The Dark Arts
Original Female Witch
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets
Published: 01/12/2003
Updated: 12/22/2003
Words: 175,146
Chapters: 21
Hits: 4,734

The Dreamwalker's Daughter

T Proctor

Story Summary:
Sarah made it through her first year at Dragon’s Wood with a lot of help from her friends. All she wants is a year without nightmares and what she finds out about herself makes her long for the days of nightmares and dreamless sleep potions.

Chapter 15

Chapter Summary:
Sarah has her first date with Eric, a huge fight with Zoe and contemplates running away from Dragon's Wood.

Chapter Fifteen In the Green House

Sarah was very grateful that the Red Queen had managed to stay away and was extremely happy that she felt full of energy and was ready to start the day the following morning. Zoe however, was feeling extremely guilty about the way things seemed to be turning out lately and when they had all made to breakfast she sat next to Sarah and stumbled around for words to start a conversation. "Sarah I was wondering what you were planning for this afternoon?" she asked trying to sound casual.

"You mean while all of you are sneaking off to the picnic?" asked Sarah, trying to force back her smile.

"You could come with us?" chimed in Dillon with a look on his face that was a cross between guilt and embarrassment, "we're all going together, Zoe, Jeffrey, Megan, William, Michayla and I."

"I'm not sure, can I ask Eric?" asked Sarah cagey. Zoe's mouth dropped open as Sarah turned to Eric who had perfect timing and had just sat down next to her. "Eric, Dillon wants to know if we want to go with them on the picnic this afternoon, I'll leave it up to you. You're friends or mine?"

Eric took his cue very well and chimed right in. "Well even though my sister is among your friends, I suppose that would be more fun for you and I do want you to have fun Sarah." Sarah thought her face would explode, she was holding back her laugh so hard.

"I guess we'll go with you then," said Sarah looking back at Dillon's stunned face.

"Sarah I've got to go talk to Professor Quigley about the game tomorrow before class you I hope you don't mind if I don't walk you to class," said Eric playing it up big and giving Sarah's hand a squeeze. This however was almost more than she could take.

She smiled widely though and continued to play along, "That's all right, I'll see you at lunch okay?" Sarah didn't dare look up; she didn't want to spoil the moment by cracking a smile. It was very hard for Sarah to look at Zoe or Megan the rest of the morning for a number of reasons.

Sarah however was happy when the afternoon finally arrived. Although she had started out having fun with Zoe and the others, there was a part of her who wished that they hadn't started this farce. Eric was waiting for her after their last class outside the dorm corridor. Sarah looked at him like he was crazy when he grabbed her arm and pulled her over to the side. "What?" she said looking at him peculiar.

"I know we're having a great time messing with Zoe, but if I didn't want to hang with the whole gang, would that be all right?" he asked.

Sarah shifted uncomfortably, "Sure I don't care we can hang with your friends."

"No, I mean can we just you know hang together?" he asked turning red.

Sarah swallowed hard. " All right."

After a few awkward looks, they both entered the dormitory to put away their school things. Sarah was quite sure that Eric was familiar with the procedure for the Valentine's picnic having done it many times before. But Sarah and her friends had tried to ignore the picnic last year wanting nothing to do with this lovey dovey nonsense and things had also been way too weird this time last year for them to even consider it. However, it wouldn't be long before they were all heading to the Great Hall to pick up their picnic baskets.

It was still too cold for anyone to consider heading outside for a picnic and the layers of white stuff that still lay on the ground would have been a deterrent even if it had been warm enough. That's why the Valentine's Day picnic was always took place in the seven large greenhouses that lined the back of the school and lay between the outdoor gardens and the Quidditch field. Sarah was very impressed by how 'in bloom' everything seemed to be and the large amount of birds, butterflies, and heart shaped decorations that seemed to fill every space.

Eric and her had walked down with everyone, but having reached the first green house, had slipped away while everyone was busy taking it all in. "The sixth house is where we want to go," said Eric. "Most everyone stays in the first few houses out of pure laziness. And the ones who think they're going to make out the whole time make their way to the seventh," he said grinning. "They'll soon find out though that it will seem that are more professor's in the green houses today than there are in the school," he said laughing. Sarah echoed with an uneasy laugh and followed him as they headed on. "I've always thought that we don't get to examine enough of the green houses during Herbology," complained Eric as they walked on. "Valentine's Day is about the only time we're allowed to really explore all of them."

Sarah had never really heard Eric talk about Herbology or gardens and suddenly found that she was thinking about Zoe and her fondness for it. It gave her a warm and comforting feeling and made her realize another reason why she was so fond of Eric and she was sure right now that it was because of how much he reminded her of Zoe. This revelation was one that would eventually put a damper on the afternoon.

Eric pointed out the plants he felt were most interesting as they passed through the greenhouses on there way. Sarah had only been in the first three with Professor Greene, but she had heard about some of the others from Zoe who was known to go down on Saturdays and putter around with the Professor just for fun. Several of the greenhouses had areas that were screened off where the dangerous plants were kept. These ones seemed to really hold Eric's attention. He was especially found of the carnivorous ones, once or twice Sarah had to pull him away from the cage just before something took a finger or two. By the time they had reached the sixth greenhouse, Sarah knew more about Venomous Aloe Vera than she ever wanted to. Perhaps it would come in handy when she was taking her senior final she convinced herself with a chuckle.

