go ... so you can say goodbye."

Harry shook his head. "What's the point? I'll never see them again. Just tell them I loved them," he said, collapsing back on his bed and crying freely.

Dumbledore rose, a new determination on his face. "I will do what I can to clear your name, to correct this terrible wrong, Harry. I will see that you can come back someday. You are a hero. You deserve all that it entails."

Harry simply muttered something and continued weeping.


The students were all in the Great Hall. Not many knew why. But a few did. Hermione Granger sat there, breathing heavily. She sat there, listening to the idle speech Dumbledore was making about this being a time for reconciliation. But she knew the real reason for gathering all students in the Great Hall was to give Harry a chance to return to the Gryffindor Tower, to his dorm to collect the possessions he had left behind last June when he was called away to join the hunt for Voldemort.

She gave Ron a sidelong glance. Finally, she took a deep breath. "We have to see him one last time."

Ron shivered and looked back at her. "What if he's angry that we didn't see him sooner. What if he ... well, goes into one of those blood rages?"

Hermione frowned. "He's our friend. We have to say goodbye."

She stood up and, oblivious to the other student's stares, strode out of the Great Hall. Ron gingerly rose and followed her out.

* * *

There was another student who knew why the assembly was taking place. And she was angry and upset that Harry was leaving. She had nursed a terrible crush on Harry for six years now, and, truth be told, since she first heard that a little wizard her own age had saved the Wizarding world. That was why she always defended him to her friends and classmates. That's why she was there when he started Dumbledore's Army. That is why she would have been there whenever he needed her if he ever needed her. Unfortunately, he never seemed to. He never seemed to notice.

No, she wasn't the prettiest witch at Hogwarts. Nor was she the brightest. But she knew Harry was being betrayed. And she would follow him if she could. That's why she was not at the assembly. That's why she was in her dorm, packing in hopes that he would take her wherever he went.

* * *

"Harry?" Hermione said in a small, tentative voice.

Harry turned quickly. "Hermione?" he said with a sad look.

She took a deep breath. "Oh, Harry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Harry sighed. "So am I."

Ron edged into the hospital wing to see Harry finish dressing. "Hey mate," he said in a small, embarrassed voice. "I'm sorry about all this, too."

Harry's eyes teared up. "Why did they do this to me?"

Hermione sighed sadly. "They're afraid of you. They think you'll be the next dark lord if you stay."

Harry hung his head. "I've only served the light side," he said in a shaky voice. "I'd never turn dark."

Hermione sniffled. She started to approach Harry but Ron grabbed her arm. She shrugged it off and came up to Harry and gave him a brief hug.

Harry looked up into her eyes. "Come with me," he whispered.

Hermione gave him a sad look. "I can't. This is my world now."

Harry nodded and looked down. "It was mine, too," he said, his voice cracking.

Ron cautiously made his way to Harry and reached out and gave Harry's shoulder a tentative squeeze. "I'll ... I'm going to miss you," he managed to choke out.

"Ginny?" Harry whispered.

Ron looked down. "She's afraid," he muttered.

Harry closed his eyes and nodded. Then he looked up and gave Ron a hug. Ron flinched at first, then relaxed and patted his friend's back. "Can you owl us? Or keep in contact?"

Harry shook his head. "Can't. That's part of the deal. Just Dumbledore, and I'm not even supposed to contact him."

Ron nodded, suddenly in tears himself. "We'll try to ... I don't know. Try to get you back, I guess. I'll talk to dad."

Harry nodded. "Say goodbye to the rest of your family. Tell them I never did what they accused me of. I only fought for the light. Tell your mom and dad thank you for being the only parents I ever had..."

Suddenly, Harry couldn't stop the tears. "I gotta go," he mumbled.

With one last hug, the trio said their final good-byes.

* * *

Harry had levitated his trunk for one last time down the Grand Staircase, eerily silent as virtually all the students were safe from him in the Great Hall. He knew there was one last goodbye. Hagrid had kept Sirius's motorcycle for him. He'd actually taught Harry how to drive it in the months before Harry was called away on his final quest for Voldemort.

