The Dark Arts
Harry Potter/Regulus Black
Harry Potter Regulus Black
Drama Romance
Harry and Classmates Post-Hogwarts
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/28/2006
Updated: 10/16/2006
Words: 3,220
Chapters: 3
Hits: 855

Even in Death

Soibhan Sobyhan

Story Summary:
After Harry inherits property from Sirius, he decides its time that he needs to get away from it all and learn more about his Godfather. Upon arriving at the Haus des Schwarzen, he finds himself in a darker plot that he could have ever found with Voldemort.

Chapter 03 - Masquerade

Author's Note:
Dedicated to Evelyn. Thanks to my beta, Mimi Heart.


By Elisabeth Sobyhan

Chapter Three :: Masquerade

THE weeks leading up to the gathering were fairly hectic. Harry was quite sure that Regulus had two panic attacks within the span of an hour while he fitted him for his formals. Phian had sent them a white pin-striped suit with a frayed heart patch sewn on the breast pocket. It took much coercing on Harry's part to convince Regulus to explain that everyone would have a heart patch sewn onto the breast pocket. It wasn't there to single him out.

Regulus also had the task of teaching Harry how to hide his appearance from others. The young man successfully learned how to hide his world-famous scar and signature emerald-green eyes. Harry had become quite partial to having hazel eyes, and he started keeping his eyes that way all the time. If Regulus could have had a heart attack, he would have when he saw Harry. He had almost been quite sure that it was James, not Harry, sitting across from him at the dinner table. Regulus had become so disturbed by the eyes, he demanded Harry never look like that in his presence.

"But why?" A small smirk played across Harry's lips. "You know I'm me."

"I know," Regulus snapped, "but you shouldn't look like that unless you have to. Have you mastered changing your hair?"

Harry slid down slightly in his seat. "Not completely."

"What does 'not completely' look like?"

Harry sighed and sat quietly for a moment. No sooner had he stilled himself, his hair went from inky black to a beautiful honey brown. "This is as light as I can get it."

"Make your eyes hazel and hide your scar." In a moment, the scar was gone and the eyes hazel again. "Extremely well done, Harry. No one will ever know it's you."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief. "Let's just hope I live through this."

Harry shifted back to his normal self and continued eating. Regulus had become very impressed with Harry over the past couple of weeks. Not many people would agree to be live bait for the Feriae Coeo Salax and do it willingly. Many were forced under a Imperius curse and every one of them were found and drained. The party was something Regulus usually looked forward to, but this year it was completely different. He worried greatly for Harry's safety. If none of the guests found out he was a human, he was certain that Phian would turn him. He was sure that Phian was to return to evaluate Harry's progress of disguises himself physically, and it was up to Phian how magically he would hide Harry's verve.

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The day Phian returned to the manor was a very tense day. Harry had to appear before Phian in his disguised appearance as his acquaintance Meier Traqenard was present. Harry was no longer Harry; he became Edgar Covinan, a striking up-and-coming British model. Meier eyed him with great intensity, raking over Harry's slender body with a feral look. Regulus was quite sure that he saw Harry gulp every time Meier came close to him.

"Nicely done, Regulus," Phian said quietly. "He's wonderful."

"Oh yes, Regulus," Meier commented. "Quite wonderful. How did you ever find such a wonderful human specimen?"

"Posing as a Muggle photographer," Regulus lied. "I find that is how you meet the most interesting ones."

"Now, Edgar," Meier placed a finger under Harry's chin, "are you going to behave yourself, or will we need to place a charm on you?"

"I will submit," Harry said blandly.

"What are you dangling over his head, Regulus?" Meier asked. "I've never met one who submits this willingly."

Regulus sat himself in a chair. "Nothing. I merely presented him with a wonderful opportunity and he took it. Very smart boy."

Meier raised an eyebrow. "Indeed."

"Enough chit-chat," Phian said angrily. "I came here to give this 'Edgar' a good look over and give him his dressings for tomorrow night." Phian reached in his pocket and pulled out a small chest. "Engorgio." The chest grew back to its normal size and Phian reached inside of it and pulled out a pair of trousers, a white shirt, and black boots. "This is your attire for tomorrow. I'm sure that Regulus can show you how to properly wear it. I will be here before the sun sets tomorrow; be dressed and wait for me here. Alone."

"Yes, sir," Harry replied.

Phian smiled. "Good boy. Come, Meier, we shall take our leave."

"Good bye, Regulus." Meier's eyes raked over Harry's body one last time. "Edgar."

The two vanished, and Harry collapsed on the floor. "I don't know if I can do this."

Regulus raised an eyebrow. "What makes you say that?"

"Did you see the way Meier looked at me? Is that how they're all going to look at me?"


"I'm too pretty for my own good." Harry sighed, reverting back to his normal self.

Regulus chuckled. "No one is 'too pretty' for their own good, Harry. You can't help what you look like."

"Pish," came Harry's reply. "God, this is complicated." He held up his outfit for tomorrow. "Please tell me that your just going to dress me yourself."

"I could, but it wouldn't be as fun watching you trying to figure it out." Regulus smiled.

Harry's only reply was to stick his tongue out at the older man.

"All right, take off your shirt." Harry pulled off the grey t-shirt he'd been wearing as Regulus handed him the white shirt. "No, no, the buttons go in the back. There, now lose the jeans." Regulus chuckled. "Nice underwear, Harry."

Harry looked down at his boxers. "Shut it, they were a gift."

"From who? A lady-friend I should hope."

Harry shook his head. "They were a gag gift from my friend Seamus. He thought the snitches suited my personality."

"Is his trying to say that your flighty?"

"No, hard to catch," Harry replied.

"Well put."

"Now that we're done discussing my underwear, can we go back to explaining how this works." Harry held up the trousers.

Regulus smiled. "Of course."

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[End CHAPTER Three]