Albus Severus Potter Scorpius Malfoy
Adventure Friendship
Children of Characters in the HP novels
Epilogue to Deathly Hallows
Published: 08/31/2010
Updated: 02/15/2011
Words: 81,231
Chapters: 25
Hits: 6,154

Seventh-Year: The Next Generation

Thani Mag

Story Summary:
The first six years at Hogwarts have gone relatively smoothly for Scorpius and Albus. But now, going into their seventh and final year, these two best friends will get caught up in things way over their heads.

Chapter 22 - Unexpected


Author's Note:

So basically it's been forever since I posted a chapter, but that's not my fault, and I hope you realize it. Anyways, it's good to have FA back, and I hope everyone can jump right back into the story. Here we go!

Chapter 22: Unexpected

Albus sighed. He stared off over the black expanse that was the Great Lake, his fingers playing idly with the wand in the pocket of his robes. The icy winter wind tugged at his dark locks, pulling them across his eyes. In response he flicked the hood of his heavy wool cloak up, protecting his face from the cold air.

There was no moon or stars tonight, Albus guessed it must be overcast, but couldn't know for sure. For all he saw when he looked up was darkness.

The only light came from the castle behind him, but its comforting glow was too far away to illuminate much.

Bending over, Albus brushed some snow aside, searching for a rock. He let out a little sigh of pain as his knuckle cracked against something hard. Grumbling about stones and the dark, he fumbled around until his hand clasped on one he liked the shape of. With a quick flick of his wrist, he sent the pebble soaring out over the lake, not knowing his cousin did the same thing earlier that day. He was rewarded with a soft plonk. Even though he thought there was no one to hear him, he mumbled that of course the reason he didn't get any good skips was because it was too dark to see. To his surprise, someone did answer him.

"It's alright, I think we can overlook it this once," said a light voice from somewhere off to his left.

Albus let out a little yelp of surprise, turning and gazing into the darkness to see who it could be. He could vaguely make out a shape standing less than ten feet from him, but his lack of night vision made it impossible for him to tell who it was.

"Whoa, you scare easily, Potter. Especially for being the son of the great Wizard who defeated Voldemort himself." The voice danced lightly in the darkness, humor evident in the tone.

Albus let out a little sigh, recognizing the voice of his company. "Hallo, Baddock."

"Hallo, Potter."

"What brings you out here, after dark? Stalking me are we, Baddock?"

"Hah, not quite, Potter." The light crunch of boots on snow cut through the night air like a knife going through an over-ripe banana. As Baddock approached him and stopped less than a foot away from him, Albus could make out the shimmer of red-gold hair that flowed out of a deep emerald cloak.

"Then what brings you out here, breaking rules?" inquired Albus.

A slight shrug of shoulders. "You and Scorpius aren't the only ones who can break rules as easily as breathing."

Albus let out a little laugh, despite himself. "People generally say that Scorpius instigates most of it, but that's not true. I've lead him into more trouble than he's ever taken me into."

"Really?" asked Baddock, curiosity eminent in her voice.

"Oh yeah," said Albus, turning back to look over the lake. "Scorpius just likes to take the blame. He's not like anyone else."

Baddock's light, flowing laugh issued forth from the hood of her cloak. "I think you can say that last bit again."

"I know him better than anyone else, I think. But I'll never be able to understand him completely. He portrays himself as a person with much lower morals than he actually has. He always pretends like he'd have sex with girls at a moment's notice, but he'd never do that. He believes too much in purity of a relationship between a married man and woman, like what he's seen with--" here there was a brief hesitation, "with his mother and father. He always disappears for hours on end, and then comes back claiming that he drunk the night away-- only he never has any hangovers."

"Well," interrupted Baddock, "couldn't he just have used some sort of charm to remove the headache and effects?"

"That's what I always thought," admitted Albus, "until a night only about a week ago. I went out searching for him with Hugo, because I was worried about him. We found him outside a bar, claiming that he had become so drunk that he had made low advances on one of the barmaids, but then been thrown out by the owner of the pub.

"We went back in and got some more drinks, and while Scorpius was in the bathroom, I apologized to the owner for him. The thing is, the owner said he hadn't seen Scorpius for over a week. Well, then we all drank our hearts out-- or at least that's what I thought at the time. But later that night, Hugo came into his power--did we tell you he's a Diviner? Oh, yeah, well he is. I know it's a big shocker--well, Scorpius leapt forward and started running back and forth trying to help Hugo. He was completely stable on his feet, and looked as good as ever--not exactly the signs of someone who just drunk as much as he had claimed. Well, I passed out then, seeing as I actually did drink a ton of alcohol. But later, as I thought back on it, I couldn't actually remember Scorpius touching even his first drink." Albus fell silent, not sure why exactly he was telling Baddock this. He had never told this to anybody else, and he barely knew Baddock. And what things he did know weren't exactly endearing qualities.