He would say goodbye to Hagrid, one of the few who still believed in him. It would be difficult. But he promised himself that he would relay messages to the half-giant through Dumbledore.

As he opened the last door one the first floor to head toward the side door to cross the Great Lawn and stopped abruptly. There, sitting on a trunk, was a young witch.

"What ... what are you doing here?"

"Harry Potter. Take me with you."

Harry blinked.

He saw a resolve on her face that he had never noticed before.

"Harry," She said, drawing a deep breath and closing her eyes. "V-Voldemort killed two of my aunts and an uncle. Then my grandparents. Finally, my mother. You ended it. You avenged them. And now they're throwing you out," she said, breathing heavily. "I don't want to be a part of this world anymore. I want to be with you."

Harry closed his eyes. "I can't Hannah."

Hannah Abbott was of average height and a little overweight. She was not beautiful, but she had a fresh complexion and pretty eyes. She had nice blond hair, which she still kept in pigtails.

But she had no idea of his sentence.

Hannah looked at him with an intensity he'd never seen from the Hufflepuff girl. "I know you are going to live with the Muggles. Susan Bones told me through her aunt what happened. I also heard the rumors about you and how the Aurors lied about what you did. I believe in you. I trust you. I don't trust this world. I don't believe in it anymore. Not after what they are doing to you. I ... I've always liked you. And I want to go with you."

Harry lowered his head. "I can't..."

Hannah took a deep breath. "My father agrees with me. My mum was a Muggle. She would have understood. And he will give us sanctuary."

Harry didn't know what to think. He knew he had to walk away from this earnest young woman. But after all the disappointments, all the betrayals, all the loneliness and fear about the future, he simply nodded his head once, and began walking toward the side entrance of the castle.

With a flick of her wand, Hannah followed, her trunk floating behind her.

* * *

It was well after midnight when Harry touched down on the Welsh border. He felt Hannah's arms gripped tightly around his waist as he followed the charmed directional finder as the old motorbike puttered up an empty lane. There were no lights on the road, only the vague illumination cast by Sirius's motorbike.

Finally, Harry saw the direction finder's arrow move to the right and he turned into a dirt road. As he passed through a lane of hedges, he saw a modest house appear before him. It was a two-floor frame house and he smiled. Here is where he spent the first year of his life with his parents. Then a shadow passed over his face. And this is where they died.

"Harry?" he heard a voice from behind him.

He slowed the bike and reached his left hand over his shoulder. He felt her take his hand. "Oh, it's lovely!" she said quietly.

Harry sighed as he pulled up to the house.

The couple dismounted the bike and Harry approached the house. He saw Hannah take out her wand, but he motioned her to lower it. "We're Muggles now," he said softly.

Once in the house, he found it was wired for electricity and he pulled the chain on the light. He smiled at the homeliness of the house. Then he noticed a small pile of papers in the middle of the kitchen table.

A Muggle bank letter noting that he now had 430,000 pounds in his accounts. He also had a Muggle birth certificate, driver's license, and various other Muggle identification documents. He also noticed the Muggle telephone.

He turned to Hannah. "Do you have this stuff?"

Hannah shrugged nervously.

Harry sighed. "Do your folks have a telephone?"

Hannah looked puzzled. She nodded. "My mum wouldn't be without one."

Harry nodded. "Ring up your dad to tell him where you are. And I'd like to talk with him."

* * *

It was a difficult conversation. Hannah's father was pleased that Hannah was returning to the Muggle world, although he was suspicious of Harry. However, he had run away from the Wizarding World to marry his Muggle wife. And after the murder of his parents, sisters, brother, and wife he became the sole heir to the family farm that now was primarily Muggle in operation.

Her father was upset that Harry and Hannah would be staying together, unmarried, at Godric's Hollow. But he had little choice in the matter. Hannah made that clear to him. After the lengthy conversation, and a few giggly words to her younger sister, Hannah hung up the phone.

She slowly made her way to the couch where Harry was sitting and snuggled up against him. "I guess you're stuck with me," she said, blushing.

He wrapped and arm around her shoulder and stroked her hair, measuring what he had lost and contemplating his future.

