The Dark Arts
Original Female Witch
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets
Published: 01/12/2003
Updated: 12/22/2003
Words: 175,146
Chapters: 21
Hits: 4,734

The Dreamwalker's Daughter

T Proctor

Story Summary:
Sarah made it through her first year at Dragon’s Wood with a lot of help from her friends. All she wants is a year without nightmares and what she finds out about herself makes her long for the days of nightmares and dreamless sleep potions.

Chapter 10

Author's Note:
Thanks to Mika for jumping in and saving me at the bell!

Chapter Ten Tempting Fate

The next day was the last day before classes started up again so they all spent the day enjoying each other's company. Eric spent half of the day arguing with his girlfriend, which seemed to be the norm for them and the rest clowning around with guys from the team. Megan had talked William and Michayla into a trip to the library to look at more astrological charts, but Sarah bowed out saying she needed to see Professor Chalipun. Zoe asked if she could come along too and Sarah agreed as long as it was okay with Professor Chalipun.

Professor Chalipun was actually happy to see Sarah and Zoe. She had been working on lesson plans for the second semester and welcomed the break. "Did you have a nice holiday, Zoe?" she asked as they all sat down next to the fireplace.

"Yeah, but I really missed this place and my friends," said Zoe smiling at Sarah. "I never thought in my whole life that I would miss school," Zoe said after thinking about it for a minute and laughing. Professor Chalipun and Sarah laughed also.

"I trust staying behind wasn't too terrible for you Sarah?"

"Well, I missed Zoe and my family, but I had a great time with my remaining friends and of course it was cool meditating with you and Professor Semiramise," said Sarah smiling.

"You can save some of that sweet talk, Miss Nettleton, next grade cards aren't for another six months," she said winking.

Sarah and Zoe looked at each other and chuckled, and then Sarah shifted slightly uneasy in her seat. "Professor, could we maybe just talk about things today, I'm not sure that I've had enough sleep to concentrate enough for meditation." The truth was that they hadn't meditated since Sarah had been pulled into the potions class, and she didn't want it happening again especially with Zoe there.

Sarah felt bad because she really hadn't confided most of what had happened this year to Zoe. Perhaps it was because she had spent so much time being worried about her last year, Sarah wasn't sure that Zoe could handle another year of finding Sarah in the Infirmary ever other week. However, Sarah was sure that she hadn't told Zoe much about what was going on because it scared her slightly.

Last year, when she had done those incredible things, it was easy to pass it all off as connections to the all-powerful evil or Professor Killainka. Sarah could even say that the spirit of Jessica Bellarmine had a hand in what happened which seemed almost impossible to believe, but easier to believe than Sarah having special powers.

This year, however, it was all Sarah. It was Sarah seeing death omens, Sarah visiting other people's dreams, Sarah reading teacher's minds, and Sarah hearing voices from different places all over the school. She wasn't quite sure how to explain to anyone other than Eric and her Professors and even they hadn't heard everything.

She was grateful that Professor Chalipun was willing to just talk and didn't really want an explanation as to why, but s could tell that she did not believe her story and Sarah was quite sure than when Zoe wasn't around she was going to have to explain. "What would you like to talk about?"

"Dreamwalking." Zoe looked at her like she was mad and obviously wanted to know what Sarah was talking about, but Professor Chalipun's expression was the one Sarah was interested in.

 "That's an interesting phrase you've picked up," she said flatly.

"I read it somewhere and I asked Professor Abydos about it. I know what it means, I just want to know how it works," explained Sarah.

 "Okay, I don't know are you going to leave me clueless?" asked Zoe.

 "Zoe, you're always clueless," said Sarah smiling, "It's kind of what I did last year right Professor?"

Chalipun nodded, stood and crossed to stand by the fireplace. "Chinkana was probably the most famous Dreamwalker, but that was only because of how he used it. There have been and are, good wizards and witches who can Dreamwalk who haven't used it for their own evil purposes." She paused and looked at Sarah, "I suppose Professor Abydos told you that the term you use came from Chinkana's followers." Sarah nodded.

Zoe was listening on the edge of her seat now and couldn't be silent any longer. "Where did you hear about all of this in the first place?"

Sarah looked at Professor Chalipun and then Zoe, "I saw it in a book, and it sounded kind of like what happened last year, so I asked Professor Abydos about it because the book said it had something to do with dark magic." Sarah wouldn't look at Chalipun now. There was no doubt in her mind that Chalipun knew that she was lying through her teeth and she didn't wish to see it in her eyes. She found her self now wishing she hadn't brought this up at all with Zoe there. She was now going to have to explain more than she wanted to do to her best friend and perhaps even explain why she'd been hiding things all this time.

Professor Chalipun sensed that Sarah was not happy with the choice she had made in her conversation. "Zoe, I think that your friend here had way too much time to spend in the library while you were gone. Perhaps you shouldn't leave her alone so much."

Sarah lifted her head now and glowed at Professor Chalipun, for a moment she thought she might even shed a tear but Zoe nixed that. "What were you thinking? Megan's the only one allowed to read books that aren't required by class."

Sarah took a deep breath and sighed. "Anyway, I just wondered if that's what I did last year and if it was, how was I doing it?"