"I've noticed it too," said Baddock softly. Albus looked up in surprise, but he didn't have the chance to make a comment. "Not about the drinking or the girls, but I've noticed the same thing in other ways. Scorpius has a reputation for making cruel jokes of people, and tormenting them. But if you really pay attention to how he does it, he only really targets people he knows are confident about themselves and can take it. You'll never find him teasing mercilessly those who are the easiest to make fun of, he only goes for those he believes well just shake it off and not be bothered by it."

Albus let his mind click back over past memories, thinking about what Baddock had said. He relived countless times that Scorpius had made someone the butt of his jokes, but he couldn't find a time that contradicted what Baddock had said.

"Why do you think he does it? Why does he make people think he's so terrible, when he really isn't?" asked Baddock.

"Honestly, and not to be an ego maniac or anything, I think it's because of me."

Baddock laughed lightly. "You know, not everything in this world is always about you, Albus." A small jolt of pleasure shot through Albus as she used his first name. She had never done that before. He could feel the heat rising to his cheeks, and he quickly thanked any gods that were out there for the darkness.

"No, believe me when I say, I think I know more than anyone that not everything out there about me. This is going to sound so weird, though..."

"Go on. How weird can it be? I'm listening."

Albus mused quietly for a moment, before speaking out. "I think it all goes back to Scorpius thinking I'm a better person than I really am." He paused for a moment, but Baddock didn't say anything, so he continued on. "For some reason Scorpius thinks I'm near perfect. He thinks I embody all the 'good' traits that are out there. And in his mind, rather than contend with that and constantly be measured up against that, he would prefer to just be a horrible person who everybody despises next to me."

"So," said Baddock, speaking slowly, "basically he's scared that his best would never be able to compare to you, so he'd rather be his worst?"

"I know, it sounds silly, doesn't it? But clearly, as we've both just said, he isn't his worst. He just makes everyone else think he's his worst."

"It's not silly, what you said makes sense," said Baddock. "I never realized you put so much thought into things."

Albus snorted. "You thought all of us Gryffindors were all hey ha and bravery and run into the fight?"

She shrugged. It was a smooth, elegant motion. Albus was struck once more on how similar Scorpius and Baddock really were in some ways.. "I don't know what I thought. I knew Scorpius wasn't just that, but I always thought he was special and different."

"He is special and different. Far more than I possibly am," said Albus.

"I don't know about that. I think I'm starting to learn more and more that everyone is special. It just takes time to get to know them, and see their uniqueness in action."

Once more Albus found himself gaping at Baddock in surprise. Was this really the Ravenclaw he had thought was all just huff and show and shallowness?

There was a moment of silence before Baddock spoke. "You know, I'm aware that he doesn't care about me in the slightest."

Albus blinked in surprise, and turned to look at her. But of course the night and the hood of her cloak worked together to shield any emotion on her face.

"Then why do you go along with it?" he asked.

Even though he didn't specify what "it" was, Baddock knew what he meant.

Again, the elegant shrug.

"Maybe so that I would get the allusion that someone cared for me," said Baddock.

"And Scorpius was a good one to pick for that, how?" asked Albus, though he spoke gently.

"That's true. I guess I really don't know why I did it. Maybe it's because I actually do care for him."

"But you don't even really know him, do you?" asked Albus in surprise.

"Well, maybe not on the level where I could just go up to him and talk about anything. But you'd be surprised how well you can feel you know someone, just by watching what they do everyday, what they say."

"So, basically you're admitting that you stalk him?"

Baddock snorted. "If that's really what you want to call it, go ahead, Albus. Personally I think people that always freak out when someone watches them or notices something about them are ridiculous. There's nothing perverted or weird about it. If you're so freaked when someone notices that you wore a nice pair of shoes one day, why would you wear the damn shoes?"

"You have a point," said Albus.

"I'm a Ravenclaw, we always have points," said Baddock.

"Too true."

They stood in silence for a few minutes. They looked out across the still lake, each lost in his or her own thoughts.

Suddenly, something large and heavy landed on Albus's shoulder. Something sharp pinched into his skin on both sides. He looked up in surprise, ready to cry out, when he say two gleaming gold orbs staring back into his.

"Whoa, hey there, fella," said Albus in bewilderment.

Baddock looked over, but--again because of the combination of the darkness and the hood--he couldn't tell if there was any emotion on her face. "That's a whopping big owl," said Baddock, impressed.

"Yeah, I wonder what's he doing here," said Albus.

Baddock snorted. "He couldn't possibly be delivering a letter, could he?"

"Well, of course," said Albus in annoyance, "but why didn't he go straight to the Owlry?"

"Maybe because the letter is for you?" said Baddock in a tone that made Albus feel certain she had raised her eyebrows at him.

"Right," muttered Albus, reaching up and feeling for the owl's leg. He felt for the knot, and after a couple seconds of struggle, managed to free it and get the envelope in his hand.

Instantly the owl took off, flying into the night.

