The Dark Arts
Action General
Multiple Eras
Published: 11/11/2003
Updated: 03/13/2005
Words: 161,277
Chapters: 26
Hits: 5,293



Story Summary:
15 years after the fall of Voldemort, the Elric Prophecy is coming true, and a new group of students will be the world's shelter... or it's destruction. Tiffany Potter, Hangeld Hagrid, Lisa Malfoy and Emma Weasley will join forces with four new family names. The enemy? Nobody knows yet. When will this war start? Nobody knows yet. All they have is one Prophecy written eight hundred years ago. But they still have to do something. That something will create a legend, or doom them all to walk the earth as ghosts until they can undo the Evil.

Chapter 24

Chapter Summary:
Mounting problems, and the first look at a few of the first years that Rose thinks would be good for Manticore... even if their uses for Manticore are a bit vague right now.

Calm before the Storm.

Hagrid returned to Hogwarts Monday afternoon, and James and Rose were sent for soon thereafter. Hagrid was in Professor Dumbledore's office, and he looked uneasy. He handed James the book as soon as James and Rose closed the door. "I don't know what's in that book," he said, "but the next time you need it moved, get someone else to do it."

James looked at Hagrid, and then at the book in his hands. It was a normal looking book, of brown leather. It would not have caught their eye two years ago, except for the gilt along the edges and down the spine. Cleverly hidden in the gilt and designs was an Evans family sign, used by the people that knew about the Codex, to identify themselves to one another. James and Rose looked at each other and shrugged. To them, it was merely a book.

Albus Dumbledore noted their confusion, and asked Hagrid what was wrong with the book. Hagrid avoided looking at the book as he answered. "I don't know, but from the moment I picked it up, it felt like the book didn't like me having it, and wanted to be with someone else. Is that thing alive?"

Rose cocked her head, and got the absent expression of someone using the link, a sight everyone present was very familiar with. She stopped, and looked at the Headmaster. "Would you hold the book for a minute, Sir?" she asked. "I just need to know if you feel the same way."

Professor Dumbledore took the book from James and knew instantly what Hagrid meant. Merely taking the book in his hands made the flesh crawl, and the hair at the back of his neck stand up. He reported what he felt to Rose, as he handed the book back to James, who blinked and suddenly looked amused. He looked at Rose, who had the absent expression again. "It's an aversion hex, isn't it?"

Rose nodded, and looked at Hagrid. "It's a spell, adapted from the ones used everywhere to keep Muggles away from things. It simply keeps people that aren't keyed to the item from wanting to use or touch it."

Hagrid grimaced. "It works, too."

James was regarding the book thoughtfully. "I'd really like to know how it's keyed. It might make a difference in how we study it, if we're the only ones that can touch it."

Rose grinned at him. "I'll bet you a minor favor, that it's keyed to every member of Chimera."

James thought for a minute. "In that case, I really want to know. I can think of some interesting uses for a spell like that, especially if you can cast it on an area." He smiled fondly at Rose, "Not to mention, you could ward your window seat."

Rose was speaking to Melissa with the link, asking her to check the Evans family spellbook in Manticore Hall's lab for the Aversion Hex. She raised an eyebrow. "Why? Nobody sits in it anymore, except you and I."

James laughed. "Maybe that's because the Finnigan twins changed color, shape and size more often than Emma and Hangeld after you caught them in your window?" he suggested. He smiled again at the memory, and then stopped, regarding Rose thoughtfully. She hadn't mentioned that Melissa used the window seat as well, and he wondered if it was an oversight, or if she was even aware that she allowed Melissa to do it.

Tiffany spoke in the back of his head. "Leave it alone, Love. It will happen, or it won't, and there's nothing we can do about it anyway." Tiffany was referring to the lines of the Prophecy that said, "Travails, Sorrow and Loss shall be their Fate, Unless within each other they find Heart's Mate."

There were conflicting ideas about these lines. One group felt that the lines referred to the close-knit bonds formed be people that went to combat together, while the second group thought that the lines meant the Eight would form four couples. Since there were three boys and five girls in the Eight, that left two girls out of what most of the world, including almost every Wizard over thirty years old considered a 'decent' relationship. Since that might affect how people looked at Manticore, James worried about it often. He also worried about Rose, but he knew that she would have enough support to deal with it, so the Manticore thing was more pressing.

