Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley
Blaise Zabini Other Canon Witch Albus Dumbledore Luna Lovegood Pansy Parkinson Severus Snape Harry and Hermione and Ron
Romance Angst
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Published: 03/28/2008
Updated: 10/13/2008
Words: 39,817
Chapters: 29
Hits: 14,479

Matters of Blood and Connection


Story Summary:
It was just something that they had to do. To find out for themselves if it was really worth it. But sometimes things don't always turn out the way you want.

Chapter 29 - Final Act


Chapter 29: Final Act

His eyes widened slightly as she stepped beside him. She looked exquisite - her long red hair pinned by silver clips, the curls running down her bare back as she turned her head to stare at someone behind her.

He was tempted to pull her into an abandoned room and have his way with her, that was until he saw her mother coming toward them, and he cursed silently. He couldn't get to her fast enough to tell her anything, because he was stopped, also, by one of her family members.

"We have a present for you," Bill said, grinning.

"Isn't that great," Draco muttered, glancing behind him as Ginny disappeared. "I really hope it isn't another apron. Fred and George really got me with that one last night, and the one this morning, and this afternoon. So if you don't mind..." he trailed off.

"Oh, it's nothing like that," said Bill earnestly. "You can trust me over the twins."

"Somehow I doubt that," said Draco as he followed Bill outside.

There was a large tent with several tables set up. Two violins sat side by side on the ground against one of the tables and slowly, soft music began to fill the night air.

"I know it's customary at the wedding for the bride and groom to have their first dance," explained Bill, "but I thought it would be a nice, relaxing change of scenery if you had your first official dance here, and without interruption."

"Bill, that's very ki-" Draco started but was cut off.

"Bill! What are you doing harassing my - Oh, this is lovely. Is this why you didn't want us coming out here all day?" Ginny asked as she stood beside Draco. He noticed she had changed her dress into something more casual.

Bill grinned at her and started to walk back inside. When they were alone, Draco turned to her and wordlessly offered his hand. She took it without hesitation and he held her close, his lips brushing her ear.

"You looked better in the other dress," he whispered, pulling her closely again. "I wish we didn't have to stay here tonight."

"We could take a break," Ginny suggested as she looked up at him. He smiled slyly at her. "Because I know you're getting uncomfortable," she added lightly, smirking. To prove a point, she let her hand travel between them.

Draco stiffened.

"That was a bad idea," he told her. He kissed her then and wrapped his arms around her body, his mouth devouring hers. "Now we have to go somewhere."

"Maybe we should stick to the promise," Ginny said as his mouth travelled to her jaw. With his hands on her it was hard to concentrate on a promise when they had already broken it a few times since it was agreed upon.

One of his hands slid against her thigh and was pulling her dress up when he stopped and looked behind him.

"Could you do that someplace else?"

Harry was walking across the law, his arms folded across his chest, and a frown on his face. When he reached them, he eyed Draco ruefully, and then smiled at Ginny.

"What do you want, Harry?" asked the redhead. "No one is supposed to be interrupting us."

"I'm glad I did," he said, scowling. "Who knows what he would have done to you if I hadn't come out here."

Draco's eyes narrowed and he turned to face the other boy. "You're a fucking idiot, Potter, you know that? Ginny is going to be my wife, understand? I don't want to have to explain this to you any further."

"She doesn't deserve you!" Harry shot back.


All three turned around to see Mrs. Weasley coming forward, a deep scowl on her face. She stopped and glared at them.

"Harry, didn't I tell you not to go out there?"

"But they-" Harry started.

Molly pursed her lips, and then spoke softly.

"I know that you hate Draco, we all know, dear. But you have to realize that you let Ginny go and she made a choice. Granted, it took us awhile before we understood why she chose him, but we see it now. So either you need to see it as well or you may not be invited to the wedding."

"Can I say something?" Ginny asked quietly. When no one objected, she continued, "She's right, Harry. You need to adjust to things or I will not tolerate you being at my wedding. All you've done since Draco and I got together was tell me how bad he is for me, how I should be with someone else. I'm not going to be with you, Harry, not ever again. I hope you at least understand that."

Ginny grabbed Draco's hand and whispered something to him. They disappeared with a loud crack, leaving Mrs. Weasley and Harry alone.


Ginny looked at him. She wanted to leave the Burrow and come here. As soon as she looked inside she felt relaxation wash over her. She tightened her grip on his hand and started forward.

"Why did you want to come here?" he asked as they walked in.

