Remus Lupin
Drama Angst
Multiple Eras
Published: 11/06/2001
Updated: 06/17/2003
Words: 227,671
Chapters: 18
Hits: 10,433

Domino One

Sine Nomine

Story Summary:
This is a complex yet very simple story about a young girl blessed with gifts in divinations and a boy cursed under the stigma of a dark creature. Yet, one must wonder, who's really blessed, and who's really cursed. Okay. So this is my first fanfic. I hope it works… be patient please!

Chapter 07

Author's Note:
NOTE: I understand that the so called "Curve" grading is not used in the British School Systems and elsewhere. I make reference to it in the beginning of this chapter, and to clarify this terminology, I will explain it. BASICALLY, in the American school system, SOME teachers use a system known as the CURVE to grade their students. In this, if in a class of thirty students, the highest grade on a particular assignment is 70%, the teacher may opt to add points to the students' papers, seeing as how the test was apparently difficult (it's not that easy, but you get the basic idea). However, if 29 students get 70% and even if just one student gets a 95%, the teacher may look at that and say, "Hey, this person STUDIED, and got a good grade. I guess it wasn't so hard after all." Then the curve will either be altered to slightly improve the majority of the grades, or it will be cast out all together. (Hence, the person with the high grade becomes known as a "curve wrecker.")

Chapter Seven:

"Well Intentioned"

"Little star, where have you been,

For life is weighed with dark and sin.

And when from the sky you take your light

You add onto the shadowed night.

And if life rests on a needled pin

Shall you close your eyes again?"

The pandemonium that followed was certainly to be expected. The class burst into droning groans and hushed whispers as they turned to stare at Ana, who sat quite placidly -even attentively - at her desk in the middle of the commotion. James hissed over to her from across Lily's desk, his face greatly paled in the dark dungeon.

"Ana! What the bloody hell are you doing?"

Lily touched her shoulder, ignoring James. "You're joking, right Ana?" Her smile was hopeful, but faltering.

Ana smiled and shook her head. "No, I meant what I said. I want to work with Snape."

"But, what about Remus?" Lily asked, gazing past Ana to the figure on her right. There was some uncomfortable glimmer in her eyes. Ana could tell that she had learned about the last night's happenings.

Remus responded quickly. "Ana can work with whomever she wants." It was a short response, just enough to let Ana clearly know that he couldn't care less who she worked with. Meanwhile, up at the front of the room, Severus Snape was nearly in hysterics.


Professor Stikupas, a man of nearly twice his body mass, glared at him, his eyes livid. "Sit down, Mr. Snape!" But Mr. Snape wouldn't sit down. He went up to the podium and said something to the professor that was drowned out by the whispers in the classroom. Finally, Professor Stickupas sighed, and motioned for Ana to approach.

Remus watched, although discretely, as Ana stood and walked gracefully to the front of the room. She looked at them curiously. The room turned and watched, quieting immediately as Professor Stickupas asked Ana something in hushed tones. Snape just glared. Much to Remus's surprise, she smiled, and nodded. Then she turned to Snape, and whispered something. Remus wished he had a camera near him, as Snape paled. His eyes grew very, very wide as he listened to her. Professor Stickupas smirked as he folded his arms across his chest and pondered Ana's mumbled explanation. When she finished, the professor raised an eyebrow at Snape, who looked between him and Ana in a daze. Finally, he nodded, stunned, as he moved back to his seat. Ana smiled as she moved back to hers. The class went dead silent as their gazes followed her.

"Well then," chuckled an apparently amused Professor Stikupas, "Sirius Black?"

Sirius blinked as he exchanged a glance with James. "Yes, sir?"

The weary Potions master sighed. "Who will you work with?"

"You're joking," groaned a Slytherin fifth year from the front of the classroom as the rest of the students erupted once more into agitated murmurs."You're actually going to let Ana and Severus work together? Professor, that's totally unfair!"

"The curve's not still in effect, is it?" squeaked Peter hopefully.

"Yes, Mr. Pettigrew," muttered the professor, "and if you ask me, it will be an incentive to all of you to work for a good grade for once. Now Mr. Black, your partner!"

As the last minutes of class ticked by, the echoey dungeons rang with "curve wrecker," and some other rather nasty names geared at Ana. Sirius, who was sitting behind Ana, tried to get her to talk to him, which she did, but not about her decision. She just smiled. "I want to work with Snape," was her claim, and she seemed to stick by it very well.

By the end of class, when Remus resorted to working with Peter (as usual), he had had enough. While he rushed out of the dungeons to wait in the corridors, Ana took her sweet time, stopping to talk to Professor Stikupas. His laughter could be heard just as loudly in the hallway, as was in the Potions room. It burned Remus as he waited impatiently.

When Ana stepped out of the room, she was met with five of the most bewildered faces she had ever seen. Remus stood in front.

"Brutal final, huh?" she smiled in greeting, though her smile to Remus had a hint of acid behind her dark eyes.

"Snape?" Lily busted out loudly and suddenly, unable to keep it in any longer.

"Well, he is the best person in the class," shrugged Ana.

"Ana, you could run circles around him in Potions," frowned James, nearly ready to strangle her.

"You do know he's been trying to get at Remus for the past, what... four and half years?" Sirius freaked out.

"Uh huh, and?" Ana blinked.

"Snape?" gasped Lily again, still unable to find any other words.

"Well, who did you think I was going to work with?" she asked.

They all looked at her dully. They glanced at Remus, but they didn't even bother answering. Even Sirius's playful eyes were dark. He just smirked with annoyance, and shook his head as he squeezed Remus's shoulder with camaraderie as he turned to walk away. James followed, as did Lily and Peter, both pausing to give Ana a second glance. But within seconds, Ana was left alone in the dark corridor with Remus.

It corridors on the dungeon level were always dark, save for the torch lights which burned all day and all night, but even these were sparse, leaving dark, shadowy gaps. Remus stood not far in front of a torch, darkening his face, and providing a fitting silhouette around him as he gazed at her deep in thought, his hand in his pockets as they always were when he was trying to solve a problem. Her hands rested behind her back as she gazed at him, simply waiting for him to figure out exactly what he wanted to say. It didn't take long.

"Are we even?" he asked quietly. "I turned you in to Dumbledore, and you go and work with Snape? Like some sort of torture to me? Because if you're trying to upset me, it's not going to work."

"It already has," she muttered, smirking slightly. "But that wasn't my intent."

Remus laughed. "Like hell it wasn't!" he spat quietly.

"It wasn't!" she insisted. "And some day, you're going to thank me."

"For working with Snape?" he scoffed. "I hardly think it'll be that memorable."

Ana frowned and walked past him briskly. "You're such a smart ass sometimes."

He followed her swiftly. "Me? I'm the smart ass? Oh, bloody hell, Ana I- "

They both stopped short, letting the conversation die in the echoes of the stone corridors. In front of them stood a silhouette of an all too familiar figure. Kezia Doppelle, and Dumbledore right behind her.

"Hello Ana," she said shortly, her face gazing from her to Remus, tense with concentration.

Ana felt her throat go dry as she swallowed and glanced at Dumbledore. "This soon?"

Dumbledore nodded, gazing at Remus with a meaningful glance. "This soon," he answered to Ana as he turned to extend an arm towards the steps at the end of the corridor. "Professor Pyrre is expecting us."

Ana didn't move at first, until she found Kezia reaching out and placing a slender hand on her shoulder, guiding her away from Remus, still gazing at him with wide-purple eyes until she turned and followed behind Ana.

Remus watched on, immobile, until they disappeared from sight.

* * * * *

No one spoke until they reached the top of the Divinations Tower, nearly a full five minutes later. Ana moved directly to her normal chair by the window without greeting Professor Pyrre. The elderly woman was so excited by the sight of Kezia, she didn't even notice.

"Kezia! Darling! Welcome, welcome," she giggled excitedly as she hobbled across the room. The Guardian smiled, lighting up her entire face she bent over to hug the old woman. "And how are things at LeBab?"

"Splendid as always, Professor," she smiled. "But why don't you and Professor Dumbledore go and bring some more tea up?" she asked.

"Oh, Kezia, child," laughed Professor Pyrre, "we have plenty of tea of up here!"

Kezia glanced at Dumbledore meaningfully, who nodded. "Come along, Charlotte, there's always room for more tea."

He led her to the door, and the last thing Ana heard was an old voice from the corridors. "Well if she wanted me to leave, all she had to do was ask..."

Kezia heard it too; she was smiling as she took her seat in the easy chair across from Ana. Taking out her wand, she summoned a tray of tea from the cabinet, which came and sat on the window sill between them. "Tea?" she grinned, her purple eyes twinkling.

Ana shook her head.

Kezia glanced at her briefly as she poured herself a cupful. "So?"

Ana shifted nervously as she picked at her nails.

Kezia sipped her tea quietly as she looked out the window. "Dumbledore told me what happened," she smiled. "It must be very difficult to keep something like this a secret, though I suppose you have been doing it all your life." She paused for Ana to respond, but no reply came. "He also says you're afraid."

Ana thought, before resting her head against the back of the chair. "I am," she said, holding her head a little higher.

Kezia smiled into her tea. "So you've just had the one attack so far?"

The words burned. So far. "Yes," she replied. "At Hogsmeade."

"They never tried to get me at Hogsmeade," nodded Kezia in recollection. "Too public, I think. The tried to get me in muggle territory. I was on holiday in Spain with my family, and when I was swimming in the ocean, some death eater-animagi tried to attack me in the form of a giant squid. She got caught in the coral, I got away. Though it was a bit of an inky mess..."

Ana frowned as she stared at her. It took a moment before they both smiled.

"Okay, I'm lying," she nodded. "But I have been attacked before, Ana. When I was your age, too... You have every right to be afraid."

Ana looked at her curiously. A certain depth to her eyes told Ana that she was telling the truth. "Were you hurt?" she asked.

Kezia nodded. "Not as serious as you were, but a nasty gash on my side. The second time, it was a broken foot."

"Second time?" Ana asked.

Kezia nodded, staring into her tea. There were only two. Two in the entire time I was at Hogwarts. They stopped after I was 18, though."

"Then you saw the attacks coming?" Ana logically guessed.

But Kezia shook he head slowly and ponderously. "I was under the circle's protection. They have protection charms that the world hasn't even learned about yet. No one has been attacked while under the protection of the Circle."

Kezia's bright purple eyes seemed distracted as she broke eye contact. Ana stared off into the fields outside of the castle, which were bathing in the noontime sun.

"So I guess my point is, Ana," she continued slowly and gently, "is that you have every right to be afraid. But surely you know that you're safe here. Voldemort can't touch you while you're at Hogwarts. And after a short time, if you want, you could join the Circle, and you'll always be safe. You'll be able to go where ever you want, and never fear ..."

