The Dark Arts
Harry Potter/Original Female Witch
Albus Dumbledore Harry Potter Severus Snape
Drama Humor
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 10/09/2006
Updated: 10/15/2006
Words: 2,658
Chapters: 4
Hits: 779

Replace My Life


Story Summary:
Harry feels as though he's been cheated out of his life, so he persuades Dumbledore and Snape to make it up to him. Features a manipulated Dumbledore, a speechless Snape, and a vaguely insane yet amusing Harry. NOT HBP compliant

Chapter 04 - Chapter 3: Unearned Punishment

Chapter Summary:
Harry gets in an arguement with Uncle Vernon, and makes a change to his situation.

Chapter 3: Unearned Punishment

A loud banging violently woke me from the most peaceful sleep I'd had in days.

My first thought that morning: I hate the Dursleys.


Uncle Vernon. Just who I want to see first thing in the morning. NOT. I dragged myself out of bed and opened the door.

"Yes, Uncle Vernon?" I said as I opened the door. I wasn't ready for the hand that swiftly reached out to grab me, nor the fist that followed it. Uncle Vernon throttled me for a bit, and I was forced to let him. When he took off his belt however, I felt he'd gone too far.

"Stop it!" I screamed. "Stop hitting me, you puce, elephant-sized excuse for a human being!"

"How DARE you talk to me like that! After I took your worthless arse in! After I fed you, and clothed you, and -"

"Fed me?" I bellowed. "When did you do this? While I was unconscious from all the wounds you've inflicted upon me -- while I was locked in a cupboard for the first eleven years of my life? If you've fed me, then why is it that the last time I remember eating was the last day of school? Why is it that I've lost more weight than your whale of a son has gained?"

"Don't bite the hand that feeds you, boy!" roared Uncle Vernon, turning a spectacular shade of violet.

"I'm not biting the hand that feeds me!" I yelled back angrily. "You'd actually have to stop starving me and give me food to be the hand that feeds me!"

"You ungrateful little--"

"Ungrateful? Ungrateful? What exactly do I have to be grateful for? You locked me in a cupboard for the first eleven years of my life, forced me to do dangerous chores that were far to difficult for my age and size, gave me the disgusting hand-me-downs from your troll of a son, verbally and physically abused me all my life, starved me, accused me of doing things that I did not do, punished me for being smarter than Dudley, let the aforementioned whale use me as his personal punching bag, accused me of trying to kill him when I had actually saved his life, and you expect me to thank you? Are you crazy? That's like thanking Voldemort for murdering my parents!"

"You, boy, are going to--"

"Dad!" Dudley yelled from somewhere downstairs, "Dad there's someone here to see you! It's a man! He says it's important!"

"You are going to stay in this room! You will not have supper, and you will not be allowed out!"

"You can't keep me prisoner here forever!"

"Watch me!" Uncle Vernon said as he stormed out of the room and locked the door behind him. "You just watch and see!"

Watch and see my ass.

"Kreacher!" I yelled. This time, the little vermin came swiftly.

"Yes, master?" he said cheekily.

"Don't sass me, you little parasite. Downstairs, there's a cupboard underneath the staircase. I want you to go in, and bring me everything that's in it. And you must not be seen by anyone."

"Yes, master," he said, sounding for the entire world like Dr. Frankenstein's assistant, Igor.

While Kreacher was downstairs, I started throwing things into my trunk. There's no way in hell that I'm staying here. Why should I, when I have a house somewhere else? After all of my belongings were packed, I sent Hedwig off to Grimmauld Place, telling her I'd be along shortly. I had just made sure that I hadn't forgotten anything, when Kreacher popped in.

"Were you seen?"

"No, master, Kreacher was not seen by anyone."

"Not even by the Muggles?" I asked, needing to make sure nobody knew about my escape.

"No, master, nobody saw Kreacher," he answered with a little more sarcasm than usual.

"Good. Take all of my belongings to Grimmauld Place. I've already sent Hedwig. I'll be along after I run some errands. Take my things to Sirius' old room. And if anyone asks, tell them you haven't seen me."

"Yes master." Kreacher said, bowing.

"Oh, and Kreacher? I forbid you to punish yourself for lying to the others."

Kreacher's eyes widened to the size of soccer balls.

"From now on, unless I explicitly tell you otherwise, the only person you take orders from is me. Understand?"

"Yes sir, Master Potter, sir!" Kreacher said, with a little more enthusiasm (and respect) than I was used to.

"Good. You may go." I told him, and he disappeared, taking my belongings with him.

As I boarded the Knight Bus (oh how I loathe public transportation... All those watching eyes...), I remembered what Hermione said about being kinder to Kreacher.

I guess she was right again; a little kindness can make a world of difference.
