Astronomy Tower
Rose Weasley/Scorpius Malfoy
Rose Weasley Scorpius Malfoy
Romance Angst
Children of Characters in the HP novels
Published: 04/19/2011
Updated: 04/29/2011
Words: 16,827
Chapters: 10
Hits: 1,281



Story Summary:
Questions help an outgoing Rose Weasley get to know a reluctant Scorpius Malfoy. NextGen fic.

Chapter 02 - Chapter 2: The Sorting

Chapter Summary:
Chapter 2

Chapter 2: The Sorting

As the day turned into evening, the Hogwarts Express trudged along the track until it reached the village of Hogsmeade. Rose hopped off the train eagerly, more than ready to begin her first year of schooling. She was followed by a trembling Albus, who was quietly whimpering with fear.

"Firs' years! Firs' years, follow me!" boomed the massive man Rose and Albus knew was Hagrid, a close friend of their parents. Hagrid winked at the pair and walked towards the lake where several boats were waiting.

Rose and Albus were the first to walk to the water's edge and step into one of the boats. After a few minutes, a boy strode onto the boat with a confident swagger and took a seat.

"Hello," the boy said with an Irish accent. He had sandy blond hair and brown eyes with a smile that reached all the way across his face. "My name is Bryan Finnigan."

"I'm Rose," she introduced. Her cousin whimpered besides her. She sighed. "And this is my wimp of a cousin, Albus." Albus murmured his greeting.

Bryan chuckled in good spirits. "I know who you guys are, of course."

Rose thought for a moment. "Finnigan?" Rose asked. "I think your father went to school with our parents."

"Yeah, he did," Bryan grinned. "My father told me loads of stories about the kind of trouble your parents would get into," he finished with a laugh. Rose couldn't help by laugh with him--it was infectious. With his pleasant looks and apparently good sense of humor, she silently hoped that she was sorted into whatever house he went to.

After a few minutes of sitting stationary, Bryan looked around impatiently at the other boats. "When you do think these boats will start moving along? I'm starving!"

"A' right, last of the firs' years on th' boats, quick now!" Hagrid bellowed. "We'll be leavin' soon!"

Rose watched in amusement as the remaining first years scrambled to find a boat with an open seat. She was about to offer the last spot on their boat to another student, when she looked over and saw the seat was all ready occupied--by Scorpius Malfoy.

Rose shook her head quickly. "When did you get here?"

Before Scorpius could answer, she felt a lurch--they were on their way.

As their boat trudged along the lake, Bryan glanced towards Scorpius several times. After a few minutes, he asked, "What's your name?"

"Scorpius Malfoy," he answered, holding his head high, all though his eyes communicated that he didn't seem as proud as his body language was letting on.

"Oh... I know you," Bryan said darkly, suddenly glaring at Scorpius with disgust. "You're the son of a murderer."

Rose gasped and glanced at Scorpius. Albus didn't notice--he was still whimpering besides Rose and lost in his own head. Scorpius kept his head held high. He didn't say a word and wouldn't break eye contact with Bryan.

"Yeah, my father told me all about your dirt bag dad," Bryan seethed. "A Death Eater for Voldemort; what a loser." He laughed darkly. "And I'm sure the spawn of evil can't be much better."

"That's enough," Rose whispered harshly. She was shocked that somebody who seemed so kind and funny could now act so differently towards a person he had just met. "There's no need to be so mean!"

Bryan laughed darkly once again and turned his eyes to Rose. "Why would you stick up for the son of a murderer, Rose?"

"Perhaps because he isn't his father," Rose stated lividly. "You don't even know him!"

A look of smug comprehension dawned on Bryan's face. "Oh I see," he said nastily. "You've taken a liking to the murderer's son, haven't you?"

Rose dropped her mouth in amazement. "What?"

"Trying to get a romance started so soon, Rose?" Bryan scoffed. "Bit young for that aren't you? Is this how it's going to be your entire time here?"

Rose had become angrier with every word that Bryan spoke and now he basically just called her a scarlet woman! However, before Rose could tell the boy what he could go and do with himself, she heard Scorpius scoff.

"Honestly? You believe that Weasley's attempted chivalrous action relays an attraction?" He rolled his eyes. "If you've been curious about which house you'll be sorted into, you can dwindle your musings by twenty five percent, because you are not going to be in Ravenclaw."

Bryan tried to look angry, but his confusion won out. "...what?"

Scorpius sighed. "You're an idiot," he pronounced slowly and clearly.

Bryan's face went from confused to irate very quickly. He began to move towards Scorpius, shaking the boat dangerously. "An idiot is someone who has made me mad, you piece of sh--"

"A' right, firs' years, here we are!"

The drama that was taking place in Rose's boat made her miss the amazing first sight of Hogwarts castle. Irritated, she pulled at a trembling Albus' arm so he would stand up, and left the boat quickly without another look back at the two boys who ruined her first experience of Hogwarts.


"Welcome to Hogwarts, students!" a short Professor with a shock of white hair squeaked. "My name is Professor Flitwick. In a few moments you will be escorted into the Great Hall, where you will be sorted into your houses. Now remember, while you are at Hogwarts, your houses will be like your family, so treat each other well!"

Professor Flitwick walked out of the room they were gathered in to prepare for the sorting, leaving dozens of very nervous future students. Rose looked around and saw some students whipping their wands around, unsure of what will take place with the sorting, but wanting to be prepared just in case they were required to cast a spell or fight a dragon or something along those lines. Some were like Albus, muttering to themselves and sweating. She turned to find Scorpius leaning against a wall in a corner of the room, looking at the ground. He didn't look nervous, but didn't look ecstatic to be in this situation, either. Rose thought she should go talk to him, but just then the doors of their holding room opened and Professor Flitwick was ushering them into the Great Hall.

The Great Hall was more magnificent than Rose had ever imagined. Of course she had read Hogwarts: A History and heard stories of it from her parents, but simple words could not put into prospect the astounding nature of this room. The ceiling was enchanted to mirror the sky above the castle, which was currently shimmering with stars. Candles floated along the ceiling to light the Hall, while five long tables were placed around it. Rose looked around at the four tables holding returning students, seeing her cousin, James, smirking as he looked at his younger brother, who was shaking more now than ever.

"Students," peeped Professor Flitwick, "when I call your name, come and sit on the stool and I will place the sorting hat upon your head. Andrews, Gwyn."

Gwyn Andrews took a deep breath and sauntered up to the sorting hat, smirking the whole way. Once the hat was placed on her head, it only took a few seconds for it to shout, "GRYFFINDOR!" Gwyn shouted, "Yes!" and pumped her fist in the air. After much laughter and cheering, she sat down at the Gryffindor table.

"Boons, Daniel."


"Dooberstein, Virginia."


"Figueroa, Michael."


"Finnigan, Bryan."

Bryan walked up to the stool and sat down with confidence. He looked at Rose while the hat deliberated, and smirked in a condescending way. After a few minutes, the sorting hat finally called out "GRYFFINDOR!"

Rose was amazed. How could someone so arrogant become a Gryffindor? It's a shame he was sorted into the house she was somewhat interested in, because there was no way she was going to spend any more time than necessary in his presence.

Rose waited impatiently while Victoria Frith ("SLYTHERIN!"), Jonathan Harold ("RAVENCLAW!") and Taunya Lyons ("HUFFLEPUFF!"), along with a few others, were sorted. Why did her last name have to be near the end of the alphabet?

"Malfoy, Scorpius."

The hall suddenly grew deathly silent. The only sound that could be heard was Scorpius' steps as he walked up to the stool and sat down. Once the hat was placed on his head, Rose looked around the Great Hall. All eyes were on Scorpius--everyone wanted to know where the son of a Death Eater would end up, even though the Slytherins thought they knew. Each one of them had a smirk on their faces, absolutely positive they were getting one of the most powerful people in the new class.

After several minutes of the sorting hat asking Scorpius questions and Scorpius quietly answering, the hat had finally come to a decision.


The Slytherin's jaws dropped.

Just as before, not a word was heard. Scorpius walked quickly from the stool and to the very end of the Ravenclaw table, away from the other students, and sat down. After a few quiet seconds, the Great Hall exploded with the buzzing of over a hundred students talking at once about the somewhat shocking development.

"Students!" Professor Flitwick squeaked. "Students! Now may we please have some order!" Not one could hear him over the hum of the crowd. "Stu--"

Professor Flitwick was interrupted by a loud BANG! and red sparks flying into the air. All the students jumped, not expecting the blast. Everyone looked up to see Professor McGonagall lowering her wand and gazing around the Great Hall, her eyebrow raised in admonishment.

"Please continue, Professor Flitwick."

"Right... ahem," Professor Flitwick cleared his throat and straightened his hat, which had gone awry after he jumped high in the air, startled by the loud noise. "Potter, Albus."

Rose looked at her cousin who was standing right next to her. He was taking several short breaths and staring at the stool and sorting hat, as if he were heading to his execution. He took a step forward, and then quickly began to turn around, ready to run. Rose grabbed his arm before he could take a step and whispered, "Go get sorted, you ninny!"

Albus look at Rose, terror in his eyes. He obeyed her command, however, and slowly trudged up to the stool. He closed his eyes as the sorting hat was inches from being placed on his head... but it never made it any farther than that.


The entire Gryffindor table cheered, with the exception of James, who was laughing his head off. Albus looked around in amazement, and then quickly ran down to the Gryffindor table. As he passed his laughing brother, Albus smacked him in the back of the head before taking a seat a few lengths down the bench.

Rose chuckled at Albus' revenge and continued to wait. And wait. And then, for a change of pace, she waited some more. She listened as Alexandra Robinson ("HUFFLEPUFF!"), Tay Shew ("GRYFFINDOR!") and Acacia Vanguard ("RAVENCLAW!") along with many other, were sorted. Finally, "Weasley, Rose."

Rose walked up to the sorting hat, excited to finally have her turn.

"Hm..." the sorting hat mused. "It's nice to see another Weasley in the school, all though I'm sure you won't get into as much trouble as your past relatives." Rose giggled. "You have your father's bravery, as well as his streak of stubbornness. However, there is one aspect that is overpowering those qualities dramatically... yes... I know just where you belong... RAVENCLAW!"

As the hat was taken off of her head, she saw the Ravenclaw table cheering--all except for one person who was sitting at the very end of the table and staring at his dinner plate.

Well, Rose thought, this should be interesting...