Astronomy Tower
Hermione Granger/Percy Weasley
Hermione Granger Percy Weasley
Multiple Eras
Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/02/2003
Updated: 09/02/2003
Words: 1,897
Chapters: 1
Hits: 779

Tender Hearts


Story Summary:
Hermione knows she has grown to fancy her friend's older brother, but what will she do about it?

Author's Note:
Well, I'm a solid D/G shipper because of an intense brainwashing, but I don't mind that. I never know with whom Hermione belongs... Hmm... I thought Harry at first, but a friend convinced me that it was an absolutely ROTTEN pairing. Ron sounded really great, but P/Hr seems really perfect right now... So I'll give it a whorl... Sorry if it's completely horrible, but I really am just taking it from scratch, as I do most ficcies--sadly it's true.

Tender Hearts

Hermione always looked forward to visiting The Burrow during the summer holidays now. She had always liked seeing her friends, but now there was a slightly, different, reason. And as she thought this, a redheaded boy, four years her senior, appeared in her mind's eye. His name was Percy. Percy Weasley.

Hermione didn't know exactly when she'd realized she'd formed a crush on one of her best friend's older brothers. She'd always liked Percy well enough; he was conservative, reasonable, always honourable, responsible, and he had the same lust for knowledge as she had. Hermione let out a small mental sigh of regret. She never seemed to be able to tell him how she felt. She was too afraid of being rejected. Not to mention the humiliation of what would happen if he told anyone. She shuddered to think how Fred and George would treat some one that was actually interested in Percy. And Ron's reaction, that wasn't a thrill to think about.

When Hermione arrived at the Burrow, she was greeted with hugs from Molly and Ginny, and eventually Harry and Ron were brave enough to give her a quick hug, before storming back up to Ron's bedroom to ogle over his new posters. Hermione chuckled, sharing a glance of amusement with Ginny. Her friends still showed a strong resemblance to the young 11-year-old boys that she'd met at King's Cross Station years before. There were differences though as well. The two boys were still thin, they both led too active of lives not to be, but they'd both filled out over the last year, shoulders had broadened and Harry in particular had grown faster than Hermione had previously thought possible. Ron was so tall anyway it wasn't as noticeable with him. They were turning into men, and similarly, Hermione was turning into a woman. She often wondered why it seemed the years were speeding up, taking her last years of carefree life away from her so very quickly. Then again, her life had never been carefree since coming to Hogwarts. Trying to help save the world put on wrinkles inordinately quickly.

Hermione looked around, realising that Percy was nowhere in sight. She was a bit surprised, but assumed that he was working, and she didn't want to disturb work. If there was one person alive who understood Percy's feelings of responsibility and duty, it was Hermione. However, it was about 13:00, and Mrs. Weasley was busy getting a large lunch ready for the large Weasley family and their friends. This worked out just fine for Hermione, because she was given the duty of fetching Percy.

'If you go, he'll know it's important,' explained Fred.

'Yeah, if any of us go, he'll just think we're bothering him--er, not that we ever do...' George finished, grinning broadly. Hermione laughed and went upstairs, accepting her duty.

The door was open a crack, so Hermione didn't bother to knock. That was a mistake. When she went inside the bedroom, which was unsurprisingly frighteningly neat and clean, she found Percy undressing. Thankfully, he'd only removed his shirt. His back was turned to the door, but he spun at the soft, unexpected noise in the previously silent room.

'Hermione!' he said in shock.

'Oh, Percy! I'm so sorry! Your Mother. She... she asked me to fetch you for lunch, and the door was cracked open, and so I thought...I mean, the door was a little open, so I didn't realize...' she tried desperately, with a face as red as Percy's hair, to explain herself. Percy was blushing scarlet himself.

'It's okay.' He stammered, 'It's entirely my fault, if I'd closed the door, you wouldn't have done it, come in that is, I'm sure you just thought I was just working or something. I just can't believe I was so careless. My apologies, Hermione,' he finished, calming a little at last. That was when it actually hit Hermione that he wasn't wearing a shirt. And that he was actually quite... attractive... Hermione felt her flush deepen. She'd liked him before, admired his mind, and thought him one of the few really pleasant men she knew. But it was a bit of a surprise to realise Percy was truly quite attractive.

'Don't blame yourself, Percy. I should have knocked even with the door ajar. Well, anyway, lunch will be ready in just a minute, and your Mother says to tell you she would greatly appreciate it if you would come and eat with the rest of the family.' Hermione said before turning round and leaving the room. Percy looked at the door and groaned silently. She opened it quietly enough, Percy, but you passed up your chance... You fool.


Percy came down and ate lunch with the rest of 'The Family,' Hermione contemplated what she could say to him. She kept thinking that Percy was far more muscular than she had expected, but that thought itself embarrassed her horribly. Her unorthodox thoughts were betraying her conservative personality, and she was suffering for it, even if she didn't mean to think such things. But she couldn't keep her thoughts away from him. She had to say something to Percy now though, and she wanted her head clear, to further contemplate how and what she was going to say to him when she finally found the courage.

