The Dark Arts
Remus Lupin Sirius Black Nymphadora Tonks
Angst Drama
Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 12/01/2003
Updated: 02/12/2004
Words: 15,583
Chapters: 7
Hits: 3,376

One Day at a Time


Story Summary:
How does Remus Lupin find a way to move on during the summer of 1996? He finds more strength than he ever knew he had by looking back at the past to face his future.

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
Remus at last opens the box and relives the memories of the Marauders' past.

The first hints of daylight were peeking through the windows of Gryffindor Tower, where every item in the room was dusted with the new morning's beams. The room had taken on a glow that made everything seem reborn. A calm, peacefulness filled the room. Even the timeworn, metal box on Remus' lap seemed newer in the sunlight.

For the first few minutes after Remus opened the lid, all he could do was just stare at the contents. There were eight items in all: four letters and four smaller boxes that were charmed to hold larger contents within, all prized possessions of the past. Somehow, they had all managed to survive unscathed, tucked away deep in the Forbidden Forrest. He gently ran his fingers reverently over the fragile and yellowed letters. He closed his eyes and put his hand to his forehead. He fought for control under the weight over the emotion that was again coursing through him.

Which should I open first? Am I ready to see their words again, after all these years? Peter, James, and Sirius are all gone or lost; this won't bring them back. Should I just take my contribution out and leave the rest?

No, Remus decided. He had to do this; he had come this far and he needed to do this. The only way to forge ahead was to face both the joys and the demons of the past once and for all. There was no other way, and he knew it. He smiled to himself as this realisation over took him; if he were to be totally honest with himself, he knew all along that this moment was to be. Time to stop hiding; time to really start feeling again.

Remus carefully lifted the contents from the box and spread them out before him. One by one, he would open the paired items. Almost twenty years ago, the four Marauders had written a letter to the others about their time together, and had also placed a memento of that time of their lives in the box. This memento was to be something of significance in their lives. It was to be something that would stand the test of time, something that they would all appreciate when "they were old and decrepit," as James had put it. The items could have been anything old or new. Each Marauder never told the others what he had selected. They had arrived in the glen that night, contributions already charmed shut. The question before Remus now was where to begin? Whose letter and box should he open first?

Siriu,s this idea of saving the memories of the Marauders was yours in the first place. Although, I'm quite sure you never thought the contents would be reopened under the present circumstances. I wish you were here with me now to see this; I wish all of you were.

"Okay, Padfoot," said Remus in a hoarse voice, barely above a whisper, "Since the idea was yours, I'll begin with you."

Remus picked up the letter and box marked "Sirius Black~~Padfoot". His fingers hesitated above the box for a moment as he sighed deeply before opening it. There was no turning back now. At last, he opened the box before him first and caught his breath as an item he had not seen in years, but recognized all too well glistened in the morning sun-Sirius' keys. He then began to read:

My Fellow Marauders,

This is not exactly my usual style. I find that mushy sentiment is usually best left to James these days. But I now see that I need to make an exception. The things this war have brought about, make me realise that I'd probably be on the wrong side if I hadn't met all of you.

So here is it is. You may be wondering, with all the money my uncle left me, why have I chosen to put in my keys in this box? All they do, after all, are start my bike and open the door to my flat. They are everything to me. The answer is simple; if it were not for all of you, I'd never have found my freedom. They symbolize what you have given me. Without all of you, I would have been just as corrupted by the House of Black as Regulus is now.

So, brothers all, I thank you for my independence.


Remus held the keys up to the sun where they sparkled in the light. The tears that silently ran down his face were mixed; they were both tears of grief and joy.

You were always the survivor, Padfoot. You stayed focused through it all: The House of Black, Azkaban, being one of the most hated me in the wizarding world. Your independence was hard won. You have you freedom now, Padfoot. I know you are with James and Lily; you truly have your freedom now. No one will be able to take it away from you ever again.

Regaining his composure Remus selected the next item. The letter and box were identical to all the others except for the name across the front: James Potter~Prongs.

Could this letter be any more difficult to open than Sirius'? James and Lily may have been gone longer, but there was never a day that went by that Remus did not think of them. This was especially true after he had met Harry again.

"Well James, I guess it's your turn, my old friend," Remus sighed as he spoke the words aloud, simultaneously opening James' box. Soon another item was glittering in the morning sun: the golden Gryffindor signet ring that James always wore. James had told them all once that the ring had belonged to his grandfather. It had been forged in the shape of a roaring griffin that wrapped around the wearer's finger. The eyes, which were to rest just below the knuckle, were comprised of two deep crimson rubies.

Greetings to our Future Selves,

I am sure that by the time we open this, I will still be the best looking of our lot. Given family histories, I know I'll have all my hair ( Sorry, Wormtail.), it will still be black ( They say grey makes you look distinguished, Moony.), and I'll still be able to easily wear my Hogwarts Quidditch Robes ( Best really to lay off the Fire Whiskey, Padfoot.).

I guess you are all wondering why I put in the ring? It's more than just Gryffindor memories or bravado. I now understand what my grandfather meant about my needing "to live up to the legacy of Godric Gryffindor" when he gave me the ring. From all of you I have learnt what real bravery is. It took awhile, but I have learnt that it is far more than getting away with pranks on the Slytherins.