Ana shook her head. "I'm not a Guardian."

Kezia smiled into her tea again. "Of course not..." she laughed.

Ana frowned. "I'm serious. I can't see anything."

"What happened last night?" Kezia asked innocently, though her face was bright and her eyes were laughing.

Ana shut her mouth as she remembered Remus's dream. She shuddered slightly. She shook her head as she closed her eyes and rested her head in her hands. Feelings of being trapped and cornered washed over her suddenly, as agitation set it.

"Ana," Kezia said gently, "calm down."

Ana looked up to see Kezia sitting in her chair tensely, watching Ana with concern.

The Guardian noted Ana's glance and explained softly. "Different Seers see things in different ways, Ana, and I feel things. I can pick up on your emotions, just as if they were my own. You're clearly upset, I can see that. Try to relax. I´m sorry I upset you."

Ana, startled, forgot her agitation and just watched Kezia as she relaxed back into her chair.

Kezia forced a smile, though her eyes held a new sympathy than they had previously. "Let's not talk about the Circle anymore, okay? Or even divinations. If you want to bring it up, fine. But I won't. How does that sound?"

Ana raised a doubting eyebrow, but nodded. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"Oh no," Kezia laughed. "But it's a very unique experience to take on someone's emotions, especially when they are so strong."

Ana bit her lip as she thought about Remus's dream and the emotions that washed over her before she fell into his dream. They were so contrasted to what she felt. She glanced at Kezia who was placing her teacup on the silver tray. Taking a deep breath, she nodded. "I know."

Kezia glanced up. A small smile played on her lips. "You know?"

Ana nodded, smiling slightly. But that was all she said.

* * * * *

Kezia didn't stay more than few minutes, to Ana's relief. They talked about many things: Ana's adjustment to the magical world, the new spring line robes from Abercrombie and Witch, and books (though Ana was disappointed to find Kezia's knowledge of literature did not even come close to matching Remus's). But true to her word, Kezia never said anything about the circle, Ana's father, or anything regarding divinations. Although Ana kept her suspicions, she sincerely appreciated the change in conversation.

Ana stepped through the Gryffindor Portrait to be blinded by the afternoon sun, pouring in from the window across the room. It was a beautiful day, and most people had resorted to spending their free hour out on the castle lawn, building snowmen and the like. But at a table in the corner, James, Sirius, Peter and Lily all sat, pouring over books.

"Focus, Peter," frowned James, as he read from a ragged, brown textbook. He pointed to it. "Read it again."

A very dismayed Peter glanced down at the book with a sigh.

Lily spoke gently. "You know, this is really difficult. I don't know how you're going to do this. It's like reading Centaur to me..."

Ana frowned and walked across the room to look over Peter's shoulder. The book in front of him was filled with complex transfiguration equations and tables. She studied it for a moment before taking a seat next to him. "Tell me those aren't the fifth year equations..." Being as poor as she was at the subject, the book was probably the most frightening thing she had seen since Sirius's nasty blow with a bludger in the last quidditch match.

"No," muttered Sirius, who was resting his chin on his arms wearily. But he didn't say more.

"Well, then, what are they?" she prompted.

"Little surprise for Remus," muttered James. "We're working on it for his birthday."

"You're going to transfigure something for him?" smirked Ana as thoughts of a golden watch, a bucket of galleons and other valuable items crossed her mind.

"They've been working on it for years," nodded Lily, staring blankly at the book.

"You're joking," laughed Ana.

James looked at her very steadily. "No, Ana. Some of us actually care about him."

Ana's smile faded. "That was a cheap blow," she muttered.

"Nothing like what you did," Sirius replied under his breath.

Ana looked around to all her friends. Few met her gazes. "Maybe," she said with steady anger, "you might want to consider that I'm not working with Snape to be mean or hurtful. I might have a reason for all of this, if you would trust me!"

"Or maybe you're trying to get back at Remus for telling Dumbledore you've been hiding your powers!" retorted James, standing.

Ana stood as well, meeting his glare. "You know what? Fine. Believe what you want to believe, James." She turned to go.

"Well, maybe if you told us why you want to work with Snape, it would be easier to accept," Lily offered gently.

Ana turned back just enough to look at her. Lily's pale face was almost pleading as her green eyes searched for answers. Behind her, Sirius, his head still on his arms, looked at Ana intently, and Peter, beside her, gave her a glance of overwhelming sympathy. But James, his face still hard and uncompromising, looked doubtful.

Taking a deep breath, Ana shook her head. "I think you're just going to have to trust me on this. You may not understand right away, but you will someday." She glanced directly at James. "You might even thank me," she said quietly as she stepped up to the girls' dormitory.

* * * * *

Though no one brought up the subject of Snape again, it took a while before things went back to normal between Ana and the rest of the group. Ana and Remus were a different story. A week had passed before he had even wanted to speak to her, and February had finally arrived. But conversation still wore thin. He did try to just accept that Ana needed some time to cool off, but he had long since given up on trying to convince himself that maybe he was at fault. Logic (and his friends) told him otherwise. He blamed her stubbornness, and though it hurt him, he let her do whatever she wanted to do.

Not to say, however, that this was an easy task.

It was a Monday, two days before his next transfiguration, and he was sitting in the great hall with everyone else. Sirius has brought down his chess set, the two of them were engaged in a perilous game. Peter watched on over his Potions assignment, and Lily and James were absorbed in flirting with each other. Every once and a while, Berenice, who was sitting at the Slytherin table, surrounded by the burly Slytherin quidditch team, would shoot him a seductive smile, as she, and the rest of the school, had heard about the nasty shock in the fifth year Potions class and had assumed the worst (-or in her case, the best).

With every day that passed, Remus was beginning to assume the worst as well. But a small, mysterious, magisterial voice would remind him that he always knew it would never work out, him being what he was.

Even then, there were days like that particular Monday, when he would realize that he was in deeper than he at first realized.

It was almost four o'clock when a dusty gray owl swooped into the great hall. Everyone looked up towards great bird, but most would look away as soon as they realized it wasn't theirs. It swooped down gracefully, and dropped a package on the chess game that Sirius and Remus and Remus were engrossed in, sending pieces everywhere.

"Bloody hell," muttered Sirius as he reached to pick up the scattered pieces and the owl sent a triumphant 'hoot' his way.

Remus glanced at the package in front of him (after sending a mean glare to the owl), and finding it was addressed to him, picked it up. "I was going to win anyway," he joked with Sirius as he broke the twine easily with his werewolf strength. Sirius just laughed shortly as he picked up the pieces from under the table.

Unwrapping the package, he found himself looking at a book. It was powerfully thick and heavy, and bound with a bold, leather clasp. He ran his fingers over the golden swirls on the cover, which read, "The Complete Theatrical Works of William Shakespeare." Opening it, he found a note on the inside cover.

"To my grandson on his 16th Birthday - even if it is a month early!"

"Grandma Dionne," Remus grinned to himself as he thumbed through the book.

Sirius looked up eagerly, as did Peter. "Grandma Dionne?" he exclaimed. "Did she send any of that cake stuff?"

Remus laughed. His grandma was famous for sending him various pastries and cakes (the lot of which was eaten by the two gentlemen who sat goggling at him now). "Genoise? No, not this time. Maybe on my real birthday." Looking back down at his book, he found himself staring at Hamlet. Smiling, he looked up to where Ana would usually be sitting, but found an empty chair. The smile fading, he put his book to the side. "How about another game, Sirius?"

Ana had, of course, opted to spend her free hour working with Snape in the dungeons.

* * * * *

Kezia came again on Tuesday and was waiting for Ana when she finally hiked up to the Divinations Tower after lunch. It was a bone-chilling day beyond the walls of Hogwarts, and though charms were set up against the towering windows of the Divinations Room, a draft seemed to follow Ana wherever she went. For the first time in months, Ana gladly accepted a cup of tea.

"How are classes?" asked Kezia. Conversation between them was growing thin. As Ana enjoyed not talking about the Circle of Sight, her supposed Guardianship and all other relevant subjects, she always knew what was in the back of Kezia's mind (as well as her own).

Ana shrugged. "I might make it up to a 4th year level in transfiguration by April, if I work at it hard enough."

Kezia smiled. "Transfiguration was always my specialty -well, besides divinations of course. You're father's too, if I remember correctly."

Ana looked up from her tea. "Really?" she asked, confused. "I'm not so good at it."

Kezia nodded. "Never met him, of course, but I've heard. He was famous, after all."

Ana gazed out the window. They were heading quickly into a conversation that they both had been avoiding. Kezia changed the subject.

"But you know the trick with McGonagall, right?" smiled Kezia.

Ana blinked. "Sit in the corner and try not to be noticed?"

Kezia laughed and shook her head, sending her soft, flowing blonde hair swaying from side to side. "No, that never works with her. Always sit in the front row, and ask a question every chance you get, even when you know the answer."

Ana snickered. "You're not serious."

"I am!" Kezia insisted. "As long as she knows that you're actively participating, she'll leave you alone. Oh, and I know it's tough but be sure to make eye contact with her."

Ana grimaced as she shuddered. "I swear, I can't look at her for too long without laughing! She has this enormous pimple on the side of her nose. Sometimes I think- " but suddenly Ana stopped. A funny feeling swept over her, similar to the feelings she had in Hogsmeade... She couldn't explain it, but she knew that she had to stop talking immediately. She looked around the room.

"Ana?" asked Kezia questioningly.

Ana frowned at Kezia in confusion, but suddenly, it became all too clear.

Professor McGonagall stepped through the door of the Divinations classroom. Kezia smiled covertly into her cup of tea. Ana had to bit her tongue to keep from giggling. The protruding zit was still there, glowing as brightly as ever.

"Have either of you seen Professor Pyrre?" asked the professor urgently. They both shook their heads.

"I think she said something about the tweezers....teacher's lounge," said Kezia, correcting herself quickly as she blushed into her teacup. Ana tried to distract herself refilling her own cup, though her hand shook with suppressed laughter.

"The professors' lounge?" frowned the middle-aged woman. "She never leaves this tower..."

"Zit's...-" Ana started, but coughed and started over. "It's amazing, I know," she said, her face tight as she pushed her lips together in effort to look natural."

"No matter," muttered Professor McGonagall offhandedly as she lifted a hand to scratch the enormous blemish. "I'll find her down there. Sorry to squeeze in."

Ana physically put a hand over her mouth to keep from snorting. Kezia called after her as she left, though quiet enough. "Oh, It's been a popping good time seeing you again, Professor!"

