Astronomy Tower
Neville Longbottom Severus Snape
Drama Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 12/21/2002
Updated: 06/11/2005
Words: 9,927
Chapters: 6
Hits: 4,311



Story Summary:
Set during the Triwizard Tournament, Neville finds out he's in love with his nemesis, Professor Snape! What can a boy do? Should he act on his feelings or keep them hidden? And what exactly is Professor Moody trying to tell Neville?

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
Set during the Triwizard Tournament, Neville finds out he´s in love with his nemesis, Professor Snape! What can a boy do? Should he act on his feelings or keep them hidden? And what exactly is Professor Moody trying to tell Neville?

----------------Forbidden, chapter three. "Detention work"------------------

"What are you proposing, Professor?" Neville said and was starting to feel uneasy.

"What does it sound like, Longbottom?" Snape said and unbuttoned the top button of Neville's shirt.

Neville sprung out of his chair and stumbled over it and fell on his side.

"Careful, Longbottom! You wouldn't want to hurt yourself," Snape said and walked over and grabbed Neville by the arm and helped him up. Neville didn't know what to think.

"But...But..." Neville stuttered.

"But what?" Snape said in a soothing voice.

"But you hate me. Why would you want to...with me?" Neville said and blushed with his entire face.

"Look at me, Longbottom! What do you see?" Snape said and took a few steps back and swirled around with his hands lightly raised from his body.

"Erh...My Potions professor," Neville said, still trying to hide his passionate feelings.

You don't fool me, Longbottom. I am a man who has been teaching at this school for fifteen years and I have gotten laid so few times because of it, that my sexual encounters can be counted on my fingers and still have plenty of fingers left. I'm depraved and I've seen you looking. And now....here's your chance! Are you going to take it?" Snape said and smiled a mischievous smile.

Neville swallowed hard and felt a nervous sweat about to break out. He'd never been so tempted before.

"Why do you want me? I'm sure someone like Malfoy is more in your taste, Professor," Neville said lowly.

Snape laughed and walked towards Neville, stopping only a few inches away from him.

"Malfoy is an arrogant little bastard who would step over his own dignity and pride just to nail someone!" Snape said.

"I don't get it," Neville said.

"I don't like him. But you are sensitive! You are fragile. You could be broken in a second," Snape said and leaned in towards Neville's face. "And I feel like playing with something that breaks easily," Snape whispered and kissed Neville deeply and held the back of his head. He forced his tongue inside Neville's mouth and twirled it around.

Neville was scared beyond himself, but he felt incredibly turned on at the same time! He'd had an erection during this whole conversation! So he just relaxed and kissed Snape back! Neville felt how Snape was undressing him and he began doing the same to him.

When they were both naked, and still kissing, Neville felt something hard against his thigh and lowered his hand towards it.

"What?" Neville said and looked down and saw Snape's wand! (Yes, the real wand.)

"Mustn't let anyone come in on us at a time like this," Snape said and aimed for the door.

"Inpenetriatus!" and the door was locked.

"Where were we?" Snape said and kissed Neville again, this time with his hand around his manhood, pleasing Neville immensely.

They made their way toward Snape's desk and Neville laid back on it. Snape kissed his throat, his nipples and made his way down to Neville's pride. But there he stopped and looked surprised.

"Shaved?" Snape asked.

Neville was confused for a short second.

"No. It hasn't started growing yet," he answered.

Snape smiled.

"Kinky!" he said and engulfed Neville with enormous passion.

Neville, who had dreamt and fantasized about this for months, found it almost hard to believe that this was happening, but his mind was too enclosed with lust to pay any attention to his thoughts right now.

The tingling feelings radiating through his body was starting to overpower him and he had to make Snape stop.

"Wait, I'm about to..." he said, but Snape stood up and looked at him with hunger.

"Your turn, Longbottom," he said.

Neville was nervous, but not nearly enough to scare him from this. He got down from the desk and kneeled in front of his former fear and hate, and closed his eyes and opened his mouth.

He felt Snape's hands on both sides of his head and was enjoying himself to the maximum. Neville was pleasing himself simultaneously.

Soon, Snape let out a cry and he climaxed.

They were both feeling drowsy as if they had been asleep under a hot summer sun for hours, but they fought the urge to fall asleep right there and then, and got dressed. Neville was still confused, though.

"Professor? What does this mean?" Neville asked just as he was about to exit.

"Not much, Longbottom. I think we can call it....a way for us both to get relief. But don't think we are some kind of an item now. Our roles as teacher and pupil must remain the same, at all costs."

Neville nodded and opened the door.


"Yes, Professor?"

"Ten points for Gryffindor. For keeping your tongue in the right place," Snape smiled.

As did Neville and almost laughed.


The next day, after lunch, Neville was late for Potions class, but he didn't feel any of the fear and anxiety as he would have before yesterday. He was over joyous about what had happened, but still a bit tingly over the fact that he was doing something forbidden. As he turned around the corner he nearly bumped into Goyle, whose face was covered with huge blisters!

