Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Romance Slash
Multiple Eras
Published: 10/05/2003
Updated: 10/05/2003
Words: 1,074
Chapters: 1
Hits: 872

Dancing In the Rain

The Ultimate Otaku

Story Summary:
He wonders if certain secrets are still kept, or if they are whispered through the air from mouth to ear. He wonders about a certain mouth…Did that mouth keep their secrets? The rain falls in a slow, dull patter, and Harry watches the drops slide down the windows with the fascination of a person with nothing more to do, a lost soul wandering with know place to go. Sunshine was just beginning to peek through the clouds, but Harry still shivered, drawing his blanket closer around him. He had been waiting for a long time. He wasn’t sure how long, but the thick fog of troubled emotions, threatening to become a hurricane, implied impatience soon to come. How much longer will he wait?

Chapter Summary:
He wonders if certain secrets are still kept, or if they are whispered through the air from mouth to ear. He wonders about a certain mouth…Did that mouth keep their secrets? The rain falls in a slow, dull patter, and Harry watches the drops slide down the windows with the fascination of a person with nothing more to do, a lost soul wandering with no place to go. Sunshine is just beginning to peek through the clouds, but Harry still shivers, drawing his blanket closer around him. He has been waiting for a long time. He isn’t sure how long, but the thick fog of troubled emotions, threatening to become a hurricane, implies impatience soon to come. How much longer will he wait?
Author's Note:
I can't believe I wrote this...I just can't believe it...FLUFF! Well, kind of. As close as I can get to it, that is. I admit this fic is kind of cheesy, not one of my best. But it's sweet, and well, I wrote it because I was in a thoughtful mood, and that made me think of rain. I love rain. And well, Dancing In the Rain is a classical, and such a cute song (the old version, unfortunately not used for this fic because it wasn't the type). Anyway, please remember to review, I hope you like this fic.

Dancing In the Rain

When the day turns into night

And the world is sound asleep

That's when you take me higher

The rain is falling again. Will it ever stop? He wonders.

Actually, Harry wonders a lot of things. He wonders when time began to not exist. He wonders at what point in his life it all became a meaningless blur. He wonders how it is he never thought of what to do in his future--what had become now. He wonders where everyone went, who they became, and if he has transformed into someone else.

And the secrets that we keep

You try to bring me sunshine

But you leave me feeling cold

He wonders if certain secrets are still kept, or if they are whispered through the air from mouth to ear. He wonders about a certain mouth...Did that mouth keep their secrets? The rain falls in a slow, dull patter, and Harry watches the drops slide down the windows with the fascination of a person with nothing more to do, a lost soul wandering with no place to go. Sunshine is just beginning to peek through the clouds, but Harry still shivers, drawing his blanket closer around him. He has been waiting for a long time. He isn't sure how long, but the thick fog of troubled emotions, threatening to become a hurricane, implies impatience soon to come. How much longer will he wait?

I can't wait forever or put my life on hold

I cant wait until you stop your everlasting games

You don't know cause you've never seen me dancing in the rain

If you really wait too long

But you wont know until you've seen me dancing in the rain

Dance in the rain, we'll be dancing in the rain

He wants so much to be free, to fall and jump and slide and explore and pitterpitterpattersilentmovingquicklyslow...like the raindrops. Dancing was what he wanted to do. To be able to pour everything inside him out into the world, onto the rich soil of the earth, out into the heart of someone...but there was no one near to accept his gift, the boiling things that threatened to spill out of Harry. No one would know about any of this but Harry...unless he was able to dance in the rain, be the rain, flow and fall and be alive.

If you close your eyes and then you hope to find

In the distant dawns of your mind

And no matter what it's just the same

A pair of eyes, grey and dreary as the overshadowing clouds, slowly closes. Draco stands in front of the door of the house, that house, his house, knowing that Harry waits for him, knowing that although he stands there Harry won't accept him, won't rush to him unless he's guaranteed that Draco won't leave him again. It will never be the same anymore unless Harry experiences release, not unless every pent up feeling is let out. Harry needs to dance, whether this meant literally or by letting everything pent up free to dance all they wanted. The rain beckons him.

When you see me dancing in the rain

If you want me to hold on

And make your life complete

Make me feel you need me

And every time we meet

Set my heart on fire

Harry sighs, shuddering, not allowing his gaze to go to the front porch, where Draco stands in front of the door. It seems like a thousand years since they last saw each other, a thousand years since both wizards, now young men, made the mistake of separating after Hogwarts, unsure of their destiny, fate, or what they wanted, if they needed each other that much, wanted to give in to the magnetic pull between them. Harry refuses to accept Draco again, after the other made the decision to leave first, said the words that sparked indignation and conflict between them. It was his fault, and Harry refuses to do any thing to remedy Draco's mistake. It is up to Draco to make Harry forgive him and feel needed, wanted.

A sudden noise causes Harry to jerk his head up suddenly, and he leans forward, squinting to see through the windowpane blurred by the falling rain. Green eyes wide, he watches as, in a twirl of blue, an umbrella is tossed to the ground, and the person he feels he's been waiting for all his life begins to...dance in the rain. Watching as Draco lifts his arms up to the sky, rain falling down his face, alighting upon his eyelashes, sliding down that perfectly sculptured mouth...Harry feels free, as if a large fist releases its tight hold on his heart. Everything is allowed to gush out, and Harry relaxes inside and out, a smile playing on his lips as he watches the rain sliding down Draco's face, the face he longs to trace with his fingers, that body twirling and spinning gracefully that he longs to see, the skin he longs to touch with fervent kisses.

Rushing out to join his beloved, a surge of warmth fills Harry's heart as he is enfulged in the sweetest, tightest hug, and he promises himself that he will never, ever let go of Draco again, never will he give up the person who needs him, who loves him the most and the best of all.

Then you let me down again

That's why you'll always find me

Dancing in the rain

For a few moments both men stand in the rain, heaven pouring its blessings down upon them as they embrace. Then, feeling nothing but immense joy at being together again, they both, soaking wet, move to walk into the house. But Harry, his heart beating a tune of sweetness, stepping down from his pedestal of overwhelming tsunami-like emotion, stops at the front porch's steps.

I can't wait until you stop your everlasting games

You don't know 'cause you've never seen me dancing in the rain

Dance in the rain, we'll be dancing in the rain

Finally, the games are over. Finally, things are as they should be. The dance is over, feet still, everything a blanket of warmth and contentedness. Both Draco and Harry are finished dancing, and have much more interesting things on their mind as two mouths lock in a reuniting, needful kiss filled with heat, passion, and love that cannot be compared, for nothing else can equal such delight.

Author notes: Sorry if this fic had mistakes in it; I decided not to have a beta for it, sorry, I will be more careful and considerate about that next time. This fanfic was my first songfic. I hope you enjoyed it.