Chalipun returned to her seat and looked at Sarah. "I suppose you could say that Dreamwalking is a lot like the out of body experiences that you had last year. I'm still not sure how you and Zoe's brother accomplished a lot of what happened last year. You two may be the only ones who can figure that out." Chalipun paused and leaned back into her chair. Sarah had a feeling that there were things that the Professor wanted to tell her but couldn't decide if she should or not. "I'm sure that Professor Abydos would be better able to tell you exactly how they did what they did than I, but I'll try. I would say that it is a cross between apparating and an out of body experience. In the out of body experience, your soul leaves your body when your in a sleep or meditative state and goes for a walk sometimes to another room, or another place and in some rare cases some are able to enter someone else's dream. Well, a Dreamwalker sort of transports his entire being to these places while they're in a dream or meditative state." Professor Chalipun looked at their confused and intrigued faces. "Perhaps we should continue this at another time. It's about time for dinner and I really have one more report I need to tend to before then."

Sarah nodded and rose from her chair. "Thanks Professor, I appreciate your time." Zoe nodded and thanked her also and then headed out the door. Sarah paused as Zoe got just out of earshot "Thanks for not saying too much in front of Zoe."

"I think that perhaps we should continue this conversation alone and soon," said Chalipun walking her to the door. Sarah nodded and then thanked her again and exiting quickly to catch up with Zoe.

What was that all about?" Zoe asked as soon as they were far enough away. "You've been doing crazy things again haven't you?" she said accusingly.

Sarah sighed deeply. "I didn't want you to worry. Michayla's been pulling me in to her dreams and somehow I keep ending up in the Potions class."

"There's more isn't there?" Sarah nodded. "Spill it all."

"When she had her seizure and I went to see her in the Infirmary I told her about it and she asked me if I was a Dreamwalker. That's really where I learned the term." Sarah paused and watched Zoe's face.

"How come she knows about things like that and why would she think you were a dark wizard since that's what they were?" Zoe face was turning red as she spoke.

Sarah knew she had to tell everything now; she had gone too far to go back. "Remember when I met her dad?" Zoe nodded, "You have to promise not to say anything."

"Have I ever let you down before?"

Sarah smiled, "No." She paused and looked around. "Well, he's a Dreamwalker."

Zoe nearly tripped over her own feet. "What?" Zoe screamed.


Sarah grabbed hold of her arm and brought her upright again. "Hush," said Sarah looking around again, "Professor Killainka doesn't want the whole school to know, for Michayla's sake you know."

Zoe nodded and swallowed hard, "He's a dark wizard?"

Sarah nodded, "He was. Professor Killainka said that when Chinkana disappeared that he came back and said he'd been under his spell. That's why Michayla's mom and dad have been fighting over her."

Zoe was quiet for a while. They walked along slowly as she thought about what Sarah had said. "So are you?" said Zoe after ten minutes or so.

"Am I what?" asked Sarah turning to give her a strange look.

"Are you a Dreamwalker?" asked Zoe swallowing hard once more.

Sarah stopped and thought for a moment or two. She started out sort of outraged that Zoe would ask such a thing and ended up doubting herself. "I'm not evil if that's what you mean," she said first and then exhaled, "That's why I was asking Professor Chalipun those questions. I don't really understand all of this."

"What did you hope to accomplish by asking her those questions?" asked Zoe puzzled. "I guess I thought I'd stir things up a bit."

Zoe had a look of confusion that Sarah had never seen on her, or for that matter, anyone. "Stir things up?"

"Frankly Zoe, I'm tired of the teasers. Strange things have been happening on and off to me for months now and they won't go away but they don't clear up either."

"What do you mean clear up?" asked Zoe, starting to stress with visions of last years situations reappearing in her head.

"Well, you know, eventually last year Chinkana just showed up and took Dillon and then I knew what to do. I knew that I had to go get Dillon. I can't figure out what I'm supposed to be doing here. Michayla has these bad dreams about strange-cloaked figures and chanting in the potions classroom and all I do is wake up more and more confused. And then I find out her father was with Chinkana." Sarah stopped talking and took a deep breath. "I'm not really happy about that name popping up again. I guess I just thought that maybe if everyone was talking about me and stressing about all of this, maybe whatever it is that's going to happen would just happen."

Zoe was flabbergasted. She couldn't believe it. What Sarah was saying amounted to waving a red cloth in front of a bull. "Are you trying to get in trouble or killed?"


"No, I just want to feel like I have some sort of control over my life," said Sarah bluntly and loudly enough that this time Zoe looked around to make sure no one was watching or listening.

"Alright, I can relate to that," said Zoe placing a hand on Sarah's shoulder.

Sarah felt her face going red. "I just acted like a huge butt, huh?"

Zoe nodded, "Pretty much." Sarah started to walk forward again and opened her mouth to speak but thought better of it. "What were you going to say?"

"Nothing," said Sarah not very convincingly, but Zoe let it go.

Zoe made a funny face as they rounded a turn and found themselves at the head of the dorm corridor. She stopped and looked at Sarah who now stopped also. "Doesn't the fact that Michayla's dad...well you know...is a Dreamwalker, sort of bug you?"

