Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter Ron Weasley Severus Snape
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone
Published: 04/10/2003
Updated: 06/24/2004
Words: 39,829
Chapters: 17
Hits: 15,725

The Catch


Story Summary:
By losing a chess game to Harry, Ron now has to answer to a bet made. The thing is... he has to take Snape out on a date!

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
Ron and Snape get tight and cozy in a little study session. But wait! What's up with Hermione? And what's the reason for the weird sounds coming out of her door?

Chapter 4: Lessons and a Little Surprise

Ron Weasley walked to Snape's office, his footsteps echoing in the hall. The dungeons seemed rather creepy when empty and, for a while, Ron could sense the dark atmosphere of the place when it was still used for less innocent purposes than teaching hundreds of years ago.

He was clutching a piece of parchment in his left hand. It was a note--one he had received earlier at breakfast, delivered by one of the school owls. It simply said:

Tuesdays and Thursdays, four to five pm. Reply if time is inappropriate.

From Snape, of course. Since he had no problem with the schedule, Ron merely sent a note back saying that he was fine with the schedule. Now, it was almost four in the afternoon and he would see Snape in a few minutes.

Since that fateful encounter at breakfast a few days ago, Ron had time to evaluate his feelings regarding the Professor and his own sexuality. While he maintained that he was still very attracted to girls, he also acknowledged the fact that there was something about his Potions professor that intrigued him. So he figured that he must be a bisexual, which suited him just fine.

Lately, he had been watching Snape more closely than before and noticed a few things. While he still agreed with the rest of the Gryffindors that, just like every Slytherin, Snape was total bitch to them, he couldn't help but think that there might be something more beneath that insulting exterior the professor used to face the world.

There were times, when the class was busy with their potions, and Snape thought no one was looking, that he looked almost vulnerable... sitting there behind his dark oak desk, staring into space. Ron was careful, of course, he made sure Snape never noticed him watching. But watch he certainly did. He liked seeing Snape this way, even if those moments were few and far between.

He now stood outside the office door. Thirty seconds to four. Oh, well... The door swung open.

"Come in, Mr. Weasley."

Ron entered silently. Snape stood and motioned for him to follow. They entered another door within the room. It opened to a small conference room with a rectangular table that could accommodate eight people if filled.

"We'll have the lessons here every Tuesdays and Thursdays. Just come straight here at the appointed time." Snape pushed a lock of black hair behind his ears. "If I'm not here when you arrive, you can just stay here to wait for a few minutes and study your notes. Is that clear?"

Ron nodded, his eyes sweeping the room. There were neatly arranged shelves of books on two of the walls. So, Snape was as organized as he suspected.

"Okay now, just take a seat and we may start."

The lesson passed rather uneventfully, except for the fact that Ron found himself paying complete attention to Professor Snape. He found that he understood Potions better, and that it really was quite enthralling. It was different one on one, without his Gryffindor friends around to snicker with and distract him from the lecture. No Slytherins to irritate him either. He wished he had discovered this consultation thing years ago. That would have saved him from having a lot of headaches.

In no time at all, it was five o'clock. Snape put down his quill.

"It's time, Mr. Weasley. We've covered part of Healing Draughts for now. I think you've done rather well, better than I expected." he grudgingly admitted.

Ron hid a grin. "I'm glad you think so, Professor."

"Better for a Gryffindor." Snape's frown deepened and Ron's inner smile widened. He really hated complimenting anyone from the rival House.

"Fine." Snape stood. "I'll see you Thursday then. We'll be having a practical lesson so bring your materials. Don't forget to read the chapters I've assigned. You'll find them necessary to do your class paper on the subject."

Ron nodded somberly then turned and left the office. As the door closed, he relaxed a bit and allowed his smile to show. It was working. Snape might be starting to think that he might not be such a worthless Gryffindor. He had spent more than a few hours last night studying Potions, catching up on the lessons he had neglected. It was tiring but worth it.

Now, all he had to do was keep this up.


"Hermione?" Ron called out, hoping that his friend was in her dorm room. He couldn't wait to tell her about his first tutoring session. She'd be pleased, of course. She'd been nagging him and Harry for years about their grades and their utter lack of studying habits.

Silence. No reply.

Thinking that the room was empty, Ron was about to leave when he heard an audible thump coming from inside, followed by moans. Alarmed he sprinted back to the girls' door, thinking that someone might be hurt.

"Herm, you in there?" he called out again. He heard another thump. "Are you okay?"

There was still no answer. Assuming that the thick door absorbed his voice and that there may be someone injured in there, Ron pushed the door open without bothering to knock.

Instantly, he felt his jaw drop to the floor as he stood shell-shocked at the scene before him.

Hermione was indeed the one moaning. The problem was, she wasn't injured. Nor was she alone. In fact, she looked very happy and contented right now, making noises on the bed right beneath--


Ron's older brother jumped up and tried to cover themselves with pillows. Hermione screamed and dived under the covers. In a split-second, the three people inside the room were looking at each other with absolutely horrified expressions.

Ron felt his face redden. This was just too much.

"I'm sorry," he muttered, backing away to the door. "I'm very sorry." Without another word, he fled, running towards his own room.


"Ron?" a voice called. "Ron, may I speak to you for a minute?"