But as Harry looked around the lonely and sparsely furnished room, he couldn't help but think of his parents' sacrifices right here in this house. And how this sacrifice led him to a life of agony, despair, and now betrayal. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to keep the tears from flowing, but he was unsuccessful.

Hannah could sense Harry's silent weeping as his grip on her tightened. Her decision to follow him had been rash, but not impulsive. She had felt she had loved him for all these years. But she now realized she was being a foolish young girl. It was only now that Hannah Abbott realized that this brave handsome young man was not always the hero. He was also young. And, as she felt his pain and bitter sorrow, she now knew that her earlier instincts were right. She now knew what she was born for: To care for and love this heroic, tortured young man, to make up for all that he had lost. In that moment, Hannah Abbott grew up and truly fell in love.

* * *

It was three months and several visits to Hannah's father that helped make the decision. He was never comfortable at Godric's Hollow. It was the site of his parents' death. It was the starting point for the hell his life had been for the past 16 years.

It was time to start a new life. When he brought Hannah back from their modest honeymoon, he brought her to a small house only ten miles from her parents home in Surrey, only 25 miles southeast of Little Whinging.

And, after talking with Hannah's father about their life growing things, he recalled something Professor Sprout once said to her Herbology class: "Plants are not willful. They are not greedy. They only want to live. Take care of them, tend them, love them, and they will never disappoint you."

It was one year later that Harry and Hannah opened Hope's Flower Shop under the names Hope and Henry Parker.

* * *


Hermione Granger knocked on the door. A tall, balding man dressed in a sport shirt and khaki trousers answered and smiled at the pretty, bushy-haired young woman.

Hermione blinked in surprise. "Uh, this is 23 Lloyd, Godric's Hollow, isn't it?"

The man looked puzzled. "Yes. Can I help you?"

Hermione frowned. "I'm looking for Harry Potter?"

The man pursed his lips. "He hasn't lived here for at least three years. Bought it from him through his solicitor. Never even met the man. The house was empty then."

Hermione stared in surprise. "But...he never told anyone..."

The man shrugged. "Sorry."

* * *

Four months after that, there was a knock at the door of that same small, two-story frame house on the Welsh border.

"Open up, Potter! We know you're in there.!!!"

The puzzled Muggle mining foreman in an old flannel shirt and khaki trousers opened the door. He was immediately hit by several stunners. His wife suddenly screamed, and was herself hit by stunners, slamming her into the corner of an interior doorframe, fracturing her skull. She was dead within minutes. Two small children came racing down the stairs to see what the commotion was about, and were also hit by curses. One fell and broke her neck. The other set about wailing in terror.

The eight Aurors quickly made a search of the place but found nothing.

"No signs of Potter anywhere," one said in annoyance. "What do we do with them?" he said gesturing to the Muggles.

"Kill 'em," the senior hit wizard said. "No witnesses."

* * *

Daily Prophet:



Harry Potter, notorious Dark Wizard, escaped from his Godric's Hollow lair last night from a team of Aurors tasked to capture the fugitive, according to Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge. Potter left in his wake four dead Muggle hostages.

Potter, who had gained renown as the Boy-Who-Lived, turned dark during the final hunt for the so-called Lord Voldemort nearly four years ago. Despite heroic efforts of the Ministry's top Aurors in that final battle, Potter went on a killing spree, murdering over 100 witches and wizards, including many from prominent families. His location had been hidden through dark magic since his escape from justice shortly after that ill-fated event. His present whereabouts is unknown.

* * *

Dorking News:


Hope's Flower Shop on Windemere Lane, Coulter, was destroyed in a suspicious blaze this Thursday evening. The fire, which appeared to originate in several locations, consumed the building in minutes. Several adjacent shops were saved by the local firefighters. The shop was owned by Hope and Henry Parker. It had been open for three years.

"Looks like arson to me," says fire lieutenant Sam Sommers. "The Parkers were lucky to get out alive." The owners live in a small cottage behind the shop. No one was injured.

According to witnesses, several people in dark coats or cloaks seemed to shoot incendiary missiles into and around the shop. "They seemed to be concentrating on the upper floor, which old Doc Hanratty used as living quarters back when he owned the place," says Michael Winstead, who owns a pub across from Hope's Flower shop. "Right decent people, them Parkers. A real tragedy, them hit like this," he says.

