Lord Voldemort
Multiple Eras
Published: 11/10/2003
Updated: 05/05/2004
Words: 83,293
Chapters: 20
Hits: 11,711

Battle Lines

Wraith 11

Story Summary:
The world has gone to war...````Lord Voldemort’s forces, staging form Durmstrang Institute have all but taken the European mainland. The Wizarding Union, an alliance between Muggles and Wizards now fights and evermore desperate battle as country after country falls under the Dark Lord’s control.````But wars are no longer fought only on the ground; they are fought in the air.``Fast and daring, they are the Broomstick pilots. As the last Union forces retreat form the mainland they are all that will stand between victory and defeat...

Chapter 09

Chapter Summary:
The world has gone to war...
Author's Note:
First and foremost, if you have a dislike of Muggle technology, light coarse language or violence I advise you do not read this fic.

Chapter 9: A Judas in the Ranks

01 Apr 03: Hogwarts AFB


Pilot Officer Natalie Boone relaxed, cold drink in one hand, while her reinstated CO brought the pilots up to speed with what had happened at Hogwarts during their absence. Nat had gone through an intense debriefing after the mission to Azkaban, as had all the team members. Cho, having been a POW in the prison, had taken a couple of days to debrief.

'So to round up.' said the Squadron Leader. 'Voldemort appears to be using older World War Two "blitzkrieg" tactics, trying to break down our morale, both civilian and military. He is using dragons and his own Aerial Fortresses to pound cities across the British Isles, as well as pinpoint attacks by his Heavy Fighters. These raids, if detected early enough, can be intercepted and dealt with before they reach their targets, preferably while they're still over the Channel, are there any questions on that?'

Phannan, who was sitting next to Nat, raised a hand. 'Yeah, um, dragons. How, in Gryffindor's name, do you use dragons? Like, they aren't particularly easy to control.'

Cho looked at him. 'Quite simple really, you don't control them. He keeps them in check with magic until his forces get over a target then releases them. When they've caused an adequate amount of death and destruction for his tastes, he rounds them back up, puts them in stasis and his forces return home.'

'So this is psychological warfare?' questioned Aaron. 'Dragons don't do much damage but they scare the living daylights out of everyone.'

'Like "Ah help, it's a bloody dragon, oh my god it singed Mister Crisp next door"?'

Cho sighed why me?

'Yes Flight Lieutenant Phannan, that's just how psychological warfare works, you may have a star for being a smart boy.'

'Thank you Ma'am.'

'Any more questions? Unless you're name is Mike Phannan...' Aaron started to open his mouth '...or Aaron Reilly.'

There were none.

'Ok,' Cho continued, 'squadron business. First up, thank you again to all those who saw fit to come and get me out of Azkaban.'

Phannan stood up, put his foot on the chair in front of him and took a deep bow. Fred stayed uncharacteristically silent. It was understandable, the loss of Katie during the mission had hit him harder than most.

Cho rolled her eyes. 'Try it again Mister Phannan and you will be pulling kitchen duty for the next week and a half. As it is we have some new and returning faces in the Squadron who promise to make my life even more of a misery than it already is. First up is Flight Lieutenant George Weasley. Those of you from Seeker Squadron will remember George. You'll also remember that he was shot down over Beauxbatons. Unfortunately, in that last crash he was severely injured and has been grounded until further notice. As such he will be acting as our LOGO, so if you need anything, go see him. Next up are Pilot Officers Jack Harrington and Rachel Holms, both fresh out of flight school.'

A sandy haired man and a dark skinned woman with a fully shaved head waved from where they were seated.

Cho kept talking. 'Make them feel welcome and show them the ropes. If some of you could give them a run in the simulators that would be good. Last up is Ensign Thomas Rogers. He was assigned here at the last minute after we lost Katie. Rogers is part of the "Eagle Flight" program. As you know the United States Ministry has not entered the war, but they run a program whereby Quidditch players, who feel the urge, may fly with our squadrons against Voldemort. Try and make him feel welcome and get him used to real coffee.'

The American pilot stood up. 'I must say that I'm glad to be here. I've heard a lot of good things about you Brits and can't wait to see some action.'

Phannan gave him a disgusted look, as did a number of the pilots in the room; either this guy was suicidal, or had absolutely no idea what he was up against.

Cho noticed and started talking to cover up the suddenly cool atmosphere of the room.