They both snorted with laugher. It took minutes before the silliness passed and Kezia mentioned that she had to leave. But she promised to return the next day at their usual time. Ana nodded, perhaps a little more eagerly than in the past days. As she returned Kezia's wave as the True Seer exited the Divinations room, Ana decided that maybe Kezia wasn't as bad as she had previously thought.

* * * * *

Remus tossed and turned that evening, as the nightmares tended to increase in the days and hours before a full moon. He woke up with a start, as he usually did, soaked in sweat, sitting up, suffering from a painfully rapid pulse, and reaching for something that could only be seen in his subconscious. He shuddered, as he muttered his notorious lumination charm, sending three balls of fire swirling in his hand. He glanced around the room carefully. Everything seemed to be in its correct spot. James, Sirius and Peter were all asleep. Clothes were strewn on the floor, except for James' robe, which hung neatly from the door of his wardrobe. A golden 'P' glimmered from his uniform in the dim light. As his heartbeat returned to normal, he ran his hands through his hair and threw the covers off him. There was a chill running through the corridors, or so he had heard. He was not-so-mysteriously tolerant to low temperatures, even if he was only wearing flannel pajama pants.

Not bothering to step into his slippers, Remus exited the room quietly, shutting the door behind him with a soft 'click.' He sludged down the corridor steps to the common room, where he approached the water stand, poured himself a large glass of water and collapsed into one of the chairs by the chess table. Turning the chair, he placed his feet up on the back of the settee, enjoying the peace and quiet of the crackling fire in the very, very early morning. Just when the excitement of his nightmare was wearing off (quickly to be replaced by fatigue), Remus heard something.

It was mumbling. So incoherent, it was, that Remus turned to look back at the Gryffindor portrait. Only his dorm-mates would be so crazy to sneak out at this hour; it was nearly 3:30 AM. But Remus knew they were asleep. He stared at the portrait intently, waiting for someone to pass through, but the mumbling died down and there was silence once more.

Suddenly not so appreciative of the stillness, Remus held his breath to listen for the source of the noise again. But it was absolutely silent. Figuring he was going crazy, he took another sip of his water.

-But there it was again.

It was definitely a female voice, though he couldn't understand a word that was being said. He looked towards the stairway to the girls' dormitory, listening hard. Perhaps Lily and Ana were having a very late night study session. But once again, the noise stopped.

Growing more unsettled, Remus glanced around the room for Peeves, or Sir Nicholas, or any other source of the noise. But the room was as empty as a Hufflepuff's head. Frowning in confusion, he moved to take another sip of his water.

But suddenly, someone screamed, and jumped up from the opposite side of the sofa. Remus yelled out in surprise as he toppled over in his chair, spilling his water all over himself and shattering the glass on the hard, medieval stone floor. He scrambled to his feet (not even aware of his hand pressing into a pile of glass) and turned, glaring at the figure on the sofa. Of course, Ana was the last person he expected to see, especially in the state she was in. She stood, her hands covering her mouth as she glared back at him, apparently fighting a hyperventilation attack.

"What the hell are you doing! Don't do that!" snapped Remus, still quite a bit startled.

Her eyes were as wide as sickles as she tried to calm herself down. "You scared the crap out of me..." she muttered between gasps. Remus glowered as he opened his mouth to say something but he shut it again. He watched Ana slowly sink down to the settee again, burying her face in her hands before pushing her hair out of her flushed, but pale face. She rocked back and forth slightly, still panting.

He rounded the sofa with such worry that he forgot that he was supposed to be upset with her. "Are you okay?" he asked quieter than before, viewing her cautiously. She was covered in sweat. Motioning for her to wait a moment, he stepped up to the water stand and retrieved a fresh glass of water. "Here," he offered it to her. She accepted it, and guzzled it quickly, grasping the glass with two white-knuckled hands. Finishing, she handed it back to him, and reclined on the settee pillows wearily. "What are you doing down here?" he asked gently.

It took her a moment to answer. "Transfiguration," she muttered, pulling a book out from under the pillow. She dropped it to the floor apathetically.

Remus raised his eyebrows. "I know it's tricky, but is it really worth screaming at?"

"I fell asleep," she murmured, resting her arm over her eyes and forehead.

A pit grew in Remus's stomach. "Another dream?" She nodded from underneath her arm.

He shifted uneasily. This was the longest conversation he had had with her since that miserable day in potions, and he didn't want it to end. The days had melted away the anger. He spoke gently, praying a silent prayer that she wouldn't run off. "How are things going with Kezia?"

"Nowhere," she muttered sleepily.

He nodded, thankful that she hadn't moved. "Have you told her anything?"

She shook her head from under her arm. A small flame of annoyance flared in Remus as he sat there, watching her reclining on the sofa.

"Don't look at me like that," she said quietly, her arm still covering her eyes.

Remus smirked slightly in wonder at the Seer sitting before him. Leaning over, he picked up her hand by the wrist and lifted her arm off her face. She looked at him in surprise, her bright blue eyes glittering with tears in the firelight. Remus's face fell as he reached for the tissue box on the coffee table in front of them. He handed it to her and she accepted it, though she didn't take any tissues. They simply sat for a long time, neither saying anything at all. They stared hypnotically into the fire until Ana spoke without saying anything at all; sitting up, she leaned into him and rested her head heavily on his shoulder.

He felt how much she needed him, and he was sure she could feel his similar emotions. Without even stopping to think about the events of the past week, he rested his head on top of hers as he put an arm around her. He held her close in silence of the room, relieved to have her back in his arms again.

"I'm sorry, Ana," he whispered in her ear.

"What for?" she muttered into his shoulder.

"For telling Dumbledore about you, and getting you into the mess with Kezia."

Ana pulled back, and looked at him lovingly. "You're not sorry. You think you did the right thing."

"I'm sorry I hurt you, then," he said insistently. "And I´m sorry I yelled at you after potions... you can work with Snape if you want to... I trust you not to tell him anything..."

Ana smiled as she nestled her head back onto his shoulder. "I didn't work with Snape to spite you. I promise. But I'm sorry I overreacted," she shrugged.

"Ah, so we were both wrong?" asked Remus.

"Probably not," shrugged Ana, looking away. "But we're both sorry. That should count for something."

Remus laughed quietly as he kissed her head, and then again. Ana cuddled back into his arms, sure that it was the best feeling in the world. "And here I thought we were perfect," she grinned.

"Oh, we are, don't worry," grinned Remus.

"We were just faking an argument to make everyone else think we were normal, right?"

"Absolutely," he agreed. He brushed her hair out of her eyes. It was still damp with sweat. His smile faded. "What did you dream about?" he asked quietly. He felt her tense in his arms, so he held her a little tighter.

"Horrible things, Remus," she said. "Absolutely horrible."

"Tell me," he insisted.

She shook her head. "You really don't want to know." He swore he felt her shiver, even in the warmth of the fire. He bent his head to try to look at her, but she looked away.

"You know you don't have to put on the tough act with me, right?" he asked, tucking her hair behind her ears, hoping to catch a glimpse of her eyes. He had rarely heard her scream before. Not like she did a few moments prior.

"I'm not, Moony. Please, I just don't want to talk about it." But visions were coming into her head. It was the same and different vision she had been having of her father. But this time, there was that dream... the one she had had before her arrival at Hogwarts. That terrible, horrible dream....

She had been running... She didn´t know where she was, but she was in tight, dark corridors that twisted and forked off in an illogical maze. Everywhere she turned, she found herself staring at a dead end. But there was always a way to go... always one way. Or at least she got that much. She never had time to look around. She was being chased.

The footsteps behind her were steady and slow. But no matter how fast she ran, or how far away she thought she was, they were always there- right at her heels. Cruel laughter echoed through the hallway. "Why are you running? You don´t even know where you´re running to..."

Ana squirmed and shook her head as Remus let go of her, slightly startled. The dream flashed before her eyes as she pressed her hands to her face frantically. 'Not this again...' she whispered, unknowingly outloud.

She darted from corridor to corridor, blocked by dead ends on the left and the right.

"So beautiful... just like your mother..." the dark voice hissed.

Ana felt something touch the back of her neck, which only made her run faster, not daring to look behind her. Her side hurt. Her body ached. She ran, darting, twisting, whipping around corners as fast as they came, until she finally found herself staring helplessly at a large, dark stone wall.

Ana had found a dead end. And the footsteps stopped behind her.

"You´re mine, Anblick..."

"I can't do this..." Ana said, standing, her hands still on her face. "Stop!" she groaned at herself and whatever. But the vision did not stop.

Slowly, sobbing, Ana turned to face her fears. He was covered in blood, and just like before, he held something in his hand. It was a human head, dangling by its hair... Bright blue eyes... it was her father.

But unlike the other time, the head looked up at her. "Credyn," it whispered hoarsely.

At least Ana didn't scream this time. She knew it was coming, and she fought it victoriously. When the vision ended, she found Remus standing directly in front of her, his hands on her shoulders as he glared into her helpless eyes.

"Ana, please tell me," he said in a quiet but firm command. A pit grew in his stomach as he fought to find something encouraging or witty to say. Something that would help. At least to get her to smile. Anything to cross the gap that seemed to have wedged between them.

She looked at him wearily, and forced a weak smile. "It's a horrible, horrible dream, Remus. Something came between us, and we never spoke to each other again," she paused for a dramatic sniff. "I had gray hair..." she muttered.

Remus continued to look at her steadily and even managed the tiniest of smirks. But his hazel eyes were steady and unmoving. His heart sank in his chest as his arms slipped off her shoulders and he looked away. She wouldn't tell him.

Ana took this opportunity to walk around him to collect her transfiguration books. Kneeling down, she picked them up. The fire gleamed against her dark robes as she did so. Something on her shoulder caught her eye.

"What the..." she muttered as she grabbed at the robe material, yanking the left shoulder piece out so she could examine it. Being unsuccessful, she undid the golden clasp at the front of her robe and slid the garment off. Dark blotches remained right where Remus had held her. She looked up at him. "Remus... what's-"

She saw it. Blood running on the inside of his hands. He stood there, completely unaware, as she rushed towards him, and turned his hands palm up. He nearly jumped, startled by the wounds.

"Oh, dear..." muttered Ana, looking around frantically. Having nothing more than her own robes, she summoned the water pitcher (without spilling a drop, she congratulated herself in the very far back corners of her mind).

"The broken glass," he muttered to himself as Ana tended to his wounds. "It must have- YIKES!!" he yelped as Ana poured half the pitcher of ice cold water onto his hands sending the blood temporarily streaming away and onto a puddle on the floor.