"This looks like a good spot," said Eric as he set the large red picnic basket he had been toting on the ground in one of the few empty corners of the sixth green house. Sarah noticed that his room seemed to have the most flowers blooming even though quite a few of them were behind the screens that sounded off that they were dangerous. There were roses in colors that she had never seen before and Iris' that seemed to be looking back at them. Eric pulled a large blue blanket out of the basket, placed it on the ground, and sat down on one corner beckoning Sarah to sit down also, which she did.

"This is cool," said Sarah after taking it all in, "good choice."

"I've spent a lot of time out here over the years. Professor Greene will take you around and tell you about everything if you ask him," Eric explained.

"I'll remember that," thought Sarah, "If I ever get hit on the head and decide I have this great need to learn the names of all the plants at Dragon's Wood." She just smiled and nodded at Eric.

"I'm sorry, I'm boring you. Zoe told me you didn't share our appreciation for Herbology."

"I wouldn't deny that it's beautiful, I just question the need to know its name and all seventy-five uses for it," joked Sarah. Eric laughed and then began to pull sandwiches, bowls of salad, drinks, and various other items out of the basket astonishing Sarah with the amount. "Is there a bottom to that basket?" laughed Sarah.

"Its a wizard's basket Sarah, what do you think?" joked Eric.

Sarah laughed again, it seemed that Eric had finally reached the bottom and he was now handing Sarah a sandwich. After a few moments of fooling around with the picnic and getting settled, they began to eat. "So how do you feel today?" asked Eric after awhile.

"All right, no crazy dreams or visions so far," she said grinning.

"That's good," agreed Eric, chuckling.

"How about you, how are you?" asked Sarah, "working on a new girlfriend yet?"

"Only you," said Eric winking at Sarah.

"Perhaps when pigs fly," suggested Sarah feeling her face go very warm.

"I think we're working on that next in Charms class," spouted Eric, causing Sarah to burst into laugher again.

However, Sarah wished to approach this subject in a different way, and decided that this was the time to do it. "Eric I know what happened with you and Morgan when I was in the infirmary."

Eric's face went scarlet. "I don't know what you're talking about," said Eric looking at his feet.

"If that's the way you want to play it," said Sarah with a scolding tone in her voice.

Eric looked up and then confessed, "It was the strangest feeling when you were in the infirmary. Every day I grew more tired and more worried. It was like I was a balloon with a very slow leak." Sarah looked at Eric's face and could feel his pain. "No one could or would tell us anything about what was happening with you. I kept seeing Professor Killainka in the hallways he was so distraught. I heard one of the other teachers talking to Mrs. Hutton, she said that it was just like last time and she'd be surprised if he could make it through it again."

Sarah was flashing back to the infirmary and things that she could remember hearing when they thought she was asleep. "I'm not sure what happened but I had a feeling that what was happening to me had some sort of greater aspect that I never understood and it has never been explained to me to this day."

Eric took a deep breath, it was hard for him to talk about, and Sarah could feel it. "I guess I was letting everyone down. The teachers were on me about my work, when Zoe wasn't crying about you she was worrying about me. But mostly Morgan was pissed off because I was more concerned about you than which shoes she should wear. So one day she flat told me I had to choose and I did."

Sarah was forcing back tears and pretending that none of this was fazing her. "You shouldn't have done that, you were just worried about me and things were at the very least tense, you should have talked to her and--"

"No, Sarah, can't you see that I would never wish to be with someone who would make me choose between them and anyone else that I care for, no matter who that person was. You wouldn't do that; you have a heart the size of the moon. You would never tell me that I couldn't have feelings for someone else just because I was with you."

"Don't paint me out to be a saint, I'm not as forgiving as you think," said Sarah and then she looked into his eyes and knew that this was not the right time. If someday she was to make it past the good friend stage with Eric, she did not want it to be because she came within inches of death and he somehow felt sad and distressed enough to drop his girlfriend. "Besides I've got a feeling that we're about to be interrupted," said Sarah looking up and seeing Malcolm Griffin and his girlfriend coming their way. "Do you have an objection to hiding behind a plant or two?"

"None, I really don't have any desire to confront a Griffin right now," said Eric and Sarah quickly grabbed the blanket of food and pulled it over into the opposite corner behind a large fern. They sat quietly behind the plant until they had passed into the next greenhouse. Eric looked at Sarah and then they both started laughing.

"I can't believe that we just hid behind a giant fern from Griffin and his girlfriend," whispered Sarah after taking a deep breath.

"Lucky for him huh?" alleged Eric smiling. "Sarah would you be disappointed about today if we reverted back to my original proposal?"

Sarah looked at him strangely for a moment and then smiled, "you think Professor Quigley would let us?"

"I think she wants us to win tomorrow too badly to say no."

"Let's go then," said Sarah packing up the picnic basket with Eric's help and after a minute or two they were heading out of the greenhouses.

It wasn't hard to find Professor Quigley who was one of the many teachers milling around in the first greenhouse glaring at potential lovebirds. Eric had been right, she hadn't had a problem with them practicing Quidditch, however she did give them a second look over in case they were just looking for an excuse to find a spot to the themselves, but the embarrassment on their faces was enough to put her mind at ease.

After retrieving their broomsticks, they headed out to the Quidditch Field. It wasn't long before they were having a lot more fun than they were having at the Valentine's Day picnic. After they had flown, around for a while they decided that it was still too cold to just be out playing around and they headed for the dorm common room. They had passed the greenhouses on the way into the school and saw the picnic was winding down and that most students had all ready begun heading back to the dormitories, so they weren't surprised when they found Zoe, Dillon, Megan and William waiting for them in the common room. Zoe sprang up as soon as they entered. "Where have you two been?" she asked looking at the broomsticks in their hands.

