The Dark Arts
Lavender Brown Percy Weasley
General Slash
Multiple Eras
Published: 07/18/2002
Updated: 09/13/2002
Words: 9,415
Chapters: 4
Hits: 2,741



Story Summary:
Summer 1997. Percy is a Ministry official working for the Department for International Magical Cooperation. This summer will change his life significantly: love and jealousy, rat tails and international standards.

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
In this chapter the Weasleys celebrate Percy's promotion,
Author's Note:
Writing this chapter would have been impossible without the support of my

Chapter Three: The Hidden Powers of Lavender Brown.


Mrs. Molly Weasley to Ginny Weasley: Hogwarts

Dear Ginny, June 13, 1997

It was wonderful to receive your owl last week. There haven't been many things happening around here. Percy is working hard, as usual, and I finally convinced him to take a short holiday so he could rest his weary bones. He assured me that he doesn't need holidays at all, and ranted endlessly about what he would do if they suddenly needed him at the Ministry and so on, and so on. Finally, after hours of arguing, he gave up and fire-contacted some of the Diagon Alley port-key agencies to check the prices. He might also ask Oliver Wood to join him since the regular League season is almost over and Oliver is the closest thing to a real friend Percy has ever had.

Dad sends his regards,


Percy Weasley to Oliver Wood: June 14, 1997

Dear Oliver,

I can't believe it worked! A number of small hints made Mum start off again with her infamous 'you-need-to-take-a-holiday' discussion and after some time I eventually agreed (surprise!). She looked quite happy about my idea of inviting you to join me, so we need not worry that she might have caught on to our relationship. Now I can officially invite you to Ibiza. Would it be alright if we depart next Saturday and stay for two weeks?



Caroline Brown to Jessica Quirke: June 21, 1997

Dear Jessica,

Thank you for the birthday present! I've put the poster of Oliver Wood on the ceiling in my room and every evening I say to him "Good night, Oliver!"

Oh, I love him so much! You'll never guess what Lavender got for me! It was a Hogwarts Quidditch logbook with Oliver's signatures! His own handwriting, mind you! I'm going to tear them out and frame them in gold! In gold... Ha, I wish I could. These usual plastic frames are not good enough for his autograph. Do you think wooden frames would go better? Or should I choose something more precious?



Mrs. Molly Weasley to Percy Weasley: Hotel Brujo, Ibiza

Dear Percy, June 30, 1997

Today Penny sent you a letter with an invitation attached, but her owl collapsed when it reached the Burrow. It seems as though that this was its tenth flight for the day! Penny's owl must be having a difficult time distributing these.

I hope you enjoy your stay at Ibiza. Please give my best regards to Oliver.



Percy Weasley to Oliver Wood: July 7, 1997

Dear Oliver, My Love, My All,

Spending two weeks with you was a dream come true. Finally, after all this time, we were able to spend time with each other and to feel each other. Being with you, being in you, discovering you - I've longed for this for such a long time that I still cannot believe it really happened. Right now, I'm sitting in my office and instead of concentrating on rat tails, I'm dreaming about yours. Perhaps you could send for a cure?

Anyway, even writing this letter has become increasingly difficult. My heartbeat quickens as mere visions of you are distracting me from my work.

When is the next time we can see each other? Where? I'd like to invite you to my place, but living at the Ministry employees' residence has it disadvantages.

I'll be waiting,



Daily Prophet: July 10. By: Violet Green

Ministry of Magic spokeswitch Ms. Lisa Jones announced today that Mr. Percy Weasley (22) has been appointed as the new Head of the International Magical Cooperation Department. During Mr. Weasley's education at the Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he served as a Gryffindor Prefect and as Head Boy, attaining quite a reputation in the aforementioned school due to his academic excellence and highly commendable leadership qualities.

Shortly after his graduation, Mr. Weasley joined the International Magical Cooperation Department of the Ministry, where he proposed a number of international standards. Mr. Weasley is fluent in French, Mermish, and Chinese.


Ron Weasley to Harry Potter: Privet Drive 4

July 11, 1997

I hope that those bloody Muggles haven't terrified you completely. Dumbledore has his reasons for letting you stay with them, as Mom always says. Though, it still puzzles me as to why he won't allow you to spend the entire summer here, at the Burrow.

Mum and Dad are planning a surprise party tomorrow for Percy. He has been promoted to old Crouch's position. Now I have a senior Ministry official for a brother and his talks about rat tails and international standards will become even more boring.