"Lumos," Ana muttered to the candles around the room and they immediately sprang to light, illuminating the room as if it were midday. "Go like this," she muttered, stretching her hands out. He did so. She poked at the wounds as they refilled with dark blood, her face no more than inches away from his palms. "It doesn't hurt at all?" she asked.

He shook his head. "Didn't really notice." He paused for a moment before continuing with slight pride. "High pain tolerance, you know."

"Apparently," she sighed. "You've still got glass in there." She paused. "I can fix this, if you want, or you can go to Madam Pomfrey. I've learned a lot of medi-charms."

Remus looked at her apprehensively. "You sure you won't turn me green, or something?"

Ana smirked dangerously. "Accio glass," she said, taking up her wand and summoning the small tiny of bloody glass out of his skin. He jumped.

"That wasn't pleasant," he muttered as he prepared for the next round of ice cold water that Ana was ready to pour on his hands. After doing so, she smothered one hand in the thick fabric of her robes, and took the other in hers, palm up. She traced her wand across the wounds slowly as she healed them, hardly leaving a scar. It really sent a rather pleasant feeling through Remus's arm as she did so, and he relaxed slightly.

Ana had already moved onto the second hand when Remus spoke.

"You're so ready to help people," he said quietly, "but you won't let anyone help you."

Ana paused momentarily before continuing with the healing charms. She didn't speak.

"You can't go on like this, you know you can't," he added.

It took her a moment before she nodded, not saying a word.

Remus hadn't felt pain when he lodged the glass in his skin, and barely when it was summoned out. But what he felt in his chest with his next words almost hurt more than any transfiguration. "I can't help you, Ana. Not the way you need right now."

Ana had just finished, and she slipped her hand into his. "You are helping, Moony," she insisted, looking away. "But you're right. I can't go on like this. I haven't had that dream for months, but it's back and it's worse. And my father..." she drifted off. She turned to look at him squarely. "I haven't had a dreamless sleep in nearly a week, Remus," she whispered, hardly audible over the soft crackle of the firelight. "I don't know what's happening to me."

He kissed her forehead. "You know what you have to do."

She nodded.

* * * * *

When Ana entered the Divinations Tower the next day, she was hardly surprised to see Dumbledore seated in an easy chair next to Kezia. She had, after all, requested his presence. And as for Professor Pyrre, she was just there as she nearly always was. Ana didn't care one way or the other.

Kezia stood as she saw Ana, sending her beautiful lilac robes flowing behind her. "Good morning, Ana," she beamed as she always did, a halo-less angel. Dumbledore stood as well, his bright blue eyes twinkling with curiosity over his spectacles as he nodded to her in greeting. Professor Pyrre was busy organizing her bookshelf and took no notice. "How are you Ana?" Kezia asked, beginning their normal conversational routine.

But Ana broke it. She motioned for Kezia to sit, her face blank, and her eyes wearing the dark shadows that came with the few hours of sleep she had managed to get. It was nearly nine in the morning. Ana had been up for almost six hours. Kezia sat slowly, startled, but inquisitive none the less.

Ana didn't speak at first. She simply dropped her bag to the ground. Bending over, she reached into it, and pulled out a beautifully bound, leather book. She unclasped it, and handed it to Kezia.

"I have been recording my visions for months," Ana started slowly, concentrating on her tight-throat words instead of her actions. "Of course, I have been having visions for longer, but it wasn't until Professors Pyrre and Dumbledore told me to start recording them that I actually did so." She paced as she spoke, avoiding the wide-eyed gazes that she was sure were locked on her. "I have seen it all," she said off handedly. "Everything from dark creatures to dark lords, to dancing vegetables." She looked up at a grinning Kezia with a smirk. "I kid you not. Check out November 15th." She glanced down at the book, idly turning pages but still kept her eyes on Ana, who continued.

"I have heard voices that no one else can hear, and assume that I have read minds. I have felt emotions that were not my own. But visions," she said quietly. "I see so many, more than would fit in that book. I haven't had a dreamless sleep in over a week. There is not a day that goes by where I do not see a vision." She paused as she turned back to Kezia. "But you already knew that, didn´t you..."

Kezia's baffled purple eyes laughed as she smiled. "I had my suspicions," she nodded, "but I haven't read your mind or your stars since September."

Ana turned her head to the side curiously as she stood tall, amazingly too calm. "Why?"

"Because I couldn't," she smiled in return. "Once a Seer, a True Seer, reaches a certain point, Ana, no one can read their stars, mind, or actions. Not even the completed Circle could accomplish that. The True Seer never initiates this, it's a natural action of your psyche that you're probably not even aware of. The only person who can truly read your stars now, Ana, is you."

Ana blinked. The rest of the room was smiling slightly. Even Professor Pyrre had set aside her medial task and had moved to Dumbledore's side, wearing a revering visage. Slowly, Ana nodded. "So it's true then. I'm a Guardian."

"And you knew that," countered Kezia. "Though your eyes are brown, you may someday take the title of the Devinon Mansa. That's the title given to the Guardian with brown eyes. A Somalian man named Tomas currently holds that title. And he has a successor, believe it or not. Her name is Elicia, and currently resides in Panama. But someday, Ana, you may take her place." Kezia grinned. "You may be the first Guardian in history to be 'third in line.' Hardly any of the Guardians have ever had immediate successors at all, let alone two."

Ana bit her lip. "About the eyes..." She paused as she realized just how much she had been keeping from them. Dumbledore looked up over his cup of tea. "Kezia," she said slowly, closing her eyes, "Would you please say something into my mind? You can still do that, right? Just like you can feel my emotions?"

"What would you like me to say?" the voice spoke into her head.

"That should do it," Ana whispered as she slowly opened her eyes. The audible gasps from around the room confirmed her now dazzlingly sapphire eyes.

"Blessed Starkeeper," gasped Kezia under her breath as she stood and approached Ana, pale and wide eyed. She blinked a few times, her mouth hanging open limply.

"The Devinon Seeleum!" gasped Professor Pyrre as she skirted across the room and knelt at Ana's feet. Grasping her hand, she pressed it to her own, old forehead. Ana pulled it back immediately, and recoiled in confusion. She turned to Dumbledore, who was looking at her very strangely indeed.

"What on Earth," she muttered as she stepped back against the wall, suddenly very flustered. She had been expecting some reaction, of course, but never this. Anger, surprise, shock, relief... Ana hadn't the first clue what to expect, but to see the old, indifferent professor kneeling at her feet in humble awe... this was completely unexpected. (This is not to say, however, that after months of being subjected to her tyrannical methods of teaching, Ana, behind her shock and other various emotions, wasn't pleased to see her so humbled.)

Dumbledore stood, and walked over to Professor Pyrre. He helped her stand up. Kezia had resorted to giggling and smiling uncontrollably, and even had tears in her eyes.

"Don't you understand?" Kezia beamed. "Do you not comprehend what this all means? Ana, you're the one the world has been waiting for! You're truly the Seventh Guardian! The completion of the Circle... and ..." she paused, the smile fading from her face only to be replaced by horror. All three adults glared at Ana, who backed up further against the walls.

"What now???" she gasped, freaking out (just a little).

"You're eyes," Dumbledore said, stepping closer. "They're turning brown again."

Ana laughed in relief. "Yeah, they do that."

"Why?" asked Kezia, joining Dumbledore at his side and staring into her eyes.

"You're asking me?" snorted Ana, feeling a bit crowded as she slid down the wall and around the group of bewildered onlookers. "That's just the way it is...whenever I do anything seer-like, my eyes go blue, but just for a while. Really rather annoying..."

"It must be a charm," said Dumbledore, deep in concentration.

"By who? And why?" frowned Kezia. Dumbledore gave her steady look before she groaned and smacked her head. "Omri."

"What about my father?" snapped Ana. It seemed whenever Kezia was around, she had something discriminating to say against Omri Anblick. Ana hardly remembered him outside of her visions, and be it purely instinctive or just plain emotional, she loyally loved him.

"Do you remember him putting any sort of charm on you?" Dumbledore asked.

Ana shook her head. "My eyes have always been brown."

"Do something divinitive," requested Kezia, anxious to see the blue eyes again.

"It doesn't work like that," muttered Ana. "I can't control anything. When they come, when they leave... I don't do a thing."

"We'll work on that," smiled Kezia as she spoke into Ana's mind.

Dumbledore's face lit up as her eyes went blue again. "The Anblick eyes..." he whispered softly, his own blue eyes mysteriously distant.

Ana shrugged. She couldn't even begin to think how her life would change from that day on. "Now you know," she said quietly. Dumbledore smiled reassuringly.

"Come," said Kezia, taking her hand, and leading her to the chairs, smiling a smile brighter than Ana had ever seen on anyone. "Let's talk," she said as they sat.

* * * * *

They finally broke for lunch around one, much to Ana's relief. For nearly four hours, she was bombarded with technical questions about her dreams, visions, eyes, and any other obscure topic that seemed to be important to the bubbling, purple-eyed Guardian. She had descended half way down the main corridor steps, on her way to the Great Hall for some much needed sustenance (-it was pasta day, she reminded herself with a smile), when she remembered that she had an appointment with an inanely punctual student. She grimaced as she trudged to the library. She had wanted to kiss Moony before he left for the Shack that afternoon, but it became clear to her as she reviewed her schedule in her mind, that she would just have to be with him in spirit. It was school protocol, after all, that Moony report to the Shrieking Shack hours before dusk. Dumbledore, although gambling with werewolves and other dark creatures, did not gamble with safety measures.

Ana forced her most brilliant smile as she stepped through the library threshold. The smell of books, new and old, wafted passed her as she wove through the tables and shelves and found herself at a table in a dim corner of the room that Ana imagined was rarely occupied by students. Her classmate glowered at her as she sat, still smiling sweetly.

"You're late, Anblick," snapped Snape as he looked up from the parchment in front of him. Books were piled on the chairs surrounding him, forcing Ana to sit across. That was fine by her.

"Sorry, Severus," she sighed. "Seer business. You know. Gotta save the world and all."

Snape ignored her. Improvement, thought Ana to herself as she brought a notebook out of her backpack and searched for her quill. In the week since the potions class, Snape had shown promising progress in his attitude toward their project. Well, the project was a potions project, of course, and so his attitude towards the project was always rather optimistic (or as close to optimistic as one could hope to obtain from a Snape). So it was probably more accurate to conclude that his attitude toward his partner had improved from sheer loathing to one of dismal hatred.

Ana could live with dismal hatred.

She set her notebook out in front of him. "I worked out the first part of the equation here," said pointing to a series of chemical formulas at the middle of the potion. "Really rather intriguing, and-"

"You balanced it wrong," sneered Snape venomously.