James was one of the people that believed the Eight would form four couples, and watching the rest of Chimera, Tiffany and he could see the couples forming, even though the people involved didn't know it yet, as far as James could tell. Emma and Hangeld of course, and Adam and Lisa were spending a lot of time together. That left James and Tiffany, and their being a couple was a forgone conclusion with the Soulbond.

The only ones left were Rose and Melissa, and James had noted that Rose was beginning to favor Melissa in little ways, such as letting her sit in the window seat that Albus Dumbledore had created for her in Manticore Hall. Tiffany couldn't even sit there, not even when James was using it. "Not that I care, it simply means that we get to share the love seat more often."

James sent a mental smile to Tiffany. "Do you hear me complaining? I like holding you too, Greeneyes." James and Tiffany had found in the first few weeks of the Soulbond that the Soulbond caused a need to touch each other, even if it was nothing more than holding hands. The more contact they had, the better they felt. James had a sudden image of them entwined, lying on a bed together. Tiffany followed his thought with interest. James pulled back from the thought, focusing on the book. He sent one last thought to Tiffany. "We'll continue that line of thought later, Greeneyes."

"We better, that was... interesting." Tiffany's mental tone held undercurrents and unspoken promises that made James shiver with pleasure.

He blushed as he realized that Professor Dumbledore was holding the book out to him, and patiently waiting for him to notice. While the linked people were normally aware of what was going on around them while they used the links, James and Tiffany were entering a new facet of the Soulbond, and it was increasing hard to concentrate on anything else when they used their private Soulbond link, and even harder when they started thinking about each other. He took the book, and opened it to the first page he could read.

He looked at Hagrid. "What do you know about the Heart of the World?"

Hagrid looked at him. "Very little, actually. Nobody really knows that much, except the Earth Mages among the Giants. It is a magic focus that amplifies a spell, sometimes. It moves around a lot, never staying in one place for more than four days, and it can appear anywhere, even in the Muggle world. Sometimes it appears at places like Stonehenge, or the Pyramids of Egypt or Central America. Usually, it appears in places like the Giantlands, or other areas of high magical concentration." He looked at Albus and coughed. "It was even here at Hogwarts, once. It was in the Forbidden Forest."

Professor Dumbledore looked at Hagrid. "Twice, actually. It was here the year before you started school."

James frowned. "Hangeld said it can't be predicted, which makes this an interesting thing, as whatever this is, it must be cast at the Heart of the World on Midsummer's night."

Tiffany had taken the book from James, and was reading the third page. "Actually, the entire ritual takes three days," she said as she read. "And here's something else strange. I can read the first two pages easily."

James looked over her shoulder. "I can read the third page now."

Rose thought about that, and leafed through the book, stopping at the ninth page, which was the second page she could read. After she finished it, she passed it to James and Tiffany, who could both read it. "So, we have each Chimera read their pages, and then any of us can read the whole thing and figure out what it is, and what it does," said James. He looked at Rose. "Will you take care of that?"

Rose nodded, and took the book. Since the Headmaster didn't have anything else for them, they headed back to Manticore Hall, where Rose sat in her window and began reading every eighth page in the book.

James looked around the Hall, and smiled. After two years, Manticore had ironed out most of the minor problems, and was running smoothly, with the team leaders rarely having to come to Chimera to fix something. Since there wasn't anything pressing for him to deal with, he was debating what to do, when Tiffany slipped a brush into his hands. "Manticore may be fine," she said, as she settled in front of him, "but my hair hasn't been done all day."

James smiled, even as he started brushing her hair in a routine that was as automatic as breathing now. They settled into their rapport.

Alexander Evans took over the Giant classes from Blacklegs, who left to return to the borders, carrying a parchment from Sonya and Mary to their parents.

Besides the classes in the Borders, Alexander was always willing to talk to any of the Manticores about Strategy and Tactics, and James encouraged the Team leaders to take advantage of that. This led to an informal Wednesday night gathering, where classic Muggle and Wizard battles were dissected and studied. All of the Team leaders attended, and most of the seconds as well. Mercy, Jerrick, Emily and a few more Manticores also attended, and a couple of the Manticores that had left school already asked Professor Dumbledore for permission to attend.

Alexander left off carrying his sword, but still dressed in the leather clothing that was an unofficial Ranger uniform, as it allowed complete mobility while offering some protection from terrain and sword cuts. This kept the students from trying anything Magical in his class, even though he was a Squib. After a Slytherin pureblood tried a Jellylegs spell on him one weekend, and was rewarded with a face full of pepper spray, unconsciousness, and a trip to the Infirmary, the word got around Hogwarts quickly that it was better for your health not to point your wand at the new Professor. That didn't even include the detentions the unfortunate student had to serve with Professor Evans, or the lecture he got from Madame Potter after he woke up in the Infirmary.