"I've been thinking about it. Professor Killainka said that Michayla's mom is worried about her following in her dad's footsteps. Like I told him, I don't think she will. I mean, I think I would know if she was, I think I'd just feel it, don't you think?"

Zoe shrugged, "I wouldn't bet against your intuition," said Zoe smiling. But in Zoe's heart she wasn't so sure.

"But I definitely don't think we should tell Dillon. I can't imagine that he would think it was a good thing that the girl he's sweet on has a father who used to be in cohorts with his evil birth father."

"Duh!" said Zoe, "And what's up with that anyway?" she said making a face. Sarah laughed and they headed on down the corridor.

"I think for now that it's best to just keep all of this to ourselves," said Sarah as they appeared in the common room. Zoe nodded and looked around. Michayla, Megan, and William were back from the library and were watching Eric play a game of chess with Raphael and talking about the Quidditch Cup.

"Well since both us and Broughton beat Parathion, if we beat Broughton this Saturday, it will put us back on top," Raphael was hypothesizing.

"And we really should win by as many points possible. The higher the score the better our chances will be at taking the cup," added Eric.

"Then I guess we better get another Chaser," said Zoe sitting down in a chair next to her brother.

Eric turned and chuckled, "You're so clever, Zoe." Everyone else chuckled also. Eric returned to his game and moved his queen's knight forward and to the left. "Check mate."


Raphael sighed and looked disgusted, "How can you do that? You just talk to everyone else and look around as you play and still you manage to get me every time."

Eric and the rest of the spectators all laughed again. "Next victim," Eric called out looking around. "How about you, Sarah? We can play after dinner."

Sarah smiled sort of slyly, "All right but we get to use my new chess set." Eric agreed and Raphael helped Eric store his set away.

Everyone made his or her way down to the Great Hall for dinner in no time. Eric and the rest of the guys on the team sat together and discussed how they were going to beat the pants off of Broughton. While Sarah, Michayla, Megan and Marjorie sat together and discussed how full of themselves that the male team members were. It was a wonderful dinner and everyone seemed to be in good spirits.

After dinner, Meagan and William decided that they wanted to watch TV instead of Sarah and Eric, but Michayla, Dillon, and Zoe decided they wanted to watch Sarah beat Eric and joined them. "By the way, have I thanked you two for this yet?" asked Sarah after placing the last piece.

"No, not in the last hour anyway," said Eric joking.

Sarah smiled. "It's pretty cool. I've already played a few games with others, even Professor Killainka."

"Trying to take my place, huh?" joked Eric, winking at Sarah. Sarah managed to beat Eric two out of three games and she was sure that he hadn't let her. By the time they had gotten to the third game, they had lost all of their audience to the television and Sarah decided that she was too tired to play any longer. Eric helped her pack up her game and then sat back in his chair.

"So are you ready for classes to start back?"

"I suppose." She thought about the conversation she had just had with Professor Chalipun and all of the other conversations she had with Professors over the last couple of weeks. "I have a feeling that I've made a bed I'm not ready to sleep in though."

Eric looked puzzled, "What do you mean?" Sarah explained about what had just happened in Professor Chalipun's classroom and how she had broke down and told Zoe about everything. Eric looked at her with the same surprised look on his face as Zoe. "What are you trying to do, Sarah, conjure up trouble?"

"I don't know. I suppose it was stupid to bring someone else into all of this. I guess I'm just tired of going to sleep and waking in the Potions Classroom," said Sarah, and she supposed what she was saying was true.

Eric smiled. "Next time you go to sleep and wake up there, try to find me."


"I tired all that already with Professor Killainka. I even tried what the Crystal Ball told me." Sarah stopped; she hadn't said anything about this before.

"What did you just say?" asked Eric, jumping on her mistake.

Sarah drew a deep breath. "I've become one with the Crystal Ball."

Eric leaned forward. "The one Zoe gave you?" Sarah nodded, "It's been showing you things?"

"It's been telling me things...well sort of. Mostly it just says things that don't make sense. And then every once in a while it will throw in a death omen," said Sarah, half joking.

Eric sat back again. "That's interesting. Did you tell Professor Semiramise?"

"Most of it. I told her that I'm tired of seeing death omens. She told me I was probably manufacturing most of it because of my own fears and confusion."

"I'm sure she's probably right about that." Eric paused for a moment and then spoke again. "I guess you have had an interesting year, no wonder you're wishing for an end to it all."

It was about this point in the conversation when Zoe ambled back over. "What are you two doing?" she asked looking at their faces.

"Sarah's been beating my butt and I've decided that I've taught her all that I can and now I'm going to bed," said Eric, rising from his chair.

Sarah smiled, "Yeah, it was getting boring anyway."

Zoe rolled her eyes at both of them and then leaned down to help Sarah pack up her pieces. Sarah looked around the room, "Where's everyone else?"

Zoe moaned slightly and rolled her eyes once more. "They went for a walk. You should have seen the four of them, it's almost sickening."

Sarah laughed. "Zoe, I think you need to start looking at boys a little differently since all of your friends are."

"Well, I still sort of have you, since you won't stop ogling my crabby old brother."