'Did not...' Ana protested in her mind. "Oh? Did I?" she asked innocently.

"Yes, here," he said pointing to a spot, but then he stopped. Cocking his head slightly, he turned the book towards him fully and frowned as he read. Finally he whipped the book back to her. "Never mind." He sat back in his chair with disdain as he regarded other parchments on the table with full concentration.

Ana could almost see the steam pouring from his pale, wrinkled ears. 'And we're back to sheer loathing...'

"It really is a brilliant potion," said Ana, changing the subject. "Do you really think it can cure any poison?"

Snape didn't look up at her. "I don't know, Anblick. Want to test it?"

She fought the urge to kick him (hard). "We'd have to make it first, and that will be tough if we don't figure out the rest of the equation."

"Pity," he sighed.

* * * * *

Sirius shook his head wearily after a long and blood curling session of Herbology. James and Remus (-who, much to everyone's delight, was in very good spirits) were blessed with the remarkably cunning idea to douse Sirius in honey during their lab assignment. Sirius, unfortunately, spent the rest of the period running around Greenhouse Number Three, closely pursued by a swarm of Sting Devils, rather large insects notorious for their five-centimeter-long stingers and their dangerous addiction to honey. "Hold Still, Mr. Black!" Professor Sprout kept yelling as she ran behind him, trying to disengage the swarm. But there was nothing, not even the girl on the cover of Muse magazine, that would make him stop running from the entomological army that hunted him.

Consequently, Sirius was now covered with sting marks (no thanks to Madam Sprout), and his mind was whirling in the desperation to come up with suitable counter-pranks. He was just considering putting Sigmund's Super Magic Epoxy® in Lily's lip gloss, as she always put it on before a hot snog session with James. He smiled to himself at the thought of a literally lip-locked stumbling into the H-Wing at the early hours of the morning (only after running into Filch). But in the back of his mind, he reminded himself that Lily had nothing to do with the prank, so he tucked the idea away for future reference. As for Remus, he thought about filling his bed with snow summoned up through the window, but that was much too easily fixed for Sirius's taste...

He glanced in the library absently as he made his way towards the Hospital Ward, and kept walking. But not two feet passed the door, he stopped, and backed up. Peering in, he saw two figures in a dark corner. Ana and Snape...

Something twisted in Sirius stomach as he viewed the two sitting together, working diligently, deep in conversation. 'What are they talking about?'

'Potions, you idiot,' he reminded himself. Ana had hardly been around at all the past week. Her argument with Remus aside, she had thrown herself full-heatedly into what appeared to be the most in-depth Potions final ever conceived.

But he remained dubious. He had talked to Remus during a particularly boring History of Magic lecture immediately after breakfast. There wasn't a Gryffindor (or Berenice) who didn't notice that Ana and Remus were smiling again, and holding hands and kissing.

"So you and Ana are back together? How did that happen?"

"Luck, more than anything," Remus whispered back with a grin. "We both apologized."

"She apologized for working with Snape?"

He shook his head steadily. "No. She claims that she isn't doing it to spite me."

"You believe that?" Sirius asked, doodling on his parchment. He looked up to see Remus nod. There was a certain brightness in his eyes that Sirius was just now becoming accustomed to. It suited him, especially when compared to the dull shadows that filled them before he had met Ana. Sirius paused in a moment of uncharacteristic hesitation. "Not just that. You believe that she won't tell Snape?"

Remus glared.

Sirius shrugged. "Stupid question. Sorry..."

But it still bothered him. Sirius loved Ana like a sister. She was always there to talk or to give some brilliant pointers on some of their most memorable "magical mishaps" (as the notorious four had begun to call them). It wasn't her trust that he worried about. It was Snape's strength.

Everyone knew that Ana was no dueler, and was weak in defending herself against any charm or spell (light or dark). And everyone knew that Snape was not one to be toyed with.

'But she's avoided him this far,' a small voice reminded him.

'Yeah,' he answered, not stopping to worry that he was having a conversation with himself. 'Lucky her.' He stepped into the library giving Madam Pince a cheshire smile as she looked at him (and the sting marks, and the honey that weighed down his thick, curly, black hair) with a wary stare. Sirius kept walking, grinning to himself at the memory of the reason why the librarian had always kept a close eye on Sirius, though he bypassed the chance to make more mischief. 'Maybe later...'

Both Ana and Snape were so absorbed in their discussion that neither noticed Sirius slip behind an adjacent bookshelf and listen.

"Isn't it obvious?" her heard Ana ask. "By using such complex proteins, it will take the body longer to break down than if using a basic carbohydrate carrier."

"But then the potion will take longer to take effect," mentioned Snape dully.

"A lot longer, by the looks of it," added Ana quietly.

Sirius shuddered. He didn´t even have to ask what carbohydrates were, or what it meant for them to be a "carrier." 'Potions...' Potions were not his friend.

As if on cue, Snape spoke up again. "Why are you so interested in this potion, Anblick? Need a fast detox for your Gryffindor Prince," he spat.

Ana laughed her usual, bell-chime laugh. "Yeah, that's it Snape. I'm going to mix this potion all by myself and give it to my drug-addict boyfriend, never mind the twenty laws I'd be breaking..."

"So he is on drugs?" inquired the slippery Slytherin.

"If you want to believe that, then by all means," she muttered. Sirius could hear her turning pages of her notebook.

There was a pause before anyone spoke again, and Sirius assumed the conversation had ended as soon as it had begun.

"So where is he now, Ana?"

Sirius was startled by the use of her first name. Ana, apparently, was the same, as she paused before answering.

"Eating lunch, I would imagine."

"Really," he commented dully.

"Mmm hmmm," she acknowledged as the sound of more rustling pages took over.

"Then what's he doing out there?"

Sirius nearly jumped. Ana replied quickly. "Out where?"

The sound of chairs scooting backwards scraped the stone floor on the other side of the bookshelf. Sirius peered through the gaps to see Snape standing and looking past Ana and across the library to the large widows that overlooked the property of Hogwarts. Sirius followed his gaze, as did Ana as she turned to see Remus and Madam Pomfrey. walking across the lawn, leaving fresh footprints in the snow. Sirius felt his mouth go dry. They were headed straight for the Whomping Willow.

Ana tried desperately to change the subject. "Severus, I .... Hey, look at that!" she gasped. Sirius saw her point to the parchment on the table, her face as ashen as the February sky.

But Snape paid her no mind. He stepped around their table and walked to the window, wearing a frightening smile as he watched the pair move towards the far corners of the ground. The lawn was covered with small hills, one of which hid them from view as they reached the tree. But the Willow's towering branches were still visible, as they rocked and shook at the intruders. Snape watched with delight, bordering on a shadowy glee, as he saw Madam Pomfrey. returning. Alone.

"The Whomping Willow?" he turned to Ana, wearing a triumphant smile. Her mouth hung open as she fought for words.

"No," she said, hardly audible.

"Are you sure?" Snape asked with mock concern as a cruel smirk spread across his pointed face. He moved back to the table to collect his books. "I think I should go see if he needs anything, don't you think?" he laughed. Sirius clenched his hands tightly to keep from jumping out from behind the bookshelves.

'Let him go, Ana...' he prayed to himself silent.

Ana appeared to be at a loss for words. "It's not what you think. Severus, please, you have to stay. We're.... We're not done with this equation," she held up the notebook desperately. But Snape took out his wand and pointed it directly at her.

"I don't have to do anything, Anblick. Now be a good girl and step to the side."

'Do what he says, Ana,' Sirius continued to pray.

Ana did so, slowly. Sirius could see her wide brown eyes staring directly into the tip of Snape's shiny black wand as he walked passed her. Even after he had snapped away, Ana stood, petrified and unmoving, her mouth still hanging open. Sirius stepped out from behind the bookshelf quickly, his jaw clenched in anger.

"Are you all right?" he asked shortly.

She nodded, unblinking. "Dumbledore. We have to get Dumbledore. McGonagallsomebody..."

Sirius put his hands on her shoulders. "No, Ana, let him go."

"Stickupas..." she muttered. "He's the head of Slytherin. He'll put an end to this. He has to. He-"

"Ana," Sirius muttered a little louder. Her formerly unfocused eyes looked up into his quickly. "Let him go. He doesn't know how to get passed the Willow. He has no idea. He'll get smacked around a bit, and he'll be so scared, he won't go after Remus again."

Ana stared at him long and hard, looking for an argument. Finally she spoke. Her words were strained and her eyes full of worry. "What the hell happened to you?" she asked, looking at the honey and wound covered Gryffindor in front of her.

Slightly relieved, he smiled. "Remus and James happened, that's what. But don't you worry about Snape. I'll keep an eye on him."

Suddenly, a horrified look came over Ana's face. "Eyes!" she gasped. "I have to get back! Kezia.. Dumbledore... oh no!" she freaked as she spun on her heels and smooshed everything on the table into her backpack sloppily.

"Fine, just leave me here," sighed Sirius mournfully, though with laughter in his eyes.

Ana paused to glance at him. "All right then," she nodded, and walked past him. Halfway to the door, she stopped and looked back with a solemn stare. "Take care of it," she said clearly, nodding out the window towards the Whomping Willow. She turned then and left.

Sirius smiled slightly as he watched her leave, his anger temper beginning to fester over. 'Don't worry, Miss Anblick. It's already done.'

* * * * *

Dumbledore was the first to notice Ana when she returned to the Divinations classroom, ten minutes passed the expected time. Her eyes met his own only briefly before she looked away. She looked a bit frazzled, he observed quietly, as she apologized repeatedly for being late.

"Oh, not at all," Kezia waved her off, still wearing that enchanted smile. "Please sit."

The headmaster studied the girl as she crept towards the chair. She returned his gaze only briefly... nervously... before letting her eyes roam back to Kezia. "Do you have any more questions?" she asked.

Kezia shook her head and handed Ana the book of her visions that she had reviewed briefly over the lunch hour. "No, no more questions from me, Ana. It's your turn to ask questions."


"Surely you have some things you would like to know? About your powers? About the Circle of Sight?"

Dumbledore watched Ana play with her robes nervously, her brown eyes lingering out the window for a brief moment. "My powers," she said, as if considering her gift as a power for the very first time. "If I become as powerful as you think I will," she started slowly, "what will I be able to do?"

"The question is, my dear Ana," replied Professor Pyrre with sickening adoration, as she stood loyally at Kezia's side, "what won't you be able to do."

Dumbledore almost chuckled as he observed just a hint of annoyance behind Ana's calm visage. His companion, Professor Pyrre, certainly had quite reversed her feelings toward the girl since the discovery of the depths of her gifts. But he remained silent as Kezia answered.

