Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter Ron Weasley Severus Snape
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone
Published: 04/10/2003
Updated: 06/24/2004
Words: 39,829
Chapters: 17
Hits: 15,725

The Catch


Story Summary:
By losing a chess game to Harry, Ron now has to answer to a bet made. The thing is... he has to take Snape out on a date!

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
Ron asks Snape for a date!!! Finally! Now, will Sevvy-darling accept?

Chapter 6: Just Ask

Ron Weasley tapped his quill on the table impatiently. He checked his watch for the fifth time since he came in. Professor Snape was late... for ten minutes now. Very uncharacteristic of him. Snape was the most time-conscious person he knew. The last time this happened, he had only been late for five minutes--and that was because he had been in a meeting with Dumbledore.

After a while, Ron pushed back his Potions textbook. He could hardly concentrate anyway. He checked his watch again. Twenty minutes late. Their session time was nearly half through. It wasn't likely that Snape would be showing up soon.

Where the hell is he? Ron thought, slightly irritated. If he couldn't come, then it would have been more considerate for him to have sent an owl informing Ron of the fact. The only reason why he'd fail to do so was if he was--

Wait! What if he's in danger? What if Voldemort caught up with him or something? Ron rose from his seat, alarmed. Okay, Ron... calm down. He's inside Hogwarts. Of course he's perfectly safe here.

Ron sat back down heavily. Still, he couldn't erase the niggling thought in his mind that something was wrong. He'd wait the whole hour out. If Snape wasn't back by five then he'd look for him himself. Upon deciding his course of action, Ron picked up his Potions book and continued reading, trying to keep the panic from his mind.


At the moment, the object of Ron's worries was neither in danger nor in a meeting with Dumbledore. He was quite alone in his bedroom, thinking.

He's waiting for me. I know he is.

He felt a little guilty leaving the Weasley boy high and dry in the little conference room, waiting for the teacher who would never come. But as much as Snape enjoyed (even craved) his company, he didn't dare face him. It would be too much, even for him, to look at Ron Weasley in the eye and not give away anything. Especially since he knew that... he knew that...

He thinks I'm nice. He thought of the note. He thinks I look good... Good enough to kiss.

Oh c'mon, Severus! That little note could be a prank. He probably did it on purpose to needle you, knowing that you'd find it sooner or later.

Granted, that was a very probable possibility. After all, Ron took more after the twins than his impeccably-mannered older brother, Percy. He could be laughing a storm right now with that dratted Potter boy, joking about their weirdo Potions teacher with no social life to speak of. Imagining the scene, Severus flushed. Yes, it was entirely possible.

Still, he had spent some time with Ron and had gotten to know the kid a little better. And his gut instinct told him that Ron would never resort to those kinds of pranks. Actually, he seemed like a decent person. In fact, he seemed like a very nice person. The kind of guy he could talk to, or laugh with perhaps...

What are you thinking? Snape slapped his head, scolding himself immediately. You will not form a relationship or any kind of alliance resembling a relationship with the boy! Aside from the fact that you are totally bad with friendships, don't forget that you are a professor. If he is indeed infatuated with you, then it is your duty as his teacher to discourage him from attaching himself to you that way.

Severus breathed hard as he arrived at a decision. Yes, he must terminate any further contact with Ron Weasley. That was the only way. The tutoring sessions would end. He was much improved now. He could handle it independently. It had been a while since he really needed the help of a tutor.

As he thought of this, he squeezed his fists so hard he drew blood. It hurt. It really hurt to have to keep away. He kept on seeing Ron's face in front of him, even when he shut his eyes. See the smile that was fully capable of brightening a room, or his head of dense red hair, falling straight across his sharp cheekbones as he bent over a bubbling cauldron. His voice echoed in his mind...

"You're the best, Professor. I don't know what I could have done without you."

The words made him glow, made him feel a certain pride, and it made him feel appreciated. It had been good while it lasted. Sweet even. It made him dream for a while. Now the dream had to end.


Ron knocked on the door of Snape's quarters tentatively. After the first three knocks and still no answer, he banged louder. He was about to call out when the professor finally replied.

"Go away! I have a headache."

Ron's hand stilled. He put his arm down and stood there for a while. Snape did sound quite distressed. If he had a bad headache, then it was a good enough reason to forget about their session today.

Feeling more relieved, Ron sauntered away to Gryffindor Tower. Maybe he could send Snape something that could make him feel better.


Severus Snape heard the knocks. It was probably Filch with the delivery of the new ingredients. He really should get up and open the door. Only, he wasn't in the mood to do anything right now and that included getting up from the bed.

"Go away! I have a headache."

