Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter Ron Weasley Severus Snape
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone
Published: 04/10/2003
Updated: 06/24/2004
Words: 39,829
Chapters: 17
Hits: 15,725

The Catch


Story Summary:
By losing a chess game to Harry, Ron now has to answer to a bet made. The thing is... he has to take Snape out on a date!

Chapter 15

Chapter Summary:
Ron's finally making some headway with his "reconciliation mission". And back in Hogwarts, Hermione's busy with figuring out a way to help the couple.

Chapter 15: A Little Bit of You

When Severus Snape woke up, he felt the usual disorientation that morning brought. He yawned, blinking slowly as he went through the routine of getting his bearings--where he was and what he had to do today.

But in a few seconds, as soon as he realized exactly where he was and why he was here, he quickly forgot his intention of going through his planning routine..

"Did you sleep well?" A voice murmured behind him.

Without even turning around, Severus felt a blush rise on his cheeks. Damn! It should be illegal to sound that sexy this early in the morning. He silently hoped that he wouldn't squeak when he spoke. "Yes." Now, that wasn't so hard. Right, Severus?

A hand snaked around his waist, and he felt Ron move closer as the young man kissed the nape of his neck. Severus stiffened slightly as he felt Ron's chest touch his back... and the rest of him down below.

Ron chuckled, "Relax, I won't bite."

"You already did," Severus answered somewhat acidly. It was a little hard to forget the events of yesterday, and each detail stood out clear in his mind--now that he mentioned the bites.

"Oh I did, huh?"

Severus heard rather than saw the naughty grin that Ron must have been wearing when he said that. True to form, sharp little teeth bit him lightly at the side of his neck. Severus recoiled with a laugh, "That tickles! You know I'm terribly sensitive there."

"That's why I love doing it," the other answered with satisfaction.

Severus was going to say something in return. But whatever he planned to say completely disappeared as he sensed a different kind of encouragement from behind. He held his breath.

"Care for a morning recap?" Ron's voice was rather thick as he whispered, fingers caressing Severus' hips softly.

"Yes. Oh yesss..."


"Ow!" Ron exclaimed as he suddenly stood from the chair. He had forgotten his 'condition' and had sat in his usual careless fashion, only remembering to be more cautious now as he inched his way into the seat with care.

"You should have been more careful," Severus reminded him tartly. He waved his wand over Ron's part of the table and a plate of sandwiches materialized. "Here, you might be hungry."

Ron rubbed his sore behind and shot him a dirty look. "You were the one who wasn't careful back there!"

"Hah! Well you asked for the recap!"

"I didn't know you were an animal in the morning!" the other retorted defensively. "And you should have used more lube," he sniffed.

"I used more lube than you did," Snape answered dryly. "Do you see me sitting like a little lady?"

"Whatever." Ron stuck his tongue out, grinned, and helped himself to the sandwiches.

Severus hid his smile. In truth, he felt like a very, very satisfied tomcat. As much as he loved to ride his redhead wildcat, he felt his own equipment was rather missing the action. And lucky for him, Ron readily agreed to deviate from the usual and move to the receiving end this time. Obviously, Severus hasn't lost his touch.

"So this is why all those girls must be crazy over you," Ron said wonderingly, his mouth full with bread and cheese.

"Just girls?" Severus raised an eyebrow.

"And that git, Malfoy," Ron continued. He waved a sandwich in the air, swiping Draco's imaginary head with it. "I swear I saw him stare at you with a less than decent look in his eyes. And he flirts!" He frowned, remembering Draco's supposed transgressions.

"I'm flattered," Severus said, trying to control his laughter. "To be honest, though, I haven't exactly unleashed my baser instincts among the student population."

"And you shouldn't," Ron warned him with a wave of a sandwich. And he added as an afterthought, "Except with me."

"Of course." Severus patted his hand.

"Aren't you hungry? Here, have some." Ron pushed the plate over to him.

"No, it's all right. I'm not hungry." Severus paused. "At least not for food."