"They can't find us here," said Ginny with a smirk. "We can ask for a room and stay here a few nights. I've done it before."

"What about our Honeymoon?" Draco asked as they headed upstairs. "No offense, Gin, but I'm not having that here."

"No, we're not," Ginny said as she tugged him into one of the rooms. "Don't look so surprised. I didn't steal the key."

Draco simply grunted and lifted her off her feet once they got into the room. He carried her to the bed and set her down. He curled up next to her and laid his head against her shoulder, stroking her hair with his fingers.

"I just wanted to get away from your family," he said. "Is that terrible?"

"I feel like that often," said Ginny, tangling her hands on his hair. "I'm sorry that the night turned bad."

"It was only that way because Potter had to stick his nose in somewhere it didn't belong," he said angrily. "Did he think that you would reconsider if he got to talk to you? He's an idiot. I don't want him there."

"At my house or the wedding?" Ginny said.

He sat up and looked at her, his eyes soft. "I don't want him in your life at all, but I can't tell you who to be friends with. I just know that having him around is hard since things are distant between the two of you. I want to be able to give you everything you want."

"You are," she said, holding him close.

He hoped she was telling the truth.


Luna had been pacing for several minutes before she turned to Blaise and threw up her hands. "They just left! No goodbyes or anything. This is all Harry's fault. If he hadn't gotten the both of them so mad-"

"I think you're blowing this way out of proportion," he said as he looked around the Burrow. "They'll be back, I'm sure. Draco happens to like Mrs. Weasley's cooking and I know he isn't going to get some fancy expensive dinner with the wedding so close."

"It's in two days!" said Luna. "And you never know, he might just being feeling very generous."

"They're coming back," Blaise said reassuringly. "They probably just wanted some peace and quiet."

"Or they're going at it like rabbits," suggested Luna quietly. She smirked at him and intertwined her fingers with his.

Another couple vanished from the Burrow.


They noticed the desk had been shoved to the corner of the room, the objects on it tossed to the floor, and they groaned. It hurt to stretch, they both found out as they tried. Apparently their hormones had gotten the best of them last night.

"I wonder if my family is mad," said Ginny as she cuddled next to him. The sunlight fell on them and she sighed. "I didn't mean to stay here all night. I had the intent of going home after a few hours."

"You were distracted," said Draco as he nipped her ear. His arms went around her and he pulled her closer, resting his forehead against hers. "Are you nervous?" he asked.

"A little," admitted Ginny.

He nodded and kissed her head. "We'll go back to the Burrow today and talk to everyone. It's the least we could do."

"I just have to get ready," she said.

"Okay, so we'll be there in two hours," said Draco with a grin. He was rewarded with a pillow to the face as the bathroom door closed and the shower was turned on. He grinned again and laid back, putting his hands behind his head and staring at the ceiling.


There were so many questions that Ginny's head was spinning. They hadn't even been there five minutes when their biggest problem showed up. He said nothing, just sat with Ron and Hermione on the sofa, quietly talking to them.

"He's going to act like he did nothing wrong," said Draco angrily as he pulled Ginny into the front yard. "I'm going to punch him if he looks at you again."

"You need to stop being so jealous," said Ginny, scowling. "We're getting married or have you forgotten?"

He stared at her and sighed. "I'm sorry," he said, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "I know I'm being a prick."

"At least you know," she mumbled into his chest and he hugged her. "I think we should go back inside."

The atmosphere felt better when they came back in. Ginny looked around and saw that everyone was scattered throughout the Burrow, just like they normally were whenever it was that she arrived home.

"I'm sorry I didn't get to say hello," said Arthur as he came beside Draco. "There's been a lot going on. Molly's pretty much at her wit's end. Gin, I think she needs your help. Hermione and Luna are already in the kitchen with her."

As his fiancée set off in that direction, Draco looked around; all of the Weasley's were standing around him, grinning.

"You're not going to do what I think you are," Draco said anxiously as Fred and George exchanged shady smiles. "Are you?" he asked again.

"Oh, it's tradition that the male members of the bride's family give the groom a bachelor party," said Bill as he clapped a hand on Draco's other shoulder.

"Yeah, come on, Malfoy!" someone shouted. Blaise staggered forward, smirking, and holding what looked like alcohol.

"Oh, great, you're already pissed, aren't you?" Draco said as he reached for a bottle. He sighed and took a sip, looking around. "So why are we doing this two days before the actually wedding?"

"It's just convenient for all of us," said Charlie, speaking for the first time. "Besides, you look like you need to drink."