James listened to the story, and grinned. He could have told anyone that asked that Alexander didn't need magic to defend himself. He did frown as he thought about the story. He looked at Jerrick, who had recited the story. "Wait a minute, pepper spray doesn't caused unconsciousness, how did that happen?"

Jerrick shrugged. "I'm not really sure, as I didn't see it, but a witness said that after Professor Evans pepper sprayed the Slytherin, there was some sort of contact, the Slytherin ended up unconscious and Professor Evans had his wand."

James raised an eyebrow. "Please don't tell me anyone was stupid enough to try and get physical with a Ranger."

Jerrick shook his head. "As far as I can tell from questioning the witnesses, Professor Evans instigated the contact."

James smiled slightly. He quoted one of Alexander's favorite sayings, "When is it safe to assume the enemy can't hurt you?"

Jerrick grinned. "Apparently, after he's unconscious and you have his wand."

They shared a laugh, and then James turned the subject to the new first years that Manticore was interested in. "What have you found out about the first years?"

Jerrick reached into his robes, and pulled out his notebook. Flipping through it, he stopped and skimmed a page. "Ander Drone is clean, and so boringly average that I'm claiming him for Intell. He'll be the perfect spy, if he can be trained. I'll have to check with Rose on that."

Jerrick looked up, but James only shrugged, and Jerrick continued. "Avery McIlhenny is also clean, as are the two Potters." James listened to Tiffany say something in his head at the last comment, and smiled. Jerrick caught the smile, and guessed the cause. "You can tell your other half that even in families, people can be totally different. Look at Lisa and Draco Jr."

Jerrick waited, but Tiffany didn't say anything that James would pass along, so Jerrick looked back at his notes. "Harry Kitchen will probably join his sister in the research department, and that might be a good thing, as he's not the bookworm she is."

James grinned wryly. "That's a good thing. I can barely keep one Emily out of the lab after hours, two would be impossible to deal with."

Jerrick grinned back. "You won't have that problem with Harry, I don't think."

He looked at his notes again. "Now, we do have a minor problem with Stephanie Spense. She's one of the Spenses of Marrowwind."

James frowned. Marrowwind sounded familiar for some reason, and then Tiffany reminded him where he'd heard the name. The Spenses were an old Wizard family, one of the oldest in the European Wizard world, and the current head of that family was one of the most visible supporters of the Pureblood ideas. Marrowwind was a small community, consisting only of 'good' families, and Pureblood Wizards. Muggleborn Wizards and even Wizards that had a Muggle ancestor in the last four generations weren't allowed to live there.

James frowned. "Wait, she was wearing those shoes, the ones with lights in them. Where did she get them?"

Jerrick looked at his notes again. "According to Ariel, she got them from a trader that comes through Marrowwind every few months, some sort of Gypsy."

James nodded, and looked at Jerrick. "Did she cast the spell that keeps them working, or did she get them that way?"

"She got them like that, and I've already started looking for that Gypsy," Jerrick said. "His name is Rowan, and I've sent owls to Jose Amigo and my father, asking if they can look for him, and convince him to show up here. I said there were some students here that would make it worth his while to add Hogsmeade or Hogwarts to his travels." Jerrick looked at James, and shifted uncomfortably. "I hope you don't mind."

James blinked. "Mind about what?"

Jerrick sighed. "I pretty much promised that you and Rose would make a large order or two, since you two have all that money."

James shrugged, still not understanding what Jerrick was worried about. "If he can enchant Muggle things so they work anywhere in the Wizard world, I'll pay almost anything he wants. If he won't sell the spell, then I'll be paying him to enchant almost everything Manticore has."

Jerrick looked at James for a long moment. "I am never going to understand your thinking towards money," he said before continuing with the first years. "You already know about Raven, and I can't add much to what you know from the papers."

James sighed. "That's not actually a lot. I was hoping to learn more."

Jerrick shrugged. "Her father is a private person. His house isn't even on the Floo Network, and only his friends know where he actually lives. I'm looking into it, but the papers have been looking for his house for nearly five years, so don't expect anything soon." Jerrick looked up, realizing James wasn't looking at him anymore, and turned to look in the direction James was looking. "Well, speak of the devil," he muttered.

