The Dark Arts
Original Female Witch/Severus Snape
Original Female Witch Severus Snape
Darkfic Drama
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 12/14/2006
Updated: 01/26/2007
Words: 5,488
Chapters: 3
Hits: 808

The Hypnotising Glare of a Cobra


Story Summary:
He coldly regards their affair as a casual convenience, but she is nevertheless entranced. There can be no happy ending. Dark OC/Snape story, told in three voices.

Chapter 03 - The Letters

Chapter Summary:
When Julia Prince's nephew Severus makes the foolish decision to sleep with a young girl, Julia writes to the Bones family for help. These are her letters.

Author's notes: Thanks so much to Dark Hamadryad from Perfect Imagination for her excellent editing.


Chapter 3 - The Letters

Dear Amelia,

Thank you so much for your kind owl. It was very good of you to inform me of that terrible tragedy, and I will of course deliver a gift basket with our condolences to the Diggorys immediately. How simply ghastly for them, and if what you say Albus Dumbledore says is true, there are horrible events in store for us all. I'll stand by what I said in the autumn - these kinds of dangerous competitions should not be allowed. They are, quite simply, bad luck.

I will, of course, continue to keep an eye over my cousin Severus. I have always found it my duty to do so after both his parents died, and especially as he has kept some rather questionable friends in the past. I will not stand for another public humiliation of this family!

How is dear Geoffrey doing, by the way? I was so glad to hear his leg is much better from the potion, and I am certain the Healers will be able to cure him in no time at all. I sincerely hope your neighbour has had that dog put down, though you simply don't know with Muggles, do you?

Anyway, here are some titbits for you both as well. I'm so glad Geoffrey liked the chocolates I sent him; you simply don't know with men, sometimes. Albus Dumbledore is always so grateful for my sweet-baskets for the teachers (in fact, I think he keeps a large amount to himself, the sly old man), but then he has a notoriously sweet tooth that is, I have to say, quite unusual.

Do indulge me with a visit next time you pass by my shop, and give my best wishes to Geoffrey.

Kind regards,

Julia Prince


Dear Amelia,

I cannot believe it! Albus Dumbledore vanished from Hogwarts?! Thank you so much for the warning - I closed the shop as soon as I saw that Ministry Official coming; there will be no 'Wanted' posters in my shop, thank you very much! I don't know how you keep on working in that place anymore, I simply don't.

And what is the Ministry doing, obsessing over activities at Hogwarts and abroad when there are fishy characters walking down Diagon Alley every day. After that mass breakout from Azkaban, how can anyone feel safe anymore?

Which reminds me, is there a possibility you could come visit the shop this week? I have a fairly urgent matter I wish to discuss with you, regarding young Severus, and I need some moral advice.

Give my best to Geoffrey.

Kind regards,

Julia Prince


Dear Amelia,

Just to let you know, I've spoken to them both, now. Thank you so much for finding her details for me, I could not have managed without you! The matter will soon be resolved, I'm sure.

Give my best to Geoffrey, as always.

Kind regards,

Julia Prince


Dear Geoffrey,

I'm absolutely heartbroken over Amelia's death; I can't even imagine how you must feel. Please accept these small condolence gifts, though I'm aware they can do very little to subdue your grief. If there is anything I can do, please send an owl.

Kind regards,

Julia Prince


Dear Geoffrey,

I'm so sorry to inconvenience you with this letter, but I simply don't know whom to turn to. There is a most urgent family matter that needs to be resolved, regarding some marital documents. Please pay me a visit, and I will be forever grateful.

Kind regards,

Julia Prince


Dear Geoffrey,

Thank you so much for your kind enquiry. I'm away on a family matter, and will not be able to return to the shop anytime soon. Show this letter to that imbecile clerk, and tell him to sort out your discount immediately and give you two boxes of chocolates free of charge. I've never known such trouble in the shop before; remind me never to employ anyone ever again!

I'm so glad to hear that dog finally got put down for biting its owner. Long time overdue! Your leg must be feeling infinitely safer.

By the way, since you are rather experienced in Ministry matters, is there anyway one could annul a marriage without the spouse's agreement? I'm concerned for a friend of mine, who has landed herself in some trouble and frankly, is in need of some help.

Give my best to your poor mother. I hope she enjoys her chocolates. I'm sure she will get better soon, as I have the utmost trust in St. Mungo's.

Kind regards,

Julia Prince


Dear Geoffrey,

Thank you so much for looking into the matter for me, and for your kind offer of help, but I'm afraid that since we have no legal grounds, there is little to be done. Besides, I expect you are already busy trying to cover up all those Muggle incidents lately. These are such wretched times. I will manage this, somehow. At least, one must hope.

Give my best wishes to your mother; I'm glad she is better.

Kind regards,

Julia Prince