Hermione Granger/Lucius Malfoy
Hermione Granger Lucius Malfoy
Drama Romance
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Half-Blood Prince
Published: 01/07/2006
Updated: 05/10/2006
Words: 86,847
Chapters: 25
Hits: 8,131



Story Summary:
Lucius Malfoy has finally realized the Dark Lord has been spinning nothing but lies. Unfortunately, it took him losing his family to realize this. Now, he is trying to atone for his sins. Will anyone trust him? Will anyone help him regain his place in society? He has a plan. Set after HBP. Rating is for later chapters.

Chapter 20

Chapter Summary:
Hermione and Lucius continue to search for information on the Dark Curse that is affecting their daughter. Hermione is also helping Harry with the Horcrux search. Will she have time for everything?

Chapter 20

A/N: Many thanks to Bitter Pearl who has signed on as my new beta for this story. Also, thanks to Mimy who continues to provide valuable assistance.

I thought I would start this chapter with a note to prevent confusion on the Horcrux search. Currently, five of the seven (diary, ring, locket, cup, and Ravenclaw dagger) have been found and destroyed. As of Christmas, there were three left. Somewhere between Christmas and the quest for the dagger, another unspecified Horcrux was found and destroyed, the details of which I never revealed.

Now, on with the story.


Hermione slammed shut the book, hiding the offending parchment from sight, glad to be done with it. It had taken a lot of effort to translate the runes. Not due to the difficulty of the runes, but because of the repugnant nature of the subject. She had known that this was a book of Dark Magic and had thought she was prepared for what she would find. The rune pages had contained some very disturbing Blood Spells; ones that made her stomach turn. She didn't see how any of them could help their situation. She could barely bring herself to read about them, let alone imagine performing any of them.

Now that she had finished the translation, she decided to return the book to Lucius. Never before had she been so eager to have a book out of her hands.

When she entered his room, she shoved the book at him. "Take it." Once he had hold of the book, she began wiping her hands on her robe, as though trying to clean the taint.

He set the book on the desk and moved toward her to comfort her. "Is something wrong?"

"That - that book...it's horrible." She still felt dirty, as though all the water in the world would not wash away the filth.

He wrapped his arms around her. "All Dark Magic is ugly. Once you become accustomed to that fact..."

"Accustomed to it? Are you used to things like that?" The thought that anyone could grow comfortable dealing with that sort of magic disturbed her.

"You misunderstood me. I was not referring to becoming accustomed to the magic; I was referring to the idea there is ugliness in the world, and that it cannot always be avoided."

She felt slightly better now that she was in his presence, though she was still concerned about his casual attitude toward Dark Magic. "Perhaps you can tell me how any of that might be useful. I couldn't, but then again, I don't want to think about what's in those pages."

"Dobby," he called and waited for the house-elf to arrive. "Some tea for Miss Granger."

"Yes, sir," Dobby replied before disappearing.

Once the tea service arrived, he poured her a cup. "Drink this while I take a look at what you've translated." He sat at the desk, opened the book, and perused the parchment on which she had written the translation.

"Ah, Blood Magic. That would explain a great deal. This could indeed be useful." He began skimming the pages, trying to determine where to focus his attention first.

"You're familiar with it?" she asked in a voice filled with disapproval.

"It is the most powerful form of Dark Magic. I don't know if you are aware, but this is the type of magic that allowed the Dark Lord to return."

"And you've done it before?"

He looked up from the parchment and replied, "Do you really want me to answer that question?"

After thinking for a few seconds, she replied, "No." While she was curious to see how any of those spells might be useful, she couldn't bring herself to go near that book or the information it contained. Quietly, she drank her tea while waiting for him to read through the information. After a few minutes, she asked, "Have you found anything?"

"The language is archaic, and it will take some time for me to fully comprehend all the information." He turned to face her. "You look exhausted. Why don't you lie down and get some rest while I read through this?"

"I want to know if it can help," she protested.

He rose from his seat, leaving the book at the desk, and took hold of her hand. "It will be several hours before I have digested everything on those few pages." Leading her to the bed, he continued, "The rest will do you good. I can tell that you have been working on this for quite some time." Being this close to her, he found he was having a hard time controlling his desires. What difference would a few hours make? He stretched out next to her, showering her with lazy kisses.

"Didn't you want to read the translation?" she asked, even though she found she couldn't keep her hands off him.

He laced his fingers in her hair. "I believe we can afford a short break," he said silkily before smothering her with a passionate kiss.

The door burst open. "Hermione!" Ron froze just inside the door. "What in Merlin's name!"'

"Good evening, Mr. Weasley. How may we assist you?" Lucius replied smoothly as he propped his head on his elbow.