Diary of Ginny Weasley: July 12, 1997

Today Mum and Dad organised a surprise party for Percy. Penelope, Roger Davies, Oliver Wood, the Fawcetts, and the Lovegoods were invited to celebrate with us. Since the Diggorys moved out three years ago, they are the only ones left at Ottery St. Catchpole; Mum says that we have to support each other in difficult times, thus the invitation. Old Mr. Lovegood was as boring as usual and I, once again, was the target of his never-ending tales about his days at Hogwarts. He seemed to be quite a prankster during those days, but even the funniest pranks, like the one he played on his Herbology teacher using his Kettering hair-growing potion, faded into the boredom.

Penny appeared to be totally in love with Roger and I've noticed something funny about them: whenever Penny talked to somebody or did something, Roger's eyes followed her with a mix of love and fear. Years ago I would have given a lot just for Harry to give me that look, but I'd rather not think about it right now.

Percy didn't seem to be happy. He probably didn't like the entire idea of a celebration, or of a surprise party, but at least he was polite and friendly. He even talked to old Mr. Lovegood!

I've known Percy long enough to see that tonight his eyes were filled with emptiness. I am sure that his thoughts were far away from the events at the Burrow. The only time he appeared to be really present was when Oliver talked to him or when he talked to Oliver. I have a strange feeling that something is going on between them.

It's already midnight and I'd better go to bed.


Mrs. Molly Weasley to Percy Weasley:

Dear Percy, July 16, 1997

I hope that you've enjoyed your stay in Paris. In response to your question, I think that something for the household might be a good idea for Penny and Roger. A nice chandelier, perhaps? How about a table-cloth charmed to resist spots or a clock? Currently they will need only two hands, but adding more hands shouldn't be difficult. It also depends on how much you'd like to spend on the gift.



Daily Prophet: August 1. By: Violet Green

Today, the newly appointed Head of the International Magical Cooperation department Mr. Percy Weasley, held his first official Press Conference. Mr. Weasley stated that "the aim of the department is developing and deepening international magical cooperation in trade, education and culture". He also stressed the importance of "enforcing international quality standards on items that are important for Wizarding industry such as Jobberknoll feathers, rat tails, and daisy roots." Mr. Weasley added that "he feels a personal responsibility to protect the Wizarding society from the low-quality products."


Anonymous letter sent to Percy Weasley:

Dear Sir, August 7, 1997

Let me congratulate you on your promotion. I hope that you do not really want to enter the history not only as the youngest Head of Department, but also as the most stupid. In this case, you might like to reconsider some of your earlier claims on international trade. Otherwise, the Wizarding society might be terribly disappointed by such a brief carrier of the talented Mr. Weasley.


Diary of Percy Weasley: August 10, 1997

It's been 7 days since The Letter. I haven't received anything from His owls in 14 days. I haven't seen Him in 28 days, almost 29.


PlayWitch: August 1997

Special: Irish Leather

My First Time: Innocence and Experience

True Story: Getting Dirty in the Dungeons!

Our Cover Boy: Oliver and His Broomstick


Diary of Percy Weasley: August 18, 1997

I went to Diagon Alley today. I went to newspaper section in Flourish & Blotts to check for the latest issue of "Financial Floo" and what do I see there? The August issue of "PlayWitch" featuring "Oliver and his Broomstick", with Him smiling on the cover. How can he do it? I feel robbed. I thought He was all mine and only mine...

Even though he is dressed on the cover, no doubts that everybody who paid enough would see his naked body inside. And I even didn't dare to buy it.


Anonymous letter sent to Percy Weasley:

Dear Sir, August 19, 1997

It seems that you have decided to ignore my previous letter. Now you no longer have a choice. Either you change the departmental policy on rats' tails imports, or on September 1, some photos we took during your joint vacation with Mr. Wood earlier this summer will be made public.


Oliver Wood, from the Law and Order Squad Penitentiary Residence to his brother John: August 26, 1997

Dear John,

I've been arrested. You should know about it by now. I haven't done anything really bad, but when they started asking me weird questions about my girlfriends and my appearances in PlayWitch, I was just too angry to control myself and duly smashed a table. Why do these bloody supporters care about my love life? What is this PlayWitch business about? They seemed to claim that I appeared in its August issue? They asked me some time ago, but I never agreed...