Ron paled. "So soon?"

"Watching you eat was rather... inspiring." The black-robed Professor licked his lips, his dark eyes pools of liquid heat.

For a moment, Ron tried to consider the plight of his abused behind. But, considering the alternative.... he pushed his plate away enthusiastically. "Let's go back to bed."

Severus laughed as Ron pulled his up from his seat. They bounced into the hall, laughing and kissing as Ron imprisoned Severus between him and the wall. Their lips locked, tongues dueling furiously as Severus grasped at Ron's robe, nearly tearing the material at the back. Ron groaned as he felt Severus' considerable inspiration down there. Suddenly, the bedroom seemed too far.

"Wait," Ron gasped. "We have to walk a little bit... more... ah!"

"Damn the bedroom," Severus growled. He dragged Ron down onto the dusty floor and kissed him into agreement. Ron merely mumbled his dizzy assent.

Later, they would spend a few amused minutes examining their interesting marks on the dust.


"Did I ever do anything to deserve this?" Harry whined.

"Shut up and do your part," Hermione snapped good-naturedly. She picked a robe from Harry's closet and handed it to him. "Here, wear this."

"Arrrgh! This is the dark green one! I hate this one. It makes me look like a Slytherin!" Harry gave her a wounded look.

'It suits you. Besides, I doubt if she'd tell you anything in your boxers." Then she paused thoughtfully. "Actually, that might not be such a bad idea."

"Fine. I'll wear the robe." He took it and started to dress rather sulkily.

"Why so upset? Is it so bad--the prospect of going out with Padma?" Hermione asked him a few moments later. Harry's behavior was starting to seem really fishy. At first, she had chalked it up to his preference not to be seen with anyone. But the way he acted was beginning to seem a little extreme. "I know dozens of guys who wouldn't say no to her."

"I don't know," Harry hedged. "I guess she's just not my type." He clasped the robe shut and posed in front of Hermione. "How do I look?"

"Wonderful." She patted his shoulder fondly. "There, now. It wouldn't be so bad, I'm sure. After all, you can't remain safely neutral forever."

He snorted, "As if." He raised a brow. "By the way... I never asked. How in the world did you manage to fix a date between us two?"

"That's easy!" Hermione laughed as she opened the door. "I told her you wanted to sleep with her!"


Hermione fixed the borrowed glasses on the bridge of her nose and frowned into the menu. She tapped on the table as she tried to peek behind the waiter who was getting her order.

"Madam?" the waiter asked curiously.

"Ah... I'll have a chicken salad. And chilled Evian." Hermione cleared her throat. She still wasn't used to the voice. She smiled endearingly at the waiter. "Red meat isn't too good for me at this age." The waiter returned her smile, bowed, and left.

Coming here looking like Madame Pomfrey was an inspired idea, she thought to herself, tapping her spoon with satisfaction. Of course, she had to promise Seamus that she'd do his next Transfiguration essay just so he'd stumble into the Hospital wing, groaning about his stomach and get her a sample of the Healer's hair. She checked her watch. She still had half an hour before her next dose of Polyjuice. Good thing she brought a canteen. Now she wouldn't have to worry about looking like a conspicuous youngster in The Unicorne.

Two tables to the right, Harry was bringing on the charm to Parvati's twin sister. She was laughing at one of his jokes while her onion soup (Onion soup! Hermione shuddered) lay largely unnoticed.

Hermione ducked behind her large fuchsia fan (courtesy of Lavender) as Padma turned to speak to a passing waiter. It wouldn't do to get noticed, even if she was here as Madam Pomfrey.

I just hope no other Hogwarts student would choose to eat here, she thought. It didn't seem likely. The Unicorne was a very expensive place--not the usual Saturday night hangout for a teenager.

Except for a Malfoy! Hermione thought, horrified, as she watched Draco Malfoy and his two hulking henchmen swagger into the dining area. She tried to calm herself behind her fan, cursing the blond Slytherin for his choice of restaurants. She prayed to the high heavens that Draco wouldn't even see Harry and Padma.

