Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley
Blaise Zabini Other Canon Witch Albus Dumbledore Luna Lovegood Pansy Parkinson Severus Snape Harry and Hermione and Ron
Romance Angst
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Published: 03/28/2008
Updated: 10/13/2008
Words: 39,817
Chapters: 29
Hits: 14,479

Matters of Blood and Connection


Story Summary:
It was just something that they had to do. To find out for themselves if it was really worth it. But sometimes things don't always turn out the way you want.

Chapter 26 - The Conversation


Chapter 26: The Conversation

Ginny's eyes widened slightly at her father's tone. He didn't sound happy nor did he look it and that worried her greatly. Slowly, she stepped forward and placed her arms around her mother, hugging her tightly.

"Mum, I know I should have told you," she whispered softly. "I don't want Dad to pull his wand out on Draco. I want you guys to get to know him before I marry him."

The silence that met her statement was horrifying.

"Marry?" Molly said her eyes wide. "Surely you're not serious? We know nothing about this boy."

"Except that he's a killer," Arthur growled. He was sitting down on the sofa, his head in his hands. "How could you be so irresponsible, Ginevra?"

Ginny cringed when he spoke. He hardly ever used that name with her unless it was for a good reason. She figured this was one of those times.

"I love him," Ginny mumbled, glancing at her father. "We've been going out for most of the year, and this doesn't necessarily mean we're going to get married next month. Draco just wanted to come here and ask your permission."

Arthur lifted his head slowly, his eyes uncertain.

"That's commendable," he said softly, looking at the blond. "My answer still stands: I will not let you marry my daughter. I will not let you corrupt her, and furthermore, I will not let you turn my baby girl into a killer."

"Dad!" Ginny shouted angrily, her face reddening. "Draco's not like his father."

"Arthur, maybe we should listen," Molly said tentatively.

"Listen?" Mr. Weasley said sharply to his wife. "I've listened for years, Molly, and I've always heard the same thing. The Malfoys' are not to be trusted, any of them, no matter how much they seem to have changed."

"Arthur, be reasonable," argued Molly.

"Reasonable? Molly, are you hearing yourself? You're defending the man who nearly killed our entire family as well as our friends. Dumbledore would never allow this kind of atrocity."

"Are you listening to yourself?" Molly snapped. "Dumbledore wouldn't allow this? Arthur, if you haven't realized, we're not at Hogwarts, and this is not going before the Headmaster. This is our daughter and we should sit down and discuss this like normal human beings."

"Molly, we're not normal," said Arthur as he rose from where he sat. "I won't allow my daughter to become part of that family."

"You can't stop me," Ginny said bravely, though inside she was trembling like a child at the look on her father's face. "I'm not a little girl anymore."

"Then stop acting like one!" snapped her father. "I cannot believe you'd be so selfish as to make this decision on your own."

"We came here to talk to you," Draco interrupted. "We talking last night and I wanted to come here personally to ask your permission."

"You came here to ask me if you could marry my daughter when neither her mother nor I had any idea she was even seeing someone? Not only did she hide the fact that it's quite a serious relationship, but also about whom it was with."

"Sir, if you just..."

"If I what? Listen to what you have to say? I don't think so." Mr. Weasley looked grimly over at his wife. "I'm going into work."

Neither Weasley questioned his choice, because they knew that was his way of blowing off steam. They all had their ways of venting in a bad situation, though lately, Bill had been the worst.

"He's just having a bad day," Molly said gently as Arthur vanished with a tiny crack. She sat down next to her daughter and put an arm around her shoulders. "Don't worry, he'll come around."

"Have you?" Ginny asked miserably. "This whole idea was pointless." She looked at Draco, her brown eyes glassy. "Can we go back?"

"Oh, no, don't leave." Molly said. "We hardly get to see you."

"I have to get back," said Ginny as she untangled herself from her mother and grabbed Draco's hand. "I'll send an owl soon." Then they were gone.

Molly huffed as she looked around the empty house, folded her hands across her lap, and waited. She was going to have a little talk with Arthur when he returned home.


He held her tightly as they returned to the grounds. With both feet firmly on the grass, Ginny whimpered and curled against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and brushed his lips against her hair, muttering to her.

"It's going to be okay, you heard your mother," he whispered. "He just needs time."

"You're okay with him saying no?" Ginny asked, her voice shaking. "Do you - do you even want to get married anymore?"

"Yes, of course I do," he said. "I just think it would have been better that we waited until we announced everything. Well, I mean, you kind of did let it slip out to your Mum."

"It doesn't matter how it got out, the point is that my father will never, ever accept it. I don't want to marry you knowing he hates you. I'm sure you feel the same with your parents."

"Not really," Draco said, shrugging. "I know my father will never adjust to my being with you but I don't let it bother me. You shouldn't let your father's anger get to you, Gin, because it'll ruin our time together."

"I want to go to sleep," the redhead mumbled. She pressed her fingers to her temples as they entered the castle. No sooner had they stepped inside, Harry, Ron and Hermione spotted them.

"I'll handle this," Draco said as he let go of her hand. "Can I help you?" he said loudly as they approached.

"Where were you?" Ron demanded.

"Molly sent a letter saying you went home. How did you get out of the school?" Hermione wondered.

"Did he do something to you?" Harry said, looking from one to the other. "If he did I'll make sure he pays for-"

Draco's lip curled slightly as he addressed the three of them. "Yes, we went to the Burrow, but only to ask Mr. Weasley permission to be married. Before you start hexing me, Potter, you ought to be pleased to know that he said no."

"Of course he did," Harry said with a smirk. "Because you're a foul bastard who doesn't deserve to have Ginny even look at you much less marry you."

"You don't seem too surprised by the announcement, Granger," said Draco. Hermione was looking at Ginny worriedly.

"She looks ill," the bushy-haired girl pointed out. "Ginny, are you feeling all right?"

Draco turned his eyes on the petite red-haired girl faster than he had done in months. Ginny was very pale and now sitting on the floor of the hallway, her knees drawn up to her chest, and her head resting on her knees. She was staring straight ahead of her, whether seeing any of this was another thing entirely, Draco wondered.

"Ginny?" he said carefully as he dropped to his knees. He touched her face and saw her eyes start to roll back into her head. "Granger," he said gravely, "Go get Professor Snape. Weasley, get Professor McGonagall, and Potter, get out of my way.

"Why should we?" Ron blurted out.

The glare Draco sent them made them shudder. "Do what I ask or your sister's life will be in worse danger than it is now." He wasted no time in picking the girl up and cradling her against his body, then he headed toward the infirmary.

He didn't know what to tell the nurse when he walked in with a half-conscious girl in his arms. Soon, the room was full of students and professors, all looking around worriedly.

"When did this start?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"When we got back from visiting her parents'," Draco muttered.

Snape glanced at him slowly. "You went to see the Weasleys' without being permitted to leave the grounds to do so?"

"Yes," said Draco. "So?"

"Do you think you're the reason she's sick?" Snape muttered.

"Severus!" Professor McGonagall hissed. "You know full well that that isn't the reason Mrs. Weasley is sick."

"Then what is it, Minerva, if you're so smart?"

"I don't know," she whispered. "She doesn't look well at all."

Draco cringed as he heard the doors to the infirmary open suddenly and was surprised to hear a familiar voice, though angry, directed at him.

"What did he do to my daughter?"