"We got sick of the mushy stuff and went flying," said Sarah finding a warm spot by the fire.

Eric laughed. "Sarah, I've got to go and do a couple of things, thanks for hanging out with me." He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Sarah turned bright red. "My privilege." Eric took off down the hallway, as Sarah plopped down next to Megan and William on the couch. "Did you guys have fun?" she asked leaning her Nimbus against the couch.

Megan was sitting with her mouth virtually hanging open. "Never mind us, tell us about your day."

Sarah started laughing. "Maybe later, I'm practically frozen I need to change into something warmer and put my Nimbus away." Sarah rose from the couch and took off toward the dorm room, chuckling all the way.

However, Sarah wasn't getting away with her cattiness and Zoe was soon following her to the room. "All right, you can tease with the others but you can't fool around with me. What were you and my brother really up to?" cross examined Zoe as she lay across Sarah's bed and watched her comb out her windswept hair.

Sarah grinned. "You think you're so smart don't you."

"Shut up and talk."

Sarah laughed then took on a serious look. "Did you know that Eric dumped his girlfriend because they got in a fight over me?"

Zoe's mouth hung open slightly. "He told you that?"

"Well actually Dillon told me first and then I confronted him on it. He said that while I was in the infirmary he had all these feelings that he couldn't explain. It seems that the bond between us is greater than we thought." Sarah sat down on the bed next to Zoe and waited for her response.

"I knew he had been acting strange, but frankly I was a little too upset myself to pay much attention to what he was doing. So what happened today then?" asked Zoe now very confused.

"I won't deny that I wasn't thrilled when Eric asked me to the Valentine's Picnic with him." Sarah took a breath and then continued. "But if there's ever to be anything between us, I don't want it to be because he felt sorry for me," said Sarah.

Zoe gave her a sympatric smile and a hug. "Well I'm still hoping that you'll never make that mistake, but you know that I'm behind you one hundred percent whatever you do."

Sarah and Zoe sat quietly for a moment and then Sarah spoke. "So what about you and Jeffrey?"

Zoe squinched up her face. "Are you kidding we all sat around talking about tomorrow's game and looking at each other nervously? We are only twelve and thirteen after all." Sarah laughed and then after a second or two Zoe joined it. "We have resolved to hold hands in the hallways sometimes and sit together at the games when he isn't playing," admitted Zoe turning pink now and then once again they had a good laugh.

Despite the fact that Sarah and Zoe had had a good heart to heart talk practically all the way until bedtime, Sarah still hadn't slept well and was once more up at the crack of dawn searching for a warm spot in front of the common room fire. This time however, she was to find someone else awake and equally as nervous about the upcoming day's events. "I'd be concerned about your early morning venture out of bed, if I myself wasn't having such a difficult time sleeping." Sarah smiled and turned to find Professor Quigley entering the room holding a cup of hot chocolate.

"Good morning Professor," said Sarah as the Professor sat down next to her on the couch. "I suppose you're worried about the game also."

Professor Quigley nodded and conjured up a cup of hot chocolate for Sarah who took it gratefully. "It's very silly and I feel quite foolish about it, but this is the closest that we've been to winning the cup in years." She sighed deeply and continued. "It was so wonderful last year when we took the Crest, I can't express to you how wonderful it had been to shake Romulus' hand as the victor. And if we could take the cup this year I think I could retire with no regrets."

Sarah's eyes widened and she leaned forward. "You're not planning on retiring are you ma'am?"

Professor Quigley smiled, tears were pooling in her eyes. "I'm not as young as I used to be Sarah and ever day I feel it in my bones." She sighed again and shook her head slowly. "When I watch every year as the young wizards and witches come into the school most of them not really caring about what their going to do with their life I feel as though it's all so futile. Most of the student's seem to think that this is all some kind of joke or they're hoping that they'll be able to take their new found skills and scare their muggle neighbors."

Sarah could tell that the Professor had thought a lot, about what she was saying. "Well I don't know about the rest of the Professors and I'm not sure where my life would have gone if I hadn't come to Dragon's Wood. But what ever I choose to do with my life, I will have been grateful for all of the experiences I have had since I have been here and what I have learned and will learn from you and the other teachers here."

Professor Quigley smiled widely and wiped a tear that was trying to roll down her cheek. "You're the reason that I do this Sarah Nettleton, you and the others like you that will someday be the teachers, the heads of Government and the peace keepers of our society."

"Well right now I'll be happy if I can help the rest of my team beat the crap out of Keynes even if it will mean extra History of Magic homework next week," said Sarah chuckling, the Professor to chuckled too.

Professor Quigley took a sip of her hot chocolate and looked into the fire. "It's been another interesting year for you Sarah. I can't tell you how the whole dormitory felt when you were in the infirmary. You're a very important part of our family, so when you're out there on the field today I want you to remember that and stay safe."

"Don't worry Professor I've had enough of the infirmary this year and I'm not planning on bumping into or falling off of anything today," promised Sarah. "Besides," said Sarah after some thought, "it's not Parathion after all."

Professor Quigley tried hard not to laugh but was unsuccessful. "I'd love to beat Shamus. He's gotten quite full of himself since our last defeat," said the Professor grinning.

"Well as fond as I've grown to Jeffrey Thomas, I'm planning on sending as many bludger's his way as possible," joked Sarah.