Sarah went red; "I can't help it if I think he's all right for a boy. Besides he is out of my league and we're just too good of friends now anyway."

For the third time, Zoe rolled her eyes and threw in a sigh. "Let's head for bed before this conversation gets anymore disgusting." Sarah laughed and they did just that.


Sarah halfway expected to be kept after by all of her teacher's the following day, but was treated as any other student until she had reached the end of Charms class. Professor Quigley had been out of sorts all through class, making several mistakes that started the Parathion's chuckling eventually causing her to threaten Griffin and his bunch with detention if they didn't stop. "I bet it's the Quidditch Cup," whispered Dillon, "Bellarmine hasn't won in like ten years. We've not even been this close in three or four. Last year wasn't bad, we won enough to get the Crest but not the Cup."

"Yeah, I heard her talking to Professor Ratcliff, it seems that Abydos has been teasing her a lot. And Professor Murphy's been bragging every since Keynes beat us," added Megan. Sarah looked at the Professor again just in time to see her knock something off her desk. Half the room was now choking on their own tongues trying hard not to laugh. Sarah was sure that she would have yelled at them all if the bell hadn't rang and everyone hadn't gone scrambling for the door.

Sarah grabbed Dillon's arm and motioned toward the Professor. "Let's go talk to her." Dillon nodded and they told everyone else they'd meet them in a little bit. Sarah and Dillon inched forward toward her desk; she was so caught up her paper work and worry that she didn't hear them approach.

"Professor, are you all right?" asked Sarah startling her.

"Miss Nettleton, I'm sorry I didn't know you were there. Yes, yes I'm fine."

"We're going to win you know," said Dillon grinning widely.

Professor Quigley stopped fighting it and sat back in her chair. "It shows that much?" Sarah and Dillon nodded. "I'm not supposed to be this involved in the extra curricular activities."

"Why not Professor? I mean it's just as important as winning the Crest idn't it and you're concerned about that, aren't you?" offered Sarah.

Professor Quigley smiled and nodded. "It's just that well, Professor Murphy's only been here a short while and he's already proposing that his team is going to win and frankly, they have just as good a shot as we do."

"Eric says that if we beat Broughton by a large margin we might be able to knock Parathion out of the running entirely," added Dillon.

The Professor smiled widely and then straightened her face. "All right I'll relax if you two promise that you'll do your very best."

"That's not a problem, Professor," said Dillon, throwing his chest out. "We'll see you later," he said, turning to leave. Sarah nodded also and but as she started to turn Professor Quigley stopped her.


"Sarah, could you stay a moment?" Dillon looked at Sarah and told her he'd see her in the dorm and then left. "Have a seat," she said pointing at a nearby desk.

"Is something wrong?" asked Sarah.

"I heard about your encounter with Michayla's father. Are you feeling all right?" Sarah had been right; she was probably now very easily the hottest topic in the teacher's lounge. She had had another episode and it would have been to Killainka's advantage to put the other teachers on alert, especially with Michayla having had a seizure.

"Yes ma'me, I'm fine. It was just that one time, I haven't had anymore spells or anything," promised Sarah.

"It's all right, I'm not giving you the third degree, I'm just concerned about all of my students," she said smiling. She grabbed her bag and came around to the front of her desk; "Walk with me as far as the faculty corridor?" Sarah nodded and they headed out the door. "I also heard about your questions to Professors Abydos and Chalipun. You're not worried about being a Dark Wizard are you?"

Sarah could feel her face turning pink. "Not really. I guess I'm just really confused about what I can do and what I could do with it."

"You mean when you grow up?" asked Professor Quigley smiling.

"Yeah, when I grow up," answered Sarah chuckling.

"I wouldn't worry about that right now. I'd just worry about passing my class for the time being," she said as they reached the door to the Faculty Corridor. "Now run along I'm sure your friends are looking for you." Then she added, "Thanks for making me feel better about the Cup."

Sarah smiled and watched her close the door behind her then headed toward the dorm. She was thinking about everything, what she had told Zoe, the conversations she had with all of the teachers the last few weeks, and the things that had happened that were still confusing and somewhat scary. All she really wanted to think about was the upcoming Quidditch match with Broughton and she was finding that hard to do with everything else that had been happening. Sarah had zoned into her thoughts so much that she found herself bumping into something tall and hard. Sarah looked up and into the eyes of a tall dark man who she had never seen before. She jumped back, and would have fallen if she had not been grabbed by Professor Killainka who she now saw was standing beside the man. "Hello Miss Nettleton. I'm sorry we startled you. Are you all right?" he asked looking at her face.

Sarah took a good look now and saw that the Professor was with the dark cloaked man and a smartly dressed woman in a purple and gold robe. "I'm all right. I was thinking about the game on Saturday, I suppose I wasn't paying attention."


Sarah was staring at the woman and the man. "Miss Nettleton this is the Secretary of Magic, Margaret Chamberlain and her assistant Mr. Howard."

The dark cloaked man nodded his head toward Sarah acknowledging his introduction while the elegant woman stepped forward and thrust out her hand to Sarah. "So this is Sarah Nettleton," she said looking Sarah up and down, "It's a pleasure to meet you. Your father is a fine man and a big help to me."