'Because we're now up to full strength again I'm rearranging the flights a bit. Two Flight will stay the same way it is now. Boone, you'll be dropping back from One Flight to Three Flight as Eleven. Mr. Harrington will be taking your old position as on my wing as Two. Miss Holmes will be flying Fred's wing as Ten, which leaves the Ensign here as Twelve, Boone's wingman.

Nat grimaced at the thought of having a suicidal, possibly trigger happy wingman. Phannan gave her a sympathetic look.

'Ok, last bit of business. We now have an official name, thanks again to Miss Boone there. We are now officially Phoenix Squadron. I've gotten The Store to make up some patches and name tapes so they should arrive in a few days. Any questions? No? You're free to go.'

Nat started to rise from her chair.

'Oh, Fred, Boone, can I see you for a minute?'

Nat considered wandering out, thought better of it, and turned back to her commander.

'Does this mean I get leave in London too?' asked Fred hopefully.

'No Flight Lieutenant, it doesn't, no-one is getting leave for a bit, sorry about that. What I have actually called you here for is for something more sensitive. It has come to my attention, and that of Command, that this squadron appears to be jinxed. Everywhere we go, we seem to get ambushed or some other shit like that and it isn't doing any good for the morale of the people on base.'

Cho took a breath, then looked at the two pilots sharply. 'Command believes we may have a spy. Intelligence is already making its own enquiries. However, they don't know the people in the Squadron. I want you two to look into it. Please be subtle, take note of that Fred. Talk to people, try and figure them out, watch any changes in routine etcetera. You will be meeting with the Spooks from time to time to share info. Any questions?'

There was silence for a few seconds, then Fred spoke. 'Ok, I can see why you want this looked into. And I can see why you want it done by someone in the Squadron. But, why us?'

Cho sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. 'Why you Fred? Because you're my XO and I trust you, plus you were involved with Potter and co. a lot in school, which means that you have experience at sticking your nose in other people's business. Boone, because she's Muggle born and can probably work a computer better than you, and she was my wingman so for some strange reason I trust her as well, also she can look at things from a more non-magical perspective. Anything else?'

Fred looked at Nat then shook his head.

'Right,' said Cho, 'I also want you to go over the personnel records and fitness reports for the Squadron. You'll have to get them off the base mainframe.'


'You're temporary clearance passwords and the extended versions of your briefs are on these.' continued the Squadron Leader, handing them two flash cards, one each. 'Dismissed.'

Fred and Nat snapped to attention, spun on their heels and set off toward the exit. Nat only looked back once, to see Chang, a small figure standing in the middle of the ready room, looking more tired then she had ever seen her before.

* * *

01 Apr 03: Hogwarts AFB


Natalie Boone lay on her bed, well, most of her lay on the bed. Her legs and booted feet extended up the wall. This is a normal and quite possibly comfortable position for many university and high school students. She slipped the flash card Cho had given her into her PDA, dumped the extended brief onto her laptop via infrared link and then opened up the file containing her pass code, all six digits of it.

13 19 01

Nat smiled to herself thirteen nineteen oh-one at least it was easy to remember. She wiped the card's tiny memory clean, ejected it and just for good measure, snapped it in two. Putting the PDA aside she picked up the computer and started to read her brief. Rachel Holms, who Nat had been roomed with, entered from the bathroom, a glorified term for the one by one and a half metre space which contained toilet, shower and sink all in one.

'Got it cold enough in here?' Rachel asked. 'I thought you were from Australia.'

She reached for the controls of the air conditioner. Nat stopped her.

'Don't adjust it, if you're cold, put on your jumper.'

Holms raised an eyebrow. 'Right, but seriously, why? It would be far easier to turn down the air-con. Besides, I've only got my service jumper here at the moment.'

'Good,' said Nat, putting the laptop aside and lowering the screen. 'If you're already wearing it then it's one less thing to put on if something weird happens.'

The new pilot grudgingly opened her draw and slipped on her jumper. Only just out of flight school, far from the front, Rachel had never been on a fully operating combat base before. Being prepared "incase" something happened was a new experience for her.

'So, what's it like?'

Nat looked over at her bunkmate again. 'What's what like?'


'It's hard to explain, I've hardly been doing this much longer that you. You'd be better off asking one of the older guys. All I can say is stick to your wingman. Fred's good. If anyone can get you through alive he will.'