Then, he saw Snape looking at Hermione.

"I can't see the difference!" Snape said and Hermione started crying and ran off.

Harry and Ron, who hadn't seemed to be getting along for the last few days, started shouting things to Snape. He couldn't make all of the words out, but some words like 'wanker' and 'fuckslut' could be heard. Neville knew Snape was hated, but he still felt Harry and Ron were a little too harsh.

Snape said something to Ron and Harry and then they entered the classroom. Neville hurried inside and got a seat in front of Malfoy and Crabbe, sad to say, but he was as close to Snape as he could get.

Neville noticed that Ron sat down next to Seamus and Dean instead of Harry who was sitting completely alone. Something must have happened between them, Neville thought.

Maybe Harry has put a move on Hermione and Ron didn't like it. It's painfully obvious that Ron likes her and all.

"Antidotes!" Snape said.

"You should all be finished with your antidotes by now. I want you all to brew them very carefully, and then we will select someone we can test them on," he said and eyed Harry.

There was a knock on the door and Colin Creevey came running up to Snape's desk and said that Harry was supposed to follow him upstairs for a photograph for the Daily Prophet. Snape looked disappointed, but had no choice but to let Harry leave. As they passed the Slytherins they lit up some glowing badge with a green text on. Neville couldn't make out what they said, but judging from Harry's face it wasn't friendly.



Two days later, directly after Defense against the Dark arts class, Neville was told to come to Moody's office for the second time. He had thought about what had happened that day and even though he was barely a year old when it happened, he remembered a few bits and pieces of that fateful day.

Neville was sitting in the same chair as he'd done before with Moody opposite him, and once again he was trying to drink the hot tea, but after he'd scalded his tongue twice, he decided to spare himself the torture and merely held the cup in his hands until he could get rid of it.

"So tell me, boy. What do you remember about that day when your parents were attacked?" Moody said.

"I don't remember much of it, but I have this image of my grandmother crying in the kitchen, but I don't remember why I was with her and not with mom and dad," Neville said and felt the sorrow build up.

"You were with your grandmother that day because your parents had been, unexpectedly, called into the Ministry on a job, and your grandmother was babysitting you until they would come home. Alas, they didn't," Moody said and his normal eye stared at Neville, while his magical eye seemed to probe the corridor outside.

"What exactly happened to them?" Neville asked.

"On their way home from work, they were ambushed, behind a toyshop in Diagon Alley, by four Death Eaters. Frank, your father, was hit by a full body bind before the Death Eaters even showed themselves and he was helpless. Your mother, who was the fastest wand fighter I've known, couldn't reach her wand because of the present she was holding," Moody said.

"Present?" Neville frowned.

"For your birthday," Moody answered.

Neville felt a stab of guilt immediately, even though he knew it wasn't his fault.

"She was overpowered, even though she defeated one of them before she was hit by the same spell as your father," Moody said.

He refilled his cup of tea and offered Neville some, but Neville shook his head.

Moody continued, "They put Frank under Cruciatus for a lot longer than any human mind could withstand."

"But why did they do it?" Neville said and could feel a tear about to leave his left eye.

"They wanted to know where their Lord had gone," Moody answered.

"Their Lord? He-who-must-not-be-named. you mean?" Neville said.

"Yes. They did not want to believe he was truly dead, so they thought maybe he had been captured, or something similar, by the Ministry of Magic. That's why they tortured your father until he lost his mind," Moody said and drank some of his tea.

Neville couldn't hold back anymore. The tears trickled down his face.

"When the Death Eaters couldn't get any answers out of your father, they turned to your mother and gave her the same treatment. But they couldn't tell them anything, because they knew nothing," Moody said and looked as if he was remembering a certain scene from those days and got lost in it. "Anyway, the Death Eaters were caught and sent to Azkaban. End of story," Moody said.

"End of story? But you said you knew what was wrong with me?" Neville said and dried his tears with his sleeve.

"I do. But for now, that is all I can tell you. I want you to try and remember more from that day. Try to remember a man with grey, curly hair and a pair of orange glasses." Moody said.

Neville was sad, but he finally knew the true story about his parents, so he settled with Moody's answers for now.



A day later, Neville made a mess in Transfiguration when he accidentally made the clothes of everyone within three yards of himself, ( Harry, Dean, Lavender and Hermione, to be exact.) turn see-through, including his own! Professor Mcgonagall was furious and gave Neville detention again. But, luckily, he was to report to Snape instead of McGonagall, as she already had her hands full with seven other students in detention.

Neville almost skipped down to Snape's office, knowing he'd probably get another shag!

He knocked on Snape's door.

Snape opened the door and led him inside. But Neville was shocked at the sight before him!

What was HE doing here?

And why was he wearing THAT?



to be continued in chapter four, "What on Earth are you doing?"