Sarah hesitated and then took her hand reluctantly. "Thank you ma'am, I'm rather found of him myself." The Secretary had a firm grip and held on to Sarah for quite some time before letting go. It had never been unusual for Sarah to get interesting and accurate first impressions of people, but ever since last year she had tried harder to sort out her feelings and impressions even those that didn't leave an empty feeling in the pit of her stomach. This time, however, Sarah had the distinct impression that the Secretary had been doing the same with her.

"I've heard quite a lot about you, Sarah, from Professor Killainka and your father. They both seem to think that you're doing very well in school," she said smiling. The Secretary, who had still been holding Sarah's hand, now released her hand and took a step back.

"I'm trying," said Sarah bringing her hand down to her side and blushing slightly. "I'm supposed to be meeting Zoe and everyone in the dorm sir, so I better go." Sarah said with a pleading look to the Professor.

"Oh yes, by all means, I'm sure that you've got homework and practice on the menu for tonight." Killainka said nodding in Sarah's direction. He leaned forward and whispered, "I hear Saturday is an important game."

Sarah smiled and tried not to laugh. "Yes sir," she whispered back and then she straightened back up. "Nice to meet you, Secretary, Mr. Howard." Again, the cloaked assistant only nodded and didn't speak but the Secretary once again shook Sarah's hand firmly.

"Keep up the good work, Sarah. We're expecting good things from you," she said causing Sarah to blush again. Sarah looked at the man again and this time caught his eyes. Sarah suddenly had a funny feeling that she had met him before, but couldn't place the feeling. She told Professor Killainka good-bye again and headed quickly toward the dorm corridor, this time paying better attention so as not to bump into anyone else.

Sarah was almost at the dorm when she had a thought and stopped. "I wonder, why the Secretary of Magic is here." After pondering the question for a moment, Sarah shook her head and then continued.

"Where have you been?" asked Zoe as soon as she entered the common room.


"After Professor Quigley let me go, I literally bumped into Professor Killainka and the Secretary of Magic," explained Sarah.

Dillon and Michayla got up and crossed the room to where they stood. "Did you knock them down?" asked Michayla joking. Dillon chuckled.

 "No, but she nearly shook my arm off. I didn't think that I was going to get away."

"What was she like?" asked Zoe who had always wanted to meet her.

"She's got a strong grip but I really didn't get much of an impression of her. She was hard to read," answered Sarah. "Her assistant though, never said a word and was kind of creepy. I have a feeling I've met him before, but I couldn't place where."

"I've seen him," said Dillon, "They come here every once in awhile for different reasons. He is kind of creepy."

"So then it's not unusual for her to be here?" asked Sarah feeling a little less paranoid.

"Well I wouldn't say it was an ordinary every day occurrence but I wouldn't call the paper over it either," said Dillon giving her a strange look. "Hey Eric's going to kill us if we're late for practice," he said now looking at the clock.

Sarah had almost forgotten about it. "Oh Crap, we better hurry." Sarah made a trip to her dorm room to put away her books and things, grabbed her broom, and met Dillon in the common room again to head out to practice.

It hadn't surprised Sarah at all that Professor Quigley had come down to see them practice. Eric made them work four times harder than that ever had. Every chance he got he reminded Dillon that it was just as important to catch the Snitch as to not catch it too soon. Their only chances at the Cup lie with a big win over Broughton.

"But I'm not saying that you should take a chance on loosing it. If you see it and the other Seeker does, you get it," said Eric, sounding almost obsessed.

By the end of practice, Raphael and the rest of the team were threatening to put him in a full body bind. "You need to chill or you're going to have a stroke at seventeen," said Brent pulling the Quaffle out of Eric's arms and shoving it back into its trunk. Everyone laughed except for Eric who gave them all a disgusted look and took off toward the school mumbling under his breath. Sarah and the rest of the team looked at each other and then feeling slightly guilty took off after him apologizing and swearing to do their best until he looked at them all and smiled widely

By their third and last practice before the game, no one was buying his hurt feelings act at all, but then they were playing so well that he really didn't need to use it. The first week of the second semester had ended with out anything-notable happening. Sarah and Michayla had been sleeping without event and none of the teachers had brought up Dreamwalking or following in her father's footsteps all week.

Sarah had been too consumed with Quidditch practice to be doing any extra meditating or reading. Sarah had a feeling that Professor Quigley had probably convinced her friends, Chalipun and Semiramise, that the Quidditch team needed her more this week than Sarah needed extra meditation and that's why she was getting away with it.

It had all come down to Friday night after their last practice and their last rehearsal with the blinding snow. They were all in the common room listening to the latest weather report on KWIZ, when Professor Quigley entered the room bringing everyone to a complete silence. "Is everything okay, Professor?" asked Eric after she stood there quietly for what seemed like a half an hour.

"I just wanted to say that even though this isn't the final game, I know that you all know how important it is. Even though we won the final game last year, our record hadn't been good enough to win us the Cup. We have a really good chance of taking it after a very long dry spell if we can just win this game tomorrow." She paused and everyone sat silently, not knowing what to say. "All I ask is that you give it your very best and no matter what happens I am proud of you all." In addition, with this statement she turned and quickly sped down the hallway and to her quarters.

