The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Angst Horror
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 06/02/2003
Updated: 06/02/2003
Words: 544
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,217

Revenge Not Taken


Story Summary:
Harry is kidnapped in his sixth year and the world comes under Voldemort’s control. Harry is put into Azkaban and left there to rot. All Harry remembers is that Draco Malfoy had betrayed him to the enemy. Ten years later, Harry escapes. Revenge on Malfoy will be sweet.

Revenge Not Taken Prologue

Author's Note:
I got the idea for this story when me and one of my friends were playing Harry Potter. I know 15 and still plays imaginary games. Anyway I liked the idea so much I decided to write it as a novelish type thing


The Capture

Sixteen year-old Harry Potter sat in the back of the Potions classroom, hoping to avoid Professor Snape's eyes, which would more likely get house points taken away than anything else. Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley sat on either side of Harry, both looking as bored as Harry.

Snape continued to ramble on about some stupid potion and what it does and ignored the fact that Draco Malfoy was snoring on his desk. Harry, Ron, and Hermione tried to stifle laughs, as the boy's snoring got louder. Snape, annoyed at the giggling trio, shouted out, "Potter, Weasley, and Granger. I will meet you in my office after class to discuss your detention and Gryffindor loses 10 house points each." That shut the three of them up.

The classroom door flew open and 5th year Colin Creevey rushed in completely out of breath. "There's deatheaters in the castle!" he shouted. Those were the last words Colin ever said because at that moment and deatheater with long blond hair chopped off Colin's head with a sword.

Harry sprang up horrified at the innocent bloodshed. "Lucius Malfoy! What are you doing here?" he shouted with a venomous tone in his voice. Hermione and Ron also rose from their seats and looked directly at the older Malfoy, wands drawn and ready.

Lucius smiled that evil Malfoy smile and said "Draco, kill them now!" Harry froze in horror as Draco killed his two best friends. It didn't take much to tie Harry up.

As the Malfoys led Harry through the castle to the grounds, he realized what was going on. "No! You can't turn me over to Voldemort! He'll kill me and-". Draco turned and stared Harry straight in the eyes. "Don't you see, Potter? That's exactly why we're taking you to the Dark Lord. He wants you dead."

Harry shut his mouth and looked around at the huge amounts of carnage and blood on the floor as they led him along. There was Cho Chang, or what was left of her. Ginny was on the floor too, clutching at a knife jabbed awkwardly into her chest. She saw Harry and screamed. A deatheater came over quickly and silenced her forever. Fred and George were both hanging by the neck from the ceiling. Professor McGonagall was stabbed and bleeding to death on the floor. Justin Finch-Fetchley's stomach had been ripped open and his intestines pulled out. The deatheaters laughed and hung him by his intestines from the ceiling by the twins. He fell with a sickening thud as his intestines ripped and he dropped. And all this time, the deatheaters laughed.

The Malfoys pulled Harry out of the castle and right into the hands of the Dark Lord. Voldemort laughed manically and took Harry roughly by the shoulders. The evil being looked the Boy Who Lived right in the eye and said coldly "I told you that one day I would get you. And now I have. Take him away with the other prisoners and lock him in a cell, alone."

The last thing Harry remembered was seeing Albus Dumbledore being brutally beaten to death. Harry whispered, "It's all over." With tears running down his face, the enemy took Harry Potter to Azkaban. And there he stayed.