Professor Quigley again chuckled and then informed Sarah that she should be heading down for breakfast for she had a lot to do this morning before the game. She thanked Sarah for her candid remarks and wished her luck as she exited the common room through the dorm entrance.

The rest of the morning went like clockwork, it wasn't long after her conversation with the Professor that Zoe and the rest of her gang were up, awake and headed for breakfast. Sarah was beginning to worry about their chances at winning when Dillon ran into the common room less than a half hour after they had returned from breakfast very excitedly. "You're not going to believe this but it's raining."

Eric who had been hanging close to the fire and talking to Raphael nearly jumped out of his seat. "Cool." Sarah and most of the team however did not share his enthusiasm and moaned. "Oh, come on this has to be a sign. We're on the lake, it's only February, and instead of snowing it's raining."

"It's a sign we're all going to have pneumonia by tomorrow," griped Marjorie.

Sarah laughed. "I have to agree Marjorie, it can't be a good thing that it's thirty-five degrees outside and pouring down rain."

"That's because none of you are thinking about the rain. You just need to become one with the rain," said Eric drifting off into "la, la land". Raphael shook his head and began to laugh.

"Don't try to understand him, he's one with the rain," he said laughing harder.

However, despite the mixed emotions of the team it was still pouring down rain when the game began and there was nothing that anyone could do about it except pray that Eric's enthusiasm paid off.

Sarah felt a slight pain of guilt as they lined up and she watched as Dillon and Jeffrey go head to head as Sir Roger spouted his warnings and words of wisdom and threw up the Quaffle.

Sarah watched as the ball fought its way through the sheets of rain and into Eric's waiting hands and then after dodging her first bludger and chasing after it so as to change its course she cheered as Stephen Fitzpatrick reluctantly informed her that Eric had just scored for Bellarmine.

Sarah allowed this to spur her on as she circled the field playing bludger tennis with Marjorie and loving every minute of it. It didn't seem to matter that they were all dripping wet and that it was freezing cold, the entire team was in the zone and making the Bellarmine stands rock every time one of their Chasers scored a goal.

Zoe and the others were huddled together under the invisible canopy's that were practically useless against the horizontal rain and thirty degree winds. They were sharing three pairs of binoculars and trying to keep up with what was going on. Megan had been trying to keep her eyes on Dillon who was circling the top of the stadium trying to locate the Snitch when she came across something interesting. "I wonder who those people are with Professor Killainka?" she asked in a daydreaming kind of voice.

"Who?" William asked trying to focus now where Megan was looking.

"There's a strange man and woman with the Professor," explained Megan.

Zoe took the binoculars from Megan and looked. "It's the Secretary of Magic," said Zoe quite impressed, "I wonder what she's doing here?" Zoe focused on the Dean's box and shook her head.

"Maybe she thought it would be cool to see the game," suggested William.

"She could have picked better weather," supposed Zoe. Michayla however seemed to think that the game was more important and quickly pointed that out, bringing everyone's focus back onto the game as Bellarmine hit their mark again, bringing the score up to Bellarmine forty, Keynes thirty. Which they were just reminded of by the Keynes announcer.

Sarah had been popping off bludgers and following as close to Dillon as she could trying to prevent damage to her Seeker while mercifully hitting bludgers as close to Jeffrey as she could without actually hurting him. It was turning into a long game, as it seemed to drag on and on, with Bellarmine and Keynes exchanging goals on a regular basis. Sarah was beginning to believe that this could be one of those games that she'd been warned about when she heard Eric call a time out and they all headed to one side of the stadium to huddle. "What's up?" asked Raphael as soon as they had gotten together.

"I just flew by Dean's box and noticed that the Secretary of Magic is there. I realize that you're already fairly motivated to win this game, but if we could win now it would be a double victory for Quigley."

"Don't worry Eric, we have no intention of loosing this game," said Raphael grinning through the rain. Sarah looked up into the stands and met eyes with the Secretary of Magic. This was the last thing she would remember.

Sarah opened her eyes and looked up from the mud as most of the team landed beside her. "What happened?" coughed out Sarah as Sir Roger joined them and knelt down to check her.

"Are you all right Miss Nettleton?" he asked wiping the mud from her face with his soaking wet handkerchief.

Sarah nodded and coughed again as the rest of the team, realizing she was all right began to grin from ear to ear. Sarah looked around until she the face of Eric and then Dillon who had just arrived holding the Snitch. Sarah screamed. "We won?" Having established their victory Sarah now realized that she was in pain as the rest of the team tried to pull her up out of the mud. "Crap."

"I think we'll take a trip to the Infirmary," said Sir Roger as he and Eric flanked Sarah and headed off the field. Sarah could hear the crowd cheering and was almost to the locker room when a soaking wet figure wearing dark green robes landed next to her, it was Jeffrey.

"Are you okay?" he asked pulling down his hood.

Sarah smiled. "I think so."

"Congratulations," he said winking.

"Thanks I think," Sarah grimaced and Sir Roger suggested that Jeffrey talk to her later.

Sarah was convinced that Mrs. Hutton loved it when someone was injured during a game since it gave her an excuse to rant and rave about how dangerous playing Quidditch was. She had all ready shooed the entire team and Sir Roger out of the infirmary and was busy mending the latest in a series of broken bones for Sarah when Professor Quigley entered. "How's she doing Melissa?" asked the Professor as she sat down next to Sarah.