She followed the Slytherin's progress with her eyes. They chose a table closer to hers than to Harry's. And Malfoy, bless his ferrety soul, sat with his back to the Gryffindor, who missed the entire entrance. They exchanged familiarities with the waiter, giving Hermione the impression that this was probably one of Draco Malfoy's usual dining places outside the school.

Five minutes later, everything still seemed to run smoothly, as both Gryffindor and Slytherin boys chatted with their own companions--completely oblivious to the other's presence. Just when Hermione allowed herself to relax, some dweeb passed behind Draco, managing to snag a lock of Draco's immaculate hairdo into his prickly robe. The incensed Slytherin stood and turned around, intending to give the offending wizard a piece of his mind when at that exact moment, he spied Harry Potter sitting exactly ten feet from where he stood.

Forgetting the wizard with the prickly robe altogether, Draco, his face red with anger, marched to Harry's table and grabbed a fistful of Harry's collar. The Gryffindor stiffened in surprise, staring at Draco with wide eyes as Padma stood angrily. The three exchanged words, all of which Hermione would have killed to hear, but they were unmercifully discreet. They argued in whispers for a minute or two as Hermione clutched her fan, unable to move from her position.

Harry ended the whole thing by standing and leaving some Galleons on the table. Dragging Padma with him, he apologized to the maitre 'd, completely ignored Draco, and left the building.

Swearing under his breath, Draco walked to his table, sat beside his open-mouthed bodyguards, and ate sulkily.

Hermione let out the breath she had been holding for as long as she could remember. She'd have to talk to Harry at once. Snapping her fan shut, she nearly jumped when a waiter materialized before her.

"Your salad, Madam."


"Harry!" Still dressed in bulky clothes, Hermione gathered her robes together and stood from the common room couch as Harry came in. She had arrived hours earlier, fretting that Draco Malfoy's appearance had ruined the entire interrogation plan so she had contrived to wait for Harry in the common room. It was just her luck that her friend arrived long after everyone else had gone to sleep. "So, what happened back there? What was Malfoy so angry about?"

Harry looked at her quizzically. "How did you know? I didn't see you there at all." He took in her attire and became even more mystified. "And what's with the outfit?"

"Er... long story. But I'll answer those later. What's important is that you got the whole story from Padma." She waited expectantly. "Well, did you?"

Harry sat on the couch with a sigh, his head slumped on the back rest. "Sit down and I'll tell you what I know."

Reluctantly, Hermione did as he said, stepping on the robe and nearly tripping on the floor in her excitement. "Harry, don't keep me in suspense any longer," she begged.

"All right, all right!" Harry laughed, raising both hands. "It's basically this, and I'm going to make this short. Apparently, Padma was still a bit miffed over the issue of the Yule Ball nearly three years ago. What Ron didn't know was that she really did have this thing for him then--even when he ignored her during the party. Upon hearing the rumors that Ron was seeing the greasy gi- I mean Snape, she went ballistic. After she overheard you and me talking about the bet, she plotted her revenge as she couldn't believe 'the prat'--I think she meant Ron--would prefer Snape to her. Padma pretended to be Parvati, took Neville out for information and was delighted to learn that he did keep the little piece of paper where Ron and I signed that ridiculous contract. It was quite easy to steal it and send it to Snape. There ends her part the story." Harry inhaled deeply after his long narration.

"Now I see why..." Hermione tapped her thigh, her eyes getting a far-away look. Suddenly, she frowned. "You mean she told you all this when you asked?"


"You just asked?" Hermione narrowed her eyes. "I don't believe you Harry. It would take more than a question to make her spill the entire story, even if you are Harry Potter. What did you do to her?"

Harry widened his eyes innocently. "Absolutely nothing! I didn't touch a hair on her head!"

"You didn't, huh? Then if you didn't touch her, didn't kiss her or make her swoon with your," she coughed, "manly ways, then what did you tell her to make her confess?"