The room remained quiet for another minute or two and then Eric stood. "You heard her. We've got to win, if for no other reason than to make her happy. Now I want you all to get to bed now. We all need a good night's sleep and a good breakfast and I don't want any of you giving me any lip."

No one did, they all wanted it as much as he and Professor Quigley did. Therefore, without another word they all turned and headed to bed. Sarah was surprised when the entire Bellarmine dorm joined them in an act of solidarity. It was only half past nine on a cold Friday night and the common room sat silent the only noise the crackling fire and the occasional meow from a disgruntled cat.

Sarah awoke in the Potions Classroom again. "Not on the night before the match," moaned Sarah looking around for Michayla, but she was nowhere to be seen. "All right now what?" Sarah took a good look at the room now. There was a blazing fire in the large stone fireplace and no other lights. Everything looked as it usually did, Sarah thought, there didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary. It was just the empty Potions Classroom, nothing more, nothing less.

"Alright, it's just a regular dream and I'm just stressing about the game and this is how it's coming out," said Sarah to herself and she had just about convinced herself of this when she heard it again. It started out low and she could barely make it out and then it got louder and she immediately recognized the sound as the chanting that Michayla had been doing in a pervious dream.

Sarah crossed the room slowly trying to locate where it was coming from. As she drew closer to the voice, she began to make out the figure of a young girl sitting in the corner. Sarah rolled her eyes and moved forward, "Michayla I knew you had to be here somewhere," Sarah said trying to get closer. "I know, you can't hear me, but I'm still going to tell you how disgusted I am at you and you're--" Sarah stopped she was now close enough to make out the features of the girl, and it wasn't at all what she expected. Sarah let out a scream.

Sarah woke up lying in a pool of cold sweat and trembling. For a couple of moments she couldn't find her breath, she felt as though someone was pressing very hard on her chest and then she opened her eyes and pushed Max off. "Crap Max," said Sarah, sitting up and catching her breath. Sarah looked around. "What the hell is going on?" she asked herself. Max gave her a disgruntled look and then jumped of the bed with a "blurp." Sarah looked at the clock, it was five thirty on a Saturday morning, "I can't possibly get up this early, and I'll be too tired to play." Then there was no way to could go back to sleep.

After a long debate over to sleep or not to sleep, Sarah decided to remain in bed, try, and rest. However, this would prove to be as unnerving if she had just gone back to sleep and had another nightmare. It was about quarter to seven when she finally gave up and went to shower and get dressed. Sneaking past Zoe and the other sleeping seventh graders, Sarah made her way to the common room. She decided to make her self some hot chocolate and then she sat down in front of the roaring fire.

"I guess I'm not the only one nervous about today." Sarah turned to see Eric standing across the room. "I think I'll have some of that," he said crossing to the hot kettle and fixing him a cup. In a few moments, he had joined Sarah by the fire. Sarah had been conspicuously quiet and Eric would did not let this go unnoticed. "You're not up because of the game. You've had another dream."

Sarah looked at her cup and then Eric, "And if I said no?"

"I'd call you a lire." Sarah nodded. "Were they like the others?"

Sarah nodded again, "Yeah, well, sort of. I was in the potions class and then I heard the chanting and I saw someone in the corner." She paused and looked into the fire. "I thought it was Michayla so I went to her but," Sarah just stopped.

"But what Sarah?" Eric asked looking concerned.

"It wasn't Michayla, it was me." Sarah was pale and shaking.

Eric joined her on the couch and put a hand on her shoulder. "I don't understand." Sarah sat and explained the entire dream to Eric and who she heard the chanting and how mad she had been when she thought it was Michayla. Eric thought about everything that she had said, "You need to tell someone Sarah, these dreams are getting sort of out of hand don't you think?"

"I know. Maybe I'll talk to Professor Chalipun after the game. I'm never going to get any sleep if I don't," she said frowning.


"Yeah and we wouldn't want you getting any wrinkles on that pretty little face of yours." Eric leaned forward and rubbed her cheek, causing Sarah to turn practically purple.

"Stop it Eric, or I'll tell Morgan I saw you kissing a Parathion Prefect."

"Ouch," said Eric looking at her and then laughing.

Except for the fact that she was terribly embarrassed, Sarah felt less frightened and soon the conversation turned to the days Quidditch match. It wasn't long before other nervous team members began to filter into the common room, along with other Bellarmine students. After awhile everyone headed down for breakfast. Eric however, left a little early so that he could take a ride around the field to check it out. When he returned, they were all in the common room.

Sarah and the rest of her friends had intended to get some homework done before the game but they were finding that they were all just too excited. Megan admitted that she was too nervous to get anything done; causing everyone in the room's mouth's to drop open. It wasn't long before they all decided to might time to give in and head for lunch. Which Sarah was quite sure no one would eat.

It was plain to see that the afternoon's game was the main topic of conversation as they entered the Great Hall. Even Brooklyn had come by to wish them luck, making them promise not to tell any of his teammates. They received the dirtiest looks from the Parathion table, which knew that if Bellarmine won today's game they would most likely be out of the running for the Cup.