'Yeah, but what's it like? Is it like training?' said Holms, leaning forward.

'Bugger that reminds me, I was meaning to take you down to the sims. But combat? It's faster than an exercise...'

* * *

01 Apr 03: Top of the Astronomy Tower, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


Jasmine Lin, fourth-year Hufflepuff adjusted her telescope and finished filling in the part of the sky she was looking at on her star chart. Behind her the Professor paced, looking over the shoulders of the class. Again Jasmine adjusted her telescope, pointing it down near the horizon, looking for a particular group of stars. Suddenly, something moved across her vision, blotting out the stars behind it.

What the?

There was the chug of a Muggle diesel engine starting up and then an earsplitting noise assaulted her ears. It started low working up to an ear shattering wail the cut through the still night.


Massive searchlights down in the town of Hogsmeade and in the grounds of the school sprang to life. Dim at first then cutting through the air and illuminating the clouds above. The Professor was already yelling at the students. Lin abandoned her telescope and ran for the entrance to the castle below.

'Hurry up! Get down to the dungeons!' The Astronomy Professor was on the edge of panic.

Jasmine didn't need telling twice. She was inside and legging it for the deep safety of the castle's dungeons.

* * *

01 Apr 03: Hogwarts AFB


Jasmine Lin wasn't the only one to hear the sirens. In the base below alarms were sounding. Natalie Boone also heard them. Throwing her computer to one side she swung herself off the bed. She moved fast across the room and grabbed her jacket, throwing Rachel's to her bunkmate.

'Come on, grab your jacket and let's go.'

'What's happening?'


They ran for the door, wrenched it open and legged it for the hangar. Nat ran, doing up her jacket as she did so. Red lights were flashing as the alarms filled the base with noise.

'Scramble! Scramble! Enemy formations sighted, ETA two minutes! This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a drill! Scramble! All personnel assume battle stations! Full base lockdown in...'

Nat and Rachel emerged into the hangar; it was chaos, organized chaos. The two pilots sprinted out across the deck to where the ground crew had their brooms ready. Nat already had her gloves on as a yellow shirted rating handed her helmet and broom over. The first pairs of broomsticks were headed toward the mouth of the hanger where the camouflage blast doors were being opened. The brooms shot through the steadily widening gap. Nat looked around.

Where in the name of Merlin was her wingman?

A deep throated hum filled the space as the four standby Chimera gunships lifted to intercept the enemy's Fortresses. Red shirted weapons handlers were already locking long AMRAAM missiles to the stubby wings of the other attack craft.

Where was her...

Thomas Rogers appeared, sauntering over to where the brooms were, pulling on his jacket as he went.

'Where in the blazes were you!' Nat fought to stop herself from exploding.

The American looked taken aback. 'I heard the sirens and someone told me to go to the hanger, so, here I am. What's happening?'

A shaft of scarlet light, the size of a freight train hammered into the cliff below the doors and the base shook.

'Get your gear on.' Nat shot back. 'If you want to know what's happening look out the doors. You were looking forward to combat, well here's your chance!'

Rogers started fumbling with his gloves while Nat flicked down her helmet's visor and keyed the comm.

'Control, this is Phoenix Eleven, request emergency departure clearance.'

'Phoenix Eleven, why aren't you airborne yet?'

'My wingman was late.'

'You're clear for immediate departure. Get your tardy arses in the air; we're locking down the base.'

With that the massive blast door of the hangar began to rumble shut again. Nat kicked into the air, her wingman following behind.

'Ok Twelve, you know the drill. Watch my six and don't get shot.'

Nat engaged full emergency war power and streaked for the exit. Rogers took a second to realize what had happened then quickly followed. Nat exited the hangar bay traveling at over four hundred knots. The two Death Eaters that had been waiting to ambush any exiting pilots saw her streak overhead, to fast for them to pop up and hit her and turned in pursuit.

Clear of the hanger bay Nat killed the war power; she'd had bad experiences with it before. She checked her sensor board, there were red dots everywhere. A blast of magical energy flew past her.

What the?

On her board were two red blips, directly astern and closing.

They must have been waiting.

She rolled inverted and dived for the hard deck. Lances of energy shot past as Nat jinxed madly. She roared across the surface of the lake, pulling hard the Union pilots accelerated up the vertical face of the cliffs beneath the school, aggressors close behind. Up the cliffs then out over the school, tracers from the fifty cal. machine guns illuminated the night sky as the searchlights traced figure eight patterns in the sky. Nat saw what she was looking for.

