Astronomy Tower
Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Harry and Classmates During Book Seven
Deadly Hallows (Through Ch. 36)
Published: 01/23/2008
Updated: 01/23/2008
Words: 804
Chapters: 1
Hits: 900

Walk in the Forest


Story Summary:
Missing moment from Deathly Hallows! One-shot

Chapter 01


"Looks like we're low on firewood again," Hermione said, glancing up from the book she was re-reading. She sat cross-legged on her bunk.

"Water too," Harry said as he filled the tea kettle.

"I'll go," Ron said quickly from the doorway of the tent where he was keeping watch. He was eager to get back on their good graces after having abandoned them both for Christmas.

"I'll go with you," Harry said, setting the kettle down on the stove without lighting the pilot. Hermione snapped her book shut and stood.

"Harry, you've been up all night on watch. Really, you look like you could use more rest anyway," Hermione said. Harry only shrugged and turned back to his tea kettle. Ron stood and Hermione made her way to the door flaps.

"See you, mate," Ron called to Harry, who waved to them in acknowledgement without turning to face them again.

Hermione walked swiftly so that she was ahead of Ron by a few strides. Twigs snapped pitifully under her feet. Though he could have easily matched her pace, Ron let her walk ahead of him. He reasoned that this allowed him to keep her safe more easily as he could see the entire way around her. Also, watching her hair bounce as she walked with such importance was therapeutic to him: he felt like he was back at Hogwarts for a minute and they could be walking through the forbidden forest, maybe looking for Hagrid, instead of looking for life-sustaining water and wood.

Hermione seemed to sense that Ron was letting her walk ahead of him. She could feel his eyes on the back of her head and made a conscious effort to slow down so that he would be forced to catch up. He matched her stride after a moment but did not speak.

Hermione was unnerved by the fact that they had not begun quarreling yet. She had realized long ago that fighting with Ron provided comfort and solace to her in whatever situation with which she was confronted. So, she tried to start a fight.

"You know, Ronald, I can take care of myself. You don't have to come with me."

"I'd like to see you carry enough firewood and water back..."

"Ever hear of a levitation charm?"

"Guess I managed to completely forget about it after saving your life with it in first year," Ron said. Hermione stopped. It took two strides for Ron to realize this until he stopped walking too.

"Ron." Were those tears in her eyes? Was she that angry at him?

"What?" Ron's defensiveness was tangible.

"I can't believe..." Hermione covered her face as she began to cry.

"Bloody hell, Hermione, I'm sorry..." Ron inched his way back toward her.

"How could you leave me?" Hermione sobbed as she looked, face to face, at Ron.

"I have no idea. Hermione, I'm so sorry..."

"I... I could have died. And you weren't there. I can't just... Harry needs you, you know that?" Ron put a tentative hand on her shoulder, but she shrugged it off.

"I don't know what to say. When you were calling after me, that night, I knew then I shouldn't leave... but I just felt like... well, I always thought that you might..."

"Might what?" Hermione snapped.

"I thought you liked Harry, okay? I thought you were in love with him," Ron said dejectedly. "And when I destroyed that necklace, I saw you and him, together, kissing and stuff. Harry saw, but he, you know, didn't say anything." Hermione stopped crying and stared at Ron as he spoke, seemingly entranced by his mouth. Her heart had at some point decided that it wanted to jump out of her throat and her palms felt like they had been doused with lukewarm water.

"Ron," Hermione suddenly felt the need to look at her shoes. "I figured out a long time ago... I need someone more... balanced... than Harry. Someone who I feel so relaxed with that I can laugh with him one second and then shout at him the next and then laugh again in another minute. Someone, who until recently, I believed would never leave my side- or Harry's- and..."

"Hermione..." She looked up at him.

"Please don't say anything," Hermione said without thinking.

"Okay." There was a moment's silence wherein they both stared at each other. Then, Hermione rushed at Ron, flung her arms around his waist and hugged him.

"I'm glad your back," Hermione said into Ron's jacket. He slipped one arm around her shoulders and the other arm's hand into her hair. Though this was the first time for them to hug like this, it felt like they had done it every day for a hundred years.

He had to bend down a little to whisper in her ear.

"Me too."