After a half hour or so of picking at their food Eric looked up, "After lunch I want you all to go ahead and suit up. I want us out to the field before anyone else. I went out this morning and the snow had lightened up a bit. I want us all to go around a couple of times so we can feel the snow in our faces and know what to expect. Besides I heard that it's unnerving to the Broughton team if they're not the first on the field," said Eric looking very deceitful, and after giving it some thought, everyone laughed.

"I hope that laughter means that we're ready to win today," Professor Quigley was standing at the end of the table smiling at them.

"We're just plotting the demise of the Broughton team, Professor," said Eric grinning widely.

"That's what I was hoping you would say," said the Professor smiling. "I didn't mean to interrupt but I would like to speak to Miss Nettleton for a moment if that's all right?" Everyone turned and looked at Sarah who nodded and rose from the table to follow Professor Quigley. When they were outside in the hallway the Professor stopped and looked at Sarah.

"I know that you've been having a hard time lately and I just wanted you to know that I'm here for you if you need me. It was really nice of you and Dillon to talk to me the other day."

"It's all right Professor, there's not been a time that I've been at Dragon's Wood that I didn't feel that you weren't there for me. Even last year." Sarah felt a tear pooling in her eye.

Sarah could swear that the Professor now had tears pooling in her eyes. "Oh well," she said stumbling around, "I have something I'd like to give you," she said blushing slightly and pulling a small box from her robe pocket.

"What is it?" asked Sarah taking the box.

"It's something that someone gave me a long time ago when I used to play Quidditch."

Sarah looked at the Professor curiously. "You used to play Quidditch?" asked Sarah looking impressed.

"I was a fair Beater in my day, I must say," said the Professor looking both proud and embarrassed.

"Like me, cool." Sarah opened the box and pulled out a long silver chain. At the end of the chain, she found what looked like a replica of the Bellarmine crest attached to the bottom of it. "It's beautiful," said Sarah and suddenly she felt unworthy. "I can't take this," said Sarah trying to give it back.

Professor Quigley pushed her hands back. "The only children I've ever had are the ones at this school, Sarah, and well this was given to me for with that very same sentiment. It's supposed to bring you luck. Now, granted I'm not saying that I believe in all that but, it couldn't hurt. I want you to have it." Sarah could now swear that the Professor had tears in her eyes, but wasn't about to bring it up.

Sarah unhooked the chain and put it around her neck. "Thank you Professor, you can't know how much it means that you care about me the way you do."

The Professor was turning red now and not exceptionally happy with it. "Well, let's keep it between you and I, if that's okay with you."

Sarah nodded and slid the chain under her shirt. "All right, Professor," she said beaming now.

"Go on now, the rest of the team will be thinking you're in trouble." They smiled again at each other and then Sarah returned to the table

"Everything okay?" asked Zoe as she sat down.


"Yeah, she just wanted to make sure I was okay," said Sarah not entirely lying or telling the truth. "Did I miss anything?"

"Just Eric's usual rantings," said Raphael, "In other words nothing important."

Eric slapped Raphael on the back and then they all started to head back to the dorm. No one had been able to eat much, they were all too nervous. However, it didn't seem to slow any of them down. Sarah was the last to return to the common room in uniform. Eric looked up when she entered the room, "Are you okay?"

Sarah smiled widely, "Never been better."

"Cool, let's head out," he said high fiving Raphael.

Sarah couldn't have felt better as she mounted her broom and followed Eric into the air for their first lap around the Stadium. The snow felt cold, wet, and exhilarating as she rounded the turn for their second and final lap. By the time, they all followed Eric into the back of the Stadium and into the locker room; the Stadium was beginning to fill.

After allowing them a few minutes to catch their breath Eric stood in front of them smiling until they all settled down. "I suppose you all are wondering why I have summoned you here today," said Eric pacing the floor, drawing first some funny looks and then some laughs. "But seriously, I know that we've been practicing and concentrating and looking forward to this day. The day that we're going to kick some Broughton butt so," he paused and looked around. "So let's do it."

Sarah picked up her broomstick and her bat, swung them both over a shoulder, and took her place behind Eric and Dillon and next to Marjorie Evens who held up her bat so Sarah could slap hers against it. Eric looked over his shoulder and chuckled and led them forward toward the entrance to the Stadium. Sarah could hear the crowd that had gathered outside and she instantly felt pumped from the impending excitement. She listened as everyone drew a deep breath and the large doors to the Stadium opened.

Everyone mounted their brooms and flew out. Sarah followed behind Dillon and circled the Stadium finding her spot in the circle. In a matter of moments, the Broughton team had made their circle and was on the other side staring them down. Sarah looked down, and watched Sir Roger walk through the foot of snow on the Stadium floor and stop next to the trunk. "All right now," he yelled up as he opened the trunk releasing first the Bludgers and then the Snitch. He reached down and picked up the Quaffle, "You know the rules, and I expect you to follow them." Then throwing the Quaffle in the air he yelled, "Begin."

It took less than ten seconds for Eric to swoop down and grab the Quaffle, heading out and away from the center and passing it quickly to Brent. Sarah watched as Brent passed it on to Devin Peterson who lost it to senior Augusta Mendez from Broughton.