* * *

The Daily Prophet:


It has come to light that Auror accounts of the final confrontation between the fugitive Harry Potter and the so-called Lord Voldemort may have been somewhat inaccurate, according to sources within the Ministry of Magic. According to transcripts of eye-witness testimony of several Aurors who were present, Potter was trapped in a corridor alone against nearly 150 Death Eaters and was forced to use powerful, but light, magic to defend himself.

"Harry was trapped by a cave-in where the supporting Aurors could not come to his aid," says Albus Dumbledore, chief Mugwump of the Wizangamut and longstanding Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "He was forced to use his power, courage and wits to fend off unforgivable curses by overwhelming numbers of Death Eaters. And for his survival and his success in destroying the greatest threat to our world in centuries, we have banished him, then hunted him like an animal," he says.

When questioned why such information was never before released, Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge was evasive. "We went with what information we had. We still do not know exactly what happened, as we do not have direct testimony of Potter himself. After all, he fled as soon as he recovered from his injuries in the battle. That made him look all the more guilty," Fudge claims.

However, many see the newly revealed evidence pointed in favor of Potter's exoneration as a desperate attempt by the Ministry to seek Potter's aid in confronting the latest threat to our world. The attacks led by Lord Malfoy and the Pureblood Knights have become more common and deadly in recent months. Potter is seen by many as the only wizard powerful enough to face his old school rival and the person whose life he spared in the final battle against Lord Voldemort.

However, Potter's whereabouts is unknown, despite extreme efforts by the Ministry and other groups representing the light.

* * *

A bedraggled Hermione Granger, after several months of intensive and highly secretive research, finally found it. She walked slowly up to the front door of H&H Nursery & Florist. A little bell tinkled as she opened the door. She stared around the shop. There were rows of glass cases with both common and exotic houseplants and flowers. She had seen before she came in the rows of potted trees and shrubs in the back of the rural establishment. She gazed at the beauty of some of the displays, and the banality of some of the promotional wedding pictures featuring elaborate floral displays.

She heard some shuffling from the back and the boy, no, the man, she once loved and still longed for appeared. The man who was cast out of her world, who became a hunted man and the target for assassination by the Ministry, but who that world needed once again.

Harry looked up with a smile, then his expression froze. "Hermione?"

She nodded and gave him a tentative smile.

Harry frowned. "How did you find me?"

Hermione pursed her lips. "Professor Dumbledore gave me your address."

Harry frowned more deeply. "He knows about this place?"

Hermione sighed. "Well, he knew about Godric's Hollow ... and I just tracked you down through Muggle records," she said softly. "He hasn't heard from you in years."

Harry nodded. "Nothing to say," he muttered.

Hermione looked closely at him. He hadn't changed much in the past four years. He had filled out a little. And he had broader shoulders. But he had the same messy hair and the same lovely green eyes. But, like that final year at Hogwarts, Harry's sixth year, he still didn't smile.

Finally, he looked at her. "What have you been up to?"

Hermione lowered her head. "I work for the Ministry. A researcher in the Ministry of Law Enforcement. A sort of desk-bound Auror."

Harry nodded. "Married?"

Hermione blushed. "Ron and I ... It didn't work out. It was annulled after four months."

Harry frowned again. "How is he?"

Hermione shrugged. "He's an Auror. It's tough slogging these days."

Harry took a deep breath. "So what brings you here?"

Hermione looked up, a new, almost pleading look on her face. "Draco."

Harry rolled his eyes. "What does he want?"

Hermione paused. "He's been gathering forces. He's gone dark. Really dark. Another Dark Lord."

Harry shook his head. "So?"

Hermione stared at him. "So? People are dying! Ginny was only the first. She fancied that she loved him. It only got her a grave. Oh Harry, we need you." She them looked at him. "I need you, Harry."

Harry simply stared at her with narrowed eyes. "I gave you Draco last time, and you tossed me out and freed him."

"Harry, we didn't know. A lot of evidence has come out in the past four years. The Wizarding World now knows what happened. They're sorry. We're sorry. We need you. I need you."