"Well, of course, you'll be thoroughly comfortable with all areas of divinations, from the most rudimentary skills, such as the visions and interpretations you are experiencing now, to the advanced gift of speaking and listening to the stars themselves. You will know more about the world -the true world- than anyone else on the planet, save the rest of the guardians. You will prophesize, and dream dreams, and teach those willing to listen of what may happen, and what must happen to individuals, civilizations, and mankind as a whole."

"Fate," nodded Ana, trying desperately to soak up the information presented to her. "You know fate?"

The young woman before Ana nodded. "I do."

Ana paused. "And the other five Guardians... there are five, right?"

Kezia nodded again. "Six, including myself. They can discern fate as well."

The young girl frowned. "Then what's so important about completing the circle? What's so special about being the Seventh Seer?"

There was a gleam in Kezia's eyes that Dumbledore had never seen before. Almost as if her eyes were filling with tears, her eyes reflected the sunlight that poured in through the window as she spoke with restrained excitement. "What a seer lacks, a True Seer holds. What a True Seer alone cannot do, a group of true seers can. The completion of the Circle is the bringing together of the most powerful True Seers in the world, a force so powerful, that the inner eye is amplified, and we may see back to the beginning, forward by a year, forward by millennia, forward even to the ends of time, capable of knowing and seeing all things. Knowing and seeing what must happen to achieve the greater good."

"The greater good?" asked Ana. Dumbledore himself was even intrigued.

"That everything happens for a reason, Ana, in the most unimaginably complex story that ever has been, or ever will be told."

Dumbledore watched Ana's eyes glaze over. She blinked a few times.

"I've lost you," smiled Kezia knowingly.

Ana nodded blankly.

"It's no easy matter to comprehend," Kezia acknowledged, though she seemed thoroughly comfortable with the concept. "But for right now, let's just start with this: The completion of the Circle means that we will be able to see so much, that we will know cures to diseases, solutions to famines, wars, and even the weaknesses and demises of such feared wizards as Lord Voldemort."

"We'll be able to defeat Lord Voldemort?" Ana did not try to hide her astonishment.

"We'll know more about him than even he knows. We'll be able to know what made him the way he is now. We'll know his favorite color. His daily routine. His favorite food. Together, as a force, there is virtually nothing that the Circle of Sight, in its completion, cannot see. We will have the ability to see and know everything unless it is hidden from us by the stars."

"But, I only see small visions," Ana said quietly. I can't even do ESP cards correctly... I-"

"Devi, credyn mê stymmyn syn, credyn na no devanyn."

Dumbledore smiled at the sound of the Centaur language. He remarked to himself what a shame it was that it was so rare. It was intoxicatingly beautiful. Ana's worries seemed to be quieted for the moment at the mysterious, flowing words. Dumbledore watched as her face melted to one of ease, and then to one of astonishment. It reminded him of his teaching days, and the look students had when they knew the answer to a question, but couldn't put it into words.

"Say it again," Ana said quietly, her eager eyes wide with intrigue.

Kezia seemed to be expecting this. She smiled and said it again, slower. " Devi, credyn mê stymmyn syn, credyn na no devanyn."

"Credyn." Ana repeated, a mysterious smile growing on her face. Dumbledore watched her in confusion. Ana looked up at him as if he should be excited by the information. "It's Centaur!" She rolled her eyes openly as she groaned. "Of course it is! It would be, wouldn't it. Gah, I'm such an airhead sometimes..."

Dumbledore nodded. "What does it mean?" he asked Kezia.

"It means, professor-"

"Albus," he corrected her for the umpteenth time.

"Albus," she muttered, "it is a verb. It means to believe. Also, although less often, to trust. It's part of an old Centaur Proverb. "First believe in thy stars; then believe in thyself."

"Trust," Ana whispered off handedly, her eyes downcast in concentration. The headmaster watched in intrigue as the young student before him reached for her book of visions that lay at her side and started paging through it rapidly, grumbling all the while about her own stupidity. He glanced at Kezia who had moved to sit back in her chair and watch with quiet delight. He leaned over to meet her ear.

"What is going on?" he whispered, watching Ana who had apparently lost herself in thought.

"She's been having visions of Omri since the beginning of the year. All he says is one word, if you can guess," she smiled.

"Credyn?" he asked.

She nodded. "It's recorded several times in her book. She has been searching for the meaning of the word since October."

"You didn't have any books on Centaur in the library," frowned Ana, who was apparently listening, though she was still reading from her book of visions.

"I should think not," chuckled Dumbledore. "No one, to my knowledge, has ever attempted to write a book on it. It's one of the most indecipherable and rarely used languages in the wizarding world, let alone the non-magical world. Hardly anyone uses it."

"-Except the Guardians, and the Centaurs," added Kezia.

"Credyn," Ana repeated to herself. "Trust. He wants me to trust myself..."

"He wants you to believe in yourself," Kezia added. "To be quite honest Ana, your level of visions is well beyond anything I would have expected with such minimal training. It would appear as if your psyche is moving faster than your mind is willing to admit. You started having more in depth visions more frequently since you arrived here?"

Ana nodded. "I assumed the magic around here influenced it..."

"It had nothing to do with the magic. It had to do with your age and development. Your mind was becoming used to the presence of the inner eye, and allowed it to grow stronger. But your soul, I seems, wasn't ready."

Dumbledore looked at Ana carefully, a brief pang of guilt swooping through him. "I feel I must apologize for making you go through all those divination lessons," he said to her. She looked up at him and shook her head.

"I've actually learned a lot, whether I've been able to see anything or not..."

"But you have seen things, Ana," insisted Kezia. "Look at this book!" she exclaimed as she reached for the beautiful book that Ana had on her lap. "So much detail. And you've read minds Ana! You've been inside dreams, and tapped into powers well beyond what you should be capable of. Your father's right, Ana. Believe."

Ana's mouth opened and closed as she fought for the words. "Believe?" she finally asked, a small frown on her face. "Trust?" The frown grew more intense. "Kezia, these dreams... the one I recorded from last night... "

"I read it," nodded Kezia slowly. "What do you make of it?"

"Voldemort's after me..." Ana said very, very quietly. "Someday I'll be cornered, and ..."

"And yet your father still wants you to believe and trust."

The young student dropped her eyes to the floor. "I don't know if I can..."

Kezia leaned over to Ana and put a slender hand on top of hers. "I know it's frightening," she said gently. "But believe in yourself, Devi. Credyn mê stymmyn syn, credyn na no devanyn. First believe in thy stars, then believe in thyself."

Ana met Kezia's eyes. "But who knows my stars?"

"There's greatness in you, Ana," Kezia said with soft excitement. "I knew it the first time I saw you. The Circle knew it the night we learned of your existence. We cannot read your stars, but they sing in a way that make us wonder just what you're capable of. And whether you'll prove to be an average Seer or the greatest Guardian of all time, there's something about you, that we can feel. Something big is going to happen."

* * * * *

Sirius Black lurked in the shadows of the main corridor, gazing out at the snow-covered lawn of Hogwarts, now bathed in golden sunlight in the last minutes of twilight. But one spot on the property was deeply darker than the rest as it moved towards the castle. It was Snape, of course. Sirius had expected as much and waited patiently. Even from a distance, he could see the deep lines of concentration on the young Slytherin's face. No one would argue that Snape was intelligent. The school was just waiting to see who would snatch the Head Boy position two school years in the future. It all came down to two students. James Potter and Severus Snape.

Resting his head on the pane of a small window that accompanied him in his wait, Sirius pondered the chances of Snape being awarded the honor of Head Boy. He watched the Slytherin carefully. Even with his black, flowing robes tattered and blood dripping from open slash wounds on his unusually pale face, Snape held his head high, his black eyes demanding and his shoulders set. His wand was gripped in his long, knobby hands menacingly, though it rested at his side. Snape had everything that was expected from the long, proud, pure, Welsh and wealthy heritage in which he was brought up. He would make a grand leader, Sirius remarked to himself. He's got the power. If only he would just get over himself...

But if anyone was smart, and lucky enough to find a counter bet, he would lay his money on James. He was, of course, a Gryffindor. Everyone would vote for a Gryffindor if the opponent was a Slytherin. Best friends since King's Cross, Sirius and James were one of a kind, except that Sirius would always insist (with rather popular support) that he was the better looking. But James had it all. He had the bloodline, the intelligence, the beautiful girlfriend, fame among the students, wicked good quidditch skills and the Hogwarts House. Yet, James had somehow managed to make it through the ranks with modesty. While both Snape and James would be excellent leaders, James had had his fair share of losses and (many times thanks to Sirius) black eyes. He had learned what it was to lose and to be wrong. He knew he had limits, even if he was a great wizard.

And Snape? Sirius smirked to himself as he watched his poor classmate hobble towards the castle steps, still carrying his dignity and pride. Memories flashed through his mind of the countless pranks that they had pulled on the Slytherin through the years. It wasn't that he was weaker, dumber, uglier, less talented at quidditch, or any other normal reason for continuing their reign of antics. No, they continued with him, James's twin and complete opposite, because they could, and the only because he wouldn't let go. Every time a prank was pulled on Snape, retaliation would be brought on the Marauders. Snape had done it all. He mocked Peter. He cursed Sirius and James. And, worst of all, though perhaps he himself did not realize it, he sought to destroy Remus.

And sometimes, Sirius would wonder if Snape's spite for Remus had nothing to do with the quiet, intelligent, and uncompromisingly fair Gryffindor. Maybe it was just Snape's way of getting at James. It made sense. An old adage would say, if you want to knock down a tower, destroy the bottom bricks first. Remus wasn't Snape's problem. He never had been. It was all in concept. For years, ever since Severus started investigating Remus's absences, he was plummeted with curses, warnings, pranks, and whatever else James and the Marauders. could think of to deter him. Perhaps it was their biggest mistake, by unintentionally letting him know that he was sitting on something big -something so big that the entire force of The Tower rested on it. Something that got a rise out of the Frightening Gryffindor Four. Something, as Snape realized, was the corner stone of their charades, and that worried James immensely. And perhaps it was through all this, that Snape realized that the mighty James Potter had a weakness. This was not about Remus. It was about James.

Regardless, Sirius was infamous for his loyalty. Remus, James, Peter, Lily, Ana... it didn't matter to him who Snape was messing with. All he knew was that it was going to stop, and he was the one who was going to stop it. James wouldn't do it. No... he was too good. Too thoughtful. Peter would be too scared. Remus would be offended by the thought. But Sirius? Yes, he knew that he would be the one to do it. He had been sitting on the idea for months. Like his dad used to say to his mum, "There's ohnley soo much ye can warn the lad before 'e 'asto see fer 'imself." Snape had been warned, and now Sirius was going to commit the worst and best prank of all: he wasn't going to do a damn thing.