He'd get the stuff later.

Two hours later...

He still hadn't moved from his position. This was a new thing for Severus. He was the last person he'd consider a couch potato but here he was, refusing to even lift his arm to move a pillow. What was this? Depression?

Just as he was pondering on the reason of his blighted existence and why Ron's deep red hair looked amazingly good with tan skin, an owl flew in the window carrying a small wrapped package. It dropped the bundle on the bed beside him and promptly flew off without even taking the time to rest a bit. Curious about who had possibly sent him a package, Severus lifted his body a little from the bed to inspect it.

He pulled the slim gold ribbon away to reveal a pretty box with a small lavender-scented pillow. Attached was a note:

Hope this helps to appease your headache.


Severus growled and fell back on the bed. Fat chance of him forgetting about the boy now.


The following day, Potions class was somewhat a disaster. Severus Snape couldn't concentrate. Every time he looked at the Gryffindor side, all he could see was Ron. Ron looking at him with a puzzled glance, wondering why he was blatantly ignoring him, even when he raised his hand. Ron looking at him with a hurt expression. Ron looking sad. In truth, it was making him feel horribly guilty. But this was better than the alternative. If the sight of the redhead was enough to distract him, then hearing his voice would drive him totally bonkers.

"Ummm... So class, who could tell me about the uses of the dama de noche for the Wolfsbane potion?"

The whole classroom gave him weird looks.

"Professor, I just answered the question a moment ago," Draco Malfoy responded quietly. He looked a little worried for his Head of House. Snape did look more harassed than usual.

'I'm sorry." Snape ran a hand across his face. What was the matter with him. "Could you repeat your answer again, please?"

"It's a flower that diverts the adverse effects of the full moon on the werewolf. Simply put, it's the most important ingredient since it controls the werewolf's normal instinct for violence."

"Very good, Draco." Snape put a hand on the table. He was feeling a little weak. He hardly slept a wink last night, no thanks to a certain Gryffindor. He shut his eyes tiredly. He couldn't possibly teach in this condition.

"Class, I'm dismissing you early today. Don't forget to review your chapter assignments for the next class. I'll see you all then."

Always thankful for a free cut, the students quickly scampered out of the classroom. All except for one. Ron Weasley. Looking concerned, he approached the teacher's desk.

"Professor, are you all right?"

Snape didn't open his eyes. "I'm quite fine, Mr. Weasley. There is no cause for alarm regarding my health. Now, why don't you go with your friends and leave me in peace."

But Ron had a stubborn streak Severus never knew about. He refused to leave and stuck to his position like a barnacle.

"I know there's something wrong," he pressed. "Is it me? Did I do something wrong?"

"Don't be silly. What could you possibly have done that would upset me?" Still sarcastic to the end.

"I don't know. Perhaps you could tell me?" Ron took a step closer. "You didn't come to the office yesterday. I waited the whole hour."

"I had a headache. I was in no condition to teach." Snape opened his eyes and forced himself to face Ron impassively. "As you can see, I'm still feeling a little off-color at present. There's really nothing to be worried about."

"So, you're not mad at me or anything?"

Snape sighed. "No, Mr. Weasley. I'm not angry at you." He just wished the kid would leave. He was starting to feel an unusual warmth traveling up his body.

"All right, then." Ron turned, and started to walk away. Then, suddenly, he stopped and walked back.

Oh, what now? Snape thought exasperatedly.

Ron stared into Severus' eyes. At that moment, he felt a sudden and very odd surge of courage. Suddenly, he felt like he could do anything--anything in the world. The nervousness disappeared and was replaced by a strange, tingling calm. Just ask, Ron. It was now or never.

"Professor, will you go out with me?"

Snape opened his mouth in surprise, his lips forming a little O. His eyes were no better, they were just as round as his mouth. He tried to look for his voice as he groped around his suddenly numbed brain for an answer. For five interminable seconds, he merely stared at Ron in silence.

"Y.. Yes!"

Ron's face broke into a smile. For a moment there he thought Sev would say no. Well, if he did, I could always lie down and die on the spot.

"So, I'll see you this Saturday. I'll meet at your office around seven in the evening, perhaps. Is that okay with you?"

Severus Snape nodded dumbly. He really wasn't capable of any complicated movement right now. Both his motor skills and his power of speech seemed to be incapacitated.

With a last smile, Ron finally left the room.

For five whole minutes, Severus didn't move. By the time he was fully coherent, Ron was gone. He looked down at his desk and realized that he was still standing. He said yes! Now where did that come from?

He had absolutely no idea.

Severus' lips quirked into a smile as he sat on his chair. All of a sudden, the room appeared to be a lot brighter.