'Anti-air November Tango. This is Phoenix Twelve, we will be over your position in approximately ten seconds, bearing zero-two-seven, we have two bandits on our six, do you respond?'


Nat raced toward the North Tower of Hogwarts. The triple-A battery on the roof tracked her. She and her wingman hammered over it, not more than one hundred feet up.


The anti-aircraft battery opened up, its shells exploding in mid air, right in front of the pursuing Death Eaters. The shrapnel tore them to pieces. Nat hammered out across the school grounds toward the enemy Fortresses and escort looming over the school.

'This is Control.' Fleur's voice broke through the airwaves. 'Stop the Fortresses before they reach the base. Give cover to the Gunships.'

'Roger that Control. How're you doing Twelve?'

'Oh everything's just peachy back here Eleven. Are you fucking insane?'

'Roger that. Hang on Twelve.'

Nat wrenched her broom into a tight half loop, coming up underneath a Fortress. She jammed her finger down on the trigger sending magical energy blasting away at the air to ground armament of the enemy Fortress. The broom roared along, inverted, the belly of the Fort just inches "below" Nat's booted feet. They emerged from beneath the big hulk, Nat rolled upright then pulled into a vertical climb, rolling and jinxing as fire from the defensive armament of the enemy tracked her through the sky. Behind her two explosions blossomed on the side of the massive aerostat. It began to roll and turn, trying to present its undamaged flank. Two more SAMs from the battery on the roof of Hogwarts slammed into its side, through the holes left by the last two explosions. The fort rolled over and began to lose altitude. Nat saw it plough into the Forbidden Forest, shattering trees. Then it exploded, flattening the Forest around it.

The comm crackled to life.

'This is Bolt Five; we're taking fire. Request immediate cover.'

Natalie scanned the sky, there, a single Chimera, pursued by two Lankies. The Union pilots rolled into the attack. Nat lined up her crosshairs on the lead indicator of the first enemy. Magical energy streamed from behind her.


Rogers had fired, far too early. His shot passed in front of the enemy. The Death Eater swung around toward them, just as two of their buddies swooped in and obliterated Bolt Five. Fire lanced from Nat's broom, taking the lead enemy in the leg, he rolled away, Nat let him go. Her wingman's shots went wide and the second dark wizard swept past. Nat rolled inverted, wrenching her ride through a tight split-S, bearing down on Bolt Five's executioners. The lead indicator of one of the Lankies swam towards Nat's crosshairs. Magical energy erupted from the emitter tip, crashing into the Death Eater and sending his burnt remains on a ballistic trajectory into the ground. His wingman rolled away from the line of fire. Nat performed a classic bank and yank, following his trajectory. Fire streamed past her. She whipped her head around, the enemy that had gone past before was now on their tails and was merrily sending fire their way.


'Yes Ma'am.'

'Kick his arse.'

'Roger that Eleven.'

The Ensign's broom decelerated suddenly, dropping back. Nat returned her attention to her target. Energy streamed past her, then an explosion from behind.

'This is Twelve. Consider the target's arse kicked.'

'Roger that Twelve. Stay loose and keep me covered.'

Nat's quarry was now headed back toward the school. He banked right, away from the walls. Nat, caught off guard by the sudden change of direction overcorrected and fired. Magical energy streamed out, landing ahead of the enemy. The Death Eater swung back left to avoid the blast.


He hit the wall at over three hundred knots, spreading himself across it in a grizzly smear.

'YAHOO! Scratch one bandit!'

Nat pulled up into a victory roll before heading out over the lake.

'This is Control. Phoenixes Eleven and Twelve, there are two Gunships on their way, keep them covered.'

Two new names appeared on Nat's escort list. She swung her broom around to where the Chimeras were just emerging above the cliffs.

'This is the Pilot Officer Boone's escort service, what is your pleasure this evening?'

'This is Bolt Lead and Bolt Two; we would rather like some fighter cover if that's alright by you.'

Nat pulled into formation, below and slightly forward of the Chimeras.

'Right Twelve lets pave the way.'

