Astronomy Tower
James Potter Lily Evans Severus Snape
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Published: 06/13/2003
Updated: 07/12/2003
Words: 8,766
Chapters: 15
Hits: 37,547

For the Love of Lily

S.C. Johnson

Story Summary:
Lily Evans and Severus Snape are in love, but James Potter is in love with Lily too.

Chapter 10

Chapter Summary:
James tries to win Lily's heart. Snape gets visit from an unexpected dark guest.
Author's Note:
Thanks to Mandy and Stacey for everything!!! You guys are great!!!

Chapter 10

When Lily woke up, it took her awhile to figure out where she was. The red and gold decorations told her that she was in the common room, but how had she gotten there? She looked around and realized that she had fallen asleep in James' arms. The day's events came flooding back to her and she had to fight back tears again. She shifted her position and felt James stir next to her.

I'd better get upstairs before somebody walks in and finds us like this. She got up very slowly as not to wake James, and climbed the steps to her room. The covers on her bed were already turned down. How did I let this happen? Everything seemed so right. James tried to warn me, but I didn't listen to him. I've got to apologize, but right now I've got to go back to sleep. The cool night air blew into her room and within minutes she was fast asleep.


Downstairs in the common room, James was waking up. Where's Lily? he wondered. I bet she woke up and went up to her room. I'd better go up to bed, too. He got up and started upstairs, but he had only taken a few steps when he realized that this was his chance to show Lily that he was the one for her. He took the rest of the steps two at a time. When he got to his room, he pulled his invisibility cloak out of his trunk and continued to rummage through until he found what he was looking for. The owl-order catalogue for Flowers With the Wave of A Wand, the best flower shop in England. He ran back down the stairs, threw on the cloak, and rushed out the porthole.

James reached the Owlery without any problems. His brown barn owl, Athena, noticed him and flew down to him. Quickly, James filled out the order form with all the necessary information. Now what kind of flowers should I get her? he wondered. He finally decided on daises. Everyone likes daises. He tied the order form to Athena's leg and carried her to the window.

"This is a very important order," James told the bird, and she nodded as if she understood.

James tossed her out the window and watched her fly away into the night.


"Good evening, Severus," a voice said that made Severus jump with fright.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my room?"

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Voldemort. Lord Voldemort. I'm the friend of Lucius's father, and I understand you agreed to make a potion for me? Smart boy. You would've been very unhappy if you'd said no," Lord Voldemort said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Pleased to meet your acquaintance, sir," Severus replied in a shaky voice.

"As Lucius informed you, I need the potion in two weeks. Hold out your left arm," Lord Voldemort commanded.

Severus did as he was told. Lord Voldemort mumbled a few words and a skull with a snake coming out of it appeared on his forearm. He jumped back in shock.

"What is this!" he exclaimed.

"You are now my servent. Whenever I need you you will feel this mark tingle a little then you will know I want you. I'll use this method to summon you when I'm ready for the potion. Be sure it's ready in time," and with that he disappeared.

For the Love of Lily