Standing in the doorway of Manticore Hall were three of the first years. Raven Wood, Stephanie Spense and Morgana Campbell were standing there, looking around. Stephanie Spense appeared to be looking for someone, while the other two were just looking around. Stephanie saw who she was looking for, and started walking into the room. The other two followed her, although Raven was still looking around. Stephanie stopped by the Pegasus table, and said something to Ariel Fairstone.

Ariel looked at her for a second, and then looked over at Chimera's table. She called James on the ring. "James," she said, in a voice that held equal parts disbelief and laughter, "she wants an introduction to her equals, by which she apparently means you and Rose."

James's first thought was tinged with enough anger that Tiffany started soothing him with their Soulbond. "What makes her better than anybody else?" He stopped and considered the younger girl's position. "Well then," he said in a deceptively mild voice that had Jerrick looking nervous, "I suggest you bring her over. I'm sure we can find something to discuss."

As Ariel and the three girls walked to Chimera's table, Jerrick sighed. "James, be nice. It's not really her fault she was raised by Pureblood bigots."

"I've got him, Jerrick." Tiffany had come up from behind them and slipped into the loveseat with James. Jerrick got up as the girls approached and slipped away. Ariel stopped in front of James, and looked at him for a second, looking for the signs of his temper that most of the Manticores were very familiar with, before speaking. "James, may I introduce Stephanie Spense?"

James stood up, and held out his hand. "Good day Miss Spense," he said, "It's a pleasure."

Stephanie took his hand for a minute. "Thank you, Mr. Evans. My father told me to make your acquaintance as soon as possible."

James was consulting with Tiffany, who knew the European families better than he did. "Mr. Alvin Spense, I believe? Head of the Marrowwind Spenses, currently listed fourth in the Book of Gold?" The Book of Gold was a list of the oldest families in a region of the Wizard world, and only listed the oldest families, in an order based on bloodlines, money and social status.

"Indeed," Stephanie said, "as I believe the Evans are in the Colonial Book." It took James a minute to realize that she had just called America a colony and Tiffany's hand on his back kept him from saying any of his instant responses. His anger though, still simmered and it was to allow it a minute to calm that he turned to the other girls.

"Hello," he said, "I'm James Evans, and you are?" James knew both of them of course, but he wasn't about to let on that he did, as they might begin to wonder why.

Morgana Campbell held out her hand. "I'm Morgana Campbell. It's nice to meet you." This was James's first close look at Morgana, and he took a minute to examine her. She was a short girl, with pale skin that contrasted well with the long black hair she wore in a simple yet elegant style. Looking into her reddish-brown eyes, James could see amusement there.

He turned to the last girl. She grinned at him, and put out her hand, but her voice threw the picture off. It was a near copy of Stephanie's voice. "Pleased to meet you Mr. Evans, I'm Raven Wood." James smiled slightly as he caught the faintly sarcastic tone and realized she was mocking Stephanie. James was also surprised at the strength of her grip. While it was not up to his, it was extraordinary for a Wizard girl of her age. He made a mental note to have somebody find out about her hobbies when she made it unnecessary. "I was up early this morning, and saw the groups practicing Aikido. Would it be possible to join you, since the other students say that's a Manticore thing?"

James blinked. "You recognize it?"

Raven nodded. "Yes, although I haven't studied it. My father is a Kempo Karate black belt, and I've been studying that."

James smiled. "Sean Wood is a Kempo black belt? I knew he had some training, but I didn't know he was that highly ranked."

Raven looked at him for a second, and then sighed. "You're a fan, aren't you?" she accused. "Please tell me you're not going to start asking about his stunts."

James blushed, since that had indeed been his thought. "I was, but if it's a problem, I can resist."

Raven rolled her eyes. "Please do. It's so annoying. Famous parents are a pain."

Tiffany grinned at her from the loveseat. "I know exactly what you mean." She affected a gushing tone. "You're the daughter of Harry Potter? Tell me, what did he have for breakfast this morning?"

Raven giggled. "Exactly."

James turned to the Phoenix table, looking for Mercy. When he saw her, he motioned her over. "Mercy, would you allow Miss Wood to join your group in the morning?"

Mercy smiled. "Of course." She looked at Raven. "Come with me, and we'll find somebody to get with you in the morning and bring you to our group." The two girls walked away chatting.

Morgana spoke up. "Excuse me, but I was told that this was the most likely place to find my cousin, Connor McCloud? Could you tell me where he might be?"