The only thing that comforts me is Percy. He was here. We didn't have the time to talk or anything, but he said enough just by coming and kissing me in the midst of all the chaos.

Please, keep Mum out of it as much as possible.



Mrs. Molly Weasley to Ginny Weasley: September 2, 1997

I hope that you've arrived at Hogwarts safely. Everything isn't so good here. Percy is still under the "internal investigation". Law and Order have questioned him once or twice; thank goodness they've stopped doing it. Percy stays at the Burrow at the moment. His access to the Ministry employees' residence has been denied since he is technically not a Ministry employee at the moment. Dad tried to do something about it but ever since the story appeared in Prophet, everybody's scared and aren't really eager to help Percy out of the situation. The only one who is here visiting Percy, trying to talk to him, is Oliver. His friendship is really important to Percy and I'm happy that he has such a good friend.



John Wood to his brother Oliver: September 4, 1997

Dear Ol,

I've talked to some of my friends about this PlayWitch affair. It seems that they have faked the photos. The one on the cover is not faked, mind you, as they took it from Puddlemere's yearly photo, but the "hot" ones are. Joe said that he can run some tests to prove this, but it can take time and to make it officially so, so you need to proceed to the court. You may guess that if this process has started, the press will be there to scrutinise your life - in other words your sexual preference will undoubtedly be discovered. Are you sure you want to go through this? I know, Bruce Cornfoot can be a nice guy, understanding and supportive. So, your being gay won't matter to him, surely, but what about his successor as Team Coach? You are only 22, Oliver. Are you sure you want to risk your entire Quidditch career?



Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown to Percy Weasley: September 8, 1997

Dear Percy,

Lavender is in the hospital wing. She has lost too much energy and is therefore too weak to write. So, she asked me to write this for her. I've sworn that everything she says will not leave the room.


Dear Percy,

First of all, I'm so sorry for all of the sufferings that have happened to you because of my stupid report. When I realised how much damage I caused, I tried to write to you, but I was not able to find the right words.

I was summoned today by the Ministry to the Investigation Office. They asked what I witnessed on August 26 and what exactly you and Oliver had been doing there. I told them what I'd seen, but I felt that they wanted more. The principal investigator, Kevin Kettering, started asking how specifically you approached Oliver and how precisely you kissed him. He look as if he found this to be a crime and that made me angry. I told him that this was your private business, and that if they hadn't asked me about you and Oliver on the day after that, I would have never said anything about the kiss at all!

It was silly to assume that they will see it as sweet and touching. He shouted that whatever I want will not happen because the truth is already known and that as long as he is dealing with this case, you'll never be able to get back in the Ministry. I was more than furious and because of this, I felt fire burn through my eyelids. I knew the fact that every Brown can set fire with a look, but I've never experienced it myself. I fainted, but the last thing I saw was the room being burned and people leaving in panic. The next thing I remember is being back at Hogwarts, in the Hospital Wing.

The good thing is that I think your "case" doesn't exist anymore.



Orla Quirke to her father, Leo Quirke, reporter for "The Daily Prophet"

September 10, 1997

Hi Dad!

I have some spectacular news for the Prophet! Being the obedient daughter that I am, I sent this to you first, before Charlotte Charming. So, here it comes: Wood is Gay!

How did I know it? I heard it from Jessica. She visited with Carry's elder sister in the hospital wing and saw Wood there, along with this suspended Weasley guy. They were sitting together near Carry's sister's bed and talking to her quietly. Carry was shocked when she saw Wood (how can she be obsessed with some stupid Quidditch player? Stupid girl, but then again, Browns were never smart enough to begin with.) and asked him to sign her parchment. Wood started to search in his bag for a quill, absent-mindedly laying out some newspapers, magazines, cakes, and a toy rabbit. Finally, a quill was found and her parchment was signed. Jessica had a pretty good view of some of his stuff and was positive that she saw a PlayWitch among them. Then, she came to ask me what PlayWitch meant. She thought this was some kind of a gaming magazine for girls and wanted to take a subscription.

Why should a guy have PlayWitch in his bag unless he is gay?



Daily Prophet: September 12. By: Violet Green

Ministry officials announced today that the internal investigation of the memorable events of August 26, 1997, when a group of Quidditch supporters created havoc in Diagon Alley and of Mr. Percy Weasley's role in the riots, is complete. Ministry spokeswitch Ms. Lisa Jones confirmed that Mr. Weasley will return to his office on Monday, September 15.