Harry leaned back against the counter by the cash register and shook his head. "One thing I've found in this business. The old cliché is true. 'You reap what you sow'," he said quietly.

Hermione continued to stare at him. "Harry? Come back with us. Come back with me. Come back to our world."

Harry narrowed his eyes. "The same world that sent out hit-wizards to Godric's Hollow to kill me three years ago? The same world that tried again, destroying my business two years ago? The same world that wouldn't hesitate to kill the next time it no longer needs me? Sorry, I'm happy right where I am."

Hermione's eyes widened. "But you have to come back ... No one else can stop him."

Harry sighed. "Let Dumbledore take care of the problem," he said in a bitter voice. "Or does he have another convenient prophesy, or is it simply that he continues to insist on having ready scapegoats to do his killing for him?"

Hermione was breathing heavily now. "Harry, that's not like you!"

Harry shook his head. "Yes it is. I've grown up. I've begun to recognize your world for what it is. It's many times worse than the worst of the Muggle world, with it's manipulators, it's terrorists, it's petty dictators and opportunists. Go back to Dumbledore. Tell him thanks, but no thanks."

"But Harry ..." she began pleading.

"Get out!" came a sharp voice from the back.

Hermione's head snapped around. She saw an mildly attractive, pregnant young blond woman with a blond, green eyed young boy peering curiously around her skirts. "Hannah? Hannah Abbott?"

"Hannah Potter, if you must know," she snapped. "I heard your little act. You just can't leave him alone, can you? You and your sanctimonious crew. 'People are dying, Harry. Come rescue me, Harry. It's all up to you, Harry. You're the only one who can do it, Harry.' Well, let me tell you. Your kind aren't worth rescuing," she shouted.

"Hannah," Harry said soothingly, using her real name rather than her cover name: 'Hope.'. He turned back to his visitor. "You better go, Hermione. Just tell Dumbledore to find another savior."

Hermione, her face frozen, turned blindly and walked out of the shop.

Harry turned to Hannah, who was fuming. He gave her a gentle kiss and nuzzled her neck. "Hush, little flower," he said in a reassuring voice.

When Hannah finally calmed down and stopped crying, Harry sat her down. "Hannah, ring up your father and your sister and brother in-law. I want them staying here for the indefinite future."

Hannah turned to Harry, her eyes red. "You're not going to ..."

Harry lowered his eyes. "I've been preparing for this for the past four years. It's why I mediated two hours each morning since we've been together. I've been focusing on my magic. Building it up for the time when I would need it. I think now is time."

Hannah's face fell. "Is there any alternative?"

Harry looked up. "No. There isn't," he said sadly.

* * *

Harry felt their presence before he saw them. "Hannah!" he yelled. "Get everyone together! It's time."

He heard a thumping on the stairs as a young blond woman who was slightly plumper than Hannah came bounding down the stairs, followed by a gangly young man with a small mustache and sandy blond hair. A now heavily-pregnant Hannah came waddling from the back, holding little James Sirius Potter's hand. She was followed by a stocky older man carrying a large, elaborately decorated urn with a form-fitting top.

Harry took out his wand and uttered an incantation around the back half of the showroom where the group of his wife, son, unborn daughter, sister- and brother-in-law and father-in-law stood together.

"Open the urn, Jacob," he said to his father-in-law.

Jacob Abbott nodded sadly and obeyed. "Sure this is going to work?"

Harry shrugged and nodded, equally sadly.

The family stood still as the door opened to the tinkling of the bell and four wizards walked in.

Harry frowned as he recognized the quartet. "Albus? You have the nerve to bring Shacklebolt along with you?"

Dumbledore sighed. "We need everyone we can get in this fight."

Harry glanced over and nodded at a now nearly fully gray-haired Remus Lupin, and gave Severus Snape a blank look. "What do you want?"

Dumbledore sighed. "You must come with us. You are the only one with the power to stop Lord Malfoy, as young Draco is now styling himself."

"You had the chance to stop him four years ago and you didn't," Harry snapped. "I'm only sorry I wasn't the blood-thirsty murderer that that arse," he said pointing at Kingsley, "accused me of being. Then Lord Draco wouldn't have ended up cowering naked in the corner like I left him, but would be dead."