"I suppose she'll mend again," said Mrs. Hutton as she shook her head. Sarah looked at Professor Quigley's face and watched as she tried very hard not to laugh. "I also suppose when you're finished talking to her you can go on and take her back to the dorm." She continued her ranting as she walked away. "I imagine those hoodlums will be wanting to celebrate their victory." Professor Quigley waited until Mrs. Hutton had left the room and then began laughing as Sarah sat up.

"Well young lady, it seems that you and Quidditch don't jive."

Sarah smiled. "I'm beginning to wonder if maybe I'm just not meant to play ma'me."

"Oh, now I wouldn't say that," said the Professor as she helped Sarah off the bunk and they headed toward the hallway. "After all we wouldn't have won without you."

Sarah stopped and gave her a strange look. "Professor what happened? I mean I don't remember anything after Eric called that last time out."

Professor Quigley returned her puzzled look. "Well, you did hit the ground awful hard, perhaps it will come back to you later." Professor Quigley again urged them on. "I'm sure that at this very moment the parts of the game that you don't remember are being retold over and over again. I sure what you don't remember you will learn very soon."

And she was right. After being hoisted on Raphael's shoulders and paraded around the common room twice, she was rescued by Professor Quigley long enough to change her clothes and then returned to the madness of the teams victory. Sarah got to hear no less than three times the first half hour how she and Marjorie had forded off both bludgers just seconds before Dillon caught the Snitch. Sarah kept listening for the part where someone was supposed to explain why she couldn't remember any of what sounded like the last twenty minutes of the game. Fortunately enough it sounded as though she had done what she was supposed to do and she guessed that was sufficient.

Sarah hadn't let on to anyone that she didn't remember most of the Quidditch game with Keynes. By the next afternoon, she had heard the story so many times though she was beginning to think that she did. Eric was having a good time razing Jeffrey after lunch, when he had joined Zoe and the friends who were working on History of Magic homework.

"I wouldn't be giving me such a hard time if I were you," said Jeffrey grinning, "You haven't turned in Murphy's homework yet. I may get the last laugh yet."

Sarah laughed and Zoe rolled her eyes at Jeffrey. "Jeffrey Thomas, are you threatening us?" said Zoe in her best 'disgusted at you' voice. Jeffrey lowered his head and Sarah laughed louder.

"Jeffrey you haven't all ready allowed Zoe to get the better of you, have you?" asked Sarah smirking.

Dillon slapped him on the back. "It's all right Jeffrey, it didn't take that long for us either." William nodded his head while Zoe became openly annoyed at them all.

Jeffrey didn't say anything; he just winked at Zoe and smiled. Eric placed an arm around him. "You know Brooklyn, I've known Zoe my whole life, and I'm thinking that perhaps you should run while you can." Zoe picked up a large book and swung it at Eric, who dodged it successfully as he headed to the other side of the library laughing.

Sarah allowed her self to stop stressing over the events of the last few weeks and enjoyed her afternoon with her friends. Sarah realized that she hadn't really just sat around and had fun with her friends since she had spent all that time in the Infirmary. It gave Sarah a warm feeling inside just to be there, watching them and enjoying their company. As she listened to their jabbering and berating of one another, Sarah's eyes drifted to Eric and his friends and then Annabelle Sutton who was sitting alone in a corner and occasionally glancing longingly at Eric. "Hey Zoe, I'll be right back," said Sarah. Zoe, who at the moment was flirting, could care less. Sarah whiled her way over to Annabelle and sat down. "How are you doing?"

Annabelle looked up surprised. "Sarah, what's up?"

"I noticed you were battling with the books again and thought I'd come to offer my condolences," joked Sarah. Annabelle smiled.

"Arithamacy," moaned Annabelle, "don't take it Sarah, it will kill you."

"I don't know," started Sarah getting slightly louder as she went along, "I was kind of looking forward to it. I like the idea of divination through mathematics, Zoe and I we're planning on taking it next year." Sarah glanced over at Eric; she had succeeded in catching his attention. She was glad that Annabelle hadn't noticed as he rose to come over.

"It's too complicated," complained Annabelle again.

"You're just giving up too easily Annabelle," said Eric placing a hand on her shoulder. Annabelle was again startled.

"Eric, I didn't see you there," admitted Annabelle blushing.

"That's easy for you to say," said Sarah, "numbers have always been easy for you."

Annabelle nodded as Eric sat down next to her and took her book. "I suppose if I don't help you we'll not be taking the Crest this year," said Eric pretending to be disgusted.

"Oh, yeah Mr. Turner, Bellarmine would be lost without you," said Annabelle sarcastically.

Sarah laughed. "I think I'll leave, it's getting pretty deep in here." Sarah rose and left Eric and Annabelle bantering. It didn't surprise her at all that they hadn't noticed when she left.

"What was that all about?" Zoe asked, when she returned to the table.

"I just thought that I'd return a favor," said Sarah sitting back down at the table with Zoe and the others and chuckling.

Sarah noticed Eric and Annabelle sitting together at dinner and smiled. She supposed that if she couldn't have him, the least she could do was make sure someone with a good heart did, and there was no doubt that Annabelle had a good heart.

The table was still buzzing over Bellarmine's victory of the day before, which stirred mixed emotions for Sarah who was still trying to piece together what happened. Raphael was assuring everyone that there was no way that they couldn't take the cup this year now that they had beaten Keynes. "Well, there's no doubt that Keynes is going to beat Parathion, I mean that just goes without saying," he said after swallowing a large amount of chocolate cake. "So all that we need to do after that is beat Parathion again and then Broughton to take the whole thing that is as long as Keynes beats Parathion."

