Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter Ron Weasley Severus Snape
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone
Published: 04/10/2003
Updated: 06/24/2004
Words: 39,829
Chapters: 17
Hits: 15,725

The Catch


Story Summary:
By losing a chess game to Harry, Ron now has to answer to a bet made. The thing is... he has to take Snape out on a date!

Chapter 10

Chapter Summary:
Sevvy baby gets some bad news--right before his dinner date with Ron!!! Is there a break-up coming?
Author's Note:
A special thanks to LoversLie for beta-ing.

Chapter Ten: A Predicament

"What do you think of Harry?" Ron asked, grinning.

Severus frowned. "You know what I think of Harry."

"C'mon... you promised to be nice. We're having dinner with him and Herm this evening so you better be on your best behavior."

"I'm still trying to figure out how you talked me into this."

Idly, Severus twirled a lock of dark hair around his finger. The two of them were enjoying an afternoon together sitting on a low wall overlooking the mountainside. The ground was ablaze with flowers--a view Ron deemed to be romantic, much to Severus' amusement.

"What's for dinner?"

"It's a surprise," Ron answered, "but it will be something good. I have to fatten you up. You're much too skinny as it is." He joked.

"Hah! Would you rather I were fat?" Severus sniffed in indignation. Was he really that thin?

"Thank Merlin you're not. And before you even ask..." Ron leaned closer teasingly, "I don't think you're too thin. I think you're perfect."

Severus managed to control the blush that threatened to arise. Why did he have to be so transparent? This was why Ron always managed to get a reaction out of him, in spite of his self-restraint.

"Good afternoon, Professor! What in the world are you doing up there?" Draco Malfoy suddenly appeared below them, walking by the path with a pot of some purple and yellow shrub.

"Good afternoon, Draco," Severus nodded pleasantly, a little embarrassed with being caught in an intimate moment. "What brings you here?"

"I'm just passing by. Professor Sprout asked me to bring this to Hagrid. It was something about the skrewts' injuries that they inflicted on themselves. Have to hurry now, I'll see you later!" With a wave to Severus and barely a nod to Ron, Draco left.

"Ron, I told you... he and I are practically related," Severus warned softly as Ron shot Draco an evil look.

Undaunted, Ron put an arm around him until Draco was out of sight. "I can't help it. I don't like the way he looks at you."

"What? How exactly does Draco look at me?" Severus hid a smile. Ron's reasons were getting more ridiculous by the day and he couldn't wait to find out what he had to say now.

"Well, he looks like he's thinking impure thoughts!" Ron blurted out resolutely.

Severus scoffed. "Naturally, he'd think that with the way he caught us. We looked like we were actually mooning about each other."

"Weren't we?" Ron teased. "I thought you liked it."

"Not really. In fact," Severus started, "I think we should try not to--"

Ron raised an eyebrow.

"All right. Fine! I love it when you do those cheesy stuff you do." He pouted, as if resenting his sudden confession. "But only in private!"

"You'll never be an actor if you hate the audience that much." The redhead pulled him closer.

Ron kissed him, just a short little smack. In spite of his determined statement about public displays of affection, Severus suddenly felt the urge to knock him down and ravish him on the grass.

"Oh, I hate the stage." He licked his lips. "But I really love bedrooms."

Ron swallowed. "Bedrooms?"

"Uh-huh. Really private bedrooms... where we could be alone."

No more invitations were necessary. Barely holding on to their patience, Ron and Severus rushed back to the castle, and back to the secure privacy of Severus' apartment.


"Do you think he likes lobster?" Hermione frowned over the list Harry had made. "We don't even know if he eats seafood."

"Ron assured me that he loved seafood," Harry said, waving off her doubts. "In fact, I showed him the course plan before he left for their date."

"Date?" Her eyes widened. "They're going out right before dinner?"

"Oh it's probably just one of their 'strolling down the garden' dates. Honestly, Herm, if before you thought Ron was cloudy before, you should see him now. He's positively silly over Snape, if you know what I mean?"

"Of course, I do. I have a boyfriend, remember?" Hermione smiled, her eyes taking a faraway look. "Too bad Perce can't come. He needs to work overtime."

"I wouldn't be surprised if you two end up happily together."

"I wish the same for Ron and Professor Snape." She smiled wistfully. "Isn't it romantic? It's funny how everything just started from a stupid bet between you and Ron. Now, he's done it! They're really together!"

"Yes they are." Smiling, Harry took the menu from her. "I better give this to Dobby and see if I can help him in the kitchen. See you at seven."

Taking her textbooks for her routine library work, Hermione left her bedroom not long after Harry left. Unfortunately, she didn't notice the person who had been standing near the door, shielded by the linen cabinet.

A girl stepped out of the shadows, her long hair a little dusty from her hiding-place. She smiled sweetly, her pretty looks not entirely hiding the calculating bitch underneath.

"A bet." She touched her fingers together, pleased with the information. "I see. Very well, indeed."


"So, tell me again why you noticed me." Severus whispered as he ran a finger down Ron's arm. They were lying on the bed, flushed and rather out of breath after a busy hour experimenting.

Ron turned his head and smiled, his warm brown eyes lighting up.

"I told you... I love the way you looked when you thought no one was watching." He stopped Severus' hand and held it firmly. "You have this strange, pensive look that I found really intriguing."

"Hmm... I'm impressed." Severus smirked. "I didn't think you'd notice."