Sirius let Snape get to the stairway before he spoke up from the shadows. "Having a little trouble there Severus?"

Snape whirled around, startled (although he would never admit to it). He glared, an unseen fire in his black eyes as he stepped towards Sirius slowly and methodically. "Where is he?" he asked.

"He? He who?" Sirius grinned, still sitting on his window sill. "Dumbledore? In his office I would imagine... James? I would tell, but I promised Lily I wouldn't..."

"Lupin," he said, taking more steps towards Sirius. "I saw him disappear by the Whomping Willow..."

"And here I thought you got those scratches from your little Slytherin witch..."

Snape stopped. A weary, challenging smile curled on his lips as he raised his wand to Sirius, who made no move of retaliation, nervousness, or interest. "Where is he?" he asked again, with just enough threat.

"Why do you care?" Sirius asked quietly. "What is it about Remus that bothers you so?"

"Just curious. Why do you care that I care?" He paused for a dramatic look of mock revelation. "Maybe," he said, his eyes as dark as ever, "just maybe, you know something. Of course you do. You hang around in that Gryffindor Rat Pack, you must know where it is that he goes, and what he does..."

Sirius moved to speak but Snape didn't let him. "Stimmen..." he hissed, sending a truth curse flying from his wand with a blast of blue light.

Sirius jumped out of the way just in time. He tried to disarm Snape as he ran behind a pillar, but missed by a meter.

"Have you gone nutters?" grumbled Sirius as he peered around the pillar, momentarily forgetting that he had previously figured Snape to be a bit crazy since they first met. "There are professors everywhere!"

Snape smirked that made Sirius's skin crawl as the anger that he had kept so well maintained began to boil. "No, no... I do believe they're all in the Great Hall... it's supper hour, after all."

Sirius threw another disarming charm at Snape, only to have it easily blocked. Snape started approaching his position. Considerations flashed through Sirius's mind as he came closer and closer.

"You know, you could just tell me, Black, and save yourself the pain."

He was only just feet away when Sirius made up his mind. At just the right moment, he flung himself around the opposite side of the pillar, and lunged himself at the Slytherin, catching his chin with a swift and effective punch. Snape's head flew backwards in surprise as Sirius made a quick jab to the stomach. As Snape keeled over, searching for list lost breath, Sirius snatched his wand away with a flick of his hand.

He stepped back as he watched Snape gasping for air, his hands on his knees as he bent over in pain. Slowly, he recovered, and glared at Sirius as he raised himself to a standing position. His black eyes flickered over the sight his wand in the Gryffindor's hand. Another smirk. Sirius nearly lost control at the sight of it.

"What are you going to do now, Black?" hissed Snape, spreading his arms in a welcome and a challenge to any curse that he could throw. "Maybe throw a bit of dark magic my way?"

Sirius took a step closer, his eyes nearly as dark as Snape's in the dim corridor.

"Or one of your weak Gryffindor charms? A laughing charm maybe? Itching charm? You wouldn't dare throw anything heavier than that... you and your good Gryffindor heart. No, you wouldn't dare... I always knew none of you.. not Lupin, Potter, or that squib Pettigrew could ever do anything truly cruel."

Suddenly Sirius stopped. He lowered the wand he had extended. A broad, unnatural smile came over his face as he took Snape's wand, and threw it down the steps that led to the dungeons. Snape glowered as the sound of his wand clattering on the steps ascended up the stairwell.

"Go get your wand, Snape," grinned Sirius. "Go get your wand, and get out of here. Go to the Whomping Willow, and find a stick. Lie down on the ground, and poke at the nob under the roots on the north surface. There you will find Remus, and all his Gryffindor good heartedness."

At that, Sirius turned, and walked to the Great Hall, to enjoy his dinner in peace.

* * * * *

Ana stepped into the Great Hall just as dinner was being served. Her eyes wandered out the large mirrors to see the full moon floating in the clear eastern sky. Her stomach gave a lurch, but she found her way to the Gryffindor table. She collapsed into a chair next to Lily.

"Where have you been!" hissed Lily wearing a grin. "I've been looking for you all day."

"You don't want to know," Ana muttered, reaching for the pitcher of water in front of her. "Why? Is something wrong?"

"You and Remus! I want details from last night! You were so absorbed in him at breakfast that I never got the story."

James laughed from across the table. "You don't believe my story?"

"What story," demanded Ana with a grin.

Lily rolled her eyes. "He seems to think you two snuck off for a midnight shag in the Astronomy Tower."

Ana laughed and shook her head. "No, sorry."

"Didn't think so..." smiled Lily.

"It was actually on James's desk."

James dropped his spoon. "Don't joke about that," he smirked.

"Who says I'm joking?" retorted Ana, raising a laughing eyebrow challengingly.

Lily snorted and conversation turned to the events of the day. Ana was just explaining about Kezia where Sirius made his way to his usual spot and plopped down next to James. "A good evening to you, Misses Anblick and Evans. And to you, Monsieurs Potter and Pettigrew," he added formally.

"Good evening, Mr. Black," smiled Lily at the properness that did not suit him one bit. "You seem to be in a good mood."

"An excellent mood," he corrected her as he reached for the dinner rolls. Ana looked at him carefully. He had showered and seen Madam Pomfrey. about the stings, and looked significantly better than he had that afternoon. But something was most disconcerting. Somewhere in his dark eyes, Ana saw some deep satisfaction, laced with the mischief that everyone knew in Sirius.

She smiled. "What are you up to now, Sirius?"

He looked at her briefly, but lowered his eyes, his face twisting in resistance to the grin that was playing on his lips. "Why, nothing, my dear Miss Anblick..."

"You only call me Miss Anblick when you're up to something," she pointed out. But she (in her mind) dropped the subject. Her face grew serious. "Did you take care of Snape? Is he okay?"

"What do you mean?" asked James, frowning slightly.

Ana quickly explained the events from the library.

Lily gasped as she put her hand over her mouth in horror. "You let him go?" she glared at Sirius.

"He didn´t get passed the tree," he shrugged as he bit into a roll.

"Well, was he hurt?" asked James, his Prefect badge glimmering in the candlelight.

"A bit," nodded Sirius. "Nothing too bad."

"Did you see him? Talk to him?" prodded James urgently.

Sirius nodded. "We exchanged words."

"And?" replied James, not backing down.

"And what?"

"Did he ask about the Willow? Does he know? Did he..."

"It's taken care of, James, settle down!" laughed Sirius.

Ana cringed. There was something very wrong in his laugh. To anyone else, it would sound like a good-hearted chuckle. But it made Ana's insides curl. "Sirius," she began, "what aren't you telling us?"

He looked at her, startled. "What?"

One look at his eyes, and Ana was sure that something was wrong. Her eyes drifted out the window to the moon, which held a bright orange glow. Standing, she looked at the Slytherin Table. Snape was not there.

She remained standing as thoughts from an unknown source spoke clearly into her mind.

"Go get your wand, and get out of here. Go to the Weeping Willow, and find a stick..."

"No..." whispered Ana, as she recognized the voice. Her eyes fell to Sirius, who was watching her. "Sirius, what have you done?" '

"What?" asked James, observing her bright blue eyes. "What is going on?"

"Tell me I´m just being paranoid," Ana snapped at Sirius.

Sirius set his fork down firmly and frowned. "Oh, go on, Ana. He deserved it!" But his frown turned into a smile. "Can you imagine the look on his face when he opens the door to the Shack?"

James almost fell out of his seat. "What?"

"You told him how to get passed the Willow?" Peter shrieked at him quietly.

James stood up. He paced back in forth in front of the table, running his hands through his messy, dark hair. Finally, he just stopped, glared at Sirius with a fury Ana had never seen, and barking words flew from his mouth that never would have been expected from James, even if hell froze over. "YOU SICK FUCK!"

Heads from all over the Great Hall turned to see James as he grabbed Sirius by his robes and nearly dragged him out of the Hall. Ana chased behind, followed by Lily, and Peter (who had stopped to grab a dinner roll).

In the hallway, things were more heated. Punches were being thrown as Sirius tried to defend himself.

"HE DESERVED IT!" he snapped at James. "What's the deal?"

James just glared as he tossed a punch at Sirius, this one hitting him squarely in the jaw. "The deal? The deal??? Do you have any idea what is about to happen to Snape? Or what has happened to him already?"

"How long ago did you tell him?" Ana asked, not quite enraged enough to lose her sense of logic.

"Right before I came into the Great Hall," replied Sirius, still glaring at James.

"That was about three minutes ago," pointed out Peter.

Something flashed through James's eyes as he grabbed Sirius and bolted for the main doors. Through the windows, they could see Snape making his way around the bend to the Whomping Willow. He swore under his breath. Bursting through the door he shouted at Sirius as he descended the steps, Sirius's robes caught in his hands.

"YOU ARE GOING TO FIX THIS," he snapped with the authority of his Auror father.

"What do you want me to do?" shrugged Sirius at a loss for thought. "Look, he's almost there!"

James glanced at the Whomping Willow swaying its branches dangerously. Snape was close. He and Sirius bolted across the lawn, and Ana, Lily and Peter tried to keep up. "WAIT AT THE CASTLE!" James shouted to them. Ana and Lily slowed, but Peter stumbled forward.

"WAIT!" he cried. "I'LL HELP!"

"YOU'RE NOT READY!" James called back across the distance. "WE HAVE TO TRANSFORM! NOW!"

Ana heard Sirius swear from across the lawn.

"WHAT!? NOW???" he cried.

James dragged Sirius towards the willow. "Yes, Sirius, now. And you sure as hell better pray that you turn into something big enough to keep a werewolf at bay. "

James bent down to the ground, sliding across the snow and ice on his belly, catching a long, dead branch in his hand. He scrambled underneath the Whomping Willow and stuck the branch into the roots, pressing the knot at the base of the tree, and opening the tunnel.

"Be something big be something big be something big...." Sirius whispered to himself frantically as he dove into the tunnel.

James could never recall the next few moments in clear detail. He remembered darkness, and the light of Snape's wand, halfway across the tunnel. A short duel pursued as James threw stunning spells at Snape, missing and having them blocked. One of the few things James could remember was the maniac grin on the Slytherin's face as he walked backwards and blindly down the tunnel, dueling with James in the straight-shot tunnel, both of them bent over with the low ceiling. James scrambled closer and closer, hearing loud THUDS coming from something big ramming itself against the door at the end of the tunnel. James could see the door before Snape.

"STOP! SNAPE!" he remembered himself yelling. "SEVERUS, PLEASE! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!"