Inside the kitchen, Ginny heard about eight or nine cracks from the living room, and looked at her mother.

"They didn't!" she gasped. "Did Harry go too?"

"I think so," said Luna as she cleaned one of the pots they had just used. "What are you so worried about?"

"Getting pissed with the groom of his ex girlfriend is a bad idea," she said nervously. "Something might happen."

"Oh, I'm sure Harry will be fine," said Molly.

"Draco might not," her daughter said. "I don't want anyone coming back with unnecessary black eyes."

"I don't think Draco would ruin his own night," said Hermione thoughtfully. "He wants you to be happy, doesn't he? Well, I think if he did something tonight you'd be mad about it."

"So, in other words, he'll want to-" Luna began.

"I get it, Luna," Ginny said. "I just hope things don't get out of hand."


Ginny stirred as a hand touched her shoulder. She cracked an eye open and a slow smile formed on her lips as she sat up. She had fallen asleep on the sofa around midnight or so. Now she seemed more awake.

"Hey," he said, sitting next to her. "I'm sorry I left you here."

"You're not pissed," Ginny said. "I thought they'd get you there."

"I drank," he said. "But all I really wanted to do was come back here and be with you." He kissed her cheek softly, his lips sliding to her mouth as he tangled his hands in her hair. He moaned slightly when she bit his lip.

"We can't," she whispered.

"We broke that promise already," he said.

"Bad luck," she said. "You don't want that, do you?"

"No, not really," Draco said, shaking his head. He pulled away from her and rested his arms across the back of the couch. "Did you have a nice afternoon here without all the men?"

"Relaxing. Speaking of them, where are they?" Ginny asked, resting her head on his stomach. "They should have come back with you."

"Ah, well, Potter went to see Pansy halfway through the night because he got pissed and emotional. Your father and brothers went somewhere, and Blaise went to Luna's. Good enough for you?"

"Yes," said Ginny. "Can we go to sleep now?"

"I think that's a good idea," said Draco, yawning. "I shouldn't have stayed out so late."

"Don't worry," she said. "You'll have enough energy in a few days."


Her stomach flipped and she felt sick. She stared at herself in the mirror and then behind her at the door. No one had been walking in and out checking on her and she appreciated it very much. She was already nervous enough.

Ginny stood and exhaled. She could faintly hear people outside shuffling around and it made her insides quiver again. She could hear Hermione, suddenly, very clearly. She wanted to be let inside but someone was telling her no.

"Let her in," called Ginny, turning her head slightly. She turned back around when the door opened.

"Ginny, you look-"

"I know," she said, turning around.

Ginny was wearing a white sleeveless gown with a bottom that spread out rather largely around her, completely covering her feet. Her red hair was parted on the side and layered back in a very loose French twist. Her eyes had the lightest touch of liner and silver shadow.

"Your mother is going to cry when she sees you," said Hermione as she grabbed a nearby tissue and blew her nose. "I'm so happy for you."

The redhead took a breath and looked toward the door again. When it opened once more, Molly stood there with Luna, both trying hard not to cry. That was effective for about two minutes when they burst into tears and hugged her.

"Luna, I can't breathe!" gasped Ginny. "Mum, lemme go."

Hermione made a tiny squeaking noise and everyone stopped moving. The music was very soft but they all heard it.

"Is daddy ready?" asked Ginny in a small voice.

Molly smiled slightly. "Are you ready?"

Ginny grinned as the door to the hallway opened and she stepped outside. The double doors she was supposed to go through weren't very far.

"You look beautiful, Ginny," murmured a voice as someone kissed her cheek.

Ginny nodded and took her father's arm as the doors opened.


Her eyes held his as she kissed him and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. She brushed her hand against his cheek and grinned against his mouth. His hands gathered in her hair and he kissed her back roughly.

"We still have presents to open," she murmured, tearing herself away from him.

"Can't it wait?" he whispered, his lips fastened to her neck.

She didn't reply, just grabbed his hand and dragged him down onto the floor, and sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin against her shoulder.

"I want to see what your parents got us," he announced.

"It's a coffee pot," she said. "We don't drink coffee."

"That's a very Muggle thing to get us," Draco said, sighing. "What other presents are there?"

"I have a present for you," Ginny said quietly, handing him a piece of paper.

He looked at it and then at her. "What's this? Wait, hold on. Are you serious? Why didn't you say anything before?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise."

He kissed her gently. "Thank you."

She turned in his embrace, her lips finding his again. The paper fluttering to the floor, the list of baby names forgotten.