James looked over at the Pegasus table, looking for Connor, when Ariel spoke up hastily. "James, he's in the lab."

James blinked and then realized Ariel meant Manticore's lab, in the room the first years couldn't see. He thought for a second, and then Tiffany made a suggestion. "James, have Ariel fetch him, and Melissa can keep her occupied until Ariel and he are out of the lab."

James acted on that, asking Ariel to go and get him, while Melissa distracted Morgana with a question about exactly how they were related.

A little calmer now, James turned back to Stephanie. "My apologies, would you care to sit and chat?" James was very interested in finding out just how snobbish she was, and how much of a problem it would be.

Stephanie sat in a chair and looked around. "I am given to understand that The Fraternal Order of Manticore is getting quite the reputation."

James froze. "Oh?"

Stephanie nodded. "My father says that your group has the best OWL average in the world, despite its youth."

James was truly surprised about that. He looked around for Emily, and had one of the Manticores fetch her.

While the Dragon was looking for her, James, Tiffany and Stephanie chatted. After about twenty minutes, James was very certain of one thing. Stephanie had never been allowed to think for herself. Almost everything she said was prefaced with, "My father says".

Tiffany excused herself for a minute, and went to speak to Jerrick, following up on a hunch. "James, according to Jerrick, she was educated in Marrowwind by tutors. I think we can assume they would not have taught her anything her father didn't want her knowing. She may find that not everything is as her father says."

"I hope so. If you ignore the Pureblood bigotry, she doesn't seem to be too bad. I think we'll have to throw her together with somebody that can open her eyes gently." James was wondering who would be best for that, when Raven came back to the table.

She looked over her shoulder, and appeared to be counting under her breath. James and Tiffany followed her line of sight in time to see almost every person around the Phoenix table suddenly acquire the startling electric blue hair that had marked the three Slytherins during the Sorting ceremony.

"I like her." James grinned at Tiffany's comment.

Raven had sat down, and was watching the commotion at the Phoenix table with a smile. Before James could say anything, Emily came up and sat down, saying, "You wanted to see me?"

James took his eyes off the Phoenix table. "Emily, what do you know about the OWL averages?"

Tiffany groaned in James's head. "James, you know better. You can't ask Emily an open question like that."

Emily had started reciting the history of the OWLs, and how the averages were collected from each school when James interrupted her. "I'm sorry Emily, what I wanted to know was the OWL average for Manticore."

Emily frowned, and thought for a second. "Manticore has only had six people take the OWLs that had been in Manticore for a full year, but those six averaged Exceptional in their OWLs. We've also had nine people take the NEWTs, and they also averaged Exceptional."

James grinned. "So Manticore works better than I thought it would."

Emily started to say something, and then looked at the two girls she didn't know. "It works very well, maybe too well. In fact, have you seen this morning's Daily Prophet?"

James caught the hesitation, and glanced at the two girls before replying. "No, why? Is there something interesting there?"

"The Minister of Magic gave an interview, and there is a comment about Manticore that you might find..." Emily stopped, searching for the right word. "Annoying."

James considered her careful words, and her slightly apprehensive look. "Who has a copy of the paper? I think I'll go look at it." He stood up. "If you ladies will excuse me, business calls." James left in search of the day's paper.

Emily left as well, leaving Tiffany and Melissa with the two young girls. They chatted a few more minutes, and then Raven left, saying she hadn't seen the lake yet, or most of the castle.

Stephanie excused herself a few minutes later, and Tiffany and Melissa looked at each other. "What do you think about them, Melissa?"

"Raven can't sit still." Melissa said dryly.

Tiffany giggled. "No, really? I never would have noticed that." Raven had been in constant motion, even if it was only swinging her legs when she was sitting. "Maybe she swallowed a perpetual motion machine."

"It looks like it. The other girl, though, she's going to be a problem. She really believes that Purebloods are better than other people, even if she doesn't come right out and say it."

Tiffany frowned thoughtfully. "Did you notice where her opinions came from?"

"How could anyone miss it? I was about to ask her if she ever said anything her father hadn't said first."

Before they could say anything else, a spike of anger washed over the links. "Son of a Bitch. I want Chimera, the team leaders and Alexander in the lab in five minutes." Tiffany was absorbing what had angered James so badly even as Chimera started collecting the people he wanted.

Melissa turned in surprise as she swore in turn. Tiffany was tight lipped, as she looked at Melissa. "Minister Fudge is sending a team to watch the Manticores, and see if Manticore should become an official project of the Ministry of Magic."