"Go away!" Ron didn't remove his head from under the pillows. He didn't have the energy to face Percy right after that shocking scene.

"Please, Ron, I need to explain." The present Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation walked towards his younger brother's bed. He looked around. The room was empty except for Ron.

"Look, I'm sorry." Percy sat down on the bed beside Ron's prostrate figure. "We didn't mean for it to happen. It just... happened!"


"Look..." Percy was starting to sound desperate. "I didn't mean to steal her away from you but believe me... I love Hermione. I know that she might be a little young for me but I promise not to hurt her. I'm sorry if we didn't tell you earlier but--"

"What are you talking about?" Ron finally sat up, looking at his brother quizzically. "I'm not in love with Hermione."

It was Percy's turn to be surprised. "You're not?"

Ron laughed, smacking his brother with the pillow. "No, you ninny! Where did you ever get that idea?"

"Well, it's just that you three were so close and you never talked about having a girlfriend so I just assumed..." Percy's words trailed off and he shrugged, grinning.

"She was never more than a friend. One of my best friends, in fact. Actually, for a while, I thought she carried a torch for Harry. But, apparently, I was wrong." He grinned at his older brother. "I'm really happy for you, Perce. I'm sorry I freaked out a little back there. It was quite embarrassing."

"Yeah, I guess. If you put it that way." Percy laughed with his brother, relieved that they had sorted things out.

Ron quieted down after a moment. He cleared his throat. "Actually, I have a small confession of my own."

"Concerning what?" Percy raised his brows.

Ron blushed again, bowing his head. "I'm not sure why I'm telling you this. You'd be freaked out."

"I'm not as strait-laced as you think," Percy prodded. "Go on... try me."

"I am sort of chasing after someone right now. And I'm not so sure whether I'm serious about this or not."

"Who is it?"

"Promise not to kill me?" Ron peeked beneath his lashes.

"Of course. Now, tell me." Percy demanded.

"Snape." He waited with baited breath.

"Oh..." Percy just sat there, looking quite blank. Ron exhaled. He had expected his brother to be more responsive than this.

"So," Percy began, a little confused, "you're gay?"

"Ummm... I'm not quite sure yet, actually. I think I'm bi, though. Let me explain the whole thing..." Quickly, he related the story of the fateful chess game and his bet with Harry.

"The thing is," Ron continued afterwards, "I'm not sure if I still want to get on with it. I mean, I'm bound to my promise to Harry but I really don't want to drag Snape into all the shit. I'm starting to feel guilty. He really isn't as bad as I first thought."

"Well..." Percy started, "you did start the tutoring thing, right?"

Ron nodded.

"Do you really want to see Snape? You know what I mean... Do you honestly like him even without the bet and all?" Percy asked.

"Ummm... I... The bet did start everything. I don't know if I do like him that way but he... He intrigues me." Ron looked down. "I want to know him better now that I've seen a little of person in him."

"Well then, there's nothing wrong with you getting to know him better." Percy clapped his back. "And if, dear brother, you do indeed happen to be gay and end up with him, you have my blessing. Snape's a great guy, he just hides his personality under a thick layer of jerk."

Ron smiled. "You sound like you know him well."

"I was closer to him than the average student while I was here. But no need to get jealous, it was strictly a student-teacher kind of relationship."

Ron socked Percy playfully as they snickered in unison.

"Ron?" The two boys looked up at the new voice. Hermione was standing by the doorway looking forlorn, fully dressed now.

Percy motioned for her to come nearer. "It's okay, honey. I've explained everything."

She approached hesitantly, her cheeks still colored with embarrassment. Ron grinned at her.

"No need to be embarrassed, Herm. I'm really happy for you both." He held both their hands and joined them. Percy and Hermione looked at each other and smiled.

"Now..." Ron stood from the bed and briskly rubbed his hands together. "Lets go find Harry and tell him the good news."


"So, you do intend to get through with it?" Harry asked Ron later at dinner. Ron had already related the events of the afternoon to both Harry and Hermione. Also, he had filled them in on his decision to seriously pursue Snape.

"Yup!" Ron answered through a mouthful of pasta. "Let's just see where this goes."

"Well, I couldn't blame you, mate." Harry twisted in his chair and looked over at the teacher's table. "I suppose he is indeed rather sexy... all that long hair and the fabulous height. Too thin but he looks strong. The skin isn't so bad either, I just wish he wasn't so pale. I suppose the best feature are his eyes, they're rather dramatic."

"For Pete's sake, Harry! Stop staring!" Ron whispered frantically.

But it was too late, Snape had caught both of them checking him out. His brow furrowed as he cast a suspicious glance at the two Gryffindors. Desperately, Ron yanked Harry's head away from Snape's direction.

"You are going to be the source of all my troubles," he whispered, panicking slightly. "Now try to behave and don't be so obvious."

Harry chuckled. "Why so scared? I'm doing you a favor, Ron. You should show him that you're interested."

"Sshhh! Not so loud!" Ron's head whipped back left and right. Relieved that no one seemed to notice, he turned back to Harry. "I just want to take this slow. I'm not even sure if he likes me yet."

Harry snorted but he agreed to shut up about it. "Personally, I think you both need a good shag."

Ron wisely chose not to reply and instead, concentrated on eating.