The small formation screamed toward the fight, flying spells maxed out. Nat loosened up formation, allowing herself room to move. Then she let rip. Magical energy streamed out in front of her. Around her the Chimeras and her wingman opened up. Magical energy streamed toward the enemy from no less than ten separate emitter tips, a concentrated, deadly rain of fire. The Chimeras vectored in on an enemy Aerial Fortress. The two broom jockeys held formation, fingers still jammed down on the triggers.

Oliver Wood, Bolt Lead, roared toward the enemy bearing down on his school. He could hear Alicia's breathing in his ears.

'Ok Sir.' said Alicia, his WSO. 'You're hot.'

Oliver switched weapons from his guns to missiles. The two AIM-120s mounted under the wings, with the help of the powerful radar mounted on the roof of Hogwarts, immediately acquired lock on the massive radar signature of the Fortress.

'Bolt Lead. Fox three! Fox three!'

Wood jammed his gloved finger down on the trigger.

Thunk. Thunk. WHOOSH!

The missiles fell away from their mounts then roared to life, streaking toward their hapless target. Bolt Two was only moments behind. Relived of the weight of the missiles Oliver and Alicia's ship bounced high into the air. Oliver immediately rammed his throttles through the gate, into the magical equivalent of afterburner and pulled up, using his sudden height advantage to get even further away from the doomed Fort.


The two specially modified AMRAAMs slammed into the side of the craft, punching straight through the armor plate. Bolt Two's missiles followed less than a second later, entered the hole and detonated inside the Fort. The craft's hull softened, ballooned, then exploded outwards, hull plating, armor and internals flying out into the air. Devoid of any support in its mid section the hulk collapsed, bending, then breaking into two separate pieces before surrendering to the forces of gravity.

'This is Bolt Lead, I am winchester missiles.'

'This is Bolt Two, ditto Lead. Lets go blow shit up.'

Wood smiled to himself. 'Miles ahead of you Two. Phoenix, you still with us?'

'Roger that Bolt Lead. Phoenix is locked, cocked and loaded.'

Nat pulled up into a wide half Cuban. She and her wingman dived down on another Fortress. Fire from its dorsal turrets lanced up at her as she roared toward it, jinxing madly and firing as they came. Suddenly, out of nowhere came the two Chimera crews, slashing across the Fort and pounding it with their heavier turreted armament. Armor melted and vaporized, flattening the lightly defended turrets and sending shrapnel flying into the air. Then they were gone, disappearing into the night. Nat shot out over the bow of the fortress performing another split-S, going low and out of the field of fire. The Fort's ventral air to ground turrets came alive. A hideous whine filled the air, starting low and climbing to an ear shattering pitch, a massive ball of energy gathering at the emplacement. Then it fired. Two bright scarlet beams, one from each turret, each the size of a freight train, slammed into the wall of Hogwarts. Rock exploded as the water inside flashed to steam spraying molten shrapnel outwards. The massive aircraft rocked under the power of its own armament. The beams held for almost five seconds, burrowing deeper, leavening an ugly gash in the castle's side.

Fleur's voice cut in. 'This is Control, all fighters, take those Forts down NOW.'

More beam fire erupted from the remaining platforms, slamming into the castle. Two beams hammered the North Tower and it came crashing down into the grounds below.

'This is Bolt Nine, we are beginning our attack run, stand clear of the enemy.'

Nat saw two gunships screaming toward a Fortress.

'Bolt Nine. Fox three! Fox three!'

Only one AMRAAM dropped.

Relived of weight on one side the little craft snap rolled before its pilot could correct, straight into a blast from the enemy turrets. The Chimera disintegrated, flaming chunks of wreckage continuing a ballistic course toward the ground. Bolt Nine's wingman was forced to pull up and over, rolling inverted and letting his missiles go then pulling around toward the ground. Bolt Nine's missile slammed into the enemy's flank, but the commander was savvy. The Fort heeled over, presenting its undamaged belly. Bolt Ten's shots slammed into it, annihilating one of its turrets. The crippled Fort turned away from the fight. But now, their force diminished, other Forts were banking away from the school and lumbering off as fast as they could go.

'This is Control, the enemy is retreating, Bolt Squadron, return to base.'

Oliver Wood touched his stick, sending his ship back toward the school and pulled the throttles back. In the distance he could hear the air-raid sirens of Hogwarts rising and falling, all clear.

Author notes: If you do not recognise any of the terms used in here a list of terms and info will be on the review board. If a term, technicality or convention is not there fell free to ask me and I will attempt to rectify the situation.