Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley
Blaise Zabini Other Canon Witch Albus Dumbledore Luna Lovegood Pansy Parkinson Severus Snape Harry and Hermione and Ron
Romance Angst
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Published: 03/28/2008
Updated: 10/13/2008
Words: 39,817
Chapters: 29
Hits: 14,479

Matters of Blood and Connection


Story Summary:
It was just something that they had to do. To find out for themselves if it was really worth it. But sometimes things don't always turn out the way you want.

Chapter 13 - Over The Top


Chapter 13: Over The Top

By the time they had reached the Gryffindor common room, the sun had gone down and the corridors were dark, with only dimly lit torches to provide light. As they stopped in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady, Draco tentatively pushed a strand of hair behind Ginny's left ear, a slow smile forming on his lips.

"I really don't want to go in there," said Ginny with a sigh. "I don't want to face them."

Draco glared at her. "I think I have more of a reason to fear your brother, Potter, and the Mudblood than you."

"I've asked you to stop calling her that," Ginny said angrily, her temper flaring. "Her name is Hermione, Draco."

"I call people what I want, Weaslette," he hissed, tracing her jaw with his fingers. When she shut her eyes at his touch, he moved closer, his arms going around her waist. His lips brushing hers gently. "Why don't you come and stay in my dorm tonight? No one will bother us, I assure you."

"Why should I?" she shot back, pushing him back. "You can't even do one simple thing that I ask and you think I'm going to fall all over myself to sleep with you?"

"Sleep with me? Ginny, I'm not asking you to have sex with me." He looked a little dumbfounded, and then the hurt in his eyes became evident. "I'm asking for the company, because I like having you around. But, I see you just think we're all the same."

As he turned from her and began to walk away, she reached out and grabbed his arm.

"I didn't mean it," she said softly. "I just...Well, we've been seeing each other for months and I..."

He eyed her, and in one movement, brought her body against his, his lips sending shivers down her spine as they touched her neck. Slowly, his mouth brushed her earlobe and she exhaled, as he whispered, "Do you want to, Ginny?"

Her eyes flew open and she gazed at him, her arms trembling around his waist. "One day, but for now can we just enjoy our time together?" She rested her head against his chest as he gingerly lifted her up.

Less than five minutes later they had reached the Slytherin common room. Ginny stumbled slightly when he placed her on her feet and nudged her through the door. When she regained her balance, she looked looking around in awe. It was beautiful compared to Gryffindor, even if the colors were brighter.

He emerged from behind her and grabbed her hand. "Don't worry, no one's around."

"Who said I was worried?" the redhead asked.

"You're biting your lip," Draco observed, smirking. "Besides, even if someone came along, I would tell them to bugger off, because who I have in my room is none of their business."

Ginny stopped walking as they reached the middle of the couch in the room and turned to him. "I thought you wanted to stop hiding from everyone?"

He smiled gently, almost wolfishly and said, "Oh, I do, and I meant that. What better way to get everyone talking then to have them read about it in the Daily Prophet after my father's banquet next weekend?"

"Next weekend?" Ginny said, her mouth going dry suddenly. "That was fast."

He chuckled softly and lifted her chin so that their eyes met. "Now you're nervous."

"I am not," Ginny said, pulling from him.

Before she could step back, he caught her wrist, his lips coming down against hers, and she gasped. She wasn't used to this kiss, and it filled her with an urge to push him down on the couch and have her way with him. But, instead, she enjoyed the intensity of his lips on hers. She wound her fingers in his fine, blond hair and he growled.

"Bed," he muttered, scooping her up into his arms, their lips still connected. He climbed the stairs with some difficulty. When he finally managed to enter his room, he nearly dropped the redhead on the floor at his feet as he turned to shut and lock the door.

Ginny stood with her back to him and was looking around the room. As he came around to face her, he saw that her eyes were very wide and very bright.

"You know, despite it being so Slytherin, it's actually nice."

He stared at her before removing his robes. Just as he started to undo his tie, she placed her hands around the fabric and stopped him. "Something wrong?"

"Leave it on," the redhead whispered.

He smirked at her and bent his head, brushing his lips against hers before shutting his eyes, his arms going around her waist. He loved how the blouse she was wearing made her look and, ironically enough, how it looked on the floor. His hands tangled in her hair, lightly tugging strands, then his fingers brushed her shoulders, and she shuddered. The buttons on her top were too easily undone and it didn't take long for the material to fall to the ground.

He frowned slightly. "What is that?"

Ginny looked down and shrugged. "Wearing just that makes me cold."

"You're making this very difficult for me," Draco said, slipping his fingers through the straps of her top. He stared at her. "And you're wearing far too much, love."

Sighing, Ginny pulled the tank top over her head and tossed it on the chair across the room. Wearing only a black bra, her skirt, and a frown, she said, "Happy now?"

"No," he said, eyeing her. "Your skirt looks dirty, maybe you should, you know, take it off."

She laughed at him. "You're such a boy."

He smirked and backed her against the bed until she fell. He sat beside her and let his lips wander against her neck, throat, and shoulders. Occasionally, she whimpered, but he ignored it. His hands touched her hips, and feeling her skin under his fingers was making him a little lightheaded. Suddenly and without much warning, she swung a leg over him, effectively straddling him.

He almost looked startled before his expression turned lustful and he sank back onto the bed, bringing her with him. His hands traced patterns on her back as she laid her head against his shoulder, twitching slightly when he brushed his fingertips along her spine. He could feel himself getting aroused even though she wasn't doing anything to him; just the feeling of her body against his was enough to unravel him.

A wicked smile appeared on Ginny's lips suddenly and she started to giggle. Pressing her hand over her mouth, she shut her eyes.

Draco didn't need to ask why she was laughing as he narrowed his eyes at her.

"I can't help it," he growled. "You're acting like you've never-" He stopped as she stopped laughing, her eyes flying open. "Have you ever?" he asked, wide-eyed.

A blush rose on her cheeks.

"But you dated Thomas, Corner and Potter, and not once?"

"No," Ginny said. "How did you know who I was dating?"

Draco glanced at her as he sat up, and she fell sideways, half on him and half on the bed. When she turned her head, he said, "I asked around. I was curious. But when people told me you and Potter had gotten together, I found myself growing angry every time I saw you two together."

"You were jealous? How very uncharacteristic."

He glared at her and tugged her down beside him. "I'll have you know, I wasn't jealous in the slightest. Okay, so maybe I got annoyed at seeing you two glued to each other, but that's not jealousy."

Ginny raised an eyebrow at him.

"Shut it," Draco growled, his fingers tracing the pattern on her bra. He kissed her again, hoping that she wouldn't bring up the past, and wondered why he let himself talk so much.