"Crap," said Sarah watching him pass it to another one of Broughton's Chasers who was now taking it to the goal. Sarah looked around and found her mark. Putting on the speed she headed straight for the first of the two Bludgers she now sent his way. "Yes!" she called out as the first one upset the Chaser allowing Raphael to successfully prevent the goal.

Sarah now turned her attention again to Eric who had just received the Quaffle from Brent. "Sarah!" screamed Marjorie. Sarah turned to Marjorie who was gesturing to the Bludger, that was coming her way and then Dillon who was about to get the other in the side of the head. Sarah held up her bat as her way of acknowledging what she had seen it and moved slightly to her right catching the bludger and sending it right at the other just in time.

Sarah looked around again, searching for the Quaffle and found it coming out of Eric's hands and going into the goal. "Ten points for Bellarmine," called the announcer. Eric took a lap and slapped Raphael as he went around.

It wasn't long before he and Brent had made two more goals. Sarah was busy knocking Bludgers back and forth between Marjorie and the Broughton Beaters and enjoying the fact that she was still sitting up right on her broom when Marjorie missed one and it knocked into Brent spinning him around twice and allowing the Quaffle to again be in the hands of Broughton. "Another ten points for Broughton."

This was the last thing Dillon wanted to hear. He was remembering what Eric had said, how they needed not just the win, but the most points they could possibly get. Therefore, he was actively watching for the Snitch, but also listening to the score just as diligently. Eric flew by winking at him, Quaffle in hand. Dillon took a deep breath and whispered "four more goals, four more goals."

It was Brent, who scored the next two, but it was Eric who recovered the Quaffle after Broughton's goal. After passing, it once took it the rest of the way to the goal. This is when Dillon saw it for the first time, that little glint of gold across the field only feet away from the faculty box. He turned, looking for the Broughton Seeker.

"Good," thought Dillon, "She hasn't seen it." Dillon took off moving swiftly but not enough to alert anyone. Out of the corner of his eye, though he was watching the Chasers. "Come on Eric," he said getting closer to the Snitch. However, Dillon had attracted the attention of the Broughton Seeker now and she was leaning forward and zeroing in on the glint of gold that Dillon had glimpsed only moments ago.

Rebecca Carver had distinction of being the first female Seeker at Dragon's Wood in fifteen years. When she had made the team last year even Sarah and Zoe had been excited. Rebecca was not only athletic, but she was the smartest girl in the Broughton dormitory and since Broughton was known for their egghead status, that was saying a quite a lot. Sarah, however, would not let the fact that she admired Rebecca cloud her judgment and seeing Dillon plugging along with Rebecca behind him, she knew what she had to do.

WHACK! Rebecca faltered for a minute hanging on to her broom with one hand only and trying to regain her balance. Sarah could hear Rebecca yelling out something obscene as she flew by; just to make sure she was okay. However, she wasn't the only one, who was angry, Dillon looked around after watching Rebecca get hit and noticed that the Snitch had evaded them both. "Bellarmine scores again!" came the announcement, "bringing the score to Bellarmine eighty, Broughton twenty."

Sarah and Dillon both heard what they needed to hear. "It's now or never," thought Dillon as he pushed forward faster and lapped the Stadium looking for his shiny prize. Sarah took up his rear ready to take on anything for her friend. "Nothing could be worse than the first game," thought Sarah, as she whacked one Bludger out of the way. Then there it was. It was so close to the Parathion box that Dillon could swear he could smell Griffin's stench as he closed in on it and zoomed by. But Dillon wasn't the only one who had seen it, the crowd egged on by the Parathion's not wanting Bellarmine to win, was now shouting and pointing it out.

This time Sarah had her own problems. Because of her past exploits, both the Broughton Beaters, who were having a great time bouncing one of the Bludgers back and forth to each other, with Sarah in the middle, now flanked her. Marjorie, seeing what was going on, was torn. The right thing to do was to follow Dillon and protect him, but Sarah was being attacked and that didn't seem to be right either. "Marjorie," yelled Eric. "Go after Dillon. I've got Sarah." Marjorie grinned from ear to ear and pressed on toward Dillon. Eric, who was holding the Quaffle, tossed it sideways to Brent and wished him luck. However, it had started to snow wildly again and it was hard to see anything but the snow, the bludgers and the Quaffle, which just made another pass through the Bellarmine goal.

Sarah closed her eyes and concentrated, "I don't want to end up in the Infirmary," she said to herself, "Dodge the bludgers, and protect the Seeker," she repeated this again and then, Whack! It hit her right in the side and sent her spinning wildly toward the stands. Sarah took a deep breath and focused, as the snow drifted quickly past her face, as the pain surged through her body and as her bat found the bludger on it's return trip and sent it straight into Rebecca's path. Eric pulled up next to her as she stopped spinning and grinned, and then only seconds later Malcolm Fitzpatrick began to yell, "Oh my God, Dillon's got the Snitch, the Bellarmine Seeker has the Snitch."

Sarah leaned across her broom, wrapped her arms around Eric, and started to scream. "We won, we won." Eric was laughing so hard that they both thought they might fall off into the snow. Professor Murphy turned to Professor Quigley and grabbed her hand, "This is going to make it all the more fun to win it all," he said, grinning from ear to ear.