"I'm glad you're so confident," said Dillon looking not quite as sure.

"I don't know what you're worried about," butted in Eric. "Keynes was our only real competition, and we've all ready conquered them." Eric looked across the table to Jeffrey who had turned at these words. "Sorry Jeffrey."

"It's all right. We'll beat Parathion and I'll settle for second place as long as you guys beat the crap out of Parathion too," said Jeffrey winking at Zoe and causing her to blush.

Sarah placed an arm around Zoe. "I never thought I'd ever see you melt for anyone," whispered Sarah. Zoe continued to turn red and spoke not a word as she reached behind her to the other table where Jeffrey was sitting and squeezed his hand. "You two are disgusting," said Sarah turning back to the table and looking at Eric and Annabelle. Eric blushed slightly and pulled away from Annabelle a bit looking guilty. Sarah smiled at Annabelle who also blushed, and looked slightly guilty but winked at Sarah just the same. Sarah felt better about things than she had in awhile. Her friends were happy, Bellarmine was in the lead for the Quidditch cup, and all was right with the world except for the missing twenty minutes. However, there was a nagging feeling in the back of her mind that told her she shouldn't let it go.

Sarah hadn't slept well again. She kept having dreams that involved the lost time and what may or may not have happened. By the time they had made it to breakfast the next morning, she had decided to say something to someone, but she just didn't know whom. "What are you doing?" asked Zoe looking at Sarah strangely as she remained seated after Dark Arts class.

"I need to ask Professor Abydos something," said Sarah trying not to make eye contact with her.

"About what?" asked Dillon ease dropping and saving Zoe the trouble of asking.

"Just something for an essay I'm writing. It's kind of embarrassing, I'd rather do it myself if that's all right with you guys," she said trying hard not to give them a reason to stay.

Zoe looked at her suspiciously and then sighed. "All right but hurry or Semiramise won't be happy with us."

Sarah grinned, nodded, and then watched as her friends reluctantly left the classroom. When she was sure they were gone, she made her way down to the front to where the Professor was sitting, deeply engrossed in a book. "What is it today, Miss Nettleton?" he asked without looking up. "I'm fairly sure you're all caught up in my class."

"Yes, sir," she responded, "I think so." Sarah stood quietly afraid to go on.


"Professor, I was wondering if you'd answer another silly question for me." Abydos sat quietly but didn't object. "I was wondering about the unforgivable curses. I haven't read very much about them and I was wondering about the Imperious curse."

Professor Abydos pushed his book away and gave Sarah his undivided attention. "What were you wondering?" he asked suspiciously, recalling Sarah's last question and the subsequent turn of events.

"I was wondering, sir, if someone was under the Imperious curse, would they remember what they had done while they were?" asked Sarah avoiding his stare.

The Professor took a deep breath. "What prompts this question, and I would warn you not to use the same lie twice?" said Abydos finding her eyes despite her darting around.

Sarah took a deep breath herself and sat down at one of the desks directly opposite the Professor. "The other day at during the Quidditch game I lost some time," started Sarah.

"What do you mean, you lost some time?" he asked holding his eye contact.

"I don't remember what happened between Eric calling the time out and being in the mud," admitted Sarah, scared of what Abydos' response would be.

The Professor sat for a moment, thought about her remark and tried to remember what had happened him self. "Did you tell Mrs. Hutton?

Sarah shook her head, "Professor Quigley said that I could have hit my head when I fell, I just assumed that if I had Mrs. Hutton would have known," suggested Sarah. There was an additional silence as the Professor contemplated her last remark. Sarah twisted uncomfortably in her seat. "I'm sorry Professor it was a dumb thought," Sarah suddenly volunteered standing.

"Sit down Miss Nettleton," suggested Abydos in his commanding voice. Sarah did so of course, unenthusiastically. The Professor then drew another breath, rose, and then made his way to the fireplace. "Why would you think that you had somehow been under the Imperious Curse, which I am assuming is your thought hence the question?"

Sarah sighed and again shuffled slightly in her seat. "When I was sick, I wasn't really was I?" she asked taking Abydos by surprise. "I mean that I have a feeling that I was under some kind of curse and none of you are willing to telling me about it." Sarah was afraid that she had over stepped her bounds and retreated slightly in her chair.

Abydos rounded on her and after looking her over grinned his not so pleasant smile, this time catching Sarah off guard. "I'm not sure that I am the person who should be addressing these concerns, not alone anyway," answered the Professor. "Why don't you meet me back here this afternoon and we'll talk some more. I would much rather the Dean be here if we are going to be approaching this matter."

Sarah wished that she had never 'approached this matter' her self now and had a desire to take back the last fifteen minutes and make a run for her next class. Pushing all of these thoughts away, she nodded. "All right Professor, I can do that," she gasped. Abydos glanced up at the next class that was entering and suggested that Sarah be on her way. It hadn't been necessary for him to repeat him self and in a matter of seconds Sarah was out the door. "Great," she whispered to her self, "what have I gotten myself into now?"

Sarah was grateful that she made it to Divination just as the bell rang, since she really had no desire to relate to anyone the conversation she had just had with Professor Abydos. After a very awkward class in which Sarah did her best not to make eye contact with anyone including the Professor, Sarah was able to convince her friends on the way to their next class that what she had been discussing wasn't worth repeating. It would, however be a bit more awkward later to reveal that she had somewhere to go after their last class that no one should accompany her to. "Why are you being so secretive?" asked Zoe, somewhat accusingly. She had pulled Sarah into one of the study rooms and was staring her down.