"Wait a second," called Albus after him. "What if I need to reply?" The owl didn't turn back. "Weird," muttered Albus. He turned to Baddock. "Could you shed some light over here?"

Baddock cast a glance up at the castle, but then slipped out her wand. "Lumos!"

Light blossomed out over the plain envelope in Albus's hand. There were no marking of any sort, nothing to show who it was from.

He looked up to see Baddock watching his face. He gave her a shrug before turning back to his mail.

Opening it up, he found three parchments inside. Two were maps, the third was a note. One was a map of England. In a short scrawl were written directions on one corner, and there was an inked out path up along the east coast. The second was a map of just the east coast. Once again, there were directions and a path marked out that lead to an island off the coast.

Albus flipped over to the note, and read this:


Your friend and sister are here. As of yet neither have been injured further than when you last saw them. I have enclosed maps that will direct you right to where we are. Not counting me and my father, there are ten Witches and Wizards here who are fully capable of fighting. Aside from that, there's a small army of those infected by the Culling Blade. If you don't know what that means, go look it up. I contacted you because I knew you would understand. I'm doing this for my father. In return for all of the information I'm giving you, I ask for my father's pardon. He is ready to turn himself in and help the Aurors in any way he can. For your sake, I urge you to act quickly. Malfoy only has so much time.



Albus could do nothing but stare at the parchment in his hand. Meanwhile, Baddock had slipped up behind him, and was reading over his shoulder.

"And what does all this mean, exactly?" asked Baddock.

"What means what?" repeated Albus, trying to focus his thoughts.

"Well, the Culling Blade, for one," she said.

"It's a long story, but in a nutshell Babcock's, Zabini's, Bulstrode's, and Lestraud's parents all tried to use the Culling Blade to take over the world. They were stopped, or so everyone thought. However, a bit later signs of the Culling Blade's reappearance showed up. Then Lestraud blackmailed me into helping her free her mother and her mother's friends. Scorpius got dragged in, as well as Hugo, Lily and Monique. Things went badly and Scorpius and Lily got taken."

"Finally, that's nice to know. I'm glad I'm being brought in on things. So the Culling Blade infects people? And what does he mean about Malfoy only having so much time?"

"Yeah, the Culling Blade makes people weaker and weaker, and crushes their will. Eventually all they do is serve whoever it was that infected them."

"If they're so weak, how are they useful?"

"Apparently by that time they have a new power of their own. As for what he meant about Scorpius, I don't know. He could just have meant that eventually he won't be so fortunate as he has been."

"If that's the case, then why didn't he mention your sister, too?" asked Baddock softly.

"I don't know," said Albus, his forehead wrinkling in thought.

"So, what do we do?"

Albus looked up in surprise at Baddock. The light from her wand served to illuminate her face, and he could see her green, doe eyes watching him carefully from between the soft folds of her gorgeous hair.

"Do? We?" he echoed.

"Of course, you don't think I wouldn't insist on coming with you?" asked Baddock.

Albus grinned. "Alright. In that case, you're going to need your broom."

"Okay, you promise me you won't leave before I get back?" Her eyes were pleading, and she even grabbed his hand as if it would help convince him. At first Albus just stared at her in surprise, bewildered that she wouldn't just believe him straight up. Then he realized that maybe that her past experience with people hadn't been ones to make her quickly trust.

"Yes, I promise," he said.

"I'll be right back," she said with a smile. Giving his hand a quick squeeze, she turned off the light from her wand, and slipped into the darkness.

Albus made out her vague shape heading not toward the entrance hall as he had expected--even though he knew it would be locked by now--but off around the edge of the school. He thought of running after her and questioning her, but he figured she knew what she was doing. She probably either had her broom hidden around somewhere, so that she could fly to one of the towers, or, more likely, she knew a secret entrance into the school. Hogwarts was a legend in its mysterious, magical ways, and no one had ever managed to figure out all of its secrets. It was more than likely there were passageways that Albus knew nothing of.

Albus waited in nervous apprehension. His stomach felt like it was twisting in his belly, just like it always did before a Quidditch match. He was eager to be on his way. He wanted to find Scorpius and Lily and get them out of trouble before anything else could happen to them. It was his fault that they were in any predicament in the first place.

It could only have been fifteen minutes before Baddock returned, but to Albus it felt like longer. She appeared out of nowhere, laying her hand on his shoulder from behind. Albus leapt almost a foot in the air.

"Zounds! Don't do that, Baddock, you scared the hell out of me," said Albus. To his great annoyance, Baddock was clearly trying to stifle laughter.

"Great Albus Potter, given a scare by a girl touching him." Albus could practically hear the smirk in her voice.

"Whatever," he muttered. "You have your broom?"

"In hand," she said cheerfully.

"Accio broom!" he hissed. A couple of moments passed and then Albus's broom came whistling through the air and nudged gently up against him.

Mounting, he turned to Baddock. "You ready?"

As she followed suit, he saw her head turn to look at him. "Hell yeah."

The next second two dark shapes were hurtling through the English night sky.