Harry started to look defensive. "I did what you asked me to do. It doesn't matter how I did it as long as it's done."

Hermione cocked her head. "Are you hiding something important from me?"

"No." When she merely looked at him reproachfully, Harry rolled his eyes and said, "Fine. I admit it. She did try to get me to... um, do things. But I said no and probably said a few things that upset her. I couldn't help it! She was so persistent. And she's strong! In fact, I think I have this bruise on the butt where she tried to-"

"Harry," Hermione interrupted. "Spare the gory details, please."

"Oh. All right." He flushed and cleared his throat. "I did say a few things, more than I intended, in fact. And she broke down and yelled saying that I was just as worthless as Ron. We had this minor row and I managed to squeeze some stuff out of her then." He paused, his face softening. "I actually felt sorry for her. She does deserve someone who'd treat her better."

"I guess so," Hermione agreed with some reserve. "What she did caused a lot of trouble, though."

"Yes... I suppose we have to tell Ron."

"Umhm," she nodded. "I wonder how he's doing out there? I hope he's had some success with, uh, winning Snape over."



"Shhh..." Ron murmured with trepidation. Sweat trickled from his brow as he thrust rhythmically. "You might wake your aunt!"

"I'm already awake!" an amused voice chirped from the portrait.

But Severus was beyond caring now. "Ah... ah... OH!" He gave a loud grunt and shuddered violently as he came beneath Ron.

Later, after they managed to sleep for while after their nightcap, Ron trailed his fingers over Severus' flat belly. Dawn was just breaking and he could hear the distant screaming of the griffins. "How romantic. Man-eating griffins are squealing with the sunrise," he grinned.

"Hmph." Severus rolled over. "It's early. Go to sleep."

"But I've already slept."

Groaning internally, Severus covered his face with a pillow. "Then try not to disturb anyone else."

"But I want to talk," Ron continued stubbornly, completely oblivious to his partner's ornery tone. "Besides, I have something really important to tell you."

"What? Your bum hurts?"

"No." Then he paused before saying wistfully, "I love you."

Severus froze. He inched the pillow off his face slowly as he turned to Ron. "Don't say that if you don't mean it."

"But I do," Ron said earnestly. "I wouldn't be here if I don't."

Instead of answering, Severus rewarded him with one of his rare smiles and sat up on the bed.

"I just want to stay here with you forever," Ron spoke again, his eyes widening with his declaration.

"You do?" Snape turned and stared at him. "I was just thinking... maybe I've had enough of a vacation. I miss my office. Even those blasted idiots I call students. This castle is just too big--too drafty for the two of us." He raised an eyebrow at Ron. "And you should return to your classes! I won't have Dumbledore charging me with taking advantage of minors if you never show your face again."

"I know," Ron winced. "I'll go whenever you're ready. Although I was glad for the break from all the lessons."

"And I thought you came here to see me," Severus said with a hurt look.

"I did! I came here to see you!" Ron said hastily. "It's just you know... school. The whole homework thing. Oh well, I suppose I do have to, even if I have to watch Malfoy flirting with you again." He gave a rueful grin.

"Oh, trust me, he isn't flirting with me," Severus said meaningfully.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll know in time." He stretched on the bed luxuriously. "We're leaving after lunch. I just need to gather some of my things before noon." Just as he started to rise from the bed, Ron pulled him down again.

"What?" Severus asked laughingly. "Don't tell me you want another go?"

Ron was grinning foolishly (rather sappily, Severus thought). "I do love you," he whispered softly. "You believe me, don't you?" he added hesitantly after a few torturous seconds when he got no response but silence.

Severus smiled slightly. He brushed a lock of Ron's hair off his forehead, thinking how cute he looked with the spray of freckles over his well-shaped nose. "Yes, I believe you."

And Ron lay back with a sigh, satisfied with the answer. Considering the state of their relationship just a few days ago, a simple I believe you was a big improvement. And as he stared admiringly at Severus walking away from the bed, he realized that though it may not be the perfect answer, it wasn't so bad at all.