Shacklebolt snarled, but Dumbledore cut him off. "Harry, you must come with us."

Harry stared at the old man. "I kept my part of the bargain. But you didn't. You betrayed the Fidelus charm and tried to hand me over to the hit wizards. Then your people tracked me down to Dorking and tried to kill me and my family again. You're lucky I didn't come to hunt you down the way everyone was so eager to hunt Sirius down when you thought he broke the Fidelus with my parents."

"Harry, I had no choice," Dumbledore said in a sad voice. "The future of thew Order of the Phoenix was at stake. We had to remain united and whole to face Lord Malfoy."

Harry snorted. "In other words, you caved in to the Ministry just like Peter Pettigrew caved in to Voldemort," he snarled. "I kept my part of the bargain. Now you keep yours. Go!"

Dumbledore sighed. "I'm afraid I can't do that, Harry," he said softly.

Harry stared intently at the aged Headmaster. "The answer is no."

Shacklebolt suddenly cursed. "This isn't getting us anywhere." He made menacing move toward Harry but was stopped by the protective shield Harry had erected around his family.

"Stop, Shack," Remus said sadly as Snape scowled at the Auror.

Shacklebolt frowned. "Well, he'll come if we take his family and destroy this place. We can charm him to be a virtual untouchable among Muggles. And his family"

Dumbledore shook his head. "Please, Harry. Don't make us force you."

Harry turned and gave his family a sad look. They were all upset. Finally, Hannah grabbed Harry's hand. "Go ahead, Harry. It's the only way."

Harry nodded and turned back to Dumbledore. "You want an end to Malfoy? To dark lords? To the Dark Arts?"

Dumbledore's eyes widened. "You'll help us?"

Harry nodded. He lowered his head and concentrated. Slowly and inaudibly, Harry began a lengthy incantation.

The four wizards stared at Harry with wide eyes, confused.

Slowly, Harry continued the incantation with a gradually louder voice as he slowly raised his wand.

Dumbledore continued to stare, then gasped. "NOOOOO!!!!!"

But it was too late. The four invading wizards began to glow. Then the glow seemed to swirl around them and then, in a sudden stream, flew off of them and into the urn at Jacob Abbott's feet.

There was a sudden swirling around the shop and throughout the neighborhood. The whole sky turned an odd shade of yellow as the winds seemed to whip. Muggles outside started to run for shelter as the whirlwind seemed to center on H&H Nursery & Floral Shop.

The front door suddenly burst open and a stream of yellow air shot past Dumbledore and flowed rapidly into the urn.

For nearly an hour, the four invading wizards lay flattened on the floor while Harry's family clung tearfully to each other. Then all was still.

Dumbledore, now looking all of his 169 years, raised rheumy eyes up to Harry. "Why?" he managed to croak out.

"Stupefy!" Shacklebolt screamed, pointing his wand at Harry. "Avada Kedavra!"

Dumbledore shakily raised his hand to push Shack's wand down. "It's useless."

Remus grasped the side of the counter to keep from falling over. "I feel strange."

Snape was staring wide-eyed at Dumbledore. "What did Potter just do?" he shouted.

Dumbledore wheezed. "He's just ... removed all the world's magic."

Shacklebolt blinked. "What do you mean?"

Dumbledore was now breathing heavily. "There is no more magic...Harry has collected it all in that urn. We are all Muggles now."

Harry sighed. "It will continue to collect for the next few hours," he said softly. "Can't have magical structures collapsing on people. People falling off brooms. Cut off surgeries at St. Mungos. But by sundown, there will be no more magic," he said without emotion. "With no more magic, there will be no more dark magic. With no more wizards, there will be no more dark wizards."

Harry stepped over to one of the counters and plucked a rose from a floral arrangement. "I would suggest you take hold of this. It will get you back to Hogwarts, among friends. It will be a struggle to adjust to Muggle life, but if you work at it, you should survive and even flourish."

Dumbledore stared sadly at Harry. "Did you have to...?"