Hermione noticed that Ron had not moved from the door. "Ron, what did you need?"

"We, that is, Harry and I found the last Horcrux, and we need your help." Ron kept glancing suspiciously at Malfoy even though he was talking to Hermione.

"What sort of help?" Hermione asked. She was now sitting up and fully attentive, unaware of the protective manner Lucius held her.

Ron tried addressing Hermione, but was distracted by Lucius' behavior. "Well, er, we tried to go after it, but we couldn't figure out how to get to it. Do you have to do that?" he snapped at Lucius. When he received a confused look from Lucius, he continued, "Would you stop touching her like that?"

Lucius removed his hand.

Hermione ignored the two of them. "So you need me to help you get past whatever's protecting it?"

"Yeah. Harry and I tried everything we know, but none of it would work."

"All right. When do we leave?"

"Right away." When Lucius started following them, Ron stopped. "You aren't coming."

"You do not have a choice in this matter," Lucius replied smugly.

"He's right. He has to come. I can't do magic if he's not around." She hadn't given her disability much thought until now. Given this revelation, she was starting to have doubts about going with Harry and Ron. She knew what would happen to Lucius if the Death Eaters caught him.

"Harry's not going to be happy," Ron muttered, as he left the room.

Lucius grabbed his cloak and placed his arm around her. "Are you all right?"

"I'm just a little nervous. I don't want them to find you."

"I would think that with the four of us, we prevent anyone from getting captured."


They met Harry outside the castle, having exited through a side door so as not to draw unwanted attention.

"What is the Horcrux?" Hermione asked.

"What's he doing here?" growled Harry.

"He has to come. Remember?" replied Ron sarcastically.

Harry scowled at Lucius momentarily before deciding to ignore him. "Dumbledore had said that the hat and the sword where the only two remaining Gryffindor artifacts. I've found evidence that there was something else, a small griffin. Ron and I found an abandoned Druid temple in Wales, and we think it's in there, but we can't figure out where exactly. That's why we need you. You have to translate the runes."

Lucius scowled. He knew that the Dark Lord had been disdainful of the Druids due to the relationship they had had with the Muggles of their time. He wondered why the Horcrux would be hidden in such a spot. "Have you considered this might be a trap?"

"Since we've been there already and nothing happened, I think that proves it's not a trap."

Lucius assumed Snape had likely planted the information Potter had found, and that the information had provided in the past had been reliable, but he could not suppress the uneasy feeling he had. He knew that Snape's loyalty was as fickle as his. "Of course. It was merely a precaution on my part in case the Dark Lord knows you have learned about this particular artifact." Even though the others seemed at ease, he would remain vigilant.

The four of them quickly made their way across the castle grounds past the protective wards so they could Apparate. Harry pulled out a map and showed them their destination. "Now that you know where we are going, Ron, you go with Malfoy, and I'll go with Hermione."

"I will travel with Hermione, not Mr. Weasley," replied Lucius.

"Did anyone ask you?" retorted Harry.

"Harry, he's right. I need to go with him. We know that our magic doesn't react well to us being separated. I would hate for us to land in the middle of something and find both of us are useless," said Hermione.

Harry looked between the Hermione and Lucius before relenting, "Fine. You go with Malfoy," he said to Hermione.

She reached out and took hold of Lucius' hand before Apparating them to their destination.

The four of them were standing in a clearing staring at a circle of Druid runes.

"Over here," Harry announced as he led them to tunnel.

Lucius looked about nervously. He was not sure what it was about this situation that bothered him, but something did. He held his wand at the ready as he descended into the underground chamber. While Harry showed Hermione the runes on the back wall, Lucius continuously scanned the room, paying particular attention to the tunnel.

"This might take a little while," Hermione said.

Lucius didn't like the idea of being confined underground. "I'll stand guard outside," he offered as he started toward the tunnel.

"Oh, no you don't. You're going to stay right here where we can keep an eye on you," Harry ordered.

"And what am I going to do? If I get too far from her, I am useless," Lucius asked pointedly.

Harry pointed his wand at Lucius. "You're going to stay here with us."

Lucius continued scanning the room, straining to hear anything unusual. "Out of curiosity, why are none of the adult members of the Order here?" This question had been bothering him for some time. From what he had learned about the Horcrux quest, Potter was the only one pursuing it in earnest. He knew that at least Remus was aware of the search, but he did not remember any of the other adults speaking of it. He found it odd that something so important would be left to one as emotional as Potter.

Harry glared at him and refused to answer.

Lucius continued, "Would not your search might be more successful if you had someone with a little more experience assisting? I realize it would be difficult for Professor McGonagall to get away from Hogwarts, but you also have Mr. Lupin and Mr. Moody at your disposal, both very capable wizards."