But Snape had backed all the way against the door. Glancing over his shoulders quickly to examine what he had hit, he grinned darkly. "I've got the best of you now, Potter!" He reached for the door knob...

Suddenly something whooshed passed James so fast it knocked him against the side of the tunnel so forcefully, that he tumbled to the ground. The glasses were knocked from his face, leaving him to look at a large black blur closing the gap as Snape slid open the door. Was it the wolf? No... it was coming from the wrong direction...

Whatever it was, it tackled Severus over, and passed him into the house. Snarls and howling filled the tunnel as James retrieved his glasses and crawled towards the sounds. Snape was on his hands and knees in the door way, backing up on all fours, wide eyed. James lunged at him, and with some unknown strength yanked him back to face the direction of the Whomping Willow.

"GO!" he shouted, pushing the Slytherin towards the door at great speed.

A sharp 'YELP' and a canine whine cried out from behind him. Both boys looked back to see a pair of fierce yellow eyes glowing in the doorway, a horrific growl echoing through the earthen tunnel.

"...Run..... RUN!" cried James as he pushed Snape forward. Snape didn't need to be told twice. He ran for all he was worth, nearly bent over double with the low height of the earthen ceiling. James ran after him, and after them both, the Wolf bounded out from the threshold. The two students scrambled through the low tunnels hearing the wolf only meters behind. But they could see the door. The exit out of the Whomping Willow. Just a little further...

But something caught James's foot.

Falling to the ground with a despaired cry, James looked back to see a root sticking out of the ground. And passed that....

The wolf... His eyes glowing with dark rage as he growled and sprinted with blinding speed towards James. Frozen with fear, a small yell grew in the back of James's throat as he closed his eyes tightly in submission to his fate. But suddenly a barking sound filled the tunnel. James looked to see the black object- now distinctly a dog through the lenses of his glasses - hobbling speedily towards the wolf. But the wolf paid him no mind, besides a short, mean growl. The harsh yellow eyes turned back to James as the wolf left the ground in a mighty bound.

Everything moved in slow motion as the wolf pounced towards James, flying through the air slowly, it's fur moving back with the force of the jump... the body stretching to reach James in one leap... coming closer... reaching the top arch of the jump and descending...

But the wolf cried out and jerked, suddenly, breaking its striding jump. It did indeed land on James, who was too petrified to scream, but it rolled off suddenly, falling to the ground in pain. Howls filled the tunnel as James, barely conscious, watched the wolf's legs elongate, hearing 'cracks' and 'snaps' of the bone and body. The howls became cries of pain as the fur receded and nothing was left but his classmate, groaning and dying by his side.

The giant dog met them shortly there after, and transfigured back into Sirius. All three lay on the ground for a split second, not saying anything, just recovering. But suddenly, Remus seemed to realize just what was happening. His hazel eyes, now heavily highlighted with golden flecks, glimmered in the tunnel with fury. "...Get out..." he breathed, and unnatural hatred spreading across his face. "...GO!! QUICKLY! GO NOW!"

Sirius and James scrambled to their feet as they backed away, watching as their classmate's body, covered in scratches and blood, gave a mighty twist. His cries filled the tunnel. They didn't stay to watch the rest. They shot out of the willow door, and shut it behind them, both collapsing to the snowy ground in any feeling but relief.

Heavy objects fell near them as they stared up at the sky and panted heavily. Ana and Peter's heads blocked Sirius's view of the partly cloudy sky above them. Lily went straight to James.

"What happened!" demanded Ana, as pale as the snow.

"Did you do it? Did you transfigure???" squeaked Peter wide-eyed.

Meanwhile, Lily was a little more dramatic.


"Yes, Peter, I did it," nodded Sirius, tuning out Lily. A clumsy smile came on his wearied face. "A dog. I'm a dog..."

"Damn right you are," frowned Ana as she ran eyes over his body. She gasped. "SIRIUS! You're bleeding! Did he.."

Sirius sat up slightly to look at his leg. The pants were torn and blood was oozing from it. "-No, Ana, don't worry. He did that while I was in animal form and..."

"Did it hurt?" gasped Peter, seemingly more interested in Sirius's accomplishment than his wrong.

"The bite?" frowned Sirius.

"The transfiguration."

"No," Sirius sighed, letting his head fall back to the snowy ground. He turned his head to James. "This will certainly go down in the most memorable moments, huh James?" he smirked slightly.

James turned his head to glare at him as he sat up. But something caught his eye as he looked over Sirius. He rolled his eyes, and fell back to the snow. Ana turned around, to see Professors McGonagall, Dumbledore, and Madame Pomfrey. hurrying across the lawn towards the Willow.

Severus Snape watched from the castle doorway, wearing a look darker and colder than the night in which they stood.

* * * * *

It was two o'clock in the morning and no one felt like moving back to their dormitory. Not after the night they had. James and Sirius had filled in Ana and the rest on the whole story in Dumbledore's office. Everyone, including Lily and Peter, was escorted there. Ana had never seen the group look so solemn. Even Sirius seemed contrite under Dumbledore's silent anger. It was scrutinizing. The headmaster sat in his chair, wearing a crippling look of disappointment, saying nothing at all for several minutes. Though Lily and Peter had done no wrong, they were both in tears by the end of the 'sentencing.'

Sirius and Snape fared the worst out of all of them. 150 points from their respective houses, the students of which would be told it was due to their own stupidity. 100 hours of detention in the dungeons, or as needed. No more quidditch for either of them until the beginning of next year. And the most damaging, a face to face apology to Remus J. Lupin the next morning.

Sirius hadn't said anything since. He stared into the Common Room fire quietly. James was stretched out on the sofa, his head in Lily's lap as she toyed with his messy hair nervously. Ana sat near Sirius. Peter looked on from the easy chair.

It was a sorry sight indeed.

For some reason, the grandfather clock announcing the time as two in the morning brought Ana out from her strange reverie. She herself had cost her house 30 points, for her failure to contact a professor when Severus first learned of the Willow during the noon hour. She looked at Sirius. And she could still hear the voice echoing in the back of her mind.

"Go get your wand, and get out of here. Go to the Weeping Willow, and find a stick..."

Ana finally spoke, breaking the silence. "Sirius?"

Slowly, his gaze met hers.

"Sirius, what did you want to happen to Snape?"

His gaze returned to the fire. He didn't say a word.

Ana shook her head and rested it against Peter's chair. A thought burned inside of her. I should have known. I should have seen...

When dawn's light finally arrived, Ana was the first to stir from the Common Room floor. She nudged Sirius with her foot. She watched him doze off around four o'clock. He awoke sleepily. "Let's go," she whispered, trying not to wake up the rest, who slept soundly.

Hesitating, he accepting her hand and she pulled him to his feet. The left the Common Room silently. The walk to the H-Wing went painfully quickly, as both dreaded what they would find there. Dumbledore, McGonagall and Snape were all waiting in the reception area. The Headmaster, seemingly aged with the exhaustion in his eyes, motioned for them to sit. "He hasn't returned as of yet," Dumbledore told Ana.

Snape paced the H-Wing sullenly. Ana could see the apology burning angrily in his eyes. But the secrets that he was condemned to carry cursed him more. He wouldn't even look at her.

Six o'clock rolled around, and there was still no sign of Remus. Madam Pomfrey. was growing anxious, making trips to the window nearly every minute to see if he would emerge. But there was no sign of him.

Ana tried to see him, trying to let herself trust, but she hadn't the first clue what she was supposed to be doing. She didn't see anything, and she felt foolish for trying. But a feeling of dread had begun to take over.

By the time six-thirty rolled around, Dumbledore announced that he was going to go check up on Remus. A pit in Ana's stomach suddenly let loose. Dumbledore was taking control. That always made her feel better.

The minutes after he left crept by so slowly, that Ana felt the need to pace along side of Severus, though she made sure to pace in the opposite direction. Back and forth she stepped, counting the ticks on the grandfather clock on the corner. Even Sirius was beginning to become agitated.

The room was filled with silence. The only sounds that came were the steps of the pacers, and the ticks of the clock. It was quite a start when Madam Pomfrey., on her minutely inspection of the window, cried out.

"Oh Good Heavens!" She rushed out the Hospital Ward doorway. Ana jumped to the window to see Dumbledore hurrying back to the castle, escorting a hovering stretcher, which carried a limp figure in shabby gray robes.

Before Ana knew what was happening, Remus was rushed into the Hospital Ward and was placed behind close curtain, where Ana could hear Madam Pomfrey. speaking with her nurses. Faintness washed over Ana as she rested her head in her hands, hoping in a child-like manner that if she could just hide behind herself, she would be invisible, and that everything would disappear...

"He'll be all right, Ana," said a voice to her side as something fell into the seat next to her. It was Dumbledore. "Just needs some stitching up."

"He attacked himself?"

Dumbledore confirmed. "He attacked himself."

Ana felt his hand rest on her shoulder reassuringly. Perhaps it was exhaustion, or anger, or fear, or any combination of the options, but Ana felt tears burning behind her eyes. "I should have seen it coming," she whispered. "I could have stopped this before it happened. I should have known..."

"Now, now," comforted Dumbledore. "Perhaps you are not ready to handle your powers."

Ana cringed. Remus lay unconscious and broken on the other side of the room. His relationship with Sirius was more broken than he. Sirius's relationship with everyone had been near demolished. Hell, Sirius himself could have been killed. And James... and ...

"We need another bag of O negative!" Madam Pomfrey. exclaimed from behind the curtain.

Ana pressed herself into her hands deeper.

'...And all this was because I wasn't ready?'

Ana lifted her head. She couldn't feel any part of her body, and her own words sounded echoey in her head. She looked at Dumbledore dead in the eye, unblinking and unwavering.

"Is Kezia coming today?" she asked. Dumbledore nodded.

"Good. Because I'm ready."

And indeed she was.


Ooooooooooo, so what's the deal with Ana? What's it like to be a Seer? Hey, what ever happened to Crouch? And is Voldemort still after Ana, or what? AND WHERE'S BERENICE!?!?!?!?!?! LoL, all in good time, my dear readers.

A special shout out to Ashley, Ola, and the rest of the gang from the ye ol' RPG, without whom, there would be no Ana Anblick. Also, a special hello ("HELLO!!!!!!!") to Lyz, who is apparently my biggest fan and who will be sharing her fan art with the world shortly (lol@lyz). And also, to Tituba, whose fics and too-well-thought-out debates keep me thinking in the holiday months, and whose mighty red pen of grammatical justice sees all. Thanks to all of them, and to everyone who reviewed previous chapters. You people rock (yes, even you anonymous people)!

Thank you all for reading, and please remember to review! The next chapter should be out soon!