Harry nodded. "Once the world is ready, when man put aside its greedy, hateful ways, once he is ready again for magic, I will restore it. Or one of my heirs will," he said, absently stroking his son's unruly blonde hair.

"Harry ... please," Dumbledore pleaded.

"Take hold of the rose," Harry said coldly.

Dumbledore took it, as did Shack. Snape glared at Harry, but grabbed hold.

Harry turned to Remus. "You aren't feeling well, my friend, because your lycanthropy is leaking out. You will be a Muggle, but not a werewolf any more. There is no magic left to hold it."

Remus looked up at Harry.

"Good luck, my friend," Harry said to the former werewolf.

Remus grabbed the stem of the rose, never taking his eyes off Harry. His expression was an odd cross between gratitude and loss.

Harry took a deep breath. One last thing. "Obliviate!"

The four former wizards blinked and gave him a blank look.

Harry then tapped the rose and activated the portkey and the four intruders were gone.

* * *


Harry and Hannah sat on a porch swing, holding hands. It had been 55 years since Harry ended magic. Hannah, now 76 years old, continued to be slightly plump, but that gave her a warm grandmotherly look. Which was appropriate, as she was now a grandmother 22 times over as well as a great grandmother four times. Her hair was pulled back in a braid and was now a gray-blond.

Harry, for his part, was still trim, although he had lost some of his muscle tone over the years. And his once raven hair was now more salt than pepper.

He sighed in contentment as he watched the sunset. "Getting a little late for Quidditch," he said with a chuckle.

"You want me to call them in?" Hannah asked.

Harry smiled. "No let them go a few more minutes. I want to see if Brian is as talented as I was," he said of his now 14-year-old grandson.

Hannah elbowed Harry with a laugh. The two turned to look across the broad field that was now H&H Farm, which Harry and Hannah bought to retire to. They weren't truly rich, just well-to-do enough to ensure that they could safely practice magic away from prying Muggle eyes. Harry glanced casually toward the locked and charmed barn. Inside, it held the entire contents of Hogwarts' library, which Harry managed to retrieve with a powerful Accio spell just before the old castle managed to collapse into itself. The volumes would remain there while the Potters waited.

He thought idly of his friends from the Wizarding World. Hermione had made out well, marrying a squib and becoming something of a super social worker, guiding wizards in the ways of an unfamiliar Muggle world. Ron, Fred and George Weasley managed to parlay their business skills to become adept at converting what Galleons members of the Wizarding world could collect from the slowly disintegrating Gringotts into Muggle money. They earned enough in commissions to allow their parents to retire in a small Muggle retirement community, where Arthur Weasley happily spent his time disassembling Muggle devices while Molly doted on her now Muggle children and grandchildren.

Hagrid managed to find happiness as a gamekeeper for a Muggle game sanctuary. McGonagall found a position as a governess and then retired, living to a ripe old age. Snape disappeared from sight for several years before reappearing as the dean of discipline at a small Muggle private school. Ironically, Remus Lupin did the best, authoring a series of wildly successful children's books about a world of magic. Seamus and Dean, being part Muggle to begin with, blended easily into their new world. So did Lavender and the Patil twins, who married well-to-do Muggles. Ginny's grave was kept well tended and beautiful flowers always seemed to grace it.

As for the new Dark Lord, Draco Malfoy's mutilated body, along with those of Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy Parkinson and about two dozen others, were found in the ruins of what used to be the Malfoy Manor. They were victims of an angry mob once the wards fell. Few known members of the new breed of Pureblood Knights survived.

And Albus Dumbledore lived for another year after the end of magic, dying in his sleep at the age of 170 years.

Harry shook his head while rocking on the porch swing, his arm around his wife of nearly 60 years. He sighed as he turned to the newspaper on the table next to him. Another terrorist bombing. He shook his head sadly and turned his eyes back to his family, the last remaining magical beings in the world.

Buried ten feet below the large flower pot in the front yard was a large urn that contained all the magic in the world. He hoped one day to loose it again. He hoped he would be the one to do it. But his son James could do it. And his grandson Brian was being trained to do it. And he knew in his heart that, if not James or Brian, one of his great grandsons or granddaughters would be ready.

'Just not yet,' he thought sadly.