"I just need to go and talk to Professor Abydos for awhile, it's not that big a deal," said Sarah looking down at the floor and shuffling her feet.

"I'm beginning to believe I don't know you anymore," Zoe was ranting. She had spent a lot of time lately listening to what she was sure were lies coming from Sarah's lips and watching as Sarah's world crumbled around her and Zoe. It had been easy despite, the terror of last year, to support Sarah in everything that she had done. Then Sarah hadn't left her out of anything last year, she hadn't been off pursuing some special powers and doing mysterious things without involving or telling Zoe. "You don't confide in me anymore, and we barely spend anytime alone anymore." Zoe felt like an idiot even as the words left her mouth, but she couldn't stop herself.

"I'm sorry Zoe, but there's a lot going on right now that I don't even understand." She paused and then gave Zoe a disgusted look. "Besides, I thought you promised not to have any more jealous feelings," spat Sarah feeling a bit put out by Zoe's attitude.

"Oh, now that was a fair remark," retaliated Zoe, her feelings noticeably hurt. "Perhaps you should find your self a new best friend. You've practically stolen my brother, you might as well leave me high and dry."

Sarah knew that Zoe was only speaking out of fear and concern, but she was angry and confused herself. "Fine, I don't have a problem with that. In fact I don't need any of you, I'll do just fine without you all," finished Sarah. She had exited the study room to find that they had attracted the attention of everyone in the common room and Sarah had focused her last remark on the remainder of her group who now stood staring open mouthed. After staring at them all one at a time ending with a very tearful, red-faced look toward Dillon, Sarah stormed toward the entrance to the dorm corridor and in a few moments found her self cowering in a corner on the other side. "I - don't - need- this," she sobbed hiding her face from the approaching seniors. Sarah turned expecting to see Zoe or one of the others following her out of the dorm, but no one came. "Screw- you - all- then," she continued her voice cracking from the anger and pain. Sarah gave a look of pure hatred to the Broughton senior who had stopped to see if she was okay. "What are you looking at?" she screamed just before turning and heading as fast as she could toward the rear of the school. There was no way she was going any where near the Professor Abydos' classroom or the dormitory, following her heart she headed to the one place that she knew no one would look for her.

"I don't know Professor," said Rebecca Reynolds, the Broughton senior that Sarah had taken her anger out on. "I went over to see if she was okay and after she screamed at me and then took off down the back hallway."

Professor Abydos was standing at the entrance to the dorm corridor and surveying the long faces of Sarah's entourage. That was all but Zoe, who looked like she was trying very hard to stay as angry with Sarah as she could. "I'm sure she's all right. It's not the first time she's blown her stack and run off. I've known her my whole life and it doesn't surprise me one bit," spouted Zoe disgruntled.

"Zoe," fussed Dillon under his breath. Zoe drew a deep breath and turned around to wipe her tears. "I don't know what happened Professor," started Dillon. "We were in the common room waiting for Sarah and Zoe and the next thing we know they're screaming at each other and Sarah's taking off. By the time we got anything out of Zoe, she had all ready left the school." Zoe bit her lip, gave Dillon a hurt look, and headed back down the corridor, knowing full well that she could be serving detention tomorrow for being impertinent to Professor Abydos. Dillon sighed and turned back to the Professor who was fighting a smile. "She's really very upset, Professor. She wouldn't let on because she's mad though," explained Dillon. "If you want we'll go looking for Sarah."

"No Mr. Ratcliff, I think it would be better if I took care of this myself." He paused and looked at Dillon, Megan, and William with the best compassionate face that he could muster under the circumstances. "I think perhaps it would be a better idea for you to look after Miss Turner. Sometime in the next half hour she's going to be very upset with herself and she will need your support as much as Miss Nettleton does." Dillon nodded and then after giving Megan and William a "come on" look they all headed back down the dorm corridor unwillingly. Professor Abydos watched them disappear and then turned to head down the back corridor mumbling to him self. "This is going to be a long night."

Sarah sat and watched some kind of flying insect breathe his last breath as the largest of the carnivorous plants that she sat next to sucked it into what you would consider its mouth. She felt like crap for what she had done to Zoe, but she had managed to get out of her meeting with Abydos and Killainka. "Maybe I'll just disappear and then I'll no one will ever have to second guess me again." Sarah sighed deeply with this thought and looked at the sun that was setting through the glass panes on green house six.

This now became an obsessive thought. "How can I run away from Dragon's Wood? Where can I go?" Sarah thought then she rose, began to pace and talk things out loudly to herself and the plants. "Mom would probably come and get me if I called her from a truck stop or something. I could find the place, that cabin where we came up a couple of years ago. Maybe I could catch it when the guard wasn't there. He has to leave every once in a while," she supposed. "I could take my broomstick. If I was to fly real low in the trees, maybe no one would see me until I could get to a main road." Sarah had worked herself into frenzy and could no longer see through the tears that were flowing down her cheeks.

"And when the Department traces your illegal magic making don't you think that they'll inform your dad where you are?" Sarah jumped, she hadn't expected anyone to answer or even speak.

"I've decided that I no longer want to have anything to do with magic or this school and I'd only be breaking the rules long enough to get away from it all anyway." Sarah couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. First, she had screamed at Zoe and now she was loosing it equally with Eric "So you just go back to the dorm and pretend you didn't find me. You need to go and spend some quality time with your sister anyway. She's under the impression that I've somehow spirited you away."