"Are you saying I'm not capable?" Harry asked angrily.

"Not at all. I'm simply asking why such a dangerous and important task is being accomplished by so few." He realized this was a volatile line of inquiry.

Before Harry could answer, Hermione started speaking and a door opened on the back wall.

"Come on," ordered Harry.

Lucius did not want to enter the new room. He still did not like being in this first room. "I am not going in that room."

Harry brandished his wand. "Yes, you are."

Lucius decided to stand his ground. "No. I am not. Someone has to stay here to keep an eye on the entrance. I do not like this situation."

"Harry, let's just hurry up and get the Horcrux so we can go," said Hermione. She didn't want to waste time with a needless argument.

"Ron, keep an eye on him," Harry said.

"Right," replied Ron as he leveled his wand at the older man.

Lucius watched Harry and Hermione disappear through the doorway. After they were gone, he once again moved toward the tunnel to the outside.

"Where do you think you're going?" Ron asked as he noticed Lucius moving slowly up the tunnel.

"We are too confined in here."

"The Death Eaters don't know we're here. It's fine."

Lucius strained his ears, trying to determine if he heard anything from outside.

Harry and Hermione came running out of the back room, Harry carrying the statue. "We've got it!"

"Excellent, we can leave now," said Lucius.

As they made their way up the tunnel and back outside, Lucius could feel the hair on the back of his neck standing up. There was something wrong. He stopped at the top of the ramp to look around, but Ron shoved him outside.

"Quit being nervous. No one knows we're here," Ron insisted.

Lucius spun about, looking for the source of his discomfort. After so many years dealing with Dark Magic, he had developed a sense of when it was being used in his presence, and he had that feeling now. "We should leave," he whispered.

Harry and the others had looked around the area, and could see nothing unusual. "I want to destroy the Horcrux first; make sure we haven't been fooled with a fake." He walked to a stone slab lying on the ground and set the griffin down.

Lucius remained nearby, trying to determine from which direction the attack could possibly come.

As soon as Harry began the incantation to destroy the Horcrux, Lucius saw a flash of red as a Stunner flew at them. He was able to block the spell and shoved Hermione toward the protection of the stone circle. "Take cover!" he yelled as he dove away from the attack. "Hermione! Get out of here!"

She crouched beside him, looking for their attackers. "I'm not leaving without you. You'll be helpless if I leave."

"Quit being brave. Take the statue and leave. That is the most important thing. Potter, give her the statue." Lucius flinched as it felt like he had been hit by a spell. Looking around, he could see that he was not exposed. He noticed Hermione rubbing her arm in the same spot.


"I'm fine. I don't know what it was, but I'm fine."

He would have liked to dwell on this strange occurrence, but hexes were flying overhead. "We need to move. Since they know where we are, they will surround us if they have not already done so." He started moving along the embankment, and he could hear Harry protesting, but didn't stop. They hesitantly followed him.

As they made their way to a more secure location, Lucius tried to determine whom they were facing. It was obviously Death Eaters, but if he could determine which ones, he could exploit their weaknesses.

Once behind the relative safety of the temple stones, the four continued trying to keep their attackers at bay. "Someone needs to remove the statue from here," Lucius said between hexes.

"Hermione, you take it," ordered Harry.

"I'm not going. You need me here. Send Ron back," she protested

"I'm not leaving," Ron insisted.

"I'm better than you at Defense Against the Dark Arts. It makes sense that you are the one to go back. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't defend myself," she replied before launching a hex at a Death Eater that was rushing the temple.

"They outnumber us. We need a large distraction so we can all escape," Lucius said. He knew that Apparating while repelling hexes would be impossible.

"You aren't in charge here!" growled Harry.

Lucius was growing exasperated. He was an expert in Death Eater tactics, and he was being ignored. It took a great deal of self-control for him to resist hexing Harry.

"Hey, look at that!" shouted Ron.

They all looked out across the clearing and saw a young girl. Lucius had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. He knew what the child was, but from his position, he couldn't get a clear shot at her. "Stop her!"

Without thinking, Ron launched a Stunner at her. Both Lucius and Hermione were knocked off their feet. "She's still coming!" Ron shouted and prepared to launch another.

Lucius struggled to find his voice. "NO!" he croaked, but it was too late. As the Stunner hit the child, he was knocked to the ground, and out of the corner of his eye, he could see Hermione lying motionless. "Stop! You're hurting Hermione."

Harry looked toward Hermione and saw her lying prone, Lucius crawling to her side. "What's going on?"

"We need to leave. Now!" Lucius barked. He pulled Hermione to him and gathered his remaining strength in the hopes of Apparating her away.