In fact, Hermione spent most of the next week thinking about it, and she'd finally mulled it over enough to decide that she would have to tell Percy how she felt while she was still at The Burrow. Otherwise, she might never do it, and that would mean she'd wasted a lot of thinking time. It was better to be honest, and to be rejected politely, in a way that meant they could consider your feelings, than to have some one unwittingly break your heart crudely and roughly, she decided somewhat prosaically. She resolved to do it sometime in the next day or two.

It was later that same day that Ron, Harry, Ginny, and Charlie went to have a friendly game of Quidditch. Ron and Harry vs. Ginny and Charlie. Hermione was invited, but she politely turned down the offer, saying that she hadn't been practicing, and didn't want to ruin their game. They said it was alright, that it didn't matter how bad she played, but she replied that it was fine, to go and have a good game, and that she wanted to know who won immediately after the game. They grinned and promised solemnly that she would be the first to know, before bolting out the door. Molly and Hermione laughed, and talked for a few minutes about how energetic they all were, and then Molly went back to washing dishes. Hermione offered to help, but Molly wouldn't have her guest doing chores. So Hermione thanked Mrs. Weasley for the meal and went upstairs, knowing that the older woman would assume she was going to Ron's room to read a book or something. In reality, however, she went and knocked on Percy's door.

'Come in!' she heard him call. She entered to find Percy writing something, most likely a report of some kind or another. Percy had been rather proud to be promoted when Mr. Crouch had left. It had made the betrayal of his hero that little bit easier to bear.

'Percy, I need to talk to you,' she said quietly. Percy looked up and smiled, setting down his quill and standing up.

'It's always a pleasure to help a friend, Hermione,' he said, motioning for her to come and sit on his bed. She did, and he sat down next to her.

'Well, I don't really need... academic help...' Hermione started, becoming less sure of herself with each passing moment.

Percy's heart was beating furiously. Good Merlin, Percy, snap out of it! You're just sitting next to her! You shouldn't be so... inhumane! She's years younger than you, and she sees you as a friend, maybe a mentor. You've given her advice and guidance since she was first sorted; it's nothing unusual, he told himself, though it made his heart ache horribly to be forcing this reality on himself. He hadn't ever felt so deeply about Penelope. He'd liked her, but they'd both known in the 7th year that they would never make it as a couple, and had decided at the end of the year to just remain close friends. But Hermione was different. She was so much like him, and so understanding. She'd never teased him, or scorned him like his other housemates, but rather been kind and encouraging. Hermione was a girl who understood the importance of rules. However unconsciously, hope had flashed in his eyes as he waited for Hermione to speak. She didn't see it though, she was too nervous.

'Percy, I've given this great thought, and I want to be completely honest. I want to remain friends, most importantly, no matter what the outcome of this exchange,' she said nervously. She doesn't...She couldn't...couldn't...KNOW? Could she?, he worried frantically, internally tearing himself apart.

'Percy, I... I think I've...You've always been very nice to me, kind, and always been a strong hand and offered guidance to me, been a role model for me,' she announced. Percy listened, waiting for the painful statement he thought was surely coming. Hermione took a deep breath and went on with her one sided discussion. 'But, you see, over the last year, I've been feeling rather strange... Uncomfortable even,' she said. Every scrap of Percy's miniscule, leftover hope disappeared at this statement. He was in agony, but he wouldn't disgrace himself or Hermione by stopping her. 'Percy, I think that I've fallen in love with you. I don't want to force this on you, I mean, if you don't feel the same way, and you're welcome to have time if you need to think it over and...' Hermione started.

But she couldn't finish. She got up abruptly, tears in her eyes, and bolted for the door.

'Hermione!' Percy called out, as loudly as he could, arm stretched out towards the door, but he could barely manage a hoarse whisper.

He rushed out after her. He heard the door slam and hurried down the stairs. His mother, thankfully, was in the loo and hadn't seen the commotion. His father was still at work. He ran outside, chasing after Hermione. He caught her left arm and pulled her to a halt. Then he pulled her to him, and put his arms around her. She pressed to his body, crying.

'I'm sorry, I never should have said anything. It was stupid of me. I should have kept my childish feelings to myself and never bothered you with them,' she sobbed. He said nothing, but stroked her hair.

'That wouldn't have been a particularly good idea,' he said. Then he cupped her chin and lifted her head up to look at him. He smiled reassuringly at her. Tears still flowed down her face, and she was shaking, but silently now. Percy leaned down and covered Hermione's mouth with his own without thinking. Hermione's eyes opened wide with surprise, but she quickly recovered and closed them again. She put her hands on the sides of Percy's neck. After a few moments they parted. Percy embraced Hermione, and she held him tightly, the tears finally gone.