"I saw Professor Abydos and the others talking outside the dorm. I had a feeling this is where you would go. After all it's the last place that anyone else would have looked." Eric was ignoring Sarah's rantings and continued to approach, his arms outstretched.

Sarah backed away, buckets of tears were flowing now, and she was blubbering so badly that you could no longer tell what she was saying. "You're- not- listening," she sobbed backing herself against the green house wall.

"I'm listening, I just know you don't mean any of it," continued Eric smiling affectionately. "Just like I know that my ditsy sister didn't mean a word of what she said." Eric was now toe to toe with Sarah and with her still fighting and still trying to get away, he took her into his arms and held her tightly until she could do nothing but cry quietly. After a few moments, and when Eric could tell that she had totally let go of her fear and frustration, he smiled. "Feel better now?"

Sarah sniffled and Eric released her enough that she could wipe her eyes on the sleeve of her robe. "Yeah," she whispered nodding. She drew a deep breath and then popped Eric on the shoulder.

"What was that for?" he asked looking hurt.

"I hate that you knew where I was. I hate that you knew what to say and do to make me feel better. And I really hate that you're right," she rambled hoarsely.

Eric smiled and pushed the hair away from Sarah's face and pulled up her chin. "Well, I love you anyway," he said staring into her eyes.

Sarah felt her face go hot and knew that it was redder than it had ever been in her life. She stopped crying, looked up into Eric's eyes, and within seconds, they had both burst into uncontrollable laughter. Eric pulled back a bit more and taking Sarah's right hand and squeezing it tightly, he led her over to one of the raised boxes that held the beautiful roses that they had not so long ago admired. Eric sat down and pulled Sarah beside him. "So what now? I can't possible go back in there and face all of those people," moaned Sarah. "I made a complete ass of myself for no reason."

"That's not true. Just being in the room with Zoe is a good enough reason to make an ass of your self," joked Eric still holding her hand. Sarah snickered but his words weren't all that comforting.

"I was so looking forward to coming back to school this year and everything being normal." She thought about what she said and then forced a chuckle. "Well as normal as things could be at a school of Witchcraft and Wizardry," she added forcing a grin. However, the grin turned quickly into a look of despair, then she sighed. "There has been absolutely nothing normal about this year and now-" Sarah stopped. She had said more than she had intended.

"What is it Sarah? What has happened in the last few days that has got you so rattled?" asked Eric looking into her eyes. "Don't tell me "nothing," because I've known for days that something was wrong."

Sarah sighed again and turned around to smell one of the violet roses behind her. "I don't remember the last part of the Quidditch match with Keynes." She paused and then turned back to meet up with Eric's confused face. "I remember you calling a time out and then I remember the mud. That's all." Eric looked at her with a puzzled look. He didn't know what to say. "That's what I thought. That's why I haven't told any of you. I haven't any idea if this is something I should even be worried about and if it is I have no clue as to what it means."

"So what were you and Abydos going to talk about?" he asked after a brief silence.

Sarah looked at Eric, bit her lip and then grimaced. "I have a funny feeling it's going to be deadly curses." Then feeling that she needed to fight the urge to break down again added, "Want to come?" She tried to look like she was joking about all of this, but was unsuccessful. Eric was about to confront her as to what she was worried about, when he was robbed of the pleasure.

"Well, you're not quite the hysterical mess I expected to find. I suppose I have Mr. Turner to thank for that."

"Professor," gasped Sarah looking up to find Abydos standing across the room from them. Sarah jumped up followed by Eric who stood slowly. Sarah had always been impressed that Eric wasn't as intimidated by Abydos as most of them were. Then Sarah wasn't as intimidated by him as she used to be. "I suppose that I'm in some sort of trouble," she proposed.

Abydos smiled his deceitful smile. "I've been trying to figure out for years how give detention to hysterical pre-teens and I haven't been able to figure out how to do it yet." He sighed. "Alas, I suppose you'll just have to settle for the consequences of hurt feelings from your friends. And you'll have to make that appointment with myself and the Dean after all."

It was Sarah's turn to sigh and while she was at it count her blessings. She was sure that she had broken some kind of school rule and that if Abydos had really wanted to he could have come up with one. "Yes sir."

"Mr. Turner I believe it would be best if you returned to your dormitory. At the very least you can assure them that Miss Nettleton is alive and well." This had of course only been a request on Abydos' part, however Eric knew that you didn't say no to Professor Abydos' requests.

"Yes sir," he answered and then after giving Sarah an encouraging smile, he left.

Sarah had calmed down enough that she was no longer sniffling, however her eyes were still red and swollen. She felt quite vulnerable and wished that she hadn't found herself now alone in the greenhouse with the scariest teacher in the school. "Feeling a bit intimidated?"

Sarah looked up to his face and smiled. "Not as much as a second ago," she confessed finding it slightly amusing that he would ask this question.

"Good, then let's go and find Professor Killainka. I believe he is still waiting patiently for us in my office."

Sarah cleared her throat and looked at the Professor pleadingly. "Sir," she started feeling quite silly. "Could we maybe talk in Professor Killainka's office?" she asked scared to death of his answer.

Abydos was visibly amused. "Find my office unnerving?" he asked chuckling.

"I can't believe that you don't sir," replied Sarah.

Abydos chortled. "I'm sure that the Professor won't mind if we move our meeting to his office."

Sarah thanked the Professor and then followed him quietly back into the school. It was a long time for she felt comfortable enough to speak again and when she did speak, again she was not prepared at all for the answers she would receive.