"Oh, I noticed much more." Ron's eyebrows wiggled. "But if I tell you, you'd probably blush."

"I don't think I would. I seem to remember seeing a very revealing list that accounted my rather, ahem, admirable qualities," Snape said dryly.

"What list?" Confused, Ron knitted his forehead. "I don't remember any--Oh, that list that... The list!!! You mean you have it?"

Severus nodded smugly. "You should check your notes before passing them."

Ron raised himself from the bed, a blush spreading across his chest. "I thought I just misplaced those... Oh, God! You read them!" He looked at Severus accusingly.

"It's not like I meant to. They just fell out!"

"But that was before I asked you... So you knew!"

"Knew what?"

"You knew that I liked you before I asked you!" Ron pouted.

"Yes. But that doesn't matter now." Severus was suddenly sorry that he had brought the matter up. He never realized Ron would react so strongly.

"Yes it does." Ron crossed his arms and faced away from him. "You didn't really like me. You just said yes because you knew and didn't want to disappoint me."

Severus bit his lip, trying to hide his smile. In many ways, Ron was really just a child. A very adorable child.

"Ron," he hugged the boy from behind. "I said yes because I thought you were lovely... even before I saw the list."

Appeased, Ron relaxed into Severus' arms, letting the older man comfort him.

"Besides," Sev continued. "Would I do this if I didn't adore you?" He made a trail of kisses over Ron's shoulder, making Ron giggle.

"I'm sorry I got mad," Ron apologized, closing his eyes as he felt Sev's nimble fingers massage his back. "I'm just a little sensitive. I never thought you'd like me back. I never thought anyone would."

The fingers stilled. "Ron, who wouldn't?"

"What do you mean?"

"Anyone would be lucky to have you. You're perfect. I never thought you'd like me of all people," Severus confessed. He shrugged, trying to laugh it off. "I never really thought of myself as a prize catch, you know. I always got teased about it before."

Slowly, Ron turned to him. He touched Severus' chin, forcing the other man to look at him. "They must be really sorry now. They don't know what they're missing."

They kissed again, with Ron pushing them both down on the bed.

Pulling himself away, Severus gasped. "What time is it?"

"I don't know. Around two, I think," Ron answered, distracted.

"Oh, it's early, then. Come here."

Quickly, they resumed their activity with much gusto.


Severus idly turned a page of Most Potente Potions. He checked the huge grandfather clock at the corner of the room. Six o' clock. It wouldn't be long before he'd see Ron again.

He smiled fondly as he remembered the way Ron had cajoled him into accepting the dinner date with Harry and Hermione. At the back of his mind, Snape grudgingly admitted to himself that he wouldn't mind spending an evening conversing with the Granger girl. He had always appreciated brains in a student. But Potter was another matter. The boy simply infuriated him. It wasn't something Harry had done. It was just that Severus felt Harry laughed at him behind his back. But then, it was probably just an offshoot of his irritation for James Potter and the rest of the meddling Marauders.

He heard a knock on the door. Surprised, he wondered who it could be. He didn't remember making any appointment at this time with anyone. Taking his wand, he waved the door open.

"Come in."

Meekly, Lavender walked into the room. She smiled softly at Severus as he indicated the chair in front of his desk.

"What is it this time, Miss Brown?" Severus tapped his quill on the table with an expectant look on his face.

"I was sent by Professor McGonagall to tell you that she won't be able to attend her classes tomorrow and she would like you to stand in for her. She's at the Hospital Wing and is down with the flu."

"I don't think that would be a problem. Did she bring you her schedule?"

"Yes, I have it here." Lavender reached into her bag.

While waiting Severus noticed an owl tapping on his window. He stood and unlocked the latch. The tawny school owl dropped the vellum envelope on his hands before flying off back to the Owlery.

Curious, Severus stared at the envelope. It simply said: Professor Snape. After examining it and judging it to be fairly safe, he tore the seal open and read the contents.

Lavender Brown found the schedule sheet and was about to hand it to Professor Snape when she saw him drop the letter on the floor. He suddenly reached for his desk, as if he needed something to steady himself with. He was dangerously pale, his knuckles almost white as he clutched at the wood.

Alarmed, she stood up and ran to his side. "Are you all right, Professor?"

Severus nodded mutely, trying to reassure the frightened girl. "Yes, I am." He motioned to the desk. "Will you please place the schedule there and close the door when you leave?"

She hesitated, as if unwilling to leave. "Are you sure, Professor? Maybe I should call Madame Pomfrey. You don't look well."

"I'm all right!" He swallowed, trying to collect himself. "I just need some quiet. Now, please go."

"Um... If you say so, Professor."

Dubiously, Lavender took her bag from the chair and went out the door. She gave one more worried look at Professor Snape before leaving.

Severus heavily dropped himself into his leather chair. He grabbed the arms of the chair tightly as he stared at the offending piece of parchment that lay innocently on the floor. His vision blurred as he fought his urge to cry.

He never should've been so naïve.

He blinked and felt an unwelcome tear drop on his hand.

His eyes closed. But he could still see the words.

...upon losing, Ron Wesley is under the obligation to take Severus Snape out for at least one evening...

Those hurt. But the words at the bottom hurt even more.


Ron Weasley.

Right beside Potter's name.

Signed a long time ago, before everything wonderful happened.

It was all a joke.

He was just a joke.