Peter, I have seen your bravery in the way you silently endure the pain of malformed animagus transformations. You kept at it, until you got it right. Sirius, my oldest friend from childhood, you showed me the meaning of bravery when you broke away from your family, and lost the riches that the House of Black could have brought you. I suspect you are far richer now in things other than galleons. Lastly, Remus, there is no one more courageous than you. You silently endure lycanthropy with a dignity and forbearance by which I am constantly awed.

May our future Marauders continue our legacy.


God James, if you only knew...if only you could be here to see Harry. He is more mature and generous than we were as fifth-year students. His friendships are just as strong with two of the most wonderful people he could hope to know. Every time I look at him I see you and Lily...I'll not let him forget his legacy; although, he scarcely needs reminding. You would be so proud of him, this fifteen-year-old young man--

Then it hit him. How could he have forgotten what day it was? Harry was no longer fifteen; with the rising of the sun it was now 31 July, 1996. Remus was rediscovering the Marauders and having a spiritual rebirth on Harry's birthday. Last night's Blue Moon had really brought him good fortune.

There were now four items left: two of Remus' own and two that were Peter's. What should he open next? After a moment's hesitation, he picked up his own items and smiled at the recollection. Some things never change. What possession had he valued most all those years ago? Remus felt an old friend return, as he charmed open his own box and saw the contents. The simple leather bound journal contained within returned to it's author's lap. Remus then opened his own letter and reacquainted himself with the thoughts of his youth.

My Dearest Friends,

You all have remarked quite often on how you never knew exactly what I was thinking. Rest assured, you all became quite accurate in your guesses, as you understood me better. Before I met any of you, the only place I could risk revealing myself was in this diary.

It is all here, our seven-year history together; the good and the bad. I know it's what made me who I now am; and I know I am much more certain of myself than I ever would have been had I not had all of you.

I did not know what other legacy would be more appropriate to give to our future, than to bring back a record of the past. I'm sure we have all idealised our adventures a great deal,. I am certain that , shall I say, embellishments have taken place. This journal is not exactly Hogwarts: A History, but it is our history.

In the end, I guess my gift to our future is to give us the past.


Remus sat very still after reading his own letter. He was mourning yet finding peace at the same time. The question was, did he stop there or should he risk ruining all the memories by opening the last items?

The Last of the Marauder...of all of us, I certainly never thought that it I would be me. Had anyone ever asked me, I always thought I would be the first to go. Without Wolfsbane, Lycanthropy would have taken its toll within ten more years. Although, am I the last? Peter still lives, if you can call what he has a life.

So, the moment of truth has finally arrived. Dare I open Peter's items? When did you change, Peter? Was it all just an elaborate game to play us out as fools even back at Hogwarts. Just what was it that turned you to Voldemort? That's one question to which I do not have the answers...no, I have to open it, or I will always wonder. Just please, let the contents be from the Peter I thought I knew, not from the Peter who betrayed us!

Remus cautiously opened the letter. He decided to wait to open the box until he had read Peter's words. Taking a deep breath, he began to read.

Hullo To Us All,

I really struggled with this one ( and yes, I can hear James laughing and saying, "little surprise." ). I wasn't really sure what I was going to put in the box. None of you gave any clues as to what you were putting in, so I was really stuck.

I guess you could say I'm grateful to you all for looking out for me at Hogwarts and for putting up with all my blunders. I know I am not the most athletic of wizards like James or Sirius, or the hardest of workers like Remus, but I tried my best...well most of the time.

So, back to my problem. I didn't know what to get, so I asked someone for advise. Don't worry I didn't betray exactly what we were doing; I am not that daft! This person told me that, "One is truly blessed if he is to encounter true friendship once in a lifetime, and that such friendships have been toasted by the bards throughout the ages."

Now, I guess you all understand my gift. Here's to us all, and to the memories of the Marauders.


Remus found himself both relieved and intrigued by Peter's words. Clearly, they were written by the Peter he thought he knew, the Peter he had once considered a brother. There was no hint of the betrayal to come in his words, but who was Peter's confidante? The words of advise were truly insightful and wise, but they were also oddly familiar. Remus could almost place their source; it was just on the edge of his mind, waiting to be grasped.

Peter's confidante is destined to remain a mystery. It's not a question I am likely to ask him should our paths ever cross again; there will be little need for conversation then. What is it, though, that these words of wisdom inspired him to do?

With great trepidation, hands shaking, Remus charmed open the final box. The contents were strange. The first item to catch his eye was a bottle of mead; from the markings, he could tell that it came from The Three Broomsticks. The other item was a gift-wrapped box bearing a seal that read: Revere Landsea, Purveyor of Fine Silver since 1665. He opened the lid and was amazed at what he found inside: a finely wrought, silver goblet. The base and stem were in the shape of a griffin sitting on its haunches, holding up the cup portion in its enormous paws. The goblet itself had the words Marauders 1971-1979 encircling the entire goblet just under the lip. Lastly, there were four figures carved around the cup: a rat, a wolf, a stag, and a dog. It was a marvelous depiction of what had been.

Remus sat upon the hearthrug for a very long while, still spent from the transformation, and lost in the emotion of his newly unearthed treasures of the past. Out of the anger, frustration, longing, and grief eventually arose a sense of acceptance and peace. It wasn't as if he would never feel those emotions again, but he was finding new resolve to go on. He was alive, and there was a future to fight for.