The Dark Arts
Other Canon Witch Albus Dumbledore
Tom Riddle at Hogwarts
Published: 08/25/2006
Updated: 08/25/2006
Words: 1,497
Chapters: 1
Hits: 439

Nothing Worse


Story Summary:
Eileen Prince has only been glimpsed as a sullen girl and a cowering woman. Here's another quick look at a resolutely quiet witch.

Chapter 01


Nothing Worse

Eileen Prince stood in the Headmaster's office, holding back tears, her teeth clenched to reinforce her determination to remain silent. She stared at a point just beyond the Headmaster's shoulder, so that he would think she was looking at him. Professor Slughorn stood off to side and she could see him nervously moving his hands about. He should be nervous, the coward!

Professor Dumbledore began speaking. "Headmaster, this episode is only a symptom of the problem we have at Hogwarts. Many of our students are practicing Dark Magic. We need to root out the source, but I hardly think..."

Professor Dippet interrupted his Deputy Headmaster. "I ask you again, who else was involved, Miss Prince?" When she didn't respond he continued, "We have a student in the Hospital Wing and you hold the blame for that! Who taught you such a spell?"

"Might I suggest, Headmaster..."

"Thank you, Albus, I have all the information I need. You are expelled, Miss Prince. Your wand." He held out his hand.

Slughorn coughed. Eileen started to speak, but choked back the protest. Raising her chin high, she pulled her wand from her pocket and handed it to Professor Dippet.

"Headm..." Before Professor Dumbledore could finish his protest, the wand snapped in two.

The office swirled around her as the three men spoke to each other. At last Professor Slughorn made to take her arm. She stiffened, and walked ahead of him to the door. She paused, turned and looked the Headmaster in the eye. "Goodbye, Professor Dippet."

As she stepped onto the landing she heard him mutter, "Cheeky girl." She couldn't hear Dumbledore's response. She was nearly to the Slytherin common room before she realised Slughorn had been speaking to her. She didn't care. She didn't pause at the hidden entrance, but said the password and entered, leaving the professor in the passageway.

Without appearing to, she surveyed the room. It seemed the entire house was waiting for her. Tom rushed up at once and pulled her into their gang of friends. "How did it go? You didn't tell any of our secrets, did you?" His fingers were gripping her arm strongly enough to warn of a tighter hold.

She couldn't quite meet his eyes; her anger was too great. She shook her head. She heard a sigh and looked up. Teddy Nott was looking at her with relief rather than concern. It was his own neck he was worried about, not hers. At that point she lost the last bit of control. Tears began to run down her cheeks. She pulled free of Tom and hurried, without quite running, to the dormitory.

Alone in the room, she sank to the floor and began to sob. Nothing was worse than being abandoned by her friends and left to suffer the punishment by herself. Nothing was worse than being made a fool. Nothing was worse than not being able to use magic.

Her sobs had subsided to occasional gasps when Mafalda came in and dropped beside her. "You poor dear. It must have been horrible."

Eileen quickly dried her eyes and looked around for a handkerchief. She was reaching into her pocket for her wand, to perform an Accio when she remembered. Quickly she crossed to her bedside table and took the handkerchief from the drawer.

"What did the Headmaster say? Did you get a bad detention?"

Eileen knew Mafalda was fishing and that the entire house was waiting in the common room for her to re-emerge with the story. Eileen could just imagine Tom giving the instructions, 'Wait a bit, then go in and ask around it -- but be sure and sound concerned first.'

Not that Mafalda would have needed much instruction. She was the pretty Slytherin. The one who could charm anyone to do anything. Eileen had tried to get her to approach Slughorn about letting girls into the Slug Club -- and it would have worked, except Mafalda was too busy acting helpless so that Patrick Parkinson would notice her.

Eileen blew her nose loudly, knowing how squeamish her roommate was. On cue, the girl ran to the lavatory, giving Eileen a few moments alone. She could tell Mafalda and let her take the story to the others, or she could face them herself as she walked out of the common room. She was considering the finer points of it as she reached for her wand to begin the packing spells. She froze. How was she going to do anything without magic?

Mafalda returned, prattling on about detention and sticking together. Eileen struggled to get the words out to tell her to leave while trying not to cry again. The door burst open and the Head Girl strode in. She was a tall, skinny, black-haired Gryffindor and the sight of her in the Slytherin dormitory left both Mafalda and Eileen speechless.

"Out!" she ordered Mafalda. Almost before the door was closed she issued a locking charm, and began waving her wand to work the packing spells. Eileen stood, feeling more helpless than ever, as each of her things began flying into the trunk.

The Head Girl talked as she packed. "You'll have to learn to do this without spells. But right now, I'd think speed would be better. The Slug is telling the rest of your house. Once we're done here, you and I can go to the Prefects' Lounge. I've put a reserved notice on it." She paused. "You can use the room as long as you need it. That is, if you'd like to."

"Thank you," Eileen said hoarsely, torn between anger at the older girl taking over and gratitude for it being done.

"Is that everything? Have you lent out anything? Better get it now. If you think of anything, owl me, and I'll make sure you get it." She sighed. "I knew nothing good would come of Tom's spells. I've never understood..." She stopped abruptly.

She looked around the room one more time, then reached over and patted Eileen's hand. "Let's walk out together. We won't speak to anyone." Eileen nodded and the two linked arms. The students froze when the two girls came out of the dormitory. Eileen set her eyes on the exit and marched without noticing or looking at anyone in the room.

The lounge was comfortable, if not attractive. Sandwiches and pumpkin juice had appeared for her, but she couldn't eat. Eileen washed her face in cold water several times, trying to ease the uncomfortable puffiness around her eyes. The Head Girl brought her an owl so that she could send for things if she needed them, but had wisely left her alone.

A tapping at the door startled Eileen. After a moment it repeated and she snapped in annoyance, "Go away!"

"I'd like a word, Miss Prince."

"Oh, Professor Dumbledore, come in. I didn't realize..."

"Quite understandable," he said, coming in and sitting down. He looked into her eyes, making her uncomfortable rather than angry. "Your punishment is not entirely undeserved, nor is it entirely justified, but unless you have other information, it stands." He paused, waiting for an answer, but she shook her head.

"Once you get your footing, you'll need to make some decisions. Here are some names of some people who might be able to help you. I've already spoken to your teachers. All of them are willing to write letters addressing your skills in their classes." He handed her a rolled parchment, and continued, "There are many of areas of magic that do not require a wand, and you do have several O.W.L. levels."

He studied her a moment. "If you stay away from the Dark Arts, you should be able to find employment." He waited, as if expecting her to say something. "Your parents have ordered the Knight Bus for you and your trunks are waiting at the gates. I'll walk with you, if I may?"

She realized with a shock that he was actually asking and she nodded. They walked down the empty corridor into the Entrance Hall. Although the doors to the Great Hall were closed, it was supper and she could hear the noise of many conversations...or maybe it was one great big conversation. Dumbledore was droning on about something but didn't seem to expect her to respond. The walk to the gates seemed to only take a second, and almost at once the Knight Bus appeared with a loud bang.

The conductor wasn't much older than she was. He stepped off and gave her a smirk, but his expression changed when the Deputy Headmaster said his name. He uttered a greeting and quickly turned to the trunks.

"Good luck, Miss Prince. Remember, help is always available at Hogwarts when it is asked for."

She stared at the professor, and stepped onto the bus. Other riders looked at her curiously. The conductor spoke to the driver. There